antifeminism evil women grandiosity hypocrisy manginas misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit sluts we hunted the mammoth whores

Alcuin and out. Or, the KKK with tits.

Insidious gynonazi propaganda

Let’s celebrate this lovely February day with some random stupidity from Alcuin, a brave anti-misandrist intellectual titan who is single handedly bringing about what he calls “the Intellectual Renaissance of the Western Tradition.” Mostly by blathering on and on about how much ladies suck.

Some highlights from recent posts.

We hunted the mammoth, then wrote Troilus and Cressida, while you bitches were eating bon bons and watching The Talk

The history of achievement is, in fact, the history of male achievement to such an extent that, were women absent from human history, we might still be where we are today, but were men absent from history, da wimmin would be in the caves, screeching ‘n hollering at each other. …

Dante wrote the Divine Comedy. Feminists crafted VAWA, the beginning of the end of western freedom.

Shakespeare changed the English language. Sharon Osbourne laughs about the female mutilation of men.

Socrates established a way of thinking and reflection on the virtues that still inspires us. Women falsely accuse men of rape on a weekly or even daily basis.

The KKK – now, with tits!

Feminism is the KKK with tits. The only difference is that western women don’t have any shame, so don’t cover up with white bedsheets. They are openly supremacist. That is why their starting point parallels the KKK, but they tend towards Nazism as well. The Hitlerists were no more ashamed of their supremacism than western women are of theirs. Both bigoted groups, in fact, are quite proud of their prejudicial thinking.

Racial supremacists running around with bedsheets are cockroachy – they run to the darkness whenever light is shed on them. Feminists, like Nazis, prefer the limelight. Will we soon see Nazi-like rallies with tens of thousands of banshees and their manginic self-hating male bozos?

Everybody Loves Raymond, and your female supremacist mom

Men are made into buffoons by Hollywood because male buffoonery sells. Women eat it up as greedily as they inhale chocolate cake and buy useless luxury goods. “Everybody Loves Raymond” is Everyman. Why does your mother like that sitcom so much? Because she’s a female supremacist. Why does your girlfriend like that show? Because she’s a female supremacist.

That’s why the lady is a tramp

Life is too easy. It’s too easy for a woman to become a tramp, and experiment sexually and socially, so she does. What are the consequences? Our society has so much surplus that we’ve eliminated the consequences of bad or irresponsible behavior, at least for women. We are wealthy enough to reject the concept of shame. Thus, we have shameless hussies.

Perhaps because men are still the most creative movers and shakers of our society, men as a whole class have been pushed into being the responsible ones, the moral adults. Women are let off the hook, able to remain perpetual moral children, responsible for none of their behavior, such as drunken sex. Non-issues such as faulty breast implants or police warnings about slutware enrage these people because they face no real injustices or hardships.


Also, here are The Undertones, with “Life’s Too Easy.”


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13 years ago

Holly: Who was purple, and conquered half the world?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Okay, one question I think NWO might consider answering, because it’s not tricky like “what are clouds made of?”:

NWO, when have I ever promoted rape, (nonconsensual) sodomy, or pedophilia? Can you provide a quote or even a vague description of when this happened?

Or is this just the logical extension of the fact that I don’t hate gay people?

You know, a lot of the other commenters here don’t hate gay people either. I don’t know why you’re singling me out.

13 years ago

NWO: You have yet to actually back up your claims of pedophilia and kids being taught gay sex. Unless you know you’re full of shit?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Pecunium – Alexander the Grape! 🙂

13 years ago

NWO, actually Wilson wanted to give Germany a pass on the Lusitania despite massive public outcry as long as Germany stopped using U-boats to attack US ships. Instead Germany went ahead and sunk another 7 US merchant vessels.

13 years ago

NWO: How long after the sinking of the Lusitania did the US declare war against Germany?

13 years ago

Reptiles for the most part are cold blooded. Any other stupid questions? My question was why do you promote rape, sodomy and pedophilia within the general population?

13 years ago

Didn’t Hillary send men to kill and die in Libya?


the secretary of state doesnt control the army. thats the commander and chief, duder

13 years ago

Holly: Correct.

Who’s buried in Alexander the Grape’s tomb?

13 years ago

NWO, bonus question: what’s the difference between reptiles and amphibians?

For extra credit, please note the stylistic differences between country and rap music.

13 years ago

NWO: Ecto/Endothermia are not the only differences between reptiles and mammals.

How may penes does a snake have?

13 years ago


Those merchant ships were delivering supplies to the enemy. Did you expect a basket of cheer to be delivered for the US gifts to Germany’s enemy?

M Dubz
M Dubz
13 years ago

@NWO- you are aware that there are other countries besides the US right? And that lots of people were dying over in those countries during WWI before the US got involved right?

13 years ago

NWO: What are the requirements for a lawful blockade in times of war?

Did Germany abide by them?

What is the legal status of a blockade not lawfully conducted?

13 years ago


Hillary did give the order to invade Libya. A most mortal threat to our nation to be sure. It was only men that died, no biggie. However, as Hillary is so fond of saying, women suffer worse during wartime.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

My question was why do you promote rape, sodomy and pedophilia within the general population?

My answer was I don’t. (Well, I do promote consensual “sodomy,” because I believe it is a harmless and pleasurable activity.)

And I don’t even know why you think I do.

My best guess is you think this because I don’t hate gay people. Is this the case?

Actually the truth is that I like gay people, but hate the ones who commit rape and child molestation. However this still leaves over a lot of gay people to like.

13 years ago

Still waiting on citations, NWO…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Wait, hangon, we invaded Libya? A who with the what now?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Wasn’t there some very recent woman leader in Africa who demanded the soldier rape every woman from the oppssing side. Some kinda genocide thingy we like to keep hush, hush.

THere was. What’s your point? Scores and scores of men have done this as well. As it happens, warmongers are scum. You just think this falls only on women because you’re delusional.

Didn’t Hillary send men to kill and die in Libya?

Wahaha! The US hasn’t even sent soldiers in. We just provide recon and airstrike targets the Libyan resistance asks us to. It’s cheaper and doesn’t piss people off.

So no, actually, she didn’t do that. She did the opposite of that, at least vis-a-vis US Troops. And seeing as she had not-a-damn-thing to do with the Libyan part of this…

Has there ever been a woman leader of a country who hasn’t sent men to kill and die for the provision, protection, privilege and entitlement of women?

Off the top of my head, Isabella I of Aragon funded dudes who *wanted* to go risk their lives for treasure (which she handed a cut of back to the Catholic Church), Boudica lead an ultimately futile celtic army against the Romans for the benefit of Celts as a whole (AFAIK), Catherine the Great expanded Russia as an empire for the sake of the nobility. There are numerous unnamed minor warlords among the vikings who were female and like the other chieftains were out to kick ass for themselves and the group collectively. Indira Gandhi didn’t fight a war, and Wu Zetian didn’t have her son do shit the other emperors didn’t do (Much like Elizabeth I and other british Kings). And that’s only off the top of my head.

Has there ever been a war where women haven’t been the cheerleaders of killing and death?

You must be the only Meriken over the age of 10 who has not heard of the US-Vietnam War.

Will the time ever come when women no longer lust to have men kill and die for them?

I’ll answer that when you provide some solid evidence that it’s a thing.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

(Bonus question: What continent is Libya even on?)

13 years ago

NWO…. Secretary of State Clinton did no such thing. She doesn’t have the authority. If she tried the Army would have refused, because she’s not in the chain of command. She can’t even be delegated the authority.

Pop-quiz: Why did Secretary of State Haig resign?

Major Kong
Major Kong
13 years ago

The history of achievement is, in fact, the history of male

Reminds me of when white supremacists go on about the “achievements of the white race”.

It doesn’t really matter what males have achieved, Alcuin. What have you achieved?

13 years ago


Do you have to declare war for a State of war to exist? I do believe the US is in error. We conquer and kill to maintain a level of wealth women are accustomed to. If we stopped conquering and killing, and also stop borrowing from the fed women would be unhappy. The killing and borrowing must continue until everyone is bankrupt. The women will point the finger of blame at men. As they’ve always done and continue to do today.

13 years ago

NWO: Could you put that comment in to English?

If not, spanish? Something comprehensible to anyone but yourself?

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

North africa. idiot.

Back to my question. Why do you promote rape, sodomy and pedophelia?

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