antifeminism chivalry creepy evil women I'm totally being sarcastic internal debate life before feminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts

The Case for Chivalry (Note: It's really, really rapey.)

Chivalry: Good for dudes too.

MRAs, by and large, aren’t big fans of chivalry, and complain bitterly about the terrible injustices forced upon them by this archaic concept, like having to hold doors open for ladies from time to time.

But perhaps they are not considering the many fine benefits of chivalry. In the comments section of Alcuin’s pro-patriarchy blog, our traditionalist friend fschmidt recently set forth the case for chivalry in a way that even the dullest misogynist could appreciate:

In early western culture around the time of the Renaissance, chivalry meant that ladies should be honored and sluts should be raped. This is a totally sound concept and encourages good behavior on the part of women. You cannot expect women to behave if they are not rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad behavior.

Fschmidt’s opinion inspired a lively discussion. Caeser’s Ghost argued that fschmidt had gone a bit too far with the whole rape thing:

Women who dress and behave like whores shouldn’t be raped. They should be prostitutes and treated as such.

Fschmidt replied:

Caesar’s Ghost, I have the greatest respect for prostitutes. Prostitutes provide a valuable service. But sluts provide no value and undermine morality. This is why sluts, identified as provocatively dressed women outside of areas of prostitution, were regularly raped around the time of the Renaissance.

CG argued that prostitutes deserve only the most limited sort of respect:

I respect prostitutes in so far as they fulfill a lowly but necessary function in society. Outside of that function, I have no respect or value for them.

Promiscuous women who are not prostitutes should be treated badly, but I don’t believe that they should be raped. I regard the Renaissance as a great era, but I would have to disagree with their way of handling the problem of sluts.

The mission of Alcuin’s site is, as he states at the top of every page, is to “Promot[e] the Intellectual Renaissance of the Western Tradition.” Apparently you can’t have a real renaissance without sorting out whether or not sexually active women should be raped, or just treated like shit.

For those interested in exploring fschmidt’s opinions further, check out his not-terribly-popular CoAlpha Brotherhood discussion forums. Or this post, in which I examine his CoAlpha brother Drealm’s theory about how women oppress men by dressing like sluts and not covering up their evil sexy hair.

This post merits the famous blinking


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13 years ago


I have feeling Zhinxy and I disagree pretty strongly politically in most non-feminist spheres. IIRC though, we both have extensive collections of Dragon magazine and that bond should be enough to patch over that.

13 years ago


oh my mistake haha…I just know Zhinxy is the first libertarian I’ve met who also has beliefs that align with some leftist beliefs…aaaaand I think I’ll just stop typing now because I don’t want to accidentally put words into anyone’s mouths XD

13 years ago

@ Ozy

Your plan is sure to result in many cases of severe alcohol poisoning.

And yes, that’s misandry.

(My cat is currently swatting around a toy squirrel. That is also misandry, because she’s a girl cat.)

13 years ago

I’m also surprised to see a panel from Berserk on this blog! It’s a beautifully drawn dark fantasy manga, but like a lot of dark fantasy, it tends to get rather rapey. Like the OP. Most MRA screeds are twisted fantasies, now that I think on it. They can’t wait for society to collapse so they can get away with rapes and all sorts of foul injustices. They should be culled in advance but that’s illegal. We must polish our swords and shields in preparation for the upcoming dark age, fellow White Knights. /s

13 years ago

btw the /s stands for sarcasm, I’m worried my humor crossed the line again. Some crazy-obsessed troll is gonna quote the thing about the culling, isn’t he. “MANBOOBZERS ARE COMING FOR U WITH SWORDS” 🙁

13 years ago

hmm… I kinda want to clarify now about Ron Paul. When I say he’s the best of a bad situation, the bad situation is the Republican party… When I say I wouldn’t vote for him, I mean it; too many things make him problematic, like his views on abortion tailored to fit the Republican party, and that one video where he denounced evolution.

I do admire him for being the type of politician I want to see more of (taking a position he believes and rolling with it, not afraid to skirt around nuanced conversation, not drowning everything he says in abstract political jargon), but I can’t agree with his positions.

13 years ago

(My cat is currently swatting around a toy squirrel. That is also misandry, because she’s a girl cat.)

Not unless the toy squirrel is a boy squirrel. Otherwise, I think it’s just a plain ol’ catfight

no more mr nice guy
13 years ago

There’s something so sad about people who’re anti-lust. I can sort of see it if you think not lusting is a religious obligation (still your problem, though), but when people are all omg something incites lust that’s terrible and there doesn’t seem to be a religious reason I’m just left going, huh? Why is lust bad? Don’t you enjoy looking at sexy people? Weirdo.

These guys can’t get any. Every time they see a sexy woman, it reminds them that another guy get laid with her.

13 years ago

As a non-American leftist, my opinion on Ron Paul is that he’s less pro-war than the others. But I’d still prefer to be governed by a chimpazee than him.
His honesty doesn’t change anything for me. I prefer a politician who lie about being a scumbag than one who is comfortable with it.

13 years ago

@no more mister nice guy: I don’t think that’s the only problem; since the anti-lust crowd include married men and even women. Control seems a more likely explaination.

13 years ago

Ron Paul is this generation’s Lyndon LaRouche. He’s basically a personality cult tailor-made to attract people who feel they’re more intelligent than the rest of us cattle without them having to actually *work* at understanding, you know, the *issues*. He’s the perfect candidate for the Gen X South Park, “conservative by default” generation.

“Conservative by default” is a term I use to describe the cynical belief of many in my generation who hold to the South Park ideology that everybody who is earnest or acknowledges he has an ideology is deluded/a liar/hilariously wrong, therefore feminists and MRAs are the same, racists and anti-racists are the same, etc… leading to the inevitable conclusion that the status quo is, and always will be, the only possible system.

And yes, I’m aware that I described it as an ideology, even though the SP conservative by default will always claim he is rational, impartial and devoid of ideology.

Maybe I’m just a Next Level cynic. I think even the cynical refusal to have an ideology is an ideology. 😉

13 years ago


The “states rights” angle should mean a fair few states would be better off under him than most Republicans, right?

“States rights” was originally code for “the federal government can’t tell us we can’t have slaves”. Nowadays it’s code for “the federal government can’t tell us we can’t outlaw abortion”. Pretty sure if the shoe were on the other foot and the people promoting “states rights” had the ability to outlaw abortion on a federal level, the idea of the states actually having the ability to say otherwise would be dropped like a hot potato.

13 years ago

“Why the FUCK do people care about what other people are doing in the boudoir?”

It’s cos the MRA’s can’t pull sluts. They hate sluts cos they sleep with everyone except them.

13 years ago

[write]Addendum – There are a few actual leftists who identify as Democrats, especially in certain parts of the country, but on the whole the Democratic party is solidly centrist. I remain baffled as to why anyone who leans even slightly left, progressive, or socially liberal would have anything positive to say about Ron Paul, though. He’s batshit.[/write]

Well, as one of my friends said. Most people on the “left” are really slightly to the write. Most people on the “right” really are…

P.S. Can someone please tell me how to do quote and italics, bolds, and all that other stuff.

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
13 years ago


That’s true.

MRA Definition “Slut”= woman who sleeps with everybody

MRA Definition “Bitch”=woman who sleeps with everybody except the MRA


Well, the italics can be done with “”, followed by what you want in italics, then finished with a “”. For bolds, it’s the same thing, only with “b” and “/b”.

Anyway, that’s the basics. Advanced HTML will cost you extra. 😉

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
13 years ago

Bleah! That should a bracket sign pointing left, followed by an “i”, then a bracket sign pointing right, then a “/i”.

As you can see, it takes a lot of practice to get it right. 🙂

13 years ago

Pretty sure if the shoe were on the other foot and the people promoting “states rights” had the ability to outlaw abortion on a federal level, the idea of the states actually having the ability to say otherwise would be dropped like a hot potato.

Yup. Just look at the people who are all “states’ rights! states’ rights!” who want a federal amendment against marriage equality.

Molly Ren
Molly Ren
13 years ago

I have exceptionally unhairy arms (I am hair-impaired all over, I barely even have pubes) and I totally fuck like a man.

I’ve tried to grow out my leg hair in order to see if it’d make me look more genderqueer. After months of not shaving, I’ve discovered that I’m apparently only able to grow hair on my lower calf–the hair stops about halfway up my shin.

Who knew being a hairy-legged feminist was so hard? 🙁

13 years ago

Yesterday W.F Price wrote a piece on the subject of prostitutes and sluts and it’s a real humdinger

“Another question I’d like to ask is why is it any better for a woman to give it up for free with multiple different men? Is a slut somehow more honorable than a prostitute? One thing guys ought to ask themselves before committing to a woman is whether they want one who will simply give it up for free to all comers. If that’s the case, a former hooker would make a better bet for a committed partner, because at least she’s used to demanding something before she takes her pants off. Get involved with a slut, and what’s to stop her from giving it away to some random guy at the most convenient opportunity for any reason at all?”

So there we go. Sluttiness is the same thing as prostiution, I guess.

13 years ago

BlackBloc: Personally, I think cynicism is a very adolescent position. It’s natural enough to be like “hey, wait a minute, lots of stuff in the world sucks!” But the next step shouldn’t be “look at how sucky it all is!”, but “so how can we fix it?”

13 years ago

Okay, I’m a slut, but I don’t sleep with EVERYONE. If I managed to get transported into an alternate universe where all the long-haired geeks were replaced with bros, I’d probably never have casual sex again.

13 years ago

Ozy, I hope you aren’t implying that sluts choose their sexual partners, as though they have, like, desire, and agency. Jeez.

13 years ago

Get involved with a slut, and what’s to stop her from giving it away to some random guy at the most convenient opportunity for any reason at all?

Wait, you need a reason? I thought wanting to fuck was a reason.

13 years ago

Dang, spelled my name wrong.

13 years ago

Also, the alternate universe where all the long-haired geeks have been replaced by bros is the MOST HORRIFYING DYSTOPIA I HAVE EVER IMAGINED.