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Reddit's Post-Pedogeddon Backlash, Part One: r/beatingwomen weighs in on the pedo ban

While Reddit’s reluctant, long-overdue banning of subreddits devoted to sexualized pictures of children drew applause from many Redditors, there has, of course, been a considerable backlash from pedophiles, ephibophiles, and other assorted apologists. ShitRedditSays has already started covering this, and I’ll be doing some posts of my own.

So far the most appalling thing I’ve run across (thanks to ScrappyB for pointing it out in the comments here) comes from the BeatingWomen subreddit — which is, unfortunately, a real thing. Some people, you see, are suggesting that maybe Reddit shouldn’t be hosting a forum devoted to sharing images and videos of women being brutalized, so that Redditors can cackle over their victimization, make rape jokes, and whatever else they do there.

The idea that r/beatingwomen “might be next “ roused one racist, misogynist jailbait enthusiast to post this little manifesto.

He’s not trolling. If you look at his comment history you’ll see he’s completely sincere. (Actually, don’t look at his comment history. It’s horrifying. I’m not going to link to it.)

In case any one is wondering, r/beatingwomen is the subreddit that r/mensrights mod AnnArchist (a guy, despite the name) posted to on several occasions, because he considers r/beatingwomen-style “humor” to be hilarious.

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13 years ago

Except for the second half of the video, I don’t really agree with that.

13 years ago

Oh really? Maybe my entire life experience was a lie then?

Not what I was saying, just something I noticed the last time you were arguing that everyone in Ireland behaves the same way you do, someone who claimed to be from Ireland as well said that she hadn’t noticed that herself. But I guess by your logic her entire life experience was a lie?

The bottom line is, “Jew gold”? Not funny.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Joanna – You see that part where he says HELL NO other people don’t get to insult Irish people?

And you know how your friend isn’t Irish?

I’m sorry if I’m getting snippy but I just don’t know why you’re defending “Jew gold” this hard. It’s not like it’s even a joke. Is there a punchline there? Yes, “greedy” sure is a common stereotype of Jews, and one that has been used to fuel persecution! Haw! What a kneeslapper!

13 years ago

Basically, to me, it depends on whether the humor is “ha ha things don’t actually work that way” or “ha ha things totally work that way.”

…Also count me in as another person who has smiled and nodded along to jokes that made me profoundly uncomfortable because I wanted to keep my friends. I don’t want to say the situations were equivalent because they’re NOT– I am a lily-white Irish person who has never experienced racial discrimination and hopefully never will. But it is a thing that happens.

13 years ago

“someone who claimed to be from Ireland as well said that she hadn’t noticed that herself”

She was not Irish then =P

13 years ago

Oh cool, I watched your video. So, Irish person insulting an Irish person = fine, not Irish person insulting Irish person = not fine? Might that be sort of like how someone who isn’t Jewish making jokes about “Jew gold” is not awesome and hilarious? I seriously don’t understand why you’re defending this whole “Jew gold” thing.

13 years ago

“You see that part where he says HELL NO other people don’t get to insult Irish people?”

Lol! Yeah. I said I disagreed with that. I think if an Irish person was slagged by a non-Irish person they’d be more like “Well you’re not Irish so what do you know?”

13 years ago

Gah. Misstated. I can’t experience racial discrimination, I’m white, and white supremacy means I am not going to experience the prejudice + power that leads to racism.

…My kingdom for an edit button.

13 years ago

It’s not about the “Jew gold” guys =P

13 years ago

All right if you don’t agree with that part which sort of seemed like what he talked about for most of the video, what part of the video do you agree with? What is it you wanted me to watch that you think explains what you’re trying to say? And dude, you’re the one who brought up “Jew gold” in the first place. Why do you think people keep asking you about that?

13 years ago

Ok, I let it slide the first time, but my ancestry is Irish, and you can piss me off with the “Irish jokes”.

And there is a difference between, “We slag each other off, all the time”, and “When I go hang out with the English they talk about the “bog-trotters”.

There is a big difference between people who share a culture (and, in the context you are using, a cultural dominance) and being a minority the majority are mockin

13 years ago

Maybe you need to break it down in point form, Joanna, because it’s sure coming across as being about the “Jew gold”. Or, to be perfectly clear, what I’m seeing from you is:

– sometimes a joke can be technically racist
– but it can still be funny if there is no racist intent
– like I can make Jew jokes with my Jewish friend and he’s totally not offended
– and, speaking on behalf of all Irish people everywhere, feel free to make Irish jokes
– because, Irish people totally NEVER get offended by them
– cause they’re all true
– but funny
– but I’m not racist
– cause my Jewish friend is not offended by my Jewish jokes
– I know because he totally laughs when I make them
– And he’s never asked me to stop

I guarantee you that, indeed, some Irish people are offended by Irish jokes. Dismissing them as “not really irish” doesn’t cut it.

The message is, take a moment and consider that maybe you’re being thoughtlessly offensive to your jewish friend. Consider putting some thought into your offenses.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Hey, Joanna–are you in Ireland by any chance?

Because Ireland, despite having a vanishingly small Jewish population, has still managed to have an incident in the 20th century where the Jews of Limerick were driven from their homes. They have had an elected politician promise to “rout the Jews out of the country” and stay popular well into the 1980s. In 2006 you could buy The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in any Tesco in Ireland. Ireland certainly isn’t the most anti-Semitic country in Europe, not by a long shot, but there is a history of oppression there.

In that context, “ha ha, I’m being racist at you but it’s not a threat because we all know you’re really quite safe here” jokes are not going to work.

13 years ago

““When I go hang out with the English they talk about the “bog-trotters”.”

It’s “bogger” I have never heard anyone say bog-trotter before. =P

13 years ago

“Because Ireland, despite having a vanishingly small Jewish population, has still managed to have an incident in the 20th century where the Jews of Limerick were driven from their homes.”

I did not know that. Didn’t think the Irish had anything against the Jews. Though Limerick’s such a dive anyway it really doesn’t surprise me.

13 years ago

Merely being anti-Semitic, but it’s a joke because everyone knows I’m not really anti-Semitic, so it’s so totally ironic that I say anti-Semitic things!–that does not qualify in my book as real clear.

I think there are a very, very few circumstances in which even that can be okay, but it pretty much has to be between close friends who do know exactly that. It’s a dangerous zone to get into and not one I’d be likely to try myself, though, because it’s far too easy to believe people know you’re completely kidding while they’re busy thinking, “she is a terrible person, but I don’t want to make waves by calling her out.”

13 years ago

Joanna: Did you just call me a liar?

Because when I was in the mess of the 3(V)MI BN, the term used was bog-trotters. Rather than start a row in the mess, I let it slide.

13 years ago

Speaking of Anti-Semitism, can anyone make heads or tails of this recent IMF post?

13 years ago

@Pecunium: No? I honestly have never heard that term before and thought it was supposed to be “bogger” cos they’re kind of the same.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think I’d also like to hear the Jewish jokes you tell that are a little funnier (or at least a little more of a joke) than “Jew gold.”

Because that’s really more a “slur” than a “joke.” There’s no setup, no punchline.

I guess the setup is “I’m not a racist!” and the punchline is “but I said a racist thing!” Problem is, that joke sounds exactly the same as the much more famous joke “I’m not a racist… oh wait, I totally am!”

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Crumbelievable – The heads and tails of that post is that he thinks if he uses big enough words and enough of them and avoids any specific words like “anti-Semite” or “Nazi,” people won’t notice he’s a fucking Nazi. But like most latter-day Nazis he’s really not as clever as he thinks he is.

13 years ago

“I think I’d also like to hear the Jewish jokes you tell that are a little funnier (or at least a little more of a joke) than “Jew gold.””

Well there’s a beer called “Honey Dew”, to which my friend said to me, “Hey that’s what you could call me if we were going out”. We’re not going out, but I call him that anyway ^_^

13 years ago

Joanna: The point I was making is that, again, you are projecting your experience to the entire world.

I said “hanging out with the English and having them talk about bog-trotters”. I was speaking from my personal experience. You attempted to correct me. In much the same way you told people how someone who didn’t agree with your experience of being Irish was strange.

It’s the, at the risk of being exactly what the MRA do when they say all women think the same things (i.e. the Hivemind).

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago


Okay, I’m not offended by that, just kinda confused. If it’s just “Dew sounds like Jew” then I guess that’s not the worst thing ever although it is still singling your friend out. If “Dew” is some kind of obscure slur than that’s really not-okay all over again.

13 years ago

@Holly. Lol. It’s a pun. Honey Jew, like sweet Jew. It’s kind of a pet name. I single him out cos he’s awesome.