kitties off topic open thread

Breaking Off-Topic News: Kitten has Groucho Marx mustache, is adorable

A lot of repugnant shit this week. So here’s a totally adorable kitten found on Reddit. (Are kitten pics and SRS the only good things about Reddit?)


And here are five more kittens for good measure, also from Reddit:

You’re welcome!

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13 years ago

Mystery looks like he never grew out of the 90′s rave scene. That hat is awful.

I have a confession to make – I LOVE silly hats. And I love wearing them to bars. But I don’t wear them as some strange dastardly plot to coerce women (or men) into my bed. I wear them because I enjoy wearing them. Yes, they get attention, and for me, that’s not really the point. It’s a silly hat, which I love to wear. In fact, I really want the hat he’s wearing, because that would be awesome to wear anywhere. I always find it disappointing to see guys wearing silly hats and I find out that they are not Silly Hat Wearers – they’re just posers who don’t have the proper enjoyment of silly hats. Of course, because sometimes I have to create my own amusement, I’ll start engaging in Pretentious Wankery while wearing Silly Hats, especially when Hat Posers are around.

13 years ago

I, uh …

I think I just lost another little bit of innocence reading that art gallery scheme….

Whatever it was I lost, it was at least blissful ignorance of the mere existence of this Mystery creep.

13 years ago

Falconer, scroll back up and look at the kitties. They are brain scrubbers.

13 years ago

Mystery reminds me of Jurgen from Sam and Max.

13 years ago

Really? I find Mystery refreshing, compared to what we usually read: no pseudo-science on why women are evil or stupid or deserve rape or why we should be nicer to abuser (male ones of course) but plain on simple “I want to get laid” or the silliest outfit and scheme to do so. And not only is it so complex that 99,9% of his “students” will never do it, even if they do, it boils down to “make her feel comfortable” and “pretend your famous”. Which is a hell lot better than “ignore her desires” “make her feel like shit” “don’t respect her boundaries” or the ‘rape game’ (also known as ‘rape’ to the rest of English speaking world)

13 years ago

Ooh, rubbing kittens on my brain is all kind of furry and tickly.

13 years ago

I think that David’s love for animals is very sweet! He seems to especially like cats…another reason for the misogynists to label him a “mangina!” (They HATE cats! They think that men who like them are ‘pussies,’ pun intended!) Thanks for a break from the hate, David!

13 years ago

D’awwwwww…that kitty looks so much like Groucho…I bet if it would talk, it’d be the snarkiest kitty ever!

13 years ago

As I understand it, Mystery is still into the “make her feel like shit” thing (a.k.a. “negging”), but you’re right that he’s way less of an ass about it that certain others one could name. Looking around his site, I see mostly information of the “this might help if you are genuinely baffled by human interaction” variety; in other words, exactly the category of poor innocents that PUA so often claims to help, before the majority of it devolves into rape apologia. And this is just charming (actual straightforward anatomical information about vulvas!):

13 years ago

What does one use to garnish a bowlful of Boston Terriers? Hamsters? Gerbils?

13 years ago

Wow, that’s…actually a useful and positively written article on female genitalia. I’m stunned, actually.

13 years ago

Hahaha, I actually read that whole article. That dude or girl should write one for every part of the body.

13 years ago

There’s cissexism in that article though, and the comments are a horrible transphobic mess.

13 years ago

ah, sorry, that’s a different article I was thinking of

13 years ago

I spend a day away from Man Boobz because I can’t bear to read any more, well, man-boobery for a bit and look what a miss: the perfect antidote to said boobery. I think the fuzzy, smiling kitten on the left’s daddy is the milkman… or however that works for cats. I guess a cat milkman wouldn’t be be very reliable because he’d drink the profits. Okay, finished derping.

13 years ago

Jawnita: I don’t really know much about him, so my comment only applied to this particular scheme. I have no doubt that most PUAs show themselves to be terrible person at some point.

And that’s a nice article; They don’t even call the vagina!

13 years ago

I don’t see why these jerks wouldn’t just use the term “pussy” to demean other men, instead of an awkward neologism.

13 years ago

Falconer: because the awkward neologism make them think they’re smart, original and not sexist.