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An Anti-Valentine's Day message to all the Men Going Their Own Way

Even cats are discombobulated by the evil that is Valentine's Day

Today, on this terrible so-called holiday, devoted to hearts and flowers and men giving things to ladies that are on average more expensive than the things ladies give to men, statistically speaking, I would like to relay a few words of hope to all the brave and noble Men Going Their Own Way, from our friend Spidey on Yes, it is true that “Valentines day is nothing more then another day where women have their egos inflated.” But remember this:

For every one of you that stays single, there is some b**** out there spending valentines day alone unable to force you to waste time and money on her

Stay strong, fellas. Resist the lure of the evil ladies and their never ending hunger for diamonds and chocolate and your precious seed.

Today, fellas, take a few moments to silently relaxate. Here, author Ronald Chevalier (who couldn’t possibly be Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords) illustrates how, without threatening your seed.


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12 years ago

For every one of you that stays single, there is some b**** out there spending valentines day alone

I spent most of Valentine’s day alone, (meaning not with my boyfriend) because I don’t give a rat’s arse about this day.
We just went to sleep together quickly, but not before I showed him the oatmeal’s silly valentine’s cards. Which could, technically, I guess, count as celebrating.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

@lowquacks: That sucks. 🙁 I hope the other 364 days of your year are awesome.

@Kendra: Thanks! We talked about eloping to Vegas, actually. But I can’t bear the thought of my parents not being at my wedding (I like them!), and my mother is disabled in ways that will keep her from traveling anywhere anytime soon. So we’re planning on getting married on my parents’ farm with immediate family only, and throwing a big old reception/party on his parents’ farm with everyone we can think of, so we don’t have to be the center of attention. We figure we’ll save money on the ceremony and spend it on the PARTAY! instead.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I’d point out to DYOR that I am “feminine and thin,” but (a) I don’t need to justify myself to random Internet asshats, (b) I would be equally valuable as a human being if I were not-feminine and/or fat, and (c) he wouldn’t believe me anyway.

@tenya: Minimalist wedding planning FTW. Maybe I’ll start calling my wedding-related blog posts the “Minimalist Wedding” series. 🙂

12 years ago

Thanks Rutee and Holly. I’ll give my grandmother a gander at that list, too (since she likes organic/high quality food and has a lot of it at the house).

Now my Mexican Chocolate Pie can taste better (made it in Thanksgiving with the slave labor chocolate, Nestle. Yes, I know, I was ignorant back then. 🙁 Though to be fair, it’s a mediocre chocolate on it’s own, the bitterness is too much, and when you try to use it for chocolate-covered snacks…disgusting. Someone needs to tell Nestle that “Bittersweet” doesn’t mean “disgusting”. Someone also needs to tell them to apologize for what they did in Africa, but what do I know.)

12 years ago

The trouble with chocolate (and, well, most food products) is that the ethical brands cost $3 a bar and I am poor 😛

12 years ago

That’s supposed to be the not-happy-looking smiley.

12 years ago

“The trouble with chocolate (and, well, most food products) is that the ethical brands cost $3 a bar and I am poor”

I’m in the same position. 🙁

12 years ago


I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions woman didn’t give a shit.



Wow, we’re all so impressed by your attention span.

You ladies are so grumpy.

Yep. All that “Hey, my S/O and I did this thing together and had a great time!” is just them grumping about the grump they grumped with their grump.

Why does it bother you when a man is happy?

Useless fact #95803; My father’s birth name was Happy. It never bothered my mother or any of my sisters.

We enjoy each other, don’t be jealous.

I’m also jealous of invisible sky daddies, easter bunnies and teeth fairies.

You seem to hate it when a man gets what he wants without any complaining, let that anger go.

Citation needed.

Besides, she is feminine and thin. Sorry, if I’m not a chubby chaser.

I type words onto the internets, therefore I’m a fatty fat fat-ass.
Also I live in my mother’s basement and subsist on only a diet of Cheetoes and Mt. Dew. True story.

12 years ago

Why does it bother you when a man is happy?

Useless fact #95803; My father’s birth name was Happy. It never bothered my mother or any of my sisters.

Hey, we have a “Happy” among the blog commenters, is zie a man by any chance?

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