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Reddit's Post-Pedogeddon Backlash, Part One: r/beatingwomen weighs in on the pedo ban

While Reddit’s reluctant, long-overdue banning of subreddits devoted to sexualized pictures of children drew applause from many Redditors, there has, of course, been a considerable backlash from pedophiles, ephibophiles, and other assorted apologists. ShitRedditSays has already started covering this, and I’ll be doing some posts of my own.

So far the most appalling thing I’ve run across (thanks to ScrappyB for pointing it out in the comments here) comes from the BeatingWomen subreddit — which is, unfortunately, a real thing. Some people, you see, are suggesting that maybe Reddit shouldn’t be hosting a forum devoted to sharing images and videos of women being brutalized, so that Redditors can cackle over their victimization, make rape jokes, and whatever else they do there.

The idea that r/beatingwomen “might be next “ roused one racist, misogynist jailbait enthusiast to post this little manifesto.

He’s not trolling. If you look at his comment history you’ll see he’s completely sincere. (Actually, don’t look at his comment history. It’s horrifying. I’m not going to link to it.)

In case any one is wondering, r/beatingwomen is the subreddit that r/mensrights mod AnnArchist (a guy, despite the name) posted to on several occasions, because he considers r/beatingwomen-style “humor” to be hilarious.

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12 years ago

@Holly: Yeah, that was pretty much my sense too.

12 years ago

I don’t think you realize that its exactly like that in America. People make racist jokes all the time without getting much hassle even to their friends of that race. But just because its accepted by others doesn’t make it ok at all.

People call out each other in feminist spaces to show that no, its not fucking ok. They don’t call people out because their cultures are so against racist joking but because its fucking wrong and hurtful.

12 years ago

@Holly. Lol. It’s a pun. Honey Jew, like sweet Jew. It’s kind of a pet name. I single him out cos he’s awesome.

I singled him out because he is awesome I swearrrrrr not because he is jewishhhh

12 years ago

“I singled him out because he is awesome I swearrrrrr not because he is jewishhhh”

Nope. Couldn’t care less if he were Jewish or not. I’d probably call him something else if he wasn’t. I should also mention the pet name was his idea. But because I use it I’m being really horrible. I’ll go burn in a fire now.

12 years ago

@Glass I’d be happy to provide you with an alibi or even accompany you on said mission. I had exactly the same emotional response as you ie., I would like to get my hands on those (trying to think of a word insulting enough to describe these sleazy slimy things – got it) MEN.

I don’t get it David. You have no trouble posting this fucking heinous offensive soul destroying shit, but baulk at an honest response to said fucking heinous offensive soul destroying shit.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If you singled your friend out for being awesome, why aren’t you calling him “Honey Awesome?”

(Okay, not catchy, but I hope you sorta see what I’m saying.)

Anyway, the “Irish people bond by insulting each other” thing doesn’t hold water for me because:
1. Your friend is not Irish and you are not Jewish.

2. Multiple other Irish people have stepped up to say that isn’t their experience of Irish culture.


3. Even if that is what you grew up doing, it’s a shitty thing to do. Like Jumbofish says. I’ve had to unlearn slurs that were part of the culture I grew up in. I’ve had to unlearn the habit of calling people out for their differences or thinking that every difference was funny or gross. These things are part of American culture (and sometimes, and I almost hesitate to say this because of the way it gets handed back to me by anti-Semites, sometimes part of Jewish culture too) but that doesn’t mean they’re things I shouldn’t question.

12 years ago

“Your friend is not Irish and you are not Jewish.”

My friend is born and raised in Ireland and is half Irish.

“Multiple other Irish people have stepped up to say that isn’t their experience of Irish culture.”

I must have missed them. Links?

12 years ago

I can only imagine, mainly because there aren’t a lot of white racist jokes that I’ve heard, that having a racist joke told to you is like when my male friends (not close friends, but swordfighting friends) tell sexists jokes around me.

It’s this choice of when to get angry at them or just roll my eyes, because making a deal out means that the other guys will jump to the defense of the joke and I have to argue against multiple people at once. (After breaking up with my abusive boyfriend, who is still in the group, some of the member already think I’m a “sourpuss,” but not the majority and not the leaders) These jokes usually only happen when not as many female members show up. Many of the guys didn’t really get why we formed our own ladies’ guild to promote female participation, but they’ve never been a girl surrounded by a bunch of guys with swords.

Luckily, when we did have a guy who attempted to sexually assault one of the female members he was asked to leave promptly, but it was found out later he actually asked three of the women in the group if they did topless or nude modeling.

12 years ago

I posted this before, but for those who suspect that these subreddits aren’t merely “troll” forums but have some serious shit going down, in the Something Awful thread about shutting down the pedophile subreddits, somebody said:

“That was the mod of r/beatingwomen. He was caught by border officials trying to get to Mexico in connection with a few disappearances of women in Texas a few months back.”

This is the link to r/beatingwomen (huge fucking trigger warning, obviously) where they talk about it:

12 years ago

jumbofish and Holly’s last comments really summed the issue up nicely. I say this as a pretty WASP-y person who has been called out on my shit before — started out defensive, but now I am grateful that people took the trouble to do that. On that post that crumbelievable posted, couldn’t help but notice that our little friend Explore Nature was there: “Jewish way of thinking is not nature friendly, Jewish modernism is doing all the damages for the society. Feminism, liberalism, post modernism….etc are Jewish ideologies. They are decreasing the lifetime of human kind, so there is nothing wrong with anti Jewish ideologies.” It’s okay to be anti-Semitic, because they’ve TOTALLY earned it. /SARCASM.

12 years ago

I don’t get it David. You have no trouble posting this fucking heinous offensive soul destroying shit, but baulk at an honest response to said fucking heinous offensive soul destroying shit.

He posts it to condemn it, not because he doesn’t have a problem with it.

We don’t do violent threats, fantasizing, etc. here, no matter how “honest” your reaction is. Regardless of the target, violence is unacceptable. If you don’t like that policy, you don’t have to post. The end.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Joanna – There is a way for you to be not horrible and not hated and not have everyone jumping down your throat being mean.

That way is: “I’m sorry. Maybe those jokes really are offensive toward my friend in ways I didn’t think about. I’ll stop making them and treat him like I treat any other friend.”

If you’re willing to do that, or at least seriously consider it, I guarantee you we’re not going to still think you’re horrible just because we all spontaneously decided to hate Joanna today. It’s the things you said that we’re attacking, not you.

12 years ago


Australian humour, coming as it does from a nation taken by Irish convicts, is pretty similar to Irish humour. Yes, there is a lot of mocking between friends. Yes, this is used to show affection. No, that doesn’t mean uncreative racist mocking is a good idea, or funny, or clever. Make fun of them for things they do as Real People, rather than just as Jews or whatever.

Beyond that:

Seriously? I don’t think he’d still be talking to me if he thought I was an asshole. He has plenty of other friends too.

Yeah, other friends who may well make the same fucking hilarious “Jew gold” jokes you do.

12 years ago

The bagels should not be consumed without cream cheese and lox, however. To do anything else is pure sacrilege (not really).

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

I’d like to book passage on the first spaceship off this rock. It’s things like r/beatingwomen that destroy little bits of my soul each time they pop up.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

David – If you said apropos of nothing, “Hey Holly, invite me to your Jew overlord meetings, I hear there are free bagels,” that would be every kind of uncomfortable. Even though bagels are not very offensive.

The fact that you’re explicitly directing a parody of anti-Semitism at anti-Semites and not Jews is the really important part there. That’s the part that makes me feel confident that it is a parody rather than just a jocular repetition of their beliefs.

12 years ago

@ kladle.

“We don’t do violent threats, fantasizing, etc. here, no matter how “honest” your reaction is. Regardless of the target, violence is unacceptable. If you don’t like that policy, you don’t have to post. The end.”

No, that’s right. What David does do on this site is duplicate, replicate and give more bandwidth to evil violent misogynist shit posted by the menz all over the webz and then ask the laydeeeees for a nice civilised response (no violent words pleeeeze) and puhleeeese laydeees bring a plate.

Oh and unless you are a moderator or owner of this blog, kindly shut your cakehole as I was talking to David, not you dickhead.

12 years ago

Holly says:

Or if we do, it’s a different type. It’s “neurosis and guilt” jokes, but not “big nose” jokes. It’s “our religious rituals are kinda goofy” jokes, but not “hoarding the gentiles’ money” jokes. It’s “big quirky families” jokes, but not “we killed Jesus” jokes. And it is fucking never Holocaust jokes.

Just a different Jew’s experience–this is more or less my experience, too, that people joke about neuroses and quirky families and so on.

Except for meta-jokes, there are plenty of those, jokes that are mocking the idea that Jews control the media or drink the blood of Christian babies or secretly have horns.

However, my experience really differs re: holocaust jokes–no set-up/punchline-type things, nothing trivializing, but dark humor definitely, especially if you’re in a setting where you can’t avoid talking about it. I’d actually say that using black humor as a method for coping with trauma and tragedy is a common thread in the Jewish subcultures (mostly secular, fwiw) that I’ve been in.

I do actually sometimes consciously modify the way I talk about being a Jew when I’m hanging out with people who aren’t, because if you make a snarky joke making fun of Jewish stereotypes, the meta-text isn’t necessarily obvious to non-Jews. I don’t think that’s particularly different from the way I handle in-group/out-group jokes about feminism, though, where it would make more sense for me to say “well, of course no one cares what he thinks, he’s a mangina” about my husband in a feminist group, because of course it’s obvious that I’m being sarcastic and mangina is a stupid concept, when I would probably avoid saying that in a random group of people.

12 years ago


wutttt O_o

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Sandra, unless you are a moderator or owner of this blog, kindly stop telling people what to say here and how it should be moderated.

Or you could at least read this blog and see just how sympathetic it is to the misogynists and just how nice we are to them.

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