antifeminism evil women grandiosity hypocrisy manginas misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit sluts we hunted the mammoth whores

Alcuin and out. Or, the KKK with tits.

Insidious gynonazi propaganda

Let’s celebrate this lovely February day with some random stupidity from Alcuin, a brave anti-misandrist intellectual titan who is single handedly bringing about what he calls “the Intellectual Renaissance of the Western Tradition.” Mostly by blathering on and on about how much ladies suck.

Some highlights from recent posts.

We hunted the mammoth, then wrote Troilus and Cressida, while you bitches were eating bon bons and watching The Talk

The history of achievement is, in fact, the history of male achievement to such an extent that, were women absent from human history, we might still be where we are today, but were men absent from history, da wimmin would be in the caves, screeching ‘n hollering at each other. …

Dante wrote the Divine Comedy. Feminists crafted VAWA, the beginning of the end of western freedom.

Shakespeare changed the English language. Sharon Osbourne laughs about the female mutilation of men.

Socrates established a way of thinking and reflection on the virtues that still inspires us. Women falsely accuse men of rape on a weekly or even daily basis.

The KKK – now, with tits!

Feminism is the KKK with tits. The only difference is that western women don’t have any shame, so don’t cover up with white bedsheets. They are openly supremacist. That is why their starting point parallels the KKK, but they tend towards Nazism as well. The Hitlerists were no more ashamed of their supremacism than western women are of theirs. Both bigoted groups, in fact, are quite proud of their prejudicial thinking.

Racial supremacists running around with bedsheets are cockroachy – they run to the darkness whenever light is shed on them. Feminists, like Nazis, prefer the limelight. Will we soon see Nazi-like rallies with tens of thousands of banshees and their manginic self-hating male bozos?

Everybody Loves Raymond, and your female supremacist mom

Men are made into buffoons by Hollywood because male buffoonery sells. Women eat it up as greedily as they inhale chocolate cake and buy useless luxury goods. “Everybody Loves Raymond” is Everyman. Why does your mother like that sitcom so much? Because she’s a female supremacist. Why does your girlfriend like that show? Because she’s a female supremacist.

That’s why the lady is a tramp

Life is too easy. It’s too easy for a woman to become a tramp, and experiment sexually and socially, so she does. What are the consequences? Our society has so much surplus that we’ve eliminated the consequences of bad or irresponsible behavior, at least for women. We are wealthy enough to reject the concept of shame. Thus, we have shameless hussies.

Perhaps because men are still the most creative movers and shakers of our society, men as a whole class have been pushed into being the responsible ones, the moral adults. Women are let off the hook, able to remain perpetual moral children, responsible for none of their behavior, such as drunken sex. Non-issues such as faulty breast implants or police warnings about slutware enrage these people because they face no real injustices or hardships.


Also, here are The Undertones, with “Life’s Too Easy.”


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David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

It is possible that you didn’t “deserve” abuse, Zhinxi, but it still is possible to see why it took place. A person who forgets to lock her car door, ((and also who leaves expensive jewelry on the dashboard where it can be easily seen), in a neighborhood that is notorious for burglary and auto theft, and then has her car–and jewelry–stolen, didn’t “deserve” to have her property stolen, but her carelessness factors into account when the time to renew her auto (and perhaps home) insurance policies comes due.

The thief is still guilty, and ought to be punished to the full extent of the law, but the victim’s carelessness also factors in all of this, especially if it occurs more than once!

If you were anything to your ex-husband as you have been to me on this blog, and your ex responded badly to humiliation, especially in public, and you KNEW about it, maybe you didn’t DESERVE the abuse (or the loss of guardianship over your daughter) but it is a fact that a family court or similar authority should not ignore either.

His abuse becomes understandable, if not excusable, especially if there was an impressionable child nearby, and your suitability, as well as his, becomes an issue for the court, or similar conflict resolution/arbitration authority.

I don’t think that people have the right to strike one another, least of all, people who should be each other’s nearest and dearest, but if you were unable and unwilling to live up to this, provoking him in the same way you–and other feminists concerned with the issue–do here on manboobz, the responsibility is not altogether his either!

As for guardianship of the child, a child should be taught to respect her parents, and your goading him into violent response doesn’t fulfill your resposibilities to her.

Normally I have the utmost reluctance to interfere with, of to pass judgement on peoples’ private home, family, or sex lives, but you, Zhinxi, (along with the rest of your sisterhood from hell) have insisted that I do so in this case, so this sums up my general conclusion. Maybe you don’t DESERVE to be beaten, or to lose your child, but it sounds to me, on the basis of information that you provided, that you bear considerable responsibility for what happened! This impression is strongly reinforced, as indicated above, by your behavior in your posts toward me in front of other posters.

I hope that this has provided at least a provisional answer to your question(s).

12 years ago

will someone please explain the “free Evan” meme? kthx

12 years ago

@David: Thank you so much for the offer–I’d prefer to have it up for proof (I knew when I poked him about it, he would come out with something like that) for the next time he starts trying to present himself as “reasonable and gentle”!

12 years ago

me and Ami are working on trying to collect the relevant meme -explaining materials, fear not!

12 years ago

belledame, someone has been pretending to be Meller’s dolls and one of the dolls is trans and wants to get away.

12 years ago

Both Meller and the dolls creep me out.

12 years ago

Short version – Posts under the name of Evan are made by someone claiming to be one of Meller’s dolls, a trans man-doll trying to escape his clutches. (And Irene, a lady lovely doll happy with Meller’s ownership) Meller’s responses to this whole scenario have been… Well, let’s just say not the responses of somebody who firmly doesn’t believe dolls have any personalities or feelings or life.

12 years ago

Meller, did you notice that absolutely no one was surprised by your threats of violence? You are neither subtle nor clever.

Also you frequently have the vapors, in text, on this site.

12 years ago

There is so much here that Meller’s gonna try to pretend he never said later.

12 years ago

Bostonian: Thank you!! hahaha!! that was actually much better than I expected. Excellent.

12 years ago

p.s. off topic, but: Hey, David (Futrelle). Possible topic? Because PUA and also CPAC has been special with special sauce all around.

12 years ago

Hum, DKM’s probably gone by now, but whatever.


“Keep eyes and ears open, K. Long before the year is out, and maybe even before the month is, you’ll have your five, and maybe even more!”

So, out of all these stories that you hear about all the time, you can’t name 5 for me? I’m not interested in having five stories whatsoever. I’m interested in you providing evidence for your assertions, namely that DV can be explained away through victim-blaming (she made him do it!).

*sigh* Is it too much to ask for a troll who actually cares about convincing or finding the truth, and isn’t content to just sit in hir chair and radiate smug across the internet?

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

@Belledame222 and anybody else wondering about who Evan is…

I’ve collected the saga of Evan here 😀

12 years ago

HAHAHA, Meller finally admitted he’s Gorean! One internet to Pecunium.

Mellertoad, for what you keep saying about Ithiliana’s student–who was a real, flesh and blood person who was cared about–FUCK YOU.

You laugh at cancer patients and belittle abuse victims. What’s bottom for you? You’re foul.

You are vile, and I wish you a long lonely life filled with nothing but your dolls.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Don’t wish that on his dolls! 🙁

12 years ago

OK, Ami, I wish him a long lonely life with no human contact except the pizza delivery guy, who is totally spooked by him.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Zhinxi–February 12, 2012 @3:58pm:

Any investment has to at least cover its costs, whether it is undertaken in a legal-tender monopoly or not. Any business has to minimize risks and costs to itself, consistant with their doing business, whether the investors or underwriters are “stuffy white guys” or not. Any employee must earn at least his, or her, value to the employer, whether the money used is gold, silver, moonbeams, camel dung, or most ridiculous of all, paper notes!

A business that hires women to execute mens’ jobs, and mens’ responsibilities, is not using its labor resources, and probably other factors in the most value productive way! This means that it is less likely to earn the required rate of return (profit) than other businesses, whether the employees are women or not. If it does not earn a profit for itself, and its backers, it will go out of business, whether it is being funded by a “money monopoly” or not.

There is no money monopoly but that means that owners of investment capital must be extra careful as to where they put their funds, whether they are “stuffy white guys” or not. As I said, NO BAILOUTS HERE!! Employing women for mens’ jobs doesn’t optimize any employer’s chances of profitability, just as using a ruler for a calculator, or a telegraph for a telephone wouldn’t do them well either! Resources must be employed with an eye toward optimal productivitiy, not because of a money monopoly, but because profitability of both the businesses, and their sponsors, is at the heart of economic activity. It is the only way, in a free society, that one knows that consumer wishes and demand is being satisfied, and no possible alternative system of capital allocation can change this!

Libertarian feminism is, as far as one can see, if not an oxymoron, than a vision with a LOT of inconsistancies. I, fortunately, lived in a time when there was, and is, a tremendous growth in liberty, private property, and justice, hence my interest in libertarianism. I also live in an era where, unfortunately, women are encouraged to see themselves as ersatz substitute men, and see men as rivals, competitors, or even as adversaries. This is feminism, and I consider this one of the banes of my life!

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Shouldn’t a survivalist like Meller not need Pizza? I assume he has to have his own garden or something…

12 years ago

Doesn’t he live in NYC? Hard to garden there.

12 years ago

Ami – thanks for putting together the Epic of Evan…I’m only up to the early Irene stuff and it’s freaking hilarious! I’ve missed y’all – stupid busy *holiday* season!

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

I have no idea where he lives…. he talks like he lives in Victorian London xD

12 years ago

@Hellkell: you know, your comment made me realize something.

No matter how warped it is, I get a sense of how NWO and MRAL and even Brandon spend their days.

But DKM–it’s like he exists in this bubble (originally typed buggle ahahah) of NO SPACE and NO TIME–it’s impossible to know what he does, outside of well his doll and plushy collection.

12 years ago

I think he might have mentioned he lived in a retirement community in Mexico once, but that doesn’t jive completely with all his statements? I think he certainly lived in NYC at one point, if not now, he’s hinted such.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

More than likely, our Dark Lord knows where Meller’s posting from…

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Yay Lyn is back! 😀 *hugs Lyn*