a voice for men creepy douchebaggery evil women false accusations hypocrisy misandry misogyny MRA rape that's not funny!

On A Voice for Men, rape jokes about men are hilarious, so long as they're about some dude you don't like.

How seriously does Paul Elam, head cheese of A Voice for Men, take the issue of rape? So seriously that he has proudly declared that

Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.

It’s in bold in the original, too. Evidently, the best way to fight against false accusations is to let the guilty free.

Recently, Elam has started a whole campaign, complete with its own little acronym and everything, to encourage others to follow his lead. In one recent post, he even seems to be suggesting (in a wink-wink-nod-nod sort of way) that his followers should lie about their beliefs  in order to get on juries, just so they can Fuck Their Shit Up and, as he put it in a one word comment advertising the post on Reddit, “nullify.”

Now, in his original post on rape, it seemed to be pretty clear that his ire was aroused specifically by the specter of evil women lying about being raped by men. As he put it, justifying his decision to acquit the guilty,

Women lie about being raped, judicial politicians make careers off of putting away sexual offenders, and a brainwashed public cheers it all on. That so many of the men caught up in this are innocent doesn’t stop the grinding wheels of all this injustice for even a moment.

But before we conclude that Elam’s stance on rape is simply misogynist, I point you to a new post that suggests that he takes the rape of men just as (not) seriously as he takes the rape of women – to the point that he thinks it’s hilarious to make jokes about raping men. Announcing a radio show devoted to further discussion of his surreal atheist post from earlier this week, he says this about one famously feminist atheist activist who is also a dude:

Hopefully, before we are done [with the radio show], MRA’s of differing views will find more common ground, and PZ Myers will be limping to the drug store for some KY Jelly.

I guess on AVfM, making a rape joke about about a man is just peachy, so long as the man in question is someone you don’t like.

Stay classy, Paul!

(Thanks to Xanthe for alerting me to Elam’s most recent post.)

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13 years ago

Re: the neckbeard thing. Teenagers often have patchy facial hair, as we all know, and often this starts from around the neck up with the moustache, sideburns, and soul patch area filling in last. If this is what happens to you, apparently you are supposed to shave? I would personally, and I don’t think it’s a good look, but honestly, do what you want with whichever hairs you grow.

Anyway, as far as I can tell the whole thing plays into the hegemonic-masculinity idea that REAL MEN have thick, full beards and anything less is shameful or geeky.

So yeah, “neckbeard” is a bit of a bullshit term, but I don’t see it as tooooo much of an issue. I’d be interested to hear, say, Noah Brand on it.

Incidentally, my beard started really high and moustache-centric and still doesn’t extend that far past my jawline, so I suppose I must be naturally professorial or sophisticated or something in that system?

13 years ago

All this talk about Paul Elam…

He has a daughter. I wonder if he would do all he could to keep a man who raped her out of jail. If not he’s a hypocrite.

Is his daughter so narcissistic that she is “semi-human” like most “western women”? Or does she know her place. Did Paul Elam teach her where her place was?

Paul Elam wrote an excruciatingly terrible article about a woman he counseled who was sexually abused by her father. His website advises men not to get involve with single parents as their children might want “local celebrity” and falsley accuse them of abusing them.

This is who Paul Elam is.

PAUL ELAM IS ACTUALLY A COUNCILOR? I’m surprised someone didn’t fire the bastard and permanently revoke all of his licenses and degrees! He is unfit to be in any kind of counseling profession at all!

And that goes to every MRA out there:

Erin Pizzey
Angry Harry
Susan Walsh
Any drifters on this site
Any MRA on the internet and IRL at all

(Yes, MRAs out there I am addressing YOU!)

This Paul Elam is one of your main spokespeople and representatives for the MRM. If any of you still support or endorse him in any way, or in any way support or endorse the MRM, you are unfit to be called a human being.

You MRAs are some of the most stupid, vile, cruel, hypocritical, and mean-spirited people on the planet. People like you are what’s wrong with the world. Your “mens’ rights” movement has been justifiably indicted as a gigantic fraud, and is the most pathetic joke for a human rights movement to ever exist.

13 years ago


I think it goes beyond “not shaving is lazy” into “not having a full beard is UNMANLY”.

It’s similar to “hairy-legged”, but is usually used to imply a lack of social skills rather than being OMG such a bitchy feminist harpy. It’s still implies deviating from gender norms hair-wise is bad, though. I’ve had “ponytail” used in a similar way, generally for more liberal-minded geeks or those accused of “white-knighting”.

13 years ago

*briefly wonders if ‘neckbeard’is the male equivalent of the ‘hairy legged’insult thrown at women*

They are in no way comparable. Its pretty much socially expected that a woman shaves her legs. With guys its socially acceptable to not the shaving hair on your neck.

13 years ago


“What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!

That was Elam, I think. Or was it Roissy?

13 years ago

oops let me retry that

*briefly wonders if ‘neckbeard’is the male equivalent of the ‘hairy legged’insult thrown at women*

They are in no way comparable. Its pretty much socially expected that a woman shaves her legs. With guys its socially acceptable to not the shaving hair on your neck.

13 years ago

Actually, Elam would probably go with “the thought of crushing my mangina enemies, seeing them driven before them, and then not actually rape the women they don’t have because they are manginas unworthy of such a fun toy. And when I say “not actually rape”, I mean “totally rape, but rape is a feminist conspiracy to oppress men”.

13 years ago

Oops. Add “gives me a boner” after “fun toy” and before “. And when I say…”

13 years ago

Or “say that rape is totally wrong, but then vote to let the rapists off without penalty and make the victim suffer just for shits and giggles”

13 years ago

I wonder if all beards can be classified like that, anyway. Can I be a top-lip-and-thin-strip-of-under-mouth-area-and-little-triangle-underneath-my-chinbeard?

13 years ago

Is describing your beard gonna turn into something like the Feministe describe-your-privileges list before every post? Are we gonna fight over “beardless” versus “beard-free”? 😀

13 years ago


“Beard-free” is a typical feminist neologism. By endorsing an unfortunate lack of masculinity as a convenience, feminists reveal their hate of all that is manly. And yes, that is misandric.

I knew you’d admit to wanting to castrate all men eventually.

You’re all just fat ugly bitches who will wind up sleeping with bearded alphas anyway. Enjoy your cats, feminists, and enjoy your lack of pussy, “beardfree” manginas.

Think on it.

13 years ago

It’s true; we fat ugly bitches actually judge the alpha-ness of a man by the quality of his manly beard, like the plumage of a male peacock. But admitting that makes it sound like we maybe don’t want to castrate men (and that’s just silly!) so we pretend to despise beards. Stupid beards! You suck, you fuzzy triangularish bastards!


My preference is no bears for anyone. So when I become Supreme Generalissimo Queen Empress Mother of the World, no bears for anyone!

13 years ago

why no bears???
what did bears to do you???

13 years ago

Speaking of rape, here an MRA says “rape culture” is the result of women screaming at imaginary rapist men.

.The irony.

13 years ago

It’s also okay to use your RIGHT to jury nullification. This is the corner stone of the American jurisprudence system, along with natural law theory as a standard.

as someone who actually cares about these things, i cannot stress how wrong the above is. just in case anyone didnt figure that out.

13 years ago

lets reduce a complex legal system to the dumbest and most self-serving soundbite possible. what could be wrong with that.


why no bears???
what did bears to do you???

They never hunted the mammoth for me. Or was that beards?

13 years ago


Ruined a Kodiak moment perhaps?


Also Jumbofish, I was being silly-who would be a Supreme Generalissimo Queen Empress Mother of the World?

13 years ago

why no bears???
what did bears to do you???

Clearly someone’s never lost their pic-a-nic basket

13 years ago


A massive misurstrist, apparently.