crackpottery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit the enigma that is ladies

Ladies are the Borg

Ladies are complicated! Happily, we fellas have Gobhoblin on the Menโ€™s Rights subreddit to explain them to us. Turns out they are all one giant HIVE BORG MIND. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. RESISTANCE IS FUTRELLE!


EDITED TO ADD: Thanks to Ami Angelwings for pointing this quote out to me.ย  I mean, thanks to all women.

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Damsel in de tech
12 years ago


12 years ago

A man said it! Therefore it must be true! I wonder if the commenters actually read the text or if they just nod and smile to anything anti-woman. They’re like a hive mind or something.

12 years ago

It makes sense the other way too…
The best way to attractive to women is… to be attractive to women…

LMAOOO. It sure does son, it sure does.

12 years ago


12 years ago

This makes sense to me, and Gobhoblin seems like a swell dude, as long as all of the other women agree. Otherwise, this makes no sense to me >: – ( and he is mean and ugly and mean!!

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

We are the FemBorg. Lower your shields and surrender your $Money$. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is Futrelle.

12 years ago

So now we have to go make Voltron with Michelle Bachmann? Ew…

12 years ago

So how do they explain the differences in women:

some women like nerdy guys
some women like men who live in business suits
some women like other women
some women like “bad boys”
some women like cats

Are some women like the arm with others being a foot of a total body of women? Or is it just that this guy is full of “special”?

12 years ago

I read a comment thread on that subreddit last week bemoaning the fact that MRAs are always being called trolls and aren’t taken seriously. Yes, I wonder why anyone would possibly say that.

12 years ago

So this means that whether I like someone is the OBJECTIVE TRUTH about whether women like that person. Huh.


12 years ago

Now see, this is where I have to disagree Ozy. Neil Gaiman is an okay writer but he is no Terry Pratchett.

12 years ago

No, PfkaE, we cannot disagree about anyone! We’ll have to vote on Neil Gaiman at the next ladymeeting.

12 years ago

If I vote nay on Gaiman does that mean that I’m officially a man now?

12 years ago

But wait! As Meller has informed us many times, feminists are not Real Women. So there you go.

12 years ago

Thinking we’re a hive-mind is one way to get over their lack of success, I suppose.

12 years ago

good thing he posted that on r/mensrights, know for its diverse range of viewpoints anf bracing debate

12 years ago

That one’s easy! They’re all lying bitches, except the ones that admit they like jerks. Obviously.

12 years ago

…I just remembered that I’m nonbinary and hence don’t get input into What Women Like. Oops. ๐Ÿ™‚

12 years ago

I think the third commenter is spot on.
“I think you hit the nail on the head”, yes, HIS head. You know, like those people on the ER with huge metal bars on their heads? They still function, but most likely, the, you know, thought part, is off. ๐Ÿ™‚
Or he’s just delusional.

12 years ago

Seriously ladies. I think we should let the men in on how thos really works. It seems so cruel to keep them hoping for a woman to look their way. We should just tell them straight up whether they have a chance.

See guys, every male on earth is tested by their mother at birth. You give off a special psychic aura, and it tells us whether or not you’ll be an alpha. You have a roughly ten percent chance of being one, and if you are then we celebrate your good fortune and add you to the registry of men worth marrying. If you don’t make the cut, well…you know how it goes.

Every girl on earth is taught from the age of thirteen on how to check the registry and when. Checking the registry is what we’re doing when we go to powder our noses during dates, or depart en mass for the bathroom at the club.

Oh, and our mind is more like the Taelon commonality than the borg hivemind.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Question: What if I don’t know what any other women think of a man? Do I get first dibs on defining his status or will I receive telepathic signals?

…Also, why does my mom hate all my boyfriends?

Also, he makes it sound like he wants to hit a woman in public and have people join in and help. ๐Ÿ™

12 years ago

Don’t forget about the Mark of Fucking. You see, when a woman has sex with a man, she leaves a mark on him in ink that only women can read. It’s kind of like a tattoo, but only visible to ladies. So anyway, when a woman meets a man she immediately checks how many of these marks he has. If there aren’t enough, she dismissed him as Totally Not Alpha, and spits on him.

You may be wondering how if this is so any man ever manages to lose his virginity. The answer is simple – alcohol. You see, the marks are hard for women to read when we’re drunk, so occasionally a woman will misread and have sex with some non-Alpha. When she sobers up in the morning she can read the marks correctly again, and this is where false rape allegations come from.

12 years ago

I must fail as a woman because I have never done the group bathroom thing. Also, I vote nay on Gaiman. I prefer Mercedes Lackey anyway.

12 years ago

I totally forgot about that!! See and there’s scientific proof for it, because we have more light receptors on the backs of our eyes. You thought it was so we could see dirt better and keep your house cleaner…but. Invisible marks is what they are for.

12 years ago

alcohol. You see, the marks are hard for women to read when weโ€™re drunk, so occasionally a woman will misread and have sex with some non-Alpha

That totally does not explain those of us who are teetotalers. I never drink and yet…I have gentlemen callers on occasion.

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