How seriously does Paul Elam, head cheese of A Voice for Men, take the issue of rape? So seriously that he has proudly declared that
Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.
It’s in bold in the original, too. Evidently, the best way to fight against false accusations is to let the guilty free.
Recently, Elam has started a whole campaign, complete with its own little acronym and everything, to encourage others to follow his lead. In one recent post, he even seems to be suggesting (in a wink-wink-nod-nod sort of way) that his followers should lie about their beliefs in order to get on juries, just so they can Fuck Their Shit Up and, as he put it in a one word comment advertising the post on Reddit, “nullify.”
Now, in his original post on rape, it seemed to be pretty clear that his ire was aroused specifically by the specter of evil women lying about being raped by men. As he put it, justifying his decision to acquit the guilty,
Women lie about being raped, judicial politicians make careers off of putting away sexual offenders, and a brainwashed public cheers it all on. That so many of the men caught up in this are innocent doesn’t stop the grinding wheels of all this injustice for even a moment.
But before we conclude that Elam’s stance on rape is simply misogynist, I point you to a new post that suggests that he takes the rape of men just as (not) seriously as he takes the rape of women – to the point that he thinks it’s hilarious to make jokes about raping men. Announcing a radio show devoted to further discussion of his surreal atheist post from earlier this week, he says this about one famously feminist atheist activist who is also a dude:
Hopefully, before we are done [with the radio show], MRA’s of differing views will find more common ground, and PZ Myers will be limping to the drug store for some KY Jelly.
I guess on AVfM, making a rape joke about about a man is just peachy, so long as the man in question is someone you don’t like.
Stay classy, Paul!
(Thanks to Xanthe for alerting me to Elam’s most recent post.)
I knew it, Bagelsan! That’s why i took the blue bill and started memorizing feminist dogma, my facial hair doesn’t even rise to the level of “beard”, more like “the mange” – mostly lip and chin, growing in all super slow on the sides, faster on one than the other. It would take me a decade to make a chinstrap. My “beard” basically gives up on the underside of my face completely. My only hope is undermining all men like the Crabpeople in Southpark.
When I’m dictator of the everything, people can have beard (nothing wrong with them on an aesthetic pov), expect for people who kiss me or, you know… stuff that involve both my body and their mouth.
Obviously, they can grow hair after of before, that, just not during.
It itches!
Since I’m currently drowning in my own misandry, I’d like to proudly say that, since the beginning of the week, I’ve killed three men. With two bananas.
(It it makes it better, my next target is female)
I too lack a neckbeard and much facial hair. I am a full-blown mangina.
it’s amazing to me how MRAs take part in and promote rape culture all the time and yet are completely oblivious to it.
The most amazing neckbeard of all time belonged to Thoreau.Stare in amazement
I know you were joking…. O_o
Ray Sawyer, the goofy one in guilty-pleasure Southern-rock group Dr Hook has sported a pretty impressive neckbeard, though I feel the moustache loses him neckbeard points. Not that the eyepatch doesn’t make it up a few times over.
Don’t worry BoggiDwurms, if we work extra hard in the femnspiracy, we might be allowed to live in the gynocratic dystopia that is JUST AROUND the corner.
Yeah, it’s all too close. I can see the castration of male boys just around the corner.
Seriously, how is some ignoramus calling us a mangina any different than a jock calling us a faggot in high school? MRAs are just another version of jockstrap in high school, stupid, callous, and brutal.
You could also just pretend to be an adorable small animal with mange — they’ll be treated with the same dignity as our captive/pet manginas (treats and walkies everyday) but there’s less to memorize. 😀
Boggi, do you have a url for that Snark quote? (Obviously from AVFM, but what post?)
I oppress myself! I shave my entire beard every couple of days. AUTOMISANDRY!!
I’ve shaved my beard since I was about 18. I was kind of a late bloomer, and didn’t need to before then.
It’s a comment from this article:
I’m not quite sure what the point of the artilcle is (I guess trying to find a point to anything Elam writes is rather futile) but I have a creeping sense that the aim is to imply, “See? These women experienced some pleasure during their rapes, therefore rape is not a big deal.”
Oh look, this guy has his own blog
Seriously, I posted that too, but for some reason it didn’t show up.
Oh well…
Either way, you have a brand new article.
My response, just reverse it:
“See? These men experienced some pleasure during their rapes, therefore rape is not a big deal.”
But I wouldn’t dare say that. That is outright misandry.
crumb, actually that Elam article was a really bizarre and muddled attempt at satire — the studies he cites were all made up, then at the end he says: all these studies were made up, therefore feminists are liars. (Presumably because he thinks they make up studies, though he provides no evidence of this, of course.) It’s sort of embarrassing that I’m actually able to understand his bizarre, er, logic here.
but anyway, thanks for the link. I know I saw this before, but I don;t think I wrote about it.
Also, I think he was hoping that feminists would get mad about his article so he could say “gotcha!” Though what he would have “gotten” anyone for I have no idea.
And we’re, what, surprised by this? I’ve never believed the vast majority of them give a red fuck about rape of men for one second; their entire worldview depends on believing on the “real men” crap like “men don’t get raped, and if they do it’s laughable and contemptible.” What else would you expect from people who think “mangina” is a witty?
Thanks for that, Paul Elam.
Why am I not surprised. Elam has had a bad case of verbal diarrhea for years, hence his prominent role in the “mens’ rights” movement.
That’s something I would write if I were satirizing the MRM.
Yeah, I got that after I posted the comment. But judging from the comments, it seems his readers took his words to heart.
Also it’s hard for me to tell when these guys are joking, because it seems like they’re trolling 24/7