alpha males bad boys beta males creepy grandiosity I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit sex sluts

When is a slut not a slut? When he’s a dude.

I did a search for PUA and this showed up. So, fuck it, I'm going with it.

When is a slut not a slut? When he’s a dude. So says the (He)artist(e) formerly known as Roissy, in yet another post of his trying to prove that his brand of Pick-Up Assholery is fully proven by SCIENCE!

His evidence in this case? A recent study of speed dating that showed that (straight) women, in addition to being attracted to attractive men (duh!), also seem to be attracted to men with high “sociosexuality” ratings. “Sociosexuality,” for those not fully immersed in the SCIENCE!! of dating, is basically someone’s propensity for casual sex.

In other words, the study found that guys who do a lot of casual dating tended to do better at casual dating.

Heartiste/Roissy puts it this way:

Men who have high sociosexuality (HSS) are more attractive to women because the suite of characteristics associated with HSS suggest prior experience bedding women and possession of mating skills that attract women.

It’s akin to a form of preselection for men, minus the actual women he’s banging being physically present at his side to aid in the alpha judging process that all women, consciously or not, impose on their suitors.

In a very loose sense, high male sociosexuality is male sluttiness.

If you strip out the PUA nonsense about the “alpha judging process,” all this seems fairly self-evident, if not simply tautological. Guys who’ve been with a lot of women will probably do better with women in the future than guys with no experience who view women as strange alien creatures. (Note: In all this, we’re only talking about straight people; PUAs don’t seem aware that gay people exist, outside of their own fantasies of hot bi girl threesomes.)

It’s at this point that Heartiste/Roissy amps up the assholery:

Male sluttiness is not equivalent to female sluttiness. It is more difficult for a man to be slutty that it is for a woman owing to the discrepancy in worth between sperm and egg, so people justifiably perceive male sluts to have higher quality mate value, and higher quality mating skills, than female sluts for whom the act of sexual conquest is merely synonym for being easy.

In other words, it’s bad to be a female slut, but great to be a male slut:

[T]he study results confirm the validity of game when its conclusions find that male sociosexuality is a relatively powerful predictor of attractiveness to women, even to women looking for long-term relationships.

Not only can this SCIENCE!! of game help to get dudes laid – it can basically save the world from evil fat chicks.

It’s vital to readers to get this scientific information validating game out there, because there are a lot of doubters and haters who are blinded by what they won’t see. Sometimes, men need to know that there is an experimental foundation supporting all these seduction techniques and peculiarities of female behavior. It’s not necessary to know this stuff to start gaming chicks out in the field right now, but for men with a cynical bent or shy disposition, it helps to know that there are rules that govern human interaction. It may be the boost they need.

Turning former nerds into wily lotharios will help to put those uppity female sluts in their place:

[A] moment of candor. This blog is first and foremost a source of self-amusement, but it is also a true and real desire to teach and to see men succeed sexually and emotionally with women. Men who become better at attracting women increase their options in the mating market. Men with increased options cause women to behave better. Women behaving better redounds to the benefit of families, and to society.

And by “behave better”, I mean the whole panoply of awful modern female behavior: cheating, cock carouseling, divorcing on a whim, eat pray loving, straycationing, spinstering, attention whoring, voting and fattening up into repulsive dirigibles.

Yep, he did slyly insert “voting” into all that. Sneaky!

So slut it up, fellas! It’s the only way to put those evil lady sluts in their place. And, thereby, save the world from sex-having, vote-casting slatterns.

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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Yes we shall! 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Sadly my blonde has faded a lot 🙁 I haven’t been able to dye it due to lack of funds and now I feel less powerful and awesome 🙁

13 years ago

“Is that a threat? We’ve been digging all the ditches and making all of the buildings since civilization began.”

I think you are thinking of slaves and poor people, and that included women.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Just answer me this. On average who is taller as a group, men or women?

I am trying to find some kind of actual, global height average that could settle this, but it’s all broken down by *country* so far… grrr…

13 years ago


For one thing, go back and read Ami’s actual quote; the one where she says that MRAs think that men and women have completely separate genetics, when in reality they don’t. Then look at your criticism that she doesn’t understand genetics because she claims that women and men are genetically identical. Then sit back and contemplate how all of this could have been avoided if you could just read properly.

I’ll be waiting. 🙂

13 years ago

Asshat: No, I’m not arguing anything. I’m asking you to tell me what your argument actually is, and back your claim up.

Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick, I feel like I’ve been around this track before…

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

ok…so go dig your ditch you big strong tall man you! no one’s stopping you and you made it clear that you think women are too weak to do laborious menz work….so stop complaining 😀

Are you honestly claiming you’ve never seen any male construction workers? How many female ditch diggers do you think there are? if they all went on strike do you think we’d notice? Do you think nobody would replace them? Are you honestly that out of touch with fucking reality!?

13 years ago

Maybe the MRM has now generated its own artificial being on the internet. It’s a being of pure illogical rage, like an elemental but with 0s and 1s.

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

I was warned you geniuses would have logic problems, but I never expected this. You’re actually claiming that most of the hard labor in society is done by women and that women and men are equally distributed in height?

13 years ago

“If feminists cared about equal treatment they would be outside courthouses lobbying that every accused rapist gets released until the law is changed, because they should get the same belief accorded to accusers, which is that people believe them 100%. But no, I haven’t seen any feminists say that. Women are believed, men aren’t. Equal treatment?”

I can tell that you’re one of Elam’s goons, so I don’t expect this information to go through to you, but—no, women who are raped often aren’t believed. They might be believed by a group of feminists who happen to hear about the case online or from far way, but they often often aren’t believed by their friends, their family, the police, or the jury that ultimately lets their rapist go. I would say that the in fact, the men are usually believed and the women are called liars. You MRAs are living in an alternate reality. And I think it’s cute, in a pathetic way, that you MRAs think the idea of saying “Most women lie about rape” is some bold or uneheard of statement.

13 years ago

Also you don’t understand how the law works, I see.

LEGALLY, there is a presumption of innocence. Therefore, legally, it is correct to only convict someone if it has been shown beyond a reasonable doubt they committed the crime.

Socially, there is not necessarily a presumption of innocence! Because society is not the law! And given the low rate of false accusations and the high rate of unreported rapes, and the damage that not being believed can cause a survivor of rape (some people call it being “revictimized”), it is wisest to believe and support the survivor.

I do have a friend who, I believe, was falsely accused of rape. (He was never charged with anything.) Why do I believe this accusation is false? Because in every interaction I’ve had with him, he has had the utmost concern for consent, boundaries, respect, and general non-abusive non-rapey behavior, and because he is a feminist who does not believe that because of his false accusation we ought to automatically not believe people.

Also, lol, rape survivors are not always believed. It’s really common to see someone say, oh, “I was drunk and I said no to sex” and then have someone else say “well, getting drunk and having sex isn’t rape” or “well, now you know to be more careful next time” or “it was a misunderstanding” or “do you really want to ruin his life over that?”

13 years ago


You’re response to someone else before was “How many [unqualified female workers] have you fired?” Turnabouts fair play, so riddle me this; How many ditches have you dug?

13 years ago

Just answer me this. On average who is taller as a group, men or women?


13 years ago

@Nephrite (moving so fast I can barely keep up with your crap):

“I was warned you geniuses would have logic problems, but I never expected this. You’re actually claiming that most of the hard labor in society is done by women and that women and men are equally distributed in height?”

The only person who’s claimed these two things is you. yeah…

13 years ago

“I think you are thinking of slaves and poor people, and that included women.”

Ancient Egyptian woman – “Go build me a pyramid! I’m out of bonbons and I’m bored.”

Ancient Egyptian man – “But sweetie, we have people for that.”

13 years ago

I made a bunch of typos in rushing to make my point, but I think overall the message is there.

13 years ago

THAT’S IT!! CleverBot has gained sentience (of a sort) and joined the MRM!

No, I’ve gotten more nuanced and logical arguments out of CleverBot. Maybe an earlier version?

13 years ago

You’re actually claiming that most of the hard labor in society is done by women

In the first world or the third world?

13 years ago

“That means that we don’t pretend somebody who is 5’4″ can reach the same shelves as somebody who is 6’4″”

Asshat, those were your words. Too bad you forgot about how much tools and technology can compensate for eh? Ladders have been around for millenia.. But I guess you forgot that?

Nephrite Yeqon
Nephrite Yeqon
13 years ago

For one thing, go back and read Ami’s actual quote; the one where she says that MRAs think that men and women have completely separate genetics, when in reality they don’t.

I’m assuming Kirby is male because 1) he doesn’t write like an emotional child and 2) Amy’s pussy gushed open when he spoke.

And yes, I did read it. If men and women don’t have separate genetics, just how are we physically different? Why are men and women’s heights not equally distributed?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

You’re actually claiming that most of the hard labor in society is done by women and that women and men are equally distributed in height

Not really, no.

13 years ago


I was gonna ask Nephrite earlier, but I’m wondering whether he is in fact another one of Elam’s incarnations… Sadly I couldn’t quite remember the name.

13 years ago


I agree with some of her positions, her others are just stupid as hell and at the same level of paranoid misogyny of the MRM.

I gave feminist critics a chance because they at least admit that feminism was necessary and right about some things and they didn’t act all paranoid and misogynist. But then the hypocrisy with the Lady Raine/Roissy thing and now this…yeah. Fuck em.

13 years ago

“I was warned you geniuses would have logic problems, but I never expected this. You’re actually claiming that most of the hard labor in society is done by women and that women and men are equally distributed in height?”

Except nobody actually said that.

13 years ago

My understanding is that most of the food in Africa is grown by women.

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