antifeminism girl germs grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic kitties MRA

Devastating new "fly" slogan gives MRAs the edge in the war of ideas

Well, my fellow feminists, we might as well pack it in. For the forces arrayed against us have a devastating, nay brutal, new slogan.

The Counter-Feminist Agent of Change (CFAC) who calls himself Fidelbogen explained in a recent post how this “wicked new slogan” came to him. Also, what the slogan is:

This occurred to me in a flash of inspiration today. I grabbed the first scrap of paper I could find and jotted it down:

Feminism spreads lies like a fly spreads germs.

You like it? I thought you would.

So . . . spread it around, and make it part of the “buzz”!

Get it? Buzz. Like, “buzz” means “what people are excitedly talking about.” But it is also the sound that a fly makes.

See, Fidelbogen is working with TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS at once. It’s like juggling two things at once, only with your brain. No wonder some MRAs regard his as the finest mind in the Men’s Rights movement today.

Several days after The Bogen (that’s what I like to call him) came up with this masterful slogan, one artistically minded MRA took it to a whole nother level – by using the slogan in the graphic above.

As The Bogen explained in his second post about his new slogan:

Memes can take many forms, and what you see here is among the most elemental and effective of those forms.

I am posting this graphic image for anybody on the planet who wants to fly away with it and spread it around.

First with the “buzz” thing, and now “fly away with it.” LIKE FLIES DO! The man is a genius.

Hell man, you could even print it on T-shirts and coffee mugs. Certainly you can post it on your website. Best of all, you can print it on little squares of paper and leave these in all manner of places where all manner of people will happen upon them.

Oh shit. T-shirts? Mugs? Motherfucking SQUARES OF PAPER?! He’s going CROSS-PLATFORM!

This is the sort of thing that will land in people’s brains, and buzz around there, and never leave!

I explained the buzz thing already, didn’t I?

It will find its way into the general buzz of conversation, too!

Just in case you’ve forgotten. Buzz = what people are talking about. ALSO THE SOUND FLIES MAKE.

I still cannot get over how much of a genius move that whole “buzz” thing is. I don’t know how he does it.

I kindly thank St. Estephe, the blog keeper who created this. I am honored to see my words so skillfully combined with pictures, and made ten times more effective by that method.

It’s true. It takes a tremendous amount of skill to find a picture of a fly, and then to put words next to it.

How can we possibly compete with this?

I tried to come up with some slogans of my own. But the best I could do was this:

I hope you guys have some better ideas.

Try QuickMeme if you want to make a little graphic. I’ll post any especially good ones here!

EDITED TO ADD: Some more graphics that are Fidelbogenesque in their brilliance. One from Scar, one from me.

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12 years ago

PFKAE. What a lot of horseshit! Technology for keeping preemies alive has improved, but I don’t think we’ve conquered the viability of the lungs just yet.

They want to increase feminist strength they can just keep going with this…. Canadians aren’t going to like this much.

12 years ago

A peer reviewed journal online, via open access, about how “no drop” DV policies help……MEN!

Suck on it, Nep.

But first, of course, go read it.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If the Titanic sunk today, men would be shot and then dumped into the water. Feminism is a crime against men’s humanity.

Holdon, a cruise ship did sink today (well, a few weeks ago). We don’t have to keep this theoretical!

Not only did the forcasted manocide fail to occur, there wasn’t even a “women and children first” evacuation. Things were indeed better for men than they were on the Titanic!

What now?

(Oh right… reverse gears and use opposite scenarios to somehow argue the same point. See, if men die in a shipwreck it proves women are evil for killing men, but if women die in a shipwreck it proves women are evil and they’re getting their comeuppance.)


Logically thinking is not their strong suit.

Misandry to point that out I know. But eh.

no more mr nice guy
12 years ago

OT, but here is the next hero of the manosphere : because he was suspected of killing his wife, a man lost custody of his two children. He killed them and killed himself :

12 years ago


Yep. Blitzgal posted another news link about this sicko one page back. Cue claims of martyrdom and wife blaming from MRA sickos in 3…2…

or who knows maybe they’ll agree he’s a murderous bastard because he killed his male children. If they were female, they probably wouldn’t care. Interesting at the end of the video the kids said mom was riding in the trunk of the car. Sick fuck probably killed her then killed his kids and himself to avoid any investigation.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Thank you, Ithiliana, for the link. I am tucking that article away in my bookmarks list for future reference.

I’m also waiting for the MRM to make Josh Powell their next martyr/hero. Every time the MRA’s lionize someone like Powell, Dekraai, or Breivik, they show what they are about and what they believe in.

I’m a bit late on this, but I also have to comment on Nephrite’s insistence that the only way for feminists to show we care about men’s issues is to get female firefighters dismissed for incompetence. Sorry, Nephrite, I am not a fire chief and it is not my job to determine who is or isn’t a good firefighter.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

@Pecunium except that they claim that rape conviction rapes are abnormally high…

And they think women are believed 100% and false allegations are never caught… I think if you point out that most rapes don’t get convictions they’ll explain it of lack of evidence and then claim the feminists are trying to change the rules, but I think their logic really starts with the idea that most rape is between 2 ppl without witnesses, with evidence that can easily be consensual, therefore, “reasonable doubt” (which they don’t seem to understand) would mean that almost all accusations shouldn’t lead to convictions. The fact that there are any that do is proof that the system is “bending over backwards” for alleged victims to them.

I think you’re giving them more credit by believingt hat they KNOW that rape convictions rarely happen and they are trying to explain it. I think that they’ve developed their conclusions from the above before they realize they need to explain why rape convictions are low. It’s sort of like a child figuring out how the world works without actually having experienced it. That’s how they work. Rape accusations must be very easy to do because in their minds, it is very easy to just point your finger and say “they did it!” and nobody can prove that they didn’t since it’s just the 2 of you. Which means if they go to jail now, it means that they were unable to prove they didn’t. Hence reverse onus. e_e

(if any MRAs are lurking and observing, I’d be happy if you came here and settled this :3 Do you think false rape accusations are rampant because of the lack of convictions, or because more people are being convicted than should be on very little evidence?)

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

I’ll wait until the MRAs to react to decide that they consider him their hero xD I DO expect the same sort of reaction they have to every mass murder, which is to say “we are against murder. Everybody is against murder, so obviously we are too. However, WHAT DID YOU FEMINISTS EXPECT! There are always going to be crazy men who snap from the gynocracy and we can’t control that!”

But maybe they’ll surprise me :3

I think we should be careful we don’t go into MRA territory where they post articles about a female abuser and declaring that feminism supports her, or imagining our response for us… they do this all the time where they manage to create some sort of feminism vs MRA issue out of something nobody’s responded to, so we should see how they actually respond first 🙂

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Good point, Ami. I shouldn’t have speculated on how the MRA’s will react to the Powell case, if they even react at all.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I think there’s a distinct difference between making a prediction based strongly on past events and not doing so. They’ll do the same they did with Breivik and the dude who killed 7 people at a salon, in all likelihood.

12 years ago

hi Ami, i had to go to bed earlier (aargh the feminist hell of the australian time difference) and wasn’t ignoring you. I am now at work and furtively manboobzing. as Saru said yes there is high burn out rates in the job but there are strategies to mitigate against that.where would be the best place to talk about these issues, if/when you want to? PM you through your website?

12 years ago

The manboobz has been a bit light on trolls of late.


12 years ago

Yeah…good point Ami. It’s easy to think the worst of MRAs, and while there is a strong likely hood of them at least sympathizing with the guy, they also might not. Some MRAs on Reddit had enough moral decency to speak out against the whole register her fiasco after all. That’s reassuring…in a basic “I’m not a complete asshole” sort of way -_-

12 years ago

@Ithiliana: Since a feminist found this open access, peer-reviewed article, it is by definition suspect, don’tcha know? 🙂 Seriously, that is an interesting article, and thanks for forwarding.

12 years ago

As a metal-lover I feel the need to try to get the 666th comment. Just because.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think we’re in no danger of being just like the MRAs, because mocking a hate group is fundamentally different from hating a gender.

(My backup source for all implications in that sentence is this entire blog.)

At the same time, the “I know what they would do” game doesn’t really say anything about them. You can’t use your own hypothetical against them. There’s enough disgusting they do say, there’s no need to make up any more.

And they may not pick this one up at all. I didn’t see it on reddit/mensrights. It may have slipped right under the MRAdar.*

*isn’t that word awesome? It’s now my copyright, MRAs.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

At the Spearhead, some commenters did mention Josh Powell.

Aharon said,

“Interesting story out of Washington state.’

It seems more sad and terrible than anything else. It is somewhat relevant here, possibly, since the man and his ex-wife divorced and she went missing December 2009. Did the divorce process push the father emotionally over the edge or was he already a bastard? Probably, we’ll never know.

Mickey T said

RE: Josh Powell

I saw the story on TV. There are a lot of scumbags and people with mental problems out there, but (to me) there is something about this story that just doesn’t quite add up.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see what else might surface on the story.

Budnick said

Man blows up his house with his two kids in it.

What I don’t understand is why he didn’t take out a few judges instead of instead of his innocent children.

If I was driven to that point I would make sure to hit some targets that actually counted.

A whack job who shouldn’t be held up/ or excused by anyone here.

from The Spearhead

Their comments are awful, but not as awful as usual. I realize that’s not saying much.

12 years ago

The Powell case is local for me, and it’s been heavily covered in the local media. I wondered about the MRA reaction as well. At least one commenter on the Tacoma News Tribune “Lights and Sirens” blog blamed the judge for pushing him over the edge within an hour or two of the explosion. I haven’t had the heart to read anymore comments, so I don’t know if it’s representative or not.

Also, hello all! I’ve been lurking for a while now and may start posting more as time allows. I’m an atheist/skeptic and have gotten back to reading on these issues since elevator-gate. It’s been painful to see how much misogyny exists in those circles.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Darn it, I wrote a long comment with lots of quotes from the Spearhead about Josh Powell, but it must have went to wordpress purgatory. Oh well, I’ll try again but break it up.
First, here is the source of the comments, The Spearhead

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

Now, here are some of the Spearhead reactions:

Aharon said

“Interesting story out of Washington state.’

It seems more sad and terrible than anything else. It is somewhat relevant here, possibly, since the man and his ex-wife divorced and she went missing December 2009. Did the divorce process push the father emotionally over the edge or was he already a bastard? Probably, we’ll never know.

Mickey T said

RE: Josh Powell

I saw the story on TV. There are a lot of scumbags and people with mental problems out there, but (to me) there is something about this story that just doesn’t quite add up.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see what else might surface on the story.

and Budnick said,

Man blows up his house with his two kids in it.

What I don’t understand is why he didn’t take out a few judges instead of instead of his innocent children.

If I was driven to that point I would make sure to hit some targets that actually counted.

A whack job who shouldn’t be held up/ or excused by anyone here.

12 years ago

The MRAs are pretty consistent about reaching new lows every day. There really is no bottom they will not try to dig beyond.

12 years ago

@Bionic mommy

they sound so “sad” and outraged by this case. Something doesn’t add up? he killed his kids for fucks sake. The last comment is disturbing as hell. You can feel the anger and hatred dripping from their comments every time an article about a woman doing something bad is posted. With this case there’s nothing but apathy. Really shows you what they’re all about, it isn’t the best interests of children that’s for sure.

Hate group and most likely violent. That’s what the MRM is.

Also welcome Historyguy! 🙂

12 years ago

Well, at least there seems to be some limit, don’t kill your children. And I think both sides can see eye to eye on that.

12 years ago

I don’t know, something like this can really shake people up. And it is terribly sad, this story. I dunno, these guys might write very well on how angry and bitter they are, it doesn’t mean they can do that for every emotional state.

Is it not true that feminists decry how men are trained to suppress emotions that are not anger? They are human beings, they say enough crap to argue with , without adding to the problem by making them into demons too. But that’s just my opinion.