antifeminism girl germs grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic kitties MRA

Devastating new "fly" slogan gives MRAs the edge in the war of ideas

Well, my fellow feminists, we might as well pack it in. For the forces arrayed against us have a devastating, nay brutal, new slogan.

The Counter-Feminist Agent of Change (CFAC) who calls himself Fidelbogen explained in a recent post how this “wicked new slogan” came to him. Also, what the slogan is:

This occurred to me in a flash of inspiration today. I grabbed the first scrap of paper I could find and jotted it down:

Feminism spreads lies like a fly spreads germs.

You like it? I thought you would.

So . . . spread it around, and make it part of the “buzz”!

Get it? Buzz. Like, “buzz” means “what people are excitedly talking about.” But it is also the sound that a fly makes.

See, Fidelbogen is working with TWO DIFFERENT MEANINGS at once. It’s like juggling two things at once, only with your brain. No wonder some MRAs regard his as the finest mind in the Men’s Rights movement today.

Several days after The Bogen (that’s what I like to call him) came up with this masterful slogan, one artistically minded MRA took it to a whole nother level – by using the slogan in the graphic above.

As The Bogen explained in his second post about his new slogan:

Memes can take many forms, and what you see here is among the most elemental and effective of those forms.

I am posting this graphic image for anybody on the planet who wants to fly away with it and spread it around.

First with the “buzz” thing, and now “fly away with it.” LIKE FLIES DO! The man is a genius.

Hell man, you could even print it on T-shirts and coffee mugs. Certainly you can post it on your website. Best of all, you can print it on little squares of paper and leave these in all manner of places where all manner of people will happen upon them.

Oh shit. T-shirts? Mugs? Motherfucking SQUARES OF PAPER?! He’s going CROSS-PLATFORM!

This is the sort of thing that will land in people’s brains, and buzz around there, and never leave!

I explained the buzz thing already, didn’t I?

It will find its way into the general buzz of conversation, too!

Just in case you’ve forgotten. Buzz = what people are talking about. ALSO THE SOUND FLIES MAKE.

I still cannot get over how much of a genius move that whole “buzz” thing is. I don’t know how he does it.

I kindly thank St. Estephe, the blog keeper who created this. I am honored to see my words so skillfully combined with pictures, and made ten times more effective by that method.

It’s true. It takes a tremendous amount of skill to find a picture of a fly, and then to put words next to it.

How can we possibly compete with this?

I tried to come up with some slogans of my own. But the best I could do was this:

I hope you guys have some better ideas.

Try QuickMeme if you want to make a little graphic. I’ll post any especially good ones here!

EDITED TO ADD: Some more graphics that are Fidelbogenesque in their brilliance. One from Scar, one from me.

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13 years ago

Nephrite: …Are you seriously this dumb?

Okay, so, let’s say Ozy goes to Feministe and reads a bit. Zie sees articles about one town’s war on gay teens, calling out an advice columnist for saying some kinds of rape aren’t real rape, and lots of stuff about Komen being shitty. Ozy thinks “these people are calling out real issues and seem to care about diverse groups and not hate people, except possibly Komen! They are not a hate group!”

Note that I was looking at their website to see what their concerns are, and then FROM THAT EVIDENCE making a judgement about what they believe and whether they are hateful.

13 years ago

Lord and Lady, less than five minutes. How sad. Better luck next time, Asshat!

13 years ago

Your tyranny over the courts is coming to an end, and I’m going to enjoy coming back here the first time this happens and hearing you losers whine and buzz.

a) He couldn’t even stick the flounce for five minutes.

b) Okay, so he doesn’t think he’s a movie hero. He thinks he’s a cartoon super villain.


Not lies.

13 years ago

I just love how Nephrite tells us what we believe and how we behave and then calls us all liars when we tell him that we don’t believe or behave as he thinks we do. At that point there’s really no point engaging with him at all because he’ll just accuse us of lying no matter how deeply held our beliefs are, or how hard we work to realize them.

He’ll just continue to rant but it’s all “sound and fury, signifying nothing”. He does nothing as a result of his own beliefs and assumes that nobody else does either.

13 years ago

We are now the Knights Who Say Ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-pikang-zoom-boing-mumble-mumble.


No lies.

13 years ago

@Joanna: No, it was not.

13 years ago

Now we know the truth will make him go “POOF!”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Finally finished reading back…

This guy works with kids? O_O

13 years ago

If you want him to go away, just refer to him as “Sugar Booger.” He won’t answer that.

13 years ago

“I just love how Nephrite tells us what we believe and how we behave and then calls us all liars when we tell him that we don’t believe or behave as he thinks we do.”

Also, our entire life stories: all lies.

13 years ago

@Ami: I posted a Nephrite card already, but feel free to re-jig or remake it. If you like the art, I can send it to you.

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

Nephrite, there is a woman, Neely Steinberg, that wrote a pro-MRA article in blastmagazine, (she support hookingupsmart) and after she was blasted by Paul Elam and his fans and they put her on register-her:

Which means that AVfM is a hate site – they hate all women.

13 years ago

For those who enjoy steampunk, the Bookman series by Lavie Tidhar is excellent. I’ve spent a lot of time going back and forth between the books and wiki on my kindle, looking up all the references the author sticks in. Lots of fun!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Scar I like the design, but it’s under powered for it’s casting cost.

Also, if it’s okay, could you and Myoo leave the legends for me? 🙂

13 years ago

Cayora: I agree. MECHANIQUE is very beautiful, and I think the novel form shows off Valentine’s strengths more than the short story form, where she often seems (to me) a bit abbreviated when she’s trying to describe the characters’ emotional lives.

I’m disappointed that there hasn’t been more buzz about SOFT APOCALYPSE. Will McIntosh deservedly won the Hugo a couple of years ago for his short story “Bridesicle” and he’s really skillful at blending emotional arcs and science fictional concepts.

Yes, I am trying to advertise for Will. I really liked the book. 😛

13 years ago

“Okay, now that we’ve reached the point where you cuntbuckets have nothing more than false accusations of domestic violence against Anthony and Paul. I think it’s a good time for me to take my leave of you.”

In all fairness, I seriously do just mean that I’d rather be married to that lump of stuff they found in Chernobyl that was so radioactive that it could kill you just by looking at it than one of them. I didn’t say they’re violent.

Also, is a cuntbucket like a fleshlight for seriously hung dudes?

13 years ago

“Paul Elam is married. Anthony Zarat is married.”

Plenty of misogynists are married to or date women. Your line of reasoning seems fairly close to the old “I’m not racist. Some of my best friends are black!” standby.

“GirlWritesWhat is a woman”

So? Woman can be misogynists just as much as men can.

Ann Coulter: ““If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. It’s kind of a pipe dream, it’s a personal fantasy of mine, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women”

See? Misogyny, from a woman. I read a recent reddit coment where GWW seems to to think that if a girl dressed scantily, that made her body public property. That’s pretty disgusting and misogynistic.

I don’t know anything about the other two women. But if they support a nut like Elam, they’re probably just as misogynistic as him.

13 years ago

@Kathleen: I have a book called Steampunk which consists of various short stories by various authors, including Garth Nix. Can’t wait to get stuck into it.

13 years ago

Also also, can I have a Magic card too sometime? They are awesome.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Crumbelievable to be fair to him, he was responding to somebody saying that they might believe a Neo Nazi site doesn’t hate Jews if they had Jewish members and their leaders were married to Jews.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yup! I will!

I’ve just been very depressed lately and so, uncreative 🙁 I feel like I’m letting ppl down :

But I’ll make one for you and all the new ppl I didn’t make before (cuz they weren’t posting here xD )

Do you want to be just “Steph” or a longer name? Like “Steph of XYZ”

13 years ago

Lavie Tidhar’s got some short stories that are doing really well this year, too, if you haven’t read his short-form work. The Smell of Orange Groves at Clarkesworld.

My favorite of his short stories is Alienation and Love in the Hebrew Alphabet

13 years ago

It’s a cunt! No, it’s a bucket!

Actually, it’s the new Cuntbucket from Ronco!

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, wow, he made a faux-nerd comment about women. I’d have been wounded, except I was too busy playing MMOs to pay attention to the twerp.

No srsly.

13 years ago

@Joanna: That collection has a gorgeous novelette by Kelly Link in it.

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