creepy douchebaggery evil women hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny MRA victimhood

"Women from around the world look better than anything back in the states, cost less unless you're totally stupid, and are much more easily disposed of."

Irony alert! The level of irony in this post is so extreme it might actually harm your computer.

So a couple of days ago, MGTOWer extraordinaire MarkyMark, continuing on with his post-retirement posting binge, shared with us an email he got from a fella who had skipped the country in order to avoid paying child support for his three kids.

I’m a deadbeat dad!!! (light your torches – gasoline in 89, 91, and 95 octane is available in your choice of containers). Yep, I’ve got three kids and I’m behind on my child kidnapping payments by probably 10 grand at present and considerably more behind on alimony and her lawyer fees. I skipped the country rather than be jailed for all of the above compounding my crimes. A runaway slave is the worst kind of slave – one that absolutely refuses to serve his massa.

Yep, that’s right. He compared the legal requirement that he provide financial assistance to his own children to … slavery.

In the rest of his letter, he encouraged other “slaves” to follow in his path.

My favorite bit is the quote I used as the headline:

Women from around the world look better than anything back in the states, cost less unless you’re totally stupid, and are much more easily disposed of.

Ooh. That last bit is rather unfortunately worded – unless he really is suggesting that outside the US it is easier to get rid of the bodies of murdered girlfriends and wives.

So anyway, MarkyMark’s post got linked to on the Men’s Rights subreddit. And this little discussion ensued. You may wish to activate your irony shields now.

Take note of the upvotes and downvotes for these three comments.

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Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

*gives CB giant giant hugs*

You should go to bed and get rest for work 🙁 *hug hug*

Don’t worry about the thread, your able minions will handle them >:D

12 years ago

I prefer clinical terms, like “whackdoodle.”

12 years ago

Eh, it’s my mind, Ami. It’s scarey and noisy place, though seldom boring, and it never shuts up when I want it to.

Oh well, good night all. *Hugs Ami one last time.*

12 years ago

Interesting, BUT for all the cute Americans who enjoy doing this… don’t forget that countries who are not that harsh on the prosecuting of men who bail on their family, there are also the brothers and friends of the lady, so yes, he can keep his money but will be beaten pretty badly.
I think paying is better, since I don’t think beating is the right way of well, solving anything but on the other hand… 🙂

12 years ago

hey ya’ll is this misandrist?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

You guys realize that “Criminally Insane” also means “Can’t be held ethically responsible for their actions”, right? It’s completely at odds with what we normally say about the little asshats.

Elam’s just a titanic jackass, much like Nephrite is, really; I mean granted, if either believes the shit they spew they’re more or less unconnected from reality. Still, there’s no good evidence either suffers from a condition that makes it difficult to restrain themselves from doing horrible things, and neither seems to have a problem understanding the concept of right or wrong. They’re just gigantic frickin’ idiots. As is most, if not all, of the MRM.

12 years ago

How about ‘dangerously unbalanced’?

‘Bizarrely disconnected from reality’?

‘Disturbingly pro-violence’?

‘Not a lot of fun to talk to’?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh, Neppy left some ahistorical rantings on our door.

Angryharry makes trivially refutable claims with no citation. You can read literally any history book that talks about daily life and rights, and see that the oppression was much more stark than any claim an MRA makes to present oppression (When you actually list the contested rights side-by-side, that is; MRAs, of course, will continue to proclaim that Able Whitey McStraighterson III is the most oppressed type of person EVAR.)

If not voting isn’t oppression, you’re gonna have a hard time convincing me that being stripped of Due Process for rape cases (This doesn’t really happen, but it’s the MRA claim) is really class oppression, given how few of them go to trial and how few of them go to prison. Plus, this site already roundly mocked and denigrated that for its stupidity, you should be able to find it. It was our first exposure to Fidelbogen’s truly atrocious writing. is a satire site, which is about as good as you can do, really.

Really, if you’re going to try this shit, at LEAST have the decency to link to Warren Farrell; he’s hilariously stupid too, but it would demonstrate an actual attempt.

I’ve never heard of him. Is he widely taught in public schools?

Wahaha! Color me shocked that our opinionated little wannabe know-it-all hasn’t even *heard* of Schopenhauer.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I mean, I don’t normally get snooty about philosophy, because philosophy is huge, but the guy was well enough known to be included in Monty Python’s philosophy song, for chrissakes.

12 years ago


Batshit is good. Suitably humorous and safely non-medical.

However, there is the little matter of Elam offering $ in return for personal information on prominent feminists, allowing anyone with…violent tendencies and a grudge access to said feminists. That is well and truly over the line.q

12 years ago

@SaruHoku: that part is just evil, IMO Not criminal master mind, but just “I do nad things because I can and I like having power over peole by hurting them”

12 years ago

It’s always *hilarious* when Paul Elam is held up as some type of MRA master of logical and reason…

Paul Elam is either incredibly stupid or else a liar.

He is either so stupid that he believed a group of DRAMA STUDENTS created and released a short film hoping that it would lead to the murder of men, or else he is lying about it. It’s clear to anyone with even a smattering of common sense and judgement that this wasn’t incitement to murder but Elam needed some attention and so he claims it was a call to murder men.

You see? He’s either incredibly stupid or a liar.

His constantly frustrated, celibate, bridesmaid-never-the-bride pal JtO went even further and said that if AVfM’s publishing of the drama students’ details resulted in their murders, all it would do is demonstrate the evils of “feminist governance.”

Incredibly stupid or a liar.

Paul Elam gets sexually aroused from making “feminists” feel uncomfortable. He fantasises about “bashing violent bitches” and he uses racist terminology when sending emails to his enemies from a hotmail address with a female name attached (describing a woman as an Irish slut).

What a guy to have on your team!!

12 years ago

Ahem…um..Nephy? what was that you were saying about your MRA friends not being violent or insane? latest comments on AVfM male pill article:

One little hypothesis on the culling of males from society. If such a proposition were truly on the verge of manifesting into action, you would see males all over the planet going totally scorched earth. It was once proposed that if the Muslims did another 9/11, the US would nuke Mekka. To which the Muslim world replied, “And then every Muslim on the planet would become a suicide bomber!” If the news broke that women could reproduce without men, and run the world with robots, and planned to eliminate the Y chromosome, you would see silly shitloads of men killing women in positions of authority. Got a Ph.D.? Dead! Female cop? Dead. Gov’t official? Dead. The planet would race back to the 16th century in less than a year.

Don’t even think about culling males.

Stu in reply to Zorro
Yes I believe you are correct. I wouldn’t even wait for them to come for me… soon as I knew it was on….I’d go on the attack.

Yep, those are some sane, rational people right there! Paranoia about women culling men (um..why?) and then fantasizing about men killing women and threatening to do so themselves…interesting how Zorro specifically mention women in position of authority. Someone’s insecurity is showing.

These are clearly people who are interested in making the world a better place. These are clearly people with no issues with women at all.


12 years ago

“describing a woman as an Irish slut”

Are the Irish particularly promiscuous? First I’ve heard O.o

12 years ago

I don’t like the “criminally insane” wording either. However, “willfully stupid” works quite well because a lot of them are. I mean, how much reality can one be faced with that you have to cherry-pick just about everything to “prove” your worldview? This is why I don’t have any sympathy or pity in general for these guys – at some point, and on some level, they’ve chosen to eschew reality, to willfully disregard facts and logic. I’ve known people who’ve been abused, I’ve known people who are mentally ill, and they’ve managed not to blame and hate women for existing. You have to intentionally ignore many, many facts as well as history and create convoluted conspiracy theories to be as women-hating as MRAs.

12 years ago

the article those comments came from was funny. They interpreted silence on the feminist blogosphere about the male pill as us plotting something lol.

Hey MRAs? the male pill? WE DON’T CARE! Women have our own birth control issues to deal with, you know…that pesky problem with the conservatives trying to restrict abortion access and all that. So I hope your pill is on the market asap! the more birth control the better 😀

also apologies for the use of “insane” …I agree its ableist, I was just responding to Nephy’s previous comments.

12 years ago

You guys realize that “Criminally Insane” also means “Can’t be held ethically responsible for their actions”, right? It’s completely at odds with what we normally say about the little asshats.

Okay, I was already leaning that way, but you totally swayed me with this point. They are responsible for their speech and for the hate they spread. Also, I love when you charge onto a thread and lay a smackdown. I get tingles. I so have an internet crush on you. 🙂

12 years ago


We can both agree that Elam is no Professor Moriarty but that little episode showed a level of malice that I found more than a little frightening. On the one hand he covers his arse by saying that he doesn’t condone violence, on the other he made a serious attempt to provide the means to others who most certainly take advantage of it. Plausible deniability really isn’t that plausible in a case like that.

Fortunately, as far as I know, nobody has come forward with any information yet.

12 years ago

I can get behind using batshit.

I wanted to convey criminal and unsafe at the same time. The criminally insane are locked up without possibility of parole.

I chose criminally insane because it is not a mental illness, but a legal term that means violent and dangerous.

I notice that Nphy left without proving his case.

Other people have proven my case for me, I notice.

12 years ago

“I chose criminally insane because it is not a mental illness, but a legal term that means violent and dangerous.”

Yeah, I don’t think all criminals suffer clinical insanity. Most are just bad people. You wouldn’t really call a shoplifter or a vandal clinically insane, after all. I don’t think any of the MRA’s are capable of becoming violent or dangerous. They’re all talk for the most part. Their ranting online really just indicates their insecurities IRL.

12 years ago

Quackers: While I agree that willfully bailing on your children when you can afford child support is a disgusting thing to do, I don’t think jailing parents who honestly can’t afford child support is appropriate. I dunno, I think we need a new system because it seems like this one isn’t working.

And the law recognises that. The MRA likes to pretend it doesn’t, and that being out of work, etc. will put someone in jail, but it doesn’t.

12 years ago

The Kidney Stone… The same guy who link to rants by nobody anyone outside the MRA, or the people on Manboobz have ever heard of, and dismiss peer-reviewed studies because he (safe behind his nom de net) doesn’t have the full name, address and workplace of the person posting it, has the chutzpah to deride Schopenhauer with, “I’ve never heard of him. Is he widely taught in public schools?.

Then he asks if anyone has heard of him… as opposed the household names of Paul Elam, W.F. Price and D. K. Meller.

And he wonders why we point and laugh.

12 years ago

Coming in late, but I wanted to reiterate that the “criminally insane” bit was very ablist (and not particularly understanding of the legal implications of the term).

I’m also with Rutee about the history bit. If you don’t think it being legal to rape and beat you, being legally denied the right to vote or own property, etc. is at all oppressive, you’re hopeless.

12 years ago

Reasonable, as I stated, is subjective.

Nonviolent is not.

Paul Elam has not committed acts of violence.

Paul Elam isn’t non-violent. He’s just not committed any. He’s advocated for it, and that’s violence. He’s said that he would never, even if he knew the man was guilty, vote to convict a man of rape. That’s a statement of intent to commit a crime, should he ever get the chance.

Not insane, but criminal.

Not, so far as we know, personally violent, but in favor of violence. He excused the shootings in Norway.

So no, that dog don’t hunt, any more than the lies toysoldier was spreading about what happened to either himself, or Anthony Zarat; unless, of course, one doesn’t care about the truth, and is merely spouting off to hear himself speak.

12 years ago

I meant to post this first… it got lost in the shuffle.

I don’t think the MRAs are criminally insane. I think the criminally minded ones are quite aware of what they are doing, and should be held completely responsible for what they do.

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