creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rapey reddit threats

TheAmazingAtheist's Misogynist Meltdown

At the risk of splitting the “misogynist dickbaggery in the atheist movement” discussion in two, I really need to mention the amazingly well-timed Reddit meltdown of TheAmazingAtheist. It’s already been covered pretty well by PZ Myers and by Jen McCreight of BlagHag but, what the heck, I’ll throw in my two cents as well.

TheAmazingAtheist, for those who don’t follow these things, is (or was?) a popular atheist podcaster well-known, and beloved by some, for being something of a misogynist dickbag. He’s been on a anti-feminist kick for the last couple of months, winning himself many plaudits on  Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit, though even the MR regulars couldn’t help but notice that he’s a bit of an ass.

Well, now he’s pretty much revealed, with a series of horrendous comments on Reddit, what a complete and utter asshole he is. Let me put a second TRIGGER WARNING here (for violent talk about rape), on top of the default TRIGGER WARNING I put on all my blog posts.

The context : a discussion (which he started) about the propriety of one feminist Redditor calling themself  ICumWhenIKillMen. I’m not going to defend that nickname, which obviously makes light of violence in an obnoxious way. But AmazingAthiest was apparently so troubled by this sort of language that he felt compelled to spew forth a succession of violent rape threats.

Let me draw your attention to some of the highlights. (Click here to see his whole comment history on Reddit, where he comments as terroja).

Things started going south about 19 hours ago, when he told one detractor:

I’m going to rape you with my fist.

He followed this with:

I will make you a rape victim if you don’t fuck off.

It got worse:

I’m tired of being treated like shit by you mean little cunts and then you using your rape as an excuse. Fuck you. I think we should give the guy who raped you a medal. I hope you fucking drown in rape semen, you ugly, mean-spirited cow. Actually, I don’t believe you were ever raped! What man would be tasteless enough to stick his dick into a human cesspool like you? Nice gif of a turd going into my mouth. Is that kind of like the way that rapists dick went in your pussy? Or did he use your asshole? Or was it both? Maybe you should think about it really hard for the next few hours. Relive it as much as possible. You know? Try to recall: was it my pussy or my ass?

He continued in this fashion for some time, mocking those who pointed out that rape threats can be triggering, and regularly referring to his opponents as “cunts.” (Each of the following paragraphs is from a separate comment of his; click the quotes to see the full comments in question in their original context.)

BTW, you have to admit, when I told you that I hope you drown in rape semen, you got a little wet, didn’t you? It’s okay. We’re friends now. You can share.

Fuck you, liar. All night you douches have tried to shit on me and tear me down. Then when I do the same it’s like, “Whoa man! That’s too far. Calm down.” No. Fuck you. Go get raped in whatever orifice you have to get fucking raped in. I am sick of your shit. I regret nothing.

I’m pretty sure I could rape you without getting killed if it was really on my agenda. I mean, you didn’t kill the first guy, right?

Yes, you read that right: he was saying this shit to a rape victim.

Eventually, theAmazingAtheist found himself stopped short by this scathing critique, from the Redditor called veerserif.

I now know that, apart from being misguided, intentionally ignorant, and quick to resort to pathetic excuses, you are also a purposefully hurtful person with no sense of empathy, and no sense of remorse. You’re not just unintentionally uninformed, you actively turn what you know against people who should be deserving of your sympathy.

I was mistaken before. I thought, maybe, just maybe, after the circlejerking and the giggling, I could try showing you the stuff you said I didn’t highlight. I could show you what feminism has done for men, or maybe tell you about the existence of sex-positive feminism.

But this… this is a whole new level.

Your reputation, in my eyes, has fallen so far that dragging it back up to “mild disgust” would require nothing short of a miracle. You pretend to care about other people, but you really don’t. You like to think that you’re a decent human being, but you fall so far short of that you’re practically on separate planes of existence.

Deliberately triggering a rape victim? Equating being called out on your bullshit to the trauma of rape?

You know what you deserve? You don’t deserve death. You don’t deserve rape. You don’t even deserve some cosmically mandated, hilarious schadenfreude which would not only be brilliant, but just.

What you deserve is for everyone to know this side of you. You deserve for anyone who thought you were a good person to know what you’ve just done. You deserve your fans’ adoration turning to hatred, you deserve the judging stares and looks that people will give you. You deserve to be reminded, every day, of what you do and what you’ve done. You deserve to remember every day that there are people who suffer more than you, that there are people who are stronger and smarter, braver, more principled and better than you, in every way, until the day you realise exactly how wrong your actions have been.

I don’t want to see bodily harm visited on you, because I don’t want to see bodily harm visited on anyone. What I do want is for you – and, for that matter, every shitposter I’ve ever seen – to learn that anonymity is not an excuse.

At this point, theAmazingAtheist backed off, offered a whiny, petulant non-apology apology for, as he put it, “SOME of the statements I made,” and wondered aloud why people were still so mad at him.

He went on to make, yep, a little video about his experience, and to offer a weird and unconvincing “rebuttal” to PZ Myers’ comments on his meltdown. See PZ Myers’ post for links to the video, as well as the rebuttal itself (which is effectively re-rebutted by Myers). See here and here for a transcript of the video.

Naturally, there’s a discussion of the meltdown on ShitRedditSays as well.

One heartening sign in all this: the massive numbers of downvotes theAmazingAtheist got for his worst comments. I hope that a significant number of them were from actual Men’s Rights Redditors,  and not only from people who came into the discussion from elsewhere on Reddit, but of course there is no way of knowing.

Will atheists and MRAs drop theAmazingAtheist like a hot rape-threatening potato? Or will they start rallying around him as some sort of heroic truth teller and rape threatener? Somehow I suspect there will be a bit of both.

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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

But Futrelle, you said that it was encouraged to hate white males! Which those boys were!!

Why is this so hard to understand!?

13 years ago

Oh, and before you complain, MRAL, I meant “ugly piece of shit” in the sense of “he’s a horrible human being”, though I can’t say he’s exactly my type lookswise either. Entitled of me, I know.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“Defying belief” is right. I can’t fucking believe that shit.

13 years ago

TAA: “I said I was sorry! Why is everyone being so meeeaaann to me?”

Apologies… They are fucking magic.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Feminists often say that to be misogynist is to hate ALL women. Holly said to me once, “we take that shit personal.” Well, it applies to white men too. Sorry.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Think on it.

13 years ago

Right, Quackers, so it’s basically impossible for women to be as offensive as men, even if the intent is the same (and it usually is).

Yeah, not what I said at all. Go away MRAL. No one here wants to listen to your crap. Why can’t you just respect that?


Thank you 🙂

13 years ago

MRAL: Can my shit get through moderation now?

No, please, no.
You really truly need to get off the interwebs and get counseling.
Your world view is so far out of touch with reality that it is going to continue to harm you and everyone you come in contact with until you get the help you so desperately need.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

What, because I don’t believe in male privilege? Sorry, I don’t think I’m exactly alone there. I’m not even really that extreme. I’ll admit that Reddit is kind of dumb, and full of dumb misogyny. Although I think that this behavior is primarily a result of resentment of feminism and marginalization in mainstream society.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

MRAL, there are a lot of safe spaces for white men on the Internet. Please go there. You’ll be so much more comfortable.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Holly, but then you just MAKE FUN OF THOSE SPACES. Why are you guys allowed to have your “safe spaces” and have them be legitimate?

13 years ago


I hear Stormfront is very friendly to white men in general. You could join DKM there and commiserate.

13 years ago

so I herd u leik trolling mral

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I am not interested in Stormfront.

13 years ago

Everyone is being dumb and petty about this, he says. I guess he’s not standing by the half-baked apology.

Does he need another pwnage smackdown? I think yes.

mrsatanman616: Why is it that pointing out the irrationality and hypocrisy of some rape victims seems like its an unforgivable social taboo? You’ve admitted to what you said in full was wrong and stupid and apologized for it, so why are they pestering you still?

TAA: …they’re dumb and petty?

When “pointing out the irrationality and hypocrisy of some rape victims” amounts to saying “I hope you die in a puddle of the rapist’s semen” then it’s pretty reprehensible. Stop pretending we live in some gynocentric world where rape victims are given by magical immunity, mrsatanasshole, when most rape victims are actually disbelieved and ridiculed.

As I said before, TAA is only sorry for himself. And his “apology” is full of his usual spins on feminism as usual. Why am I not surprised.

13 years ago

Mr Futurelle, I just want to thank you – heck my flatmate wants to thank you as well; I was driving her mad with my reading mra material and trying to follow the logic and understand- what really can’t be understood.
I was brought up by an abusive and now activily MRA father who my mother has finally after 25 years of an abusive marriage – left, I struggle to sometimes be able to keep logical thought and not buy into this whole female hating idiology that was presented as what was true while I was growing up. Heck, you try being told that you’re nothing more than a hole that men want to fuck; but that doesn’t mean that you’re anything worthwhile! after all – “you don’t have to look at the mantle piece while you stoke the fire”! (word for word – its everything a 13 year old wants to hear)
(this is where my friend/flatmate thanks you profusely) I was reading avoiceformen – which my father is currently enamoured with; and in doing so struggling to hold onto my own selfworth and the fact that – that mindset isn’t right, and that caring for mens rights – human rights; was different to this message that as a female I was evil and wrong and destroying men by trying to stand up for myself. Thank you for giving me back some perspecitve, Thank you for showing me that this logic – or what i’ve been presented as logic, isn’t actually that correct. thank you – and those who post here, for showing me that not everyone thinks like this and that me struggling to make sense of these things isn’t entirely me being stupid.
I can’t tell you how much it helps to read your analysis of these theories and pieces and discover that that piece of me that feels the same isn’t somehow evil or wrong and that – there is more to life than this mindset that is soemthing i’ve struggled to argue with all my life. That despite the fact that I do the ‘typical female’ thing and burst into tears when I try to say anything – this isn’t right.
Thank you. I’ve been trying to figure out how to say this for a while and i’m a bit – well, fragile today and thought i’d say it. To everyone posting, to David; thank you. You have no idea how much this site has helped me.

13 years ago

MRAL uses his magic gravitation ray to somehow bend the spacetime of this thread such that everything revolves around him. Yet again.

MRAL, are you ever going to call your counseling center or what? With one phone call you have access to a person who is paid to be your captive ear for an hour. Go talk to them, not us. The only thing you can possibly get from us at this point is more misery. Go. Seriously.

Meanwhile, TAA merrily continues to dig his own hole:

The heat of my moments can last quite a while. Uncontrollable, seething anger runs on my father’s side of the family. I can be psychotically enraged for hours at a time. So, heat of the moment is a valid explanation in my case.

M Dubz
M Dubz
13 years ago

@kladle- In other words, HULK SMASH. Except his superpower is making marginalized people feel like shit.

13 years ago

Also, apology fail:

Q: What I think you don’t get about the rape comments is that though you have kinda apologized, telling people you feel sorry about something doesn’t instantly make you an okay person.

A: It does in my opinion. What more can I do? I’ve asked this several times and the only answers I get are “kill yourself.”

13 years ago

The heat of my moments can last quite a while. Uncontrollable, seething anger runs on my father’s side of the family. I can be psychotically enraged for hours at a time. So, heat of the moment is a valid explanation in my case.

Excuses, excuses.

13 years ago

I’m a little late to the party, but I love Quacker’s post. TAA’s comments were some of the most vile garbage I have ever heard from someone who is not a troll. Even worse, he continues to spew non-pologies instead of showing humility and shame.

13 years ago

MRAL uses his magic gravitation ray to somehow bend the spacetime of this thread such that everything revolves around him. Yet again.

Because he gets the attention he wants. As long as he gets that attention he won’t go away. DNF.

And really, seething anger “runs in the family”? Well, son, if you have a really dangerous genetic problem, you’re supposed to get treatment. Being psychotically enraged for any amount of time is a clear sign something is very wrong with you, and you need help, immediately. If you choose not to seek help and instead blame it on your genes, that’s no different than the guy who gets violent when he’s drinking helping himself to a beer.

13 years ago

I want to bake Quackers a billion cookies.

13 years ago

@bloodquartz: I would like to offer you your choice of a virtual hug or virtual high five.


I try to be empathetic and avoid gendered slurs because some people on this very site told me it was inconsiderate, and I understand that.

No you do not. Not once have I ever seen you stop when someone asks you unless David puts you on moderation and after a while, you go right back to it. You never change. I kept hoping it was a maturity thing because you are young but it is not. This is who you are-a whiny self-absorbed baby who will never ever treat people with anywhere close to the respect you demand they treat you. You are about as worthless as you think you are because you have refused to ever change.

So go away MRAL. Just go away.

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