When is a slut not a slut? When he’s a dude. So says the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy, in yet another post of his trying to prove that his brand of Pick-Up Assholery is fully proven by SCIENCE!
His evidence in this case? A recent study of speed dating that showed that (straight) women, in addition to being attracted to attractive men (duh!), also seem to be attracted to men with high “sociosexuality” ratings. “Sociosexuality,” for those not fully immersed in the SCIENCE!! of dating, is basically someone’s propensity for casual sex.
In other words, the study found that guys who do a lot of casual dating tended to do better at casual dating.
Heartiste/Roissy puts it this way:
Men who have high sociosexuality (HSS) are more attractive to women because the suite of characteristics associated with HSS suggest prior experience bedding women and possession of mating skills that attract women.
It’s akin to a form of preselection for men, minus the actual women he’s banging being physically present at his side to aid in the alpha judging process that all women, consciously or not, impose on their suitors.
In a very loose sense, high male sociosexuality is male sluttiness.
If you strip out the PUA nonsense about the “alpha judging process,” all this seems fairly self-evident, if not simply tautological. Guys who’ve been with a lot of women will probably do better with women in the future than guys with no experience who view women as strange alien creatures. (Note: In all this, we’re only talking about straight people; PUAs don’t seem aware that gay people exist, outside of their own fantasies of hot bi girl threesomes.)
It’s at this point that Heartiste/Roissy amps up the assholery:
Male sluttiness is not equivalent to female sluttiness. It is more difficult for a man to be slutty that it is for a woman owing to the discrepancy in worth between sperm and egg, so people justifiably perceive male sluts to have higher quality mate value, and higher quality mating skills, than female sluts for whom the act of sexual conquest is merely synonym for being easy.
In other words, it’s bad to be a female slut, but great to be a male slut:
[T]he study results confirm the validity of game when its conclusions find that male sociosexuality is a relatively powerful predictor of attractiveness to women, even to women looking for long-term relationships.
Not only can this SCIENCE!! of game help to get dudes laid – it can basically save the world from evil fat chicks.
It’s vital to readers to get this scientific information validating game out there, because there are a lot of doubters and haters who are blinded by what they won’t see. Sometimes, men need to know that there is an experimental foundation supporting all these seduction techniques and peculiarities of female behavior. It’s not necessary to know this stuff to start gaming chicks out in the field right now, but for men with a cynical bent or shy disposition, it helps to know that there are rules that govern human interaction. It may be the boost they need.
Turning former nerds into wily lotharios will help to put those uppity female sluts in their place:
[A] moment of candor. This blog is first and foremost a source of self-amusement, but it is also a true and real desire to teach and to see men succeed sexually and emotionally with women. Men who become better at attracting women increase their options in the mating market. Men with increased options cause women to behave better. Women behaving better redounds to the benefit of families, and to society.
And by “behave better”, I mean the whole panoply of awful modern female behavior: cheating, cock carouseling, divorcing on a whim, eat pray loving, straycationing, spinstering, attention whoring, voting and fattening up into repulsive dirigibles.
Yep, he did slyly insert “voting” into all that. Sneaky!
So slut it up, fellas! It’s the only way to put those evil lady sluts in their place. And, thereby, save the world from sex-having, vote-casting slatterns.
Maybe those pics were taken at off times, but by his own rules, he should be ready for game.
Why are we playing by his rules?
Viscaria, attacking? Mocking certainly, but attacking?
Yeah, I can see where Ami and Ozy are coming from, regarding posting pics of Roissy.
I say that in spite of all of the nasty shit he has done (and continues to do)…I mean, jesus, did he really leak private photos of a mother and her child? DARTH VADER would think that’s too much.
Darth Vader: Hey, Roissy, I killed several people in my lifetime and destoryed planets and all, but…dude, posting private photos of a woman and her baby? I’m gonna have to force choke you-
Roissy: Yeah, well, you’re a beta mangina. What kind of Dark Lord screams, “Noooo” at the end of Revenge of the Sith?
Darth Vader: … -_- (leaves shamefully)
Well, shit.
Who knew that when previously socially awkward men can successfully manipulate women into having sex with them, families will benefit?
Why haven’t any political candidates run with this one?
I totally agree that sharing Roissy’s photos is questionable, and it certainly makes me feel uncomfortable.
Sharing and mocking photos of people is exactly what a shallow moron like Roissy would do – if we do it as well, we just sink to his level. Like Ami said, the likes of Elam do horrible, vicious stuff like maliciously post personal info all the time. If we stray into that territory as well, we’re no better.
It’s Roissy’s opinions that are ugly and warrant the scrutiny, not his appearance.
Darth Vader: “The one that does this” *uses the force to choke Roissy to the cheers of all.*
I have to say, I was uncomfortable about the small-dick-mocking thing. If there was a direct correlation between dick size and how much of a douche a person is? Then sure, go ahead and mock it.
But there isn’t.
I feel a bit shamed for commenting on his looks; though I think the point is that he makes himself out to be God’s Gift to Women when he most certainly isn’t (and I ain’t just talking about looks either).
For the way he talks himself up, I would have expected much more, I guess.
But as I said, he wouldn’t need to talk himself up if he was all that and a bag of crisps.
We think it is stupid.
@Xanthe, possibly I made a poor word choice there :-$. What I meant was, attack his ideas, don’t go after his appearance, but you’re right, “attacking” is probably too strong a word for what’s going on. Mea culpa.
Fun fact: my phone autocorrects “mea” to “MRA”.
@Cassandra okay let’s try this again xD
I think, aside from all the advantages they’d have as an adult dating a child (like having more money, being able to pay for everything therefore creating the idea that she owes him something, having a car, etc) they also see it similar to how sports teams value athletes in many sports, and how “small market” teams try to compete in baseball… :
And the sad thing is I think the analogy works because in sports, human beings ARE treated as commodities, and they are treated as a bunch of physical value traits that peak at about the same age as the PUAs see women peaking at… (i.e. mid 20s is best, after 30 things drop off a cliff, and it’s down hill from there) and the PUA/MRA types consider themselves “small market” teams compared to Brad Pitt and whoever else is stealing “their” women today… e_e The “Alphas” are the Yankees, the Red Sox, etc…
Like so the strategy is that you try to get the best young talent available in the draft, and you’re out scouting 16 year olds and 14 year olds so you can be ready to draft them at 18 and when they show potential you lock them up to deals that are above what they’d get now, but below market value of what you hope they’ll be worth if they reach their potential…
i.e. rather than compete on the “free market” with all the big spending teams for the services of the player when he’s 25, 26, 27, 28, you now have him “below market” and locked up during those years, even if you paid more for him when he was 22…
The Roissyites push that age even lower, but I think a lot of their obsession with youth also comes to that… a hot 25 year old would have tons of competition in their minds, and they’d have to be really rich, or erally hot, or really cool to get her as a g/f… HOWEVER, if you already have picked up an insecure 16 year old and all it takes is driving her places, having money, etc etc, you can groom her, control her, and when she’s a 22-25 year old hottie, you have her “under market value”…
In a way, THIS, not roissy’s fancy PUA techniques, is the way to game the “system” in their creepy little minds… it’s the Moneyball of the dating economy…
(this also shows how disturbing sports is)
Scar | February 3, 2012 at 5:41 pm
I have to say, I was uncomfortable about the small-dick-mocking thing. If there was a direct correlation between dick size and how much of a douche a person is? Then sure, go ahead and mock it.
But there isn’t.
Exactly Scar. Thanks for bringing that up b/c that was making me really uncomfortable too.
To my way of thinking, the most utterly depressing aspect of the whole thing isn’t the attitude to women. That’s just pathetic, stupid, immature and childish.
It’s the men who hate themselves enough to call themselves “betas” and think they’ve got to find an immature girl with low self esteem and abuse her if they are to ever have sex.
Actually that’s my big issue with Mrs. Hooking Up Smart Woman. She really looks old enough to know better than to encourage damaged young men in this. It’s very irresponsible and uncaring of her to accept their hero worship and return it by endorsing their pathological self hatred.
Why? As a fellow trans woman, I don’t see why you do that. It’s a potential risk to your safety.
Amy, my wish to see a photo of him was a passing curiosity and probably ill considered. My thought on this is that if a woman were to post dating advice that included looking put together, I’d like to see a photo and judge how well put together she is. I’d prefer to consider the advice of someone who walks the walk.
I don’t generally judge people on the basis of looks. Its just not that important to me. But I do judge on how much what they say and how they act matter. In this case, I speculate that there is some dissonance. A totally normal human thing, but I’d far rather talk about the shit he’s busy spreading as if all humanity was a mushroom farm.
(That wasn’t meant as an attack by the way, I’m genuinely curious/concerned)
Once again the equalists shoot out their jizzbombs of stupidity.
Don’t you know it’s different for men? The most important factor for men is that they marry women who are fertile and healthy enough to bear their children– that is, slim, young, and attractive; femininity (i.e. good mothering skills) and nonsluttiness (i.e. less likelihood of cuckolding, which is male rape). The most important factor for women is twofold: that they get the sperm of a sexy alpha male who will make their sons equally sexy, and that they get the commitment of any male ready to spend resources to protect her children.
Therefore, it doesn’t matter what he looks like, as long as he seems like an unimpressed and experienced seducer. Pussy wetness uber alles.
Scar | February 3, 2012 at 5:45 pm
My photos are out there too if you google Ami Angelwings. -_o
Why? As a fellow trans woman, I don’t see why you do that. It’s a potential risk to your safety.
No pre-transition photos are out there, those are the ones I care about. And given my job, and being out full time because of my job now, I can’t really avoid people knowing what I look like and knowing that I’m trans >_> So it’s not really a risk to my safety any more than that there’s photos of Holly out there (including one on my site).
I’ve just posted pictures of me in a blog before :3 Because I need to show ppl my cool hats, or kissing Stormtroopers at a con 😀 Other fangirls can do that, why can’t I? o:
“Darth Vader: “The one that does this” *uses the force to choke Roissy to the cheers of all.*”
Yeah, this is a better ending.
pillowinhell | February 3, 2012 at 5:46 pm
Amy, my wish to see a photo of him was a passing curiosity and probably ill considered. My thought on this is that if a woman were to post dating advice that included looking put together, I’d like to see a photo and judge how well put together she is. I’d prefer to consider the advice of someone who walks the walk.
First off, my name is Ami.
Secondly, so, again, if Roissy was a ripped “hot” dude, then we should all give his points more credence? It’s irrelevant.
“Pussy wetness uber alles.”
Wait, what?
I do all that kind of stuff too (though haven’t kissed any ‘troopers lately) but it’s not associated in any way with this identity.
I’m certainly not the first, nor the only trans woman to have a ‘trans’ identity and a non-trans one 🙂
I’m sure that you’re well aware that circumstances change and you probably won’t work the same job forever.
Just be careful, is all I’m saying – that stuff can be really hard to put back in the box later on; sometimes impossible, in fact.
If you manage to feed some very specific search terms into google, you can still find an image of me in a trans context and I really hate that :-/
He (is OzyMRAndias a he?) means “more than anything else”/”above all else”
I.e. that “pussy witness matters more than anything”
@ Ami
Yeah, I think that is part of what they’re doing. The whole “bitch shield” thing supports that idea – if a woman turns them down they think that’s bitchy, unfair, unreasonable, etc, but most kids at 16 or so won’t have developed either the confidence or the verbal skills to tell them to fuck off effectively. Teenagers are the perfect combination of naive, easy to bully, easy to manipulate, and easy to impress for their purposes. I wouldn’t put it past them to threaten to get the kid into trouble with school, parents, etc either. Plus these guys are cowards, and really attractive adults can be intimidating if they also have confidence and good social skills. I think if, let’s say Jessica Alba since someone mentioned her upthread, actually spoke to Roissy he’d pee his pants in sheer terror.
Ami, Scar and anyone else I may have offended. My apologies for making you uncomfortable. My remarks were both crude and insensitive. I will keep this discussion in mind for future thinking and responses.
I’m sure that you’re well aware that circumstances change and you probably won’t work the same job forever.
I’m actually hoping to stay in this field working in this job or a similar one. >_>
Also, I don’t like having multiple identities that aren’t me. That’s what I did for 20 years of my life and I’m not doing that again. -_-
I appreciate the concern, really, but I’m fine being me 🙂