antifeminism girl germs grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic kitties MRA

Devastating new "fly" slogan gives MRAs the edge in the war of ideas

Well, my fellow feminists, we might as well pack it in. For the forces arrayed against us have a devastating, nay brutal, new slogan.

The Counter-Feminist Agent of Change (CFAC) who calls himself Fidelbogen explained in a recent post how this “wicked new slogan” came to him. Also, what the slogan is:

This occurred to me in a flash of inspiration today. I grabbed the first scrap of paper I could find and jotted it down:

Feminism spreads lies like a fly spreads germs.

You like it? I thought you would.

So . . . spread it around, and make it part of the “buzz”!

Get it? Buzz. Like, “buzz” means “what people are excitedly talking about.” But it is also the sound that a fly makes.

See, Fidelbogen is working with TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS at once. It’s like juggling two things at once, only with your brain. No wonder some MRAs regard his as the finest mind in the Men’s Rights movement today.

Several days after The Bogen (that’s what I like to call him) came up with this masterful slogan, one artistically minded MRA took it to a whole nother level – by using the slogan in the graphic above.

As The Bogen explained in his second post about his new slogan:

Memes can take many forms, and what you see here is among the most elemental and effective of those forms.

I am posting this graphic image for anybody on the planet who wants to fly away with it and spread it around.

First with the “buzz” thing, and now “fly away with it.” LIKE FLIES DO! The man is a genius.

Hell man, you could even print it on T-shirts and coffee mugs. Certainly you can post it on your website. Best of all, you can print it on little squares of paper and leave these in all manner of places where all manner of people will happen upon them.

Oh shit. T-shirts? Mugs? Motherfucking SQUARES OF PAPER?! He’s going CROSS-PLATFORM!

This is the sort of thing that will land in people’s brains, and buzz around there, and never leave!

I explained the buzz thing already, didn’t I?

It will find its way into the general buzz of conversation, too!

Just in case you’ve forgotten. Buzz = what people are talking about. ALSO THE SOUND FLIES MAKE.

I still cannot get over how much of a genius move that whole “buzz” thing is. I don’t know how he does it.

I kindly thank St. Estephe, the blog keeper who created this. I am honored to see my words so skillfully combined with pictures, and made ten times more effective by that method.

It’s true. It takes a tremendous amount of skill to find a picture of a fly, and then to put words next to it.

How can we possibly compete with this?

I tried to come up with some slogans of my own. But the best I could do was this:

I hope you guys have some better ideas.

Try QuickMeme if you want to make a little graphic. I’ll post any especially good ones here!

EDITED TO ADD: Some more graphics that are Fidelbogenesque in their brilliance. One from Scar, one from me.

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13 years ago

Well, I guess I’ll give him some credit for not using Papyrus font.

13 years ago

Otherwise, it’s just a crappy graphic with a crappy logo that I could have come up with in roughly ten minutes… When I was eight.

13 years ago

crappy saying, not logo.

13 years ago

I didn’t even know flies were known for spreading germs. I sort of saw them as harmless. Thank goodness they rhyme with lies!

Jeff Goldblum was also good in the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But, let’s face it, Nimoy is the main attraction.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I’m really tired today but wake me up when MRAs do something pro-male rather than just anti-female and anti-feminist. Wake me up when they define themselves by what they do, instead of by what they hate.

…I’m gonna get a looooong nap.

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

I’m really tired today but wake me up when MRAs do something pro-male rather than just anti-female and anti-feminist.

I’m really tired today but wake me up when Occupiers do something pro-poor rather than just anti-rich and anti-corporation.

I’m really tired today but wake me up when the Allies do something pro-Jew rather than just anti-Nazi and anti-German.

I’m really tired today but wake me up when the North does something pro-Black rather than just anti-South and anti-Slavery.

I’m really tired today but wake me up when the police do something pro-victim rather than just anti-criminal and anti-crime.

But sure, let’s just all lie down and ignore that stopping the source of what’s hurting men WILL HELP MEN.

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

Is that fly slogan any worse than your slogans?

Or is it only “anti-” and not “pro-” when it comes from MRAs, but it’s EMPOWERMENT when it comes from feminists?

13 years ago

Oh look, Asshat’s back. yawn.

13 years ago

I’m really tired but wake me up when Nephrite has something worthwhile to say.

13 years ago

Oh look, a new troll! =D

13 years ago

I’m worried that MRAs will someday decide to make little comic book tracts a la Chick Tracts, that would surely be the end of feminism.

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

A lot of you claim to “care about men”, yet you still call yourselves feminists, you still subscribe to feminism, and you still continue to vote for feminists and support a feminist-state infrastructure. Pardon the analogy (for some reason this site seems to hate analogies), but it’s like supporting the Nazis while claiming to care about the Jews. Men aren’t being oppressed by aliens, they’re being oppressed by women, specifically FEMINISM. Title IX, the violence against women act, divorce laws that favor the female 99% of the time, rape laws that turn justice into show trials where the verdict is essentially known beforehand.

And don’t give me the tired old line where you claim to be against these things. Or you care about the draft. Feminism has had 40 years of untouched power, in that time we’ve seen you create legislation, laws and campaigns that are now the dominant discourse in society. If you wanted equality, you bitches could have had it 20 years ago. THIRTY years ago. You could have saved millions of men from dying on the street, dying overseas, dying from cancer that could have been researched, and dying in jail because they couldn’t pay the womb-tax euphemistically called “child support”.

You could have done that. You didn’t. You had your chance. You convinced society to give you the reins for over 40 years, and nothing. All that we have is a gynocracy, not equality.

As I keep saying: feminists want equal results. MRAs want equal treatment.

It’s our time now. You had your chance and you fucked it up. You gave yourselves everything on the backs, sweat and blood of men, and society is starting to turn. The only way to free men is oppose feminism and all who support it. You can’t gain freedom by working with your oppressors.

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

I’m really tired but wake me up when Nephrite has something worthwhile to say.

Maybe you lazy bitches wouldn’t be tired all the time if you actually did some work in your pampered lives.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Nephrite, if you had the chance to do something that would help men but wouldn’t hurt a single woman, how hard would you laugh at it before going back online to rant some more about how feminists are puppy-eating three-eyed fanged goblins?

13 years ago

“Maybe you lazy bitches wouldn’t be tired all the time if you actually did some work in your pampered lives.”

I worked 6 days in a row last week. I even worked 10 consecutive hours! Am I pampered cos I get paid the same as everyone else who does the same work as me? That must be it. Oh Nephrite, you sure have us ladies to a tee.

13 years ago

Couldn’t they have found a way to make it rhyme? Like “lies” with “flies” or something? It’s not catchy at all. 🙁

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

Feminists lie about DV research.

Feminists lie about rape.

Feminists lie about male rape victims.

Feminist lie about rape, abuse, and DV

Feminists lie about homelessness

Do I need to go on?

So, tell me, what’s wrong with that slogan? You lie like flies spread shit.

13 years ago

Let’s play a game. This game is called What Is Hurting Men The Most?

Except for sex work, all the most dangerous jobs are male-dominated. Is this the fault of (a) feminism or (b) cultural notions of male toughness, strength and invulnerability?

Men are less likely to experience emotional support and close friendships than women, according to sociological research. Is this the fault of (a) feminism or (b) social norms that punish men for expressing emotions in general and affection for other men in specific?

Male rape survivors are generally erased and have their experiences invalidated. Is this the fault of (a) feminism or (b) rape culture?

SUPERBONUSFUNQUESTION: Are cultural notions of male toughness, strength and invulnerability, social norms that punish men for expressing emotions in general and affection for other men in specific, and rape culture the fault of (a) feminism or (b) patriarchy?

13 years ago

I would never lie to you Nephrite ^_^

13 years ago

I thought “We want it the way we want it, and so it shall be done” had more of a ring to it.

13 years ago

Slogan invented by feminists: “Keep your rosaries off my ovaries.” Short, catchy, and tells you everything you need to know in one sentence.

Slogan invented by MRAs: “Feminism spreads lies like flies spread germs.” Awkward, not catchy, and tells you nothing about the MRM except that they hate women. (Though really, what else is there to know?)

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago


Cry me a fucking river. You worked 10 hours over 6 days and you’re whining? Feminists are so out of touch with reality and REAL WORK.

13 years ago

Hey, Asshat, why don’t you go out and help solve some of those problems you’re bitching about, instead of acting like it’s someone else’s responsibility?

13 years ago

And don’t give me the tired old line where you claim to be against these things. Or you care about the draft.

Hi Nephrite!
I was in the army for six years. How about you? How long were you in for? 🙂

13 years ago

Actually, the Allies, especially the US, could have done a lot more to save European Jews–like, say allowing them to immigrate before the Holocaust went into full swing. As it was, somewhere near 90% of Europe’s Jewish population was wiped out. WWII was fought for many reasons, but saving the Jews was not one of them.