antifeminism evil women grandiosity hypocrisy manginas misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit sluts we hunted the mammoth whores

Alcuin and out. Or, the KKK with tits.

Insidious gynonazi propaganda

Let’s celebrate this lovely February day with some random stupidity from Alcuin, a brave anti-misandrist intellectual titan who is single handedly bringing about what he calls “the Intellectual Renaissance of the Western Tradition.” Mostly by blathering on and on about how much ladies suck.

Some highlights from recent posts.

We hunted the mammoth, then wrote Troilus and Cressida, while you bitches were eating bon bons and watching The Talk

The history of achievement is, in fact, the history of male achievement to such an extent that, were women absent from human history, we might still be where we are today, but were men absent from history, da wimmin would be in the caves, screeching ‘n hollering at each other. …

Dante wrote the Divine Comedy. Feminists crafted VAWA, the beginning of the end of western freedom.

Shakespeare changed the English language. Sharon Osbourne laughs about the female mutilation of men.

Socrates established a way of thinking and reflection on the virtues that still inspires us. Women falsely accuse men of rape on a weekly or even daily basis.

The KKK – now, with tits!

Feminism is the KKK with tits. The only difference is that western women don’t have any shame, so don’t cover up with white bedsheets. They are openly supremacist. That is why their starting point parallels the KKK, but they tend towards Nazism as well. The Hitlerists were no more ashamed of their supremacism than western women are of theirs. Both bigoted groups, in fact, are quite proud of their prejudicial thinking.

Racial supremacists running around with bedsheets are cockroachy – they run to the darkness whenever light is shed on them. Feminists, like Nazis, prefer the limelight. Will we soon see Nazi-like rallies with tens of thousands of banshees and their manginic self-hating male bozos?

Everybody Loves Raymond, and your female supremacist mom

Men are made into buffoons by Hollywood because male buffoonery sells. Women eat it up as greedily as they inhale chocolate cake and buy useless luxury goods. “Everybody Loves Raymond” is Everyman. Why does your mother like that sitcom so much? Because she’s a female supremacist. Why does your girlfriend like that show? Because she’s a female supremacist.

That’s why the lady is a tramp

Life is too easy. It’s too easy for a woman to become a tramp, and experiment sexually and socially, so she does. What are the consequences? Our society has so much surplus that we’ve eliminated the consequences of bad or irresponsible behavior, at least for women. We are wealthy enough to reject the concept of shame. Thus, we have shameless hussies.

Perhaps because men are still the most creative movers and shakers of our society, men as a whole class have been pushed into being the responsible ones, the moral adults. Women are let off the hook, able to remain perpetual moral children, responsible for none of their behavior, such as drunken sex. Non-issues such as faulty breast implants or police warnings about slutware enrage these people because they face no real injustices or hardships.


Also, here are The Undertones, with “Life’s Too Easy.”


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13 years ago

Meller: Love the way you, “condemn” the violence of someone being murdered:

Take post cited above. Could woman who talks like that (over the ‘net) have such an unpleasant, unfeminine, and just plain horrid personality that she could say something that MAY provoke an unpleasant response from a nearby man who may already be troubled about something else. Look at all of the cases you read about where a murder or vicious assault or rape was committed by a man whose entire life was coming apart, and the very person—his wife–whom he was relying upon to keep what was left of his sanity was turning on him…

How do you know the last? You don’t. You made it up so you could say the man couldn’t have been a vile excuse for a human being, but rather a poor blighter who was turned on by a woman and “lost his composure.”

That’s saying she “asked for it” and he wasn’t really to blame.

It’s excusing murder, because she was a woman.

After reading these posts, I am starting to wish that Earth was a little like Gor, and had slavery for rebellious, disobedient, and over-educated women, and could turn embittered feminists into the kind of sweet little lady lovelies (live ones) that nature intended them to be.A man could handle youall the way you should be handled then. I couldn’t, because I do prefer being gentle, but there are others who know what I am talking about!

Do I advocate slavery for women? Probably not! Am I starting to see why some, maybe even most, men might? Things change.

Starting? Doesn’t look anything like new to me. I think what bothers you is how few men do want such a thing. I think it bothers you that you aren’t the sort who can actually do what you want to do, and hit women.

I’m beginning to understand why some men thought men who weren’t in keeping with the mores of the day ought to be horsewhipped in public.

13 years ago

“They don’t want a world where ppl can pick themselves up, they want one where ppl (that they don’t like) get stomped on.”



13 years ago

Maybe this is simple enough for you to understand, though I wonder what will come back to me – The idea that prudence should be encouraged with “honest” money, be that gold (Which Austrians have too much of a fetish for, and you have a leprechaun -like obsession with), or any other non-monopoly commodity or scrip or data byte treated as a medium of exchange and/or store of value (And Austrians really need to mention that more, the theory has a lot to say about it, and it should start talking) means that chicanery and carelessness with investor’s or savers contributions is to be discouraged. Rightly so. (There’s more here about how overhead vs. labor costs are determined in current accounting and how there’s plenty of chicanery there too, but let’s not overload you, poor dear man)

But this idea of prudence absolutely does NOT mean that people should be overly cautious in investing to the point of not stimulating new ideas and ventures and even schemes. The ability to recoup your losses should not be out of reach. The ability to recoup your losses should not even be difficult. The lack of ability to go out on a limb leads to horrific stagnation. This shouldn’t be news to you, yet you cling desperately to the idea everybody will be far too penny-pinching to hire the ladies, who will not be able to finance their freedom without those penny – pinchers. BUT WE’RE WELCOME TO TRY!! (As long as you’re sure we’ll fail.)

Yes, yes, I know, you’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you hire women, you fail. Are you so willing to bet on that? XD

13 years ago

Meller’s assertion that he won’t say a word when people say or do things he doesn’t approve of may well be the funniest thing he’s said so far. No, indeed, he won’t say a word – instead he will type approximately 5000 vapors-filled words.

(Yes, Meller, what you experience when you’re in a tetch and ranting about feminism is most definitely the vapors.)

” I would rather be kind, gentle, and loving to a woman than beat,rape, or kill her, and so would most men, for obvious reasons!”

Well, I mean, I’d rather be kind, but if you evil harridans force me not to be…

Even when he’s trying to prove that he isn’t abusive he still sounds abusive. He’s the Dunning-Kruger man of sex-specific violence.

“I couldn’t, because I do prefer being gentle, but there are others who know what I am talking about!

Do I advocate slavery for women? Probably not! Am I starting to see why some, maybe even most, men might? Things change.”

You made me do it! Part 2. And on and on.

13 years ago

Meller: Any business which decides on arbitrary reasons, not supported by objective facts, to refuse to consider a vast pool of potential talent and labor for irrelevant, and irrational, reasons, is not using its labor resources and other factors in the most value productive way!

This means that it is less likely to earn the required rate of return (profit) than other businesses, whether the employees are men or not. If it does not earn a profit for itself, and its backers, it will go out of business, whether it is being funded by a “money monopoly” or not.

Which is why your idea of how to be libertarian is as funny as your protestations of hating violence and loving women.

13 years ago

It is possible that you didn’t “deserve” abuse, Zhinxi, but it still is possible to see why it took place.

Meller, do you think there’s some sort of monetary award for being the most despicable human being on the planet? There actually isn’t. All you win is the disgust of your fellow people.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

If you were anything to your ex-husband as you have been to me on this blog, and your ex responded badly to humiliation, especially in public, and you KNEW about it, maybe you didn’t DESERVE the abuse (or the loss of guardianship over your daughter) but it is a fact that a family court or similar authority should not ignore either.

His abuse becomes understandable, if not excusable, especially if there was an impressionable child nearby, and your suitability, as well as his, becomes an issue for the court, or similar conflict resolution/arbitration authority.

I don’t think that people have the right to strike one another, least of all, people who should be each other’s nearest and dearest, but if you were unable and unwilling to live up to this, provoking him in the same way you–and other feminists concerned with the issue–do here on manboobz, the responsibility is not altogether his either!

As for guardianship of the child, a child should be taught to respect her parents, and your goading him into violent response doesn’t fulfill your resposibilities to her.

Normally I have the utmost reluctance to interfere with, of to pass judgement on peoples’ private home, family, or sex lives, but you, Zhinxi, (along with the rest of your sisterhood from hell) have insisted that I do so in this case, so this sums up my general conclusion. Maybe you don’t DESERVE to be beaten, or to lose your child, but it sounds to me, on the basis of information that you provided, that you bear considerable responsibility for what happened! This impression is strongly reinforced, as indicated above, by your behavior in your posts toward me in front of other posters.

We’ve only insisted you say what you believe to be true. We suspected you were a victim blaming asshat, and it turns out you are xD

Srsly, though, so you believe some ppl DESERVE to be abused and beaten? o_O You do understand what the word ABUSE means right? It doesn’t mean “UFC fight”.. it means somebody is ABUSING somebody else… so are you accusing her of abusing her ex and therefore he’s just defending himself?

So you believe she’s abusing you now too? -_o You said that if she treated him like she’s treating you, she deserves to be beaten, which means you think she shoudl be beaten for arguing with you on this forum too. That says a lot more about you than her Mellertron… you actually want to hurt her just for pwning you in an online debate? e_e

“But your honour! SHE WAS MEAN TO ME ONLINE!”

Since according to you, these are factors. Just like apparently you think “did you leave jewellry on your dash” to be a factor in a criminal trial (I’m curious… how? Do you think thieves who steal stuff that isn’t hidden should be given lesser sentences? o_O )

How about your behaviour? What does your behaviour deserve? What does victim blaming Zhinxy and saying she deserved to be beaten deserve? >_>

13 years ago

Meller, how exactly do you account for all the sweet, kind-hearted people that get abused and otherwise victimized every single day? Are they just not self-effacing enough? Is anyone? Because I don’t think there’s any abuser you don’t make that same tired excuse for. And yes, what you’re doing is not “explaining”, it’s excusing.

I’m sure we’re all a bit sick of informing that you are not the arbiter of what words mean.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think Mellertron went low b/c he’s finally had enough of Zhinxy. His last post before the ban already proved he was losing it and couldn’t stand that Zhinxy had proven pretty thoroughly that he has no clue what he talks about re: Libertarianism (or anything else really). Being upset at having his butt kicked, he did what trolls do, he tries to hurt the person who made him look stupid -_- Like NWO goes to the transphobia whenever I’ve backed him into a corner. xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Dracula any woman who gets abused deserved it, or they wouldn’t be abused… >_>

So there aren’t any kind hearted or sweet abuse survivors… to Meller they must be hiding evilness if they got abused by a man (but it’s only if it’s man on women, Meller seems to feel everybody here is abusing him and yet it’s not his fault)

13 years ago

“So you believe she’s abusing you now too? -_o You said that if she treated him like she’s treating you, she deserves to be beaten, which means you think she shoudl be beaten for arguing with you on this forum too

hich means you think she shoudl be beaten for arguing with you on this forum too. ”

Seriously, Meller seems to think that even though HE NEVER WOULD, HE IS A GENTLE SOUL, he should have the right to belt me because we’ve traded some words on the internets and I was not nearly as deferent as I should have been.

Yes indeed. Political disagreements with an internet troll, and not being super nicey nice, are just like provoking domestic abuse. Or leaving my car unlocked…

You know, the leaving the car unlocked thing is bad enough when it applies to rape logic, but you can kind of see where it’s coming from. When it comes to DV logic, I don’t even!

But it is nice to see him come out and say it, when before he tried the WELL, I’M NOT SAYING YOUR ABUSE WAS UNDERSTANDABLE BUT IT CAN HAPPEN!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What I don’t get about the car unlocked is that it doesn’t factor into court proceedings. If somebody didn’t put security cameras on their home, or lock their door (or with multiple locks) or owned a guard dog, or etc… it doesn’t change anything… you can’t use the “BUT HE DIDN’T LOCK HIS HOUSE STRONGLY ENOUGH YOUR OWNER” defense.. nor do you get 2 years instead of 4 if the house only had 2 locks on it…

so I really don’t get the analogy for either rape or DV -_o

At least Mellertron is the first person victim blaming MRA to admit that he thinks victim-blaming should be a factor in sentencing/court proceedings… normally they go “I AM NOT SAYING THE RAPIST IS LESS RESPONSIBLE” and when I ask them so that means they agree that none of those factors should be relevant to court proceedings or sentencing and stuff then right? Since it changes nothing about the criminal’s responsibility right?

But then they always run and evade. But Mellertron actually outright says it. >_>

If I manage to break into Mellertron’s house because he didn’t close up the windows or used a weak lock or didn’t put bars on his windows, I guess he must be okay if I steal all his stuff and smash him over the head with a chair right? Because, after all, it’s his fault for not preventing me from assaulting him enough xD Also he’s provoked me by victim-blaming Zhinxy. >_>

Mellertron justice!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago


13 years ago

“d, but it sounds to me, on the basis of information that you provided, that you bear considerable responsibility for what happened! ”

And by information I provided, you mean I made you look bad on the internet, where you were being a pompous jerk? We are, thank god, not in ANY kind of relationship, but I suppose the fact of your manhood meant I must be deferent and fluffy? 😉

13 years ago

I should clarify: I don’t think there’s any male abuser Meller wouldn’t make excuses for. Clearly even the slightest affront to his (and by extension any man’s) fragile ego qualifies as “abuse” to him so long as it’s from a woman.

13 years ago

Also, do you want some nice books and articles on polycentric or other anarchist legal theory? I tried to give you Roderick Long’s Beyond Patriarchy, a Libertarian Model of the Family, which I think has some very good thoughts about DV law in a libertarian world, but I know, oil and water and it might make you turn into a pumpkin or something. But it’s not the only good stuff out there. Really, I swear, it’s like you read Murray’s Defense Services on The Free Market, put together a half-baked idea of Conflict Resolution and Arbitration and never, ever gave it another second of real thought.

Again, not cutting edge, I know, but it’s really sad.

13 years ago

Meller, the reason you cannot have a relationship with someone flesh and blood is because you are abusive and your creep factor is off the scale. Even the super submissive Quiverfull women would run screaming at you.

13 years ago

Like I said, I’m not angry at you, Meller, even now that you’ve come out and said what you’ve dodged before regarding the abuse in my past. You weren’t exactly fooling me there.

I think you’re a sad, pathetic, bizarre man. I’m amused and horrified and confused by turns at your worldview, and I think you’re a very special crackpot. I also think that your actual understanding of libertarianism is sub-middle-school, at BEST.

And yes, I know plenty of more conservative libertarians. I know plenty of non-feminist libertarians. I know plenty of libertarians I fight with. I know plenty of libertarians I don’t agree with on much but DON’T fight with. You are the bottom of the barrel, and that’s not even about position. It’s about basic coherency.

We won’t even TALK about decency.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

So it appears some of your libertarian heroes are online Mellertron. These are ppl who should in theory (according to you) share a worldview and logic and etc etc with you right? If I shared your thoughts on Zhinxy’s abuse with them, I wonder how they’d react. They should agree with you and see the wisdom of your victim-blaming, correct Mellertron? 😀

13 years ago

Meller: Again, you weasel, and dodge.

You know what your real problem it? You are a coward. You want to say that women deserve to be slaves. You want to say that women deserve to be abused.

You might even want to be the one who hits them.

But you are afraid. You know that decent people, people who make up the class you think are, “proper” and should be in charge look down on the sort of people who do that, even those who advocate it.

And you are terrified, not that we will think less of you (this is almost certainly not true) but that the people you want to include you; the cool kids of the coming revolution, will keep you out of the club. That they will decide you are the sort of miserable worm whom they don’t trust near their daughters.

The problem is… they can read to, and the idiocies you have said about Gor, and the sexbots, those are enough. The weaseling about beating women… they see that too. You have neither the courage of your convictions; to claim your wish to beat women and speak it aloud. So you are beneath them, and they won’t have you.

And reasonable human beings, they can see you for what you are too.

A pusillanimous git. A mealy-mouthed bully and intellectual pimple. A small pain, which can be purged with the small discomfort of a moderate bit of pressure.

13 years ago

Okay, so I just read the entire epic of Evan. At first I laughed myself into a hernia. And then shit got real. I don’t think I’ve seen quite this flavor or level of disturbing genius since the Chicken Lady.

And…then DKM seemed to be playing along.

Like, a little too well.

I’m not sure what I’m more awed/horrified by: the idea that Irene et al also= DKM himself and is therefore not just a scarily brilliant troll but an UBERTROLL;

or that DKM really is as batty as he comes off but slid effortlessly into the troll fantasy world because he was only a hairline away to begin with.

My irony meter is all shot to shit, yo.

13 years ago

Every time I think Meller has hit the bottom of his particular outhouse, I realize that he’s barely scraped the surface of the pile of shit he miscalls his brain. if he weren’t so obviously horrible, I’d laugh.

13 years ago

Meller is pretty much a one man guide to Misogyny – The Ye Olde Edition.

Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis
13 years ago

@belledame222 he’s a homicidal asshole and I’m really really scared what he’s capable doing to Evan if he feels he has nothing to lose. “Shit” didn’t just get real. It’s been real since he found out about how Evan’s felt about him and what he’s said. Seriously, has anybody heard anything from him? At all?