$MONEY$ disgusting women evil women I'm totally being sarcastic MGTOW misogyny precious bodily fluids thug-lovers western women suck

A Very Spearhead Valentine’s Day

The Spearhead, in a nutshell.


Turns out the boys at The Spearhead are celebrating V-Day in their own special way. I thought I’d share this lovely e-card I found there. And a couple of little rants from the comments. First, here’s Eric, with this sweet little tale:

Earlier, I was waiting at a bus stop near some restaurants and saw, in 20 minutes’ time, 9 couples going out to ‘V-Day’ dinner. The women were dressed up, hair done, &c.—and in 8 of those cases were dragging along some piece of human waste who looked like he hadn’t been near either a bathtub or a jobsite in months!

It’s amazing how little sense of shame these bitches have to be seen with these louts and thugs. Of course, none of them would ever dream of being seen in public with some respectable-looking guy.

Just as an aside, the 9th couple I saw was a tall, handsome, clean-cut, well-dressed looking guy who had an aura of confidence and intelligence about him. And the woman with him was Asian! LOL

LOL indeed, Eric. LOL indeed.

(NOTE TO SELF: Find out why what he said is supposed to be funny.)

And now, let’s listen to whatever the fuck Poiuyt is on about:

On behalf of women, owed and entitled to valentines, the sexist-police-state sanctions plunder, rapine and murder of men and of children pursuant to its repugnant social policies. How can mutual appreciation exist in such environments of one sided self love of all things female ?

In such a state of extracted obligation and responsibility by one side of partnerships for the undue benefit of the other side, there can only be hatred, contempt, jealousy, indifference, cruelty, maliciousness and spite.

Relationships are no longer mutual, voluntary nor free in gendertopia. They come with such attatchments and baggage by outsiders to it, as to effectively be man-traps. Why would any man willingly expose himself or even his kids to expropriation, torture or even death ?

Gendertopias caste of sexual aggrieviance hacks lack the natural human feelings of kinship or sincerity. And their poison has spread because of this, meaning everything moral and material is to be appropriated for the woman, only for the woman and no one else but the woman. There now isn’t anyone left amongst men, women or the pawned, bartered and pledged children cappable of knowing genuine love.

And a happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Poiuyt!

I can’t wait to see what you have to say about Arbor Day.

Also, “cappable?” Did you take spelling lessons from this guy?

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12 years ago

I am so sick of these racist cowards using the word “thug.” We all know what you mean, just say it, you can’t look worse than you already do. It’s almost like they know racism is bad, but have no idea why or their role in it.

If Eric thinks Asian women are submissive, he wouldn’t last an hour with my sisters-in-law. They take no shit.

So we have standard and club level vaginal access, what about Platinum membership?

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Platinum vaginal access is transferrable to all participating vaginas in your home state, and includes concierge booking services.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Also, a golden uterus sounds painful, but might make for some extremely profitable periods.

Cramps would be a whole lot more tolerable if I found three ounces of 24K flake in my pants afterwards.

12 years ago

What the actual f**k is Poiuyt talking about? Entitlement? what to a yearly chocolate/flowers combo maybe dinner in exchange for sex? Effort it’s poison to men. The government (or someone idk) killing men and children coz…. Feminism.

As for the first guy women can’t do anything without scorn, date ‘above their stature’ they’re gold diggers therefore whores and bitches, date at their stature also they’re
also whores and bitches, give a guy a chance and date below their stature then there’s something wrong with them and bitches (whore is debatable on this one) and finally don’t date men man-hating, frigid, lesbian who somehow manages to be a whore. Can’t win the misognynist game.

*’stature’ is subjective

Kyso K.
12 years ago

I wonder if there are different levels of vaginal access. If so, is “Standard” the lowest level of access, or is it middling? Is there “First Class” or VIP access? Does it (or you) come with complimentary champagne?

Is there a points reward system? Can I redeem my Discover CashBack bonuses for valuable vagina points?

12 years ago

Yes, Kyso, but there are blackout dates.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

This one from one of Elizabeth’s links is nice and snooty:

That one looks like an L. Frank Baum drawing. Glinda: the original snooty Gibson Girl.

In addition to “standard vaginal access,” I’m wondering what an “off night” is. Around here, we don’t have a schedule. We have “increasingly creative ways of asking if the other person wants to get naked and have fun.”

I currently have the title, with “so, would you like to get euphemistic?” But I’m sure he’ll win it back any second now. 🙂

12 years ago

Woman is asian, man is well groomed is; I think, meant to show that any “self-respecting” man won’t go out with an American woman.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Dani – We have a schedule! But it’s always up for adding in extras (or, horrors, deciding we don’t feel like it some nights), it’s a Google Calendar rather than a days-of-the-week thing, and it’s something we keep in part because my sex drive is considerably higher than his.

12 years ago


Keyster is the one who complained on an article about Slutwalk that women have the ability to consent to sex with whoever they want, yet they get to “tease” men with their sexuality. It was some NWO-level misogyny.


Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Holly: Makes sense!

The Fiance and I talked about a schedule a few months ago, when my meds were making me all “meh” about sex. But then I got the meds tweaked and our sex drives are roughly equal again. Still, I imagine we’d go back to a schedule if we needed it, especially if it were a floor and not a ceiling.

12 years ago

I must be the least demanding woman in the world. I spent Valentine’s Day alone at home (Ben had a gig that was too loud for babby – yeah, you can damage their hearing in utero), watching CSI, with only a pair of hound dogs as my date. No flowers, and only a couple of chocolates.

And my New Year’s Eve was pretty much the same! Except with waffles.

I’ve been doing this whole woman thing wrong, guys!

12 years ago

@ Crumb

It’s impossible to consider what MRAs write without being acutely aware of the sexual frustration and emotional detachment that they experience (not making excuses, BTW).

I watched a Paul Elam video the other day, he went on and on about men jumping through hoops “like seals hoping for a piece of fish” – basically, talking about traditional dating in the hope of having sex. What MRAs will *never* understand is that ascribing to outdated notions of gender like that will lead to frustration. Women want to be treated as equals, not as the keepers of “standard vaginal access” which they “give up” after an appropriate number of “dates”, no matter who is paying.

MRAs, want to have sex? Ditch your idiotic beliefs, talk to women, be comfortable with them, and yourself, and explain how you feel.

12 years ago

Paul Elam is a waste of sperm and egg. I bet he acts like complete “beta” at home with his woman and those online to vent his misogynistic views. Not that I support the “beta-alpha” BS. Just using a term I think we are all familiar with. Go on RooshV and they’re all “alphas.” What a joke.