Let’s celebrate this lovely February day with some random stupidity from Alcuin, a brave anti-misandrist intellectual titan who is single handedly bringing about what he calls “the Intellectual Renaissance of the Western Tradition.” Mostly by blathering on and on about how much ladies suck.
Some highlights from recent posts.
The history of achievement is, in fact, the history of male achievement to such an extent that, were women absent from human history, we might still be where we are today, but were men absent from history, da wimmin would be in the caves, screeching ‘n hollering at each other. …
Dante wrote the Divine Comedy. Feminists crafted VAWA, the beginning of the end of western freedom.
Shakespeare changed the English language. Sharon Osbourne laughs about the female mutilation of men.
Socrates established a way of thinking and reflection on the virtues that still inspires us. Women falsely accuse men of rape on a weekly or even daily basis.
Feminism is the KKK with tits. The only difference is that western women don’t have any shame, so don’t cover up with white bedsheets. They are openly supremacist. That is why their starting point parallels the KKK, but they tend towards Nazism as well. The Hitlerists were no more ashamed of their supremacism than western women are of theirs. Both bigoted groups, in fact, are quite proud of their prejudicial thinking.
Racial supremacists running around with bedsheets are cockroachy – they run to the darkness whenever light is shed on them. Feminists, like Nazis, prefer the limelight. Will we soon see Nazi-like rallies with tens of thousands of banshees and their manginic self-hating male bozos?
Everybody Loves Raymond, and your female supremacist mom
Men are made into buffoons by Hollywood because male buffoonery sells. Women eat it up as greedily as they inhale chocolate cake and buy useless luxury goods. “Everybody Loves Raymond” is Everyman. Why does your mother like that sitcom so much? Because she’s a female supremacist. Why does your girlfriend like that show? Because she’s a female supremacist.
That’s why the lady is a tramp
Life is too easy. It’s too easy for a woman to become a tramp, and experiment sexually and socially, so she does. What are the consequences? Our society has so much surplus that we’ve eliminated the consequences of bad or irresponsible behavior, at least for women. We are wealthy enough to reject the concept of shame. Thus, we have shameless hussies.
Perhaps because men are still the most creative movers and shakers of our society, men as a whole class have been pushed into being the responsible ones, the moral adults. Women are let off the hook, able to remain perpetual moral children, responsible for none of their behavior, such as drunken sex. Non-issues such as faulty breast implants or police warnings about slutware enrage these people because they face no real injustices or hardships.
Also, here are The Undertones, with “Life’s Too Easy.”
I find it amazing that I hate men so much, given my eleven year relationship with my husband, my love of my awesome brother, my adoration of NephewB, and the fact that my father was one of the greatest people I’ve ever known. Maybe it’s opposite day and no one told me?
One has to wonder if NWO has been booted off every other site that knows of his reputation and so he’s come crawling back here…
Also, how exactly are the commenters of a wide range of genders interacting on a website run by a man promoting hatred of men? I mean, I suppose it would be possible (“I have plenty of black friends”, anyone?), but it seems unlikely.
You’re letting yourself down badly. Your batshit crazy theorizing is too obvious.
No-one, not even a deluded MRA conspiracy theorist, can be so stupid that they quote people mocking via parody an ideology *which you support*…
He’s being willfully ignorant on this front, Holly. He’s got his fingers in his ears and is singing, “Lalalalalalaa, can’t HEAR you!”
Don’t bother feeling bad for him. He puts his misery on himself.
Caraz: Would not surprise me in the slightest. his willful misinterpretation of everything he reads gets grating after awhile!
NWO, your hatred isn’t half as frustrating as the fact that you don’t listen.
If you said “I hear you, but I disagree, because [something vaguely related to anything anyone had said here],” that would be one thing. I wouldn’t like it, but I’d get it.
Instead you just keep repeating the same misconceptions after people have explained them to you, like even knowing what feminists were saying would taint you with their filth.
It’s a mystery to me how you even “know” feminists are evil, you know so little about us. …Did you pick us at random?
dude, you posted on a KKK affiliated website and even they thought you were an extremist. seriously, do you just have no powers of self-reflection at all
nobody tell alcuin that vawa was drafted by a man. actually, someone tell him that. i want to see his head explode.
and aww, NWO always likes me the best.
I think that’s partly because I engage him directly and maybe partly because I have the dirty sex blog and he’s all creepy-titillated that there’s a SEX WOMAN here. I’ve noticed Ozy gets the OH MY GOD A SEX PERSON treatment a lot too.
@Holly Pervocracy
Ahhh! So it’s bad for men to go back six months to point to vile hatred which women as a whole giggled about, or simply found irrelevant, or even supported. Yet you’ve gone back to WWI while failing to note womens vile shaming to get men to kill and die for them.
You’re a liar and you promote hatred. You’re a foul creature who deserves to be reviled.
NWOslave, please provide a quote illustrating my hatred of men.
Thanx. Bye.
@Holly Pervocracy
Ozy will always hate me and any man like me. She demands men sodomize each other and little boys for her amusement and acceptance. Her blog is riddled with hatred of straight men even worse than your’s. You’re not quite, by that a mean the smallest of increments, as vile as she is. She’d be the first to endose forced sodomy of boys in school for her amusement, you’d be the second.
NWO, do you even know what WWI was?
I don’t mean complicated things like “analyze all the social and political causes, formal and informal, leading to the outbreak of the war.”
I mean, like, do you even know what countries were in it, or sort of vaguely how things went down?
I have my suspicions here.
You’re still a fucking liar.
False Hatred Accusation?
Okay, but see, that isn’t literally true. It’s not something that has or will happen. I think on some lizard level even you understand this. Maybe you think it’s “a thing they would do because RAAARRGHH,” but you understand it’s a thing we have not done, right?
Whereas you actually have advocated for pretty much raping young girls.
Think on it.
I certainly don’t hate men, if I did I wouldn’t be moving in with my boyfriend of two years next month. I certainly wouldn’t trust him to do some of the kinky stuff we do together that could lead to serious injury or even kill me if he did them wrong. My hero and inspiration for everything I do professionally wouldn’t be my grandfather, the person I would literally die to protect wouldn’t be my 2yo nephew, etc. I love men. I hate some of the things men have done over the centuries, and I certainly hate misogynists and their sexist bullshit.
Pointing out that individual men have done evil things is not hatred of all men. It’s simply a fact.
Oh shit, I missed where NWO has to consistently misgender Ozy because he can’t really hurt people over the Internet, so he has to do what he can. Yeah, fuck that.
I still want to hear if NWO seriously even knows what WWI was.
Do you just ranfdomly accuse people of hate when you are in your escalating manic stage?
Assuming two seconds of competence for NWO, he’s referring to the women who helped recruit for the military in the UK, completely ignoring that the policies were drafted by men, and that aside from some recognition for their help in recruiting, the policies only ever benefited men (Of status).
Then again, he says this about every war, so assuming 2 seconds of competence is a dangerous mistake.
Has a word ever by accident slipped from your mouth that wasn’t a lie or hatred?
I love it when NWO works himself into enough of a tizzy that he starts up this level of comical hyperbole.
What do you think, Holly? Have you ever said, for example, “I’m hungry,” without adding “for the still-beating hearts of innocent men, MWAHAHAHAHA”? Apparently not in NWO’s imagination, you haven’t!
@ lowquacks- everyone knows the manginas are the worst haters of real manly men of all!
@Holly Pervocracy
It’s already promoted and taught in schools to toddlers. Why would any society promote such a thing to toddlers? You promote it every day. The vast majority of rapist of women in fact are bi. The majority of opposite sex pedophiles are bi. All same sex rapists are gay. This is what you promote. You must enjoy it for the amusement. Feminism is already at the forefront of the “pedophile” movement.
Stop pretending this isn’t what you openly promote.
Polliwog – Sometimes I say things like “I love you, Dad, you’ve always been so good to me,” and then the “SO I WANT TO DISEMBOWEL YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE” just slips on right out.
I have a feeling that the “white feather” thing is the only thing NWO knows about WWI, because they talk about that on MRA websites, but if you were going to ask him who “Franz Ferdinand” was or what the “Spanish Influenza” had to do with anything I suspect you’re going to run straight into “HATRED AND LIES SHUT UP HATRED AND LIES” before he even bothers to google.