antifeminism girl germs grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic kitties MRA

Devastating new "fly" slogan gives MRAs the edge in the war of ideas

Well, my fellow feminists, we might as well pack it in. For the forces arrayed against us have a devastating, nay brutal, new slogan.

The Counter-Feminist Agent of Change (CFAC) who calls himself Fidelbogen explained in a recent post how this “wicked new slogan” came to him. Also, what the slogan is:

This occurred to me in a flash of inspiration today. I grabbed the first scrap of paper I could find and jotted it down:

Feminism spreads lies like a fly spreads germs.

You like it? I thought you would.

So . . . spread it around, and make it part of the “buzz”!

Get it? Buzz. Like, “buzz” means “what people are excitedly talking about.” But it is also the sound that a fly makes.

See, Fidelbogen is working with TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS at once. It’s like juggling two things at once, only with your brain. No wonder some MRAs regard his as the finest mind in the Men’s Rights movement today.

Several days after The Bogen (that’s what I like to call him) came up with this masterful slogan, one artistically minded MRA took it to a whole nother level – by using the slogan in the graphic above.

As The Bogen explained in his second post about his new slogan:

Memes can take many forms, and what you see here is among the most elemental and effective of those forms.

I am posting this graphic image for anybody on the planet who wants to fly away with it and spread it around.

First with the “buzz” thing, and now “fly away with it.” LIKE FLIES DO! The man is a genius.

Hell man, you could even print it on T-shirts and coffee mugs. Certainly you can post it on your website. Best of all, you can print it on little squares of paper and leave these in all manner of places where all manner of people will happen upon them.

Oh shit. T-shirts? Mugs? Motherfucking SQUARES OF PAPER?! He’s going CROSS-PLATFORM!

This is the sort of thing that will land in people’s brains, and buzz around there, and never leave!

I explained the buzz thing already, didn’t I?

It will find its way into the general buzz of conversation, too!

Just in case you’ve forgotten. Buzz = what people are talking about. ALSO THE SOUND FLIES MAKE.

I still cannot get over how much of a genius move that whole “buzz” thing is. I don’t know how he does it.

I kindly thank St. Estephe, the blog keeper who created this. I am honored to see my words so skillfully combined with pictures, and made ten times more effective by that method.

It’s true. It takes a tremendous amount of skill to find a picture of a fly, and then to put words next to it.

How can we possibly compete with this?

I tried to come up with some slogans of my own. But the best I could do was this:

I hope you guys have some better ideas.

Try QuickMeme if you want to make a little graphic. I’ll post any especially good ones here!

EDITED TO ADD: Some more graphics that are Fidelbogenesque in their brilliance. One from Scar, one from me.

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13 years ago

Who was accusing Paul Elam and Antsy of DV? I missed that.

Aaand Wubsy Bunnykins twirls his mustache and disappears in a puff of smoke.


Not flight.

13 years ago

Hmm, maybe I should wait until I do something worthy of a title. Otherwise I’ll just be one of those 1/1 creatures with one line of flavor text in a big font.

And yeah, he was responding to a (fairly obtuse and hasty) analogy I made which didn’t actually work, and it was a fair point. I’ll give ’em credit when they make a fair point, ’cause they really don’t do it that often and I’ve got all this credit just piling up in the credit cellar.

13 years ago

@Ami: I PM’d you my IM details 🙂

13 years ago


No one was accusing Elam and Zarat of DV. I just brought up boners and VR. Y’know, the words they’ve used.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Steph all trolls and commenters here are legendary creatures :3

13 years ago

Mandolin: Wow, that second story is so beautiful!

13 years ago

I think he was responding to me saying I felt sorry for whoever they were married to… I just meant because they were jerkbags, though. Facts. Not lies.

Well, one fact. Not one lie.

13 years ago

@Kathleen, I know! In case it’s of interest, here’s a page linking to all his online fiction:

I’m going to try to go read novels now if my migraine will let me rather than endlessly refreshing this thread. 😀

13 years ago

Yeah think I’m gonna go read too ^_^

13 years ago

Just checking, in case I was reading a comment thread in another reality.

As many as 33.333333333% of Americans read alternate reality comment threads without realizing it.


Damn lies.

13 years ago

I should go too, I was going to work on my book this evening and instead I got caught up in throwing kippers to the troll. Night everyone!

13 years ago

unless you are kissing ass and have something nice to say about every single man ever, everything is a false accusation or rape or DV to these asshats.

really curious if he’s a sock for one of the other trolls or a new one. Google his name and it only comes back to Manboobz

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Take care ppls! 🙂

@Quackers He comes from the Negaverse.

Luckily you have Sailor Mercury here! 😀 (And Sailor Venus… I’m a blend of them >_> )

13 years ago

So when I last looked in, this thread was on the first page, and now it’s on the eighth… o_O

I got to about the fifth page where ozy mentioned consulting Christians to discover what Christians think and immediately thought, oh, here’s an excellent opportunity to Godwin the thread: and Nephrite went ahead, and did exactly that. Nephrite, sorry, but the evidence is in: you’re a misogynist. I really hope you aren’t imparting these attitudes to the abused boys you are mentoring, because transferring your hateful views onto them is more abuse.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

You also have to wonder, did they actually say that all their problems come from their mothers, sisters, girlfriends and female teachers? Or is he projecting and telling them that it is… :

13 years ago


Queen Beryl banished him, now he’s pissed 😛

Also I don’t even believe he works with disadvantaged boys. He comes across as the original type of troll, the one who does it to get a rise out of people. He could be an MRA, but overall there’s something off about the way he types.

13 years ago

Everything that I say is a lie.


Not lies.


13 years ago

Alright, defend your positions, Nephrite:

While you have made other posts claiming multiple things, let’s start from the beginning – and maybe you can formulate why I, and many others here, don’t believe you or take you seriously.

(Note: Feminist lying about DV statistics was your first post and last argued in this list. So here is the second feminist do this link post you “argued,” followed all the way down to homelessness, then DV is at the end.)

“Feminist Lie About Rape” Your article cited as ‘proof’:

In the article, two women are quoted, Lauren Taylor through her Washington Post article and Emma Wood, a trained sexual assault counselor.

Taylor’s article is how, many women, when directly asked if they were raped would deny it, BUT if asked if the legal definition of rape or sexual assault (having sex against their will, unwanted sexual contact) women would answer in much higher numbers that, by their legal definitions, they had indeed been raped or sexually assaulted. It is an article on how woman/girls define what rape is and what rape isn’t, even if by definition it is. See Whoopi Goldberg’s it’s not “rape rape” quote.

Emma Wood is writing an article about how Yale quarterback Patrick Witt had “a female student had apparently lodged an informal complaint against Witt through Yale’s University-wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct.” As a sexual assault counselor she states that through hearing multiple stories she, as the VFM article quotes “I am convinced that no umbrella definition of sexual assault can exist. Just as each person defines his or her sexuality for him or herself, each person defines sexual assault on a similarly personal level.” Well, how dare people define their own personal experiences. They must be lying.

No one is suggesting to get rid of due process, as the VFM article laments. These two women are speaking on how social perceptions as well as personal experiences define individual’s reality. That doesn’t change the legal definition of rape or the legal proceedings.

Feminist lying about Male Victims – you’re actually using an article, based off Manboobz commenters and troll, Anthony Zarat, had here as proof.
Zarat told his story about being raped at 13 by a woman who was then sentenced for 30 years. Seeing as Zarat is a familiar troll and has a history of commenting, many regulars have doubts about his actual life. When Brandon’s girlfriend Ashley “posted” about how glad she was that he got put on moderation, because now they have more fun times, many commenters were skeptical. Similarly, because you troll, many commenters originally believed you were MRAL or other trolls because of your argument style.
See, how that works? Trolls aren’t 100% honest in how they argue and what they tell, so people don’t believe them 100% of the time.
Myoo said that rapists, who rape children, should receive more than 1-3 years in prison. Male children were included in that defensive, BTW.
Dracula defended male victims, “Wow Zarat, you really don’t give a fuck about men or boys at all do you? You just called a 30-year-old who raped a 13-year-old a “victim”. How you do sleep at night?”

Happy and Pecuinium were skeptical about his alleged experience, because, HEY, he’s a troll and he has lied and exaggerated before. The Toysoldier post doesn’t seem to cover that.

Feminist lie about DV, rape and abuse link:
There are several activist type complain trips that this link lists, I’m going to stick with the 2010 Summary Report, which your link says that “gets highly creative with its definitions, claiming that if a woman drinks too much alcohol before having sex. — even if she consents beforehand, or even if it’s all her idea – that’s rape! ”

How to start with this? Yes, if a woman or man drinks too much and can not consent to sexual behavior at the time, even if they said, “Let’s fuck tonight!” three hours ago, and the person(s) goes and penetrates them anyways… THAT’S RAPE.

There’s some misquotes about rape statistics listed in the linked articles and exaggerate what the CDC is defining as rape. People who have been drinking can consent, people who are too inebriated/drugged up to understand and willing participate can not. The 18.3% that the CDC is speaking of is the latter.
HEY LOOK – the CDC even mentions that men can also be raped in alcohol/drug facilitated states. Apparently, 1 in 71 men are raped under the influence. I think that’s wrong. the VFM article linked as proof, I quote, states, “Question: When is Rape Not Rape? Answer: When a Rapist Uses Her Vagina” Looks like someone is either intentionally misusing the CDC report to justify their beliefs, or didn’t read the thing.

Feminists lying about homelessness
This article is actually trying to critique a No, Seriously, what about teh menz? post by, Manboobz commenter, ozymandias42.
Here’s the actual article:

Kyle Lovett tries to argue that Ozymandias42’s NSWATM article is trying to downplay homelessness, by pretty much saying, “HA! You said that homelessness exists more in men than women, but I’m saying that homelessness exists more in men than women!” Lovett gives more studies over why men have higher rates of homelessness – like they have less shelters available to them. So, does he start a fundraiser to help homeless males specifically, who are at a higher risk of being homeless or does he complain about feminists trying to raise awareness about this issue. :/ Experience should allow folks to guess which one he did.

Lovett ends with the note, ”

NSWATM commenter dungone suggests, “I think that NSWATM should hold a fundraiser for a homeless charity the same way in which it held one for RAIN last year. A couple months ago I raised $2500 for a homeless charity with two of my friends and it was a rewarding experience.”

If you would kindly point out how feminists are lying about homeless statistics.

Feminist Lie about DV statistics
Dr. Straus argues that feminist corrupt DV research in seven ways, let’s look at them.
1.) Straus states that when studies over domestic violence were first being done that only male perpetration data was published (first study he lists is Schulman 1979), only shedding light on one side of the story. The studies mention were commissioned by the U.S. government in the 70’s and 80’s and two of the studies were from 1995 and 2005.

Here’s the 1995 study – which from the abstract is a study specifically about violence that males do unto other males in South Africa. NOT about domestic violence, which last I looked was about violence occurring in romantic relationships. The study isn’t about homosexual males.

The 2005 study is by Michael P. Johnson and J.M. Leone – the abstract does not use gender to identify the assailants but the terms individual and partner. So… there’s that.

2.) “Avoid Obtaining Date Inconsistent with the Patriarchal Dominance theory.”
I can’t find John and Sacco 1995, the Canadian Violence Against Women survey online.
Tjaden and Thoennes 2000 study focused on the issue of how domestic violence studies largely ignored minorities, specifically women, but they do look at surveys that interviewed men a swell and found “This NIJ Research Report presents findings from the NVAW Survey on the
prevalence and incidence of rape, physical assault, and stalking; the rate of
injury among rape and physical assault victims; and injured victims’ use of
medical services. The data show that violence is more widespread and injurious
to women’s and men’s health than previously thought-an important finding for
legislators, policymakers, intervention planners, and researchers as well as the
public health and criminal justice communities. ”

“Stalking is more prevalent than previously thought: 8.1 percent of surveyed
women and 2.2 percent of surveyed men reported being stalked at some time
in their life; 1.0 percent of women surveyed and 0.4 percent of men surveyed
reported being stalked in the 12 months preceding the survey. Approximately 1
million women and 371,000 men are stalked annually in the United States. ”

The survey does mainly talk about the effects of rape of women in different racial backgrounds, statistics on Hispanic, non Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native and that amount of medical treatment needed for cases of raped women.

You can read it here:

“Method 3. Cite Only Studies That Show Male Perpetration”
Strauss argues that the United Nations, World Heath Organization, US Department of Justice publish findings that show male predominance and that is misandrist and that his own study, done by him, finds that those organizations were biased. If multiple organizations disagree with my one study, they’re wrong! Waah!
There are 4 more methods that Dr. Strauss lists, but knowing that going through method by method was going to take forever and I want to eat dinner, once you, Nephrite, coherently argue against these other points I’m not going to waste my time. So, argue away.

I apologize for the typos, I went through these pretty quickly.

13 years ago

Maybe this will help you formulate, Nephrite, why most commenters don’t take you seriously, or the links that you prove for your arguments.

Note: Feminist lying about DV statistics was your first post and last argued in this list. So here is the second feminist do this link post you “argued,” followed all the way down to homelessness, then DV is at the end. Apologies to readers about the typos, I wrote this pretty quickly and didn’t scan over it much.

“Feminist Lie About Rape” Your article cited as ‘proof’:

In the article, two women are quoted, Lauren Taylor through her Washington Post article and Emma Wood, a trained sexual assault counselor.

Taylor’s article is how, many women, when directly asked if they were raped would deny it, BUT if asked if the legal definition of rape or sexual assault (having sex against their will, unwanted sexual contact) women would answer in much higher numbers that, by their legal definitions, they had indeed been raped or sexually assaulted. It is an article on how woman/girls define what rape is and what rape isn’t, even if by definition it is. See Whoopi Goldberg’s it’s not “rape rape” quote.

Emma Wood is writing an article about how Yale quarterback Patrick Witt had “a female student had apparently lodged an informal complaint against Witt through Yale’s University-wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct.” As a sexual assault counselor she states that through hearing multiple stories she, as the VFM article quotes “I am convinced that no umbrella definition of sexual assault can exist. Just as each person defines his or her sexuality for him or herself, each person defines sexual assault on a similarly personal level.” Well, how dare people define their own personal experiences. They must be lying.

No one is suggesting to get rid of due process, as the VFM article laments. These two women are speaking on how social perceptions as well as personal experiences define individual’s reality. That doesn’t change the legal definition of rape or the legal proceedings.

Feminist lying about Male Victims – you’re actually using an article, based off Manboobz commenters and troll, Anthony Zarat, had here as proof.
Zarat told his story about being raped at 13 by a woman who was then sentenced for 30 years. Seeing as Zarat is a familiar troll and has a history of commenting, many regulars have doubts about his actual life. When Brandon’s girlfriend Ashley “posted” about how glad she was that he got put on moderation, because now they have more fun times, many commenters were skeptical. Similarly, because you troll, many commenters originally believed you were MRAL or other trolls because of your argument style.
See, how that works? Trolls aren’t 100% honest in how they argue and what they tell, so people don’t believe them 100% of the time.
Myoo said that rapists, who rape children, should receive more than 1-3 years in prison. Male children were included in that defensive, BTW.
Dracula defended male victims, “Wow Zarat, you really don’t give a fuck about men or boys at all do you? You just called a 30-year-old who raped a 13-year-old a “victim”. How you do sleep at night?”

Happy and Pecuinium were skeptical about his alleged experience, because, HEY, he’s a troll and he has lied and exaggerated before. The Toysoldier post doesn’t seem to cover that.

Feminist lie about DV, rape and abuse link:
There are several activist type complain trips that this link lists, I’m going to stick with the 2010 Summary Report, which your link says that “gets highly creative with its definitions, claiming that if a woman drinks too much alcohol before having sex. — even if she consents beforehand, or even if it’s all her idea – that’s rape! ”

How to start with this? Yes, if a woman or man drinks too much and can not consent to sexual behavior at the time, even if they said, “Let’s fuck tonight!” three hours ago, and the person(s) goes and penetrates them anyways… THAT’S RAPE.

There’s some misquotes about rape statistics listed in the linked articles and exaggerate what the CDC is defining as rape. People who have been drinking can consent, people who are too inebriated/drugged up to understand and willing participate can not. The 18.3% that the CDC is speaking of is the latter.
HEY LOOK – the CDC even mentions that men can also be raped in alcohol/drug facilitated states. Apparently, 1 in 71 men are raped under the influence. I think that’s wrong. the VFM article linked as proof, I quote, states, “Question: When is Rape Not Rape? Answer: When a Rapist Uses Her Vagina” Looks like someone is either intentionally misusing the CDC report to justify their beliefs, or didn’t read the thing.

Feminists lying about homelessness
This article is actually trying to critique a No, Seriously, what about teh menz? post by, Manboobz commenter, ozymandias42.
Here’s the actual article:

Kyle Lovett tries to argue that Ozymandias42’s NSWATM article is trying to downplay homelessness, by pretty much saying, “HA! You said that homelessness exists more in men than women, but I’m saying that homelessness exists more in men than women!” Lovett gives more studies over why men have higher rates of homelessness – like they have less shelters available to them. So, does he start a fundraiser to help homeless males specifically, who are at a higher risk of being homeless or does he complain about feminists trying to raise awareness about this issue. :/ Experience should allow folks to guess which one he did.

Lovett ends with the note, ”

NSWATM commenter dungone suggests, “I think that NSWATM should hold a fundraiser for a homeless charity the same way in which it held one for RAIN last year. A couple months ago I raised $2500 for a homeless charity with two of my friends and it was a rewarding experience.”

If you would kindly point out how feminists are lying about homeless statistics.

Feminist Lie about DV statistics
Dr. Straus argues that feminist corrupt DV research in seven ways, let’s look at them.
1.) Straus states that when studies over domestic violence were first being done that only male perpetration data was published (first study he lists is Schulman 1979), only shedding light on one side of the story. The studies mention were commissioned by the U.S. government in the 70’s and 80’s and two of the studies were from 1995 and 2005.

Here’s the 1995 study – which from the abstract is a study specifically about violence that males do unto other males in South Africa. NOT about domestic violence, which last I looked was about violence occurring in romantic relationships. The study isn’t about homosexual males.

The 2005 study is by Michael P. Johnson and J.M. Leone – the abstract does not use gender to identify the assailants but the terms individual and partner. So… there’s that.

2.) “Avoid Obtaining Date Inconsistent with the Patriarchal Dominance theory.”
I can’t find John and Sacco 1995, the Canadian Violence Against Women survey online.
Tjaden and Thoennes 2000 study focused on the issue of how domestic violence studies largely ignored minorities, specifically women, but they do look at surveys that interviewed men a swell and found “This NIJ Research Report presents findings from the NVAW Survey on the
prevalence and incidence of rape, physical assault, and stalking; the rate of
injury among rape and physical assault victims; and injured victims’ use of
medical services. The data show that violence is more widespread and injurious
to women’s and men’s health than previously thought-an important finding for
legislators, policymakers, intervention planners, and researchers as well as the
public health and criminal justice communities. ”

“Stalking is more prevalent than previously thought: 8.1 percent of surveyed
women and 2.2 percent of surveyed men reported being stalked at some time
in their life; 1.0 percent of women surveyed and 0.4 percent of men surveyed
reported being stalked in the 12 months preceding the survey. Approximately 1
million women and 371,000 men are stalked annually in the United States. ”

The survey does mainly talk about the effects of rape of women in different racial backgrounds, statistics on Hispanic, non Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native and that amount of medical treatment needed for cases of raped women.

You can read it here:

“Method 3. Cite Only Studies That Show Male Perpetration”
Strauss argues that the United Nations, World Heath Organization, US Department of Justice publish findings that show male predominance and that is misandrist and that his own study, done by him, finds that those organizations were biased. If multiple organizations disagree with my one study, they’re wrong! Waah!
There are 4 more methods that Dr. Strauss lists, but knowing that going through method by method was going to take forever and I want to eat dinner, once you, Nephrite, coherently argue for your positions and using links as citations, instead of just posting links with the thought of, “AHA I FOIL YOU!” Then I’ll hop on the rest of the seven.

13 years ago

Hm. I don’t see my posts – so this is a test to see if I can post.

13 years ago

Cuntbucket doesn’t even make sense as an insult.

It’s not supposed to be!! It’s supposed to be a gently ribbing term of affection between male friends. The fact that it makes so little sense as an insult is the whole point! However, I just checked urban dictionary, and it seems to carry some disgustingly misogynistic meanings as well. Those bastard ruined one of my favorite phrases!!!

Also, meh on the Giants’ win but, with apologies to Bostonian and Ami, WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! FUCK THE PATS!!!

13 years ago

Nephrite, maybe you can formulate, after this breakdown of why commenters here don’t take you, or your but feminists lie about everything very seriously. Or not.

Note: Feminist lying about DV statistics was your first post and last argued in this list. So here is the second feminist do this link post you “argued,” followed all the way down to homelessness, then DV is at the end. I typed this up pretty fast and didn’t reread afterwards much, apologies for typos.

Let’s see if this works in chain posts. Part 1

13 years ago

“Feminist Lie About Rape” Your article cited as ‘proof’:

In the article, two women are quoted, Lauren Taylor through her Washington Post article and Emma Wood, a trained sexual assault counselor.

Taylor’s article is how, many women, when directly asked if they were raped would deny it, BUT if asked if the legal definition of rape or sexual assault (having sex against their will, unwanted sexual contact) women would answer in much higher numbers that, by their legal definitions, they had indeed been raped or sexually assaulted. It is an article on how woman/girls define what rape is and what rape isn’t, even if by definition it is. See Whoopi Goldberg’s it’s not “rape rape” quote.

Emma Wood is writing an article about how Yale quarterback Patrick Witt had “a female student had apparently lodged an informal complaint against Witt through Yale’s University-wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct.” As a sexual assault counselor she states that through hearing multiple stories she, as the VFM article quotes “I am convinced that no umbrella definition of sexual assault can exist. Just as each person defines his or her sexuality for him or herself, each person defines sexual assault on a similarly personal level.” Well, how dare people define their own personal experiences. They must be lying.

No one is suggesting to get rid of due process, as the VFM article laments. These two women are speaking on how social perceptions as well as personal experiences define individual’s reality. That doesn’t change the legal definition of rape or the legal proceedings.

13 years ago

@Joanna, what a coincidence, I checked that book out when I went to the library, it’s in my stack to read.

Moving on to other pressing issues, I suspect the “fatherless” boys that nephie pephie tutors spend time with Ashley observing NWOs milk-machines.

As a sidenote, I want to point out that lesbian separatism is totally a thing. So, there are, in fact, lesbian separatist feminists who suggest lesbianism as a solution to having to deal with men. Granted, they were never a majority and are a small minority of feminists, but they do exist and have for some time.

As to gender and homelessness, it is very difficult to get exact numbers on homelessness, and even very small changes in methodology and definitions can make dramatic differences in numbers (even within the same city). There are a huge number of third variables. I can’t say that men are less likely, more likely, or equally likely to be homeless without making some pretty dramatic and risky (statistically/data wise) extrapolations. We can say based on shelter reporting data that men and, more often adolescent boys of color, don’t fare well in getting access from family shelters. We can also say, based on shelter data, that cities typically have more beds, esp. more overflow beds, available for men than for women (see for example the ACLU’s Boston lawsuit or the Community House cases). This is a very complex issue, data wise and research wise, and any conclusion about ratios is only as good as the highly variable data from which it is extrapolated.

13 years ago

Right, well I guess they’re either being held in moderation, or something is wrong with how much text I post.

I’ll wait for David to give me an answer and I’ve e-mailed him the post. :/

how frustrating.

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