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Men oppressed by not being allowed to bitch about ladies in public restrooms

I'm pretty sure this happens more often than conversations in men's restrooms

A startling new development on the frontiers of anti-male oppression. According to the loquacious lady MRA known as girlwriteswhat on Reddit, men are being oppressed by evil feminist dudes cruelly clamping down on their right to bitch about ladies in the bathroom. In a recent comment she writes:

No space is allowed to be male-only, or male-viewpoint-only, but women insist on female-only or female-viewpoint-only spaces all the time.

The only male safe space left on the planet is the men’s bathroom, ffs. And even then, there will be feminist-leaning men policing what is said. It’s very frustrating.

As a dude feminist who is a regular user of men’s restrooms, I should note that dudes do not actually talk in restrooms.

Happily, this does not prevent me, as a dude feminist, from policing the non-existent speech of other dudes in said restrooms.

Here is the complete transcript of a restroom discussion I recently policed:

Dude One: [silently urinates]

Dude Two: [silently urinates]

Dude Three: [silently poops]

Me: Goddessdamnit, keep it down with all your lady-bashing! Men are bad!

Always glad to help.

HT to Shit Reddit Says, which has just ended its month-long moratorium on r/mensrights posts, for pointing me to girlwriteswhat’s observation.

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13 years ago

One of the basic theories of Moosism is that Squirrel must reserve a part of their lives for Moose and Moose must not do anything for pleasing Squirrel.

13 years ago

OK, well, maybe it was well within the pale, then. Carry on. 🙂

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“I believe there should be a male pill.”

Sounds like an MRA to me.

“I believe that a man should be able to renounce fatherhood if his partner refuses to get an abortion, because it barbaric to force a woman into having one and because its only fair.”

Definitely 100% an MRA. Also, if you say this near a feminist, you could be violently physically assaulted.

“I believe shared custody is optimal, but the courts better be sure that both parents are fit.”

This is a standard MRA platform. You are an MRA.

“I believe alimony is outdated, but hell, I believe marriage is outdated.”

MRA, MRA, MRA. I think you should apply for an editorial position at A Voice for Men.

“What I don’t think is right though is that if I a couple divorces, and the mother sacrificed her career to stay home and now has a huge gap in her resume, it is not right to just leave her with nothing.”

We can talk about this, but the MRM position is, nobdoy (regardless of gender) should stay at home. Full stop. Why? Because that implies that courts have to sort out the mess … and if there is one thing we MRAs know, it is that courts are incapable of doing anything impartially. Bigotry runs deeper and thicker in courtrooms than anywhere else.

“If no alimony, then at least some form of compensation until she is able to get back on her feet again. I do know for a fact though, since most MRAs are anti-government conservatives, they would then shift their anger at women for leeching off the state.”

We don’t believe in government because government does not believe in us. If our children stop being stolen by feminist goons in police uniforms, we would not mind government at all.

13 years ago

There’s plenty of horrible stuff that prominent MRAs have actually said, so it’s better to focus on that.

Thanks, crumb. That was kind of my point. I’d forgotten about the Glee thing, though. I’m certainly not denying their homophbia and racism in addition to the obvious sexism. It just seemed like sort of comment that MRAs would love to take out of context. I suppose it doesn’t really matter, though, since MRAs can put a negative spin on anything.

13 years ago

Antz: Dude, I’ve KNOWN feminists who’ve believed in “male abortion” rights. I’ve had them write on my blog. I have not physically assaulted one of them.

Also, why shouldn’t people stay at home if they want to?

Boggi: Check yourself, dude. It’s really not okay to call entire groups of people filth, even if they are generally nasty smallminded little wankers. If nothing else, you’re giving them more than they deserve– mock them, don’t hate them. Have contempt, not anger.

13 years ago

AntZ, do you think women are people? GASP ME TOO. YOU ARE A FEMINIST.

I think men face rigid gender roles which don’t allow them to express feelings other than rage, and it’s harmful. Do I get to be an MRA too?

13 years ago

Cute puppies, sunshine, orgasms–that’s 100% MRA.

Poison oak, sand in your swimsuit, Michael Bolton–entirely the fault of feminism.

13 years ago

@Antz: Go back to bed. 3.5 hours is not a sufficient amount of sleep. Make yourself a glass of warm milk if you need to.

13 years ago

AntZ: Given that you share those opinions with feminists (such as myself), perhaps you are mistaken about your MRAness, and ought to accept that you are actually in agreement with feminism.

13 years ago

Moewicus: I think Explore Nature is gunning for his or her very own Book O’ Larnin’.

That would require the comments made to have enough semblance of coherence to extract some comprehensible content from his rambling.

13 years ago

We can talk about this, but the MRM position is, nobdoy (regardless of gender) should stay at home.

Who then, will raise the children? Are they to have no caretakers? Will those who would rather be caretakers of their children (people of any gender), be forced into wage labor? Do you intend to institute a Soviet style public childcare system to make up for the gap?

I believe that a man should be able to renounce fatherhood if his partner refuses to get an abortion, because it barbaric to force a woman into having one and because its only fair.

I do think this is wrong (in no small part because de facto the latter would be a result of the former policy). We can easily look at surrogacy law and see that the right to abortion is related to the state of pregnancy, not to having been the egg provider. But, as all will note, I am the first to criticize, and no one has physically assault Quackers or called for such.

13 years ago

I’m sorry,these fuckers in the MRM are indeed evil, in my view. They themselves brag about hurting people, especially women and sometimes children. Those that do not brag about actual acts, post elaborate fantasies of hurting people in general.

I think calling someone who wants to hurt my children, filth is perfectly ok. The MRAs who post things about hurting people for no reason are indeed filth, and I feel fine about saying that.

13 years ago

Antz: No one here wants to join your cult. Quit telling us what feminists do, because we are feminists, and we know a hell of a lot better than to listen to your bullshit.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I’d just like to highlight that Zarat thinks the minimum standard to be an MRA is to want a male pill. I’m pretty sure everyone here, who he’s called bigots, wants a male pill. So excuse me while I go have myself a great laugh.

13 years ago

If our children stop being stolen by feminist goons in police uniforms, we would not mind government at all.

And if my Fruit of the Looms stop being stolen by the Underpants Gnomes, I wouldn’t mind their secret plan to earn profit.

13 years ago

The police are feminists now? Uh huh. The police seem to have the same attitudes towards women that MRAs have. I’m pretty sure that they’re on your side, unfortunately.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

And this is why MRAs think that feminists are crazy.

Three months ago, I repeatedly asked the members of this board if there was even one of you (ONE)(1) who would accept that it is wrong to send fathers to prison (not jail) for many years (not weeks) on a felony (not misdemeanor) conviction of inability to pay child support. I could not get ONE of you to admit that this is morally indefensible.

Now, when one feminist goes against the tide and embraces (essentially) the entire MRA platform, all of you sudenly de-bigotify and become human beings who feel emotions like compassion and pity.

What gives?

13 years ago

I don’t remember seeing that post, so that might be why no one responded.

OK, sure. I think that’s wrong. There you go.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Nah, the police stop being feminist goons when the courts start forcing every kid into the dad’s custody, regardless of the facts of the case or even if the dad wants the kids. Til then, feminazi tools, because Antsy has massive paranoia about family court. Yet another thing a parallel universe troll is clueless on, go fig.

13 years ago

Nuh uh, Rutee! Everything good comes from MRAs. Everything bad comes from feminism.

Empire Strikes Back–MRA

Jar Jar Binks–feminism

See? Everything bad.

13 years ago

You finally actually read a post with comprehension.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I don’t remember seeing that post, so that might be why no one responded.

OK, sure. I think that’s wrong. There you go.

That’s because it didn’t happen, and we pointed out everything that indicated the story had not progressed like the MRAs were now spinning the narrative. I don’t remember the details, but it was most certainly not a dude going to prison for poverty alone.

13 years ago

Antz: I believe there should be a male pill!

I also believe those posters about how boys shouldn’t force a girl into sex are fucking awesome!

Has your brain exploded yet?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, protip for those unused to him:
Antsy is a parallel universe troll, like MRAL, or Molkboy. Pretty much everything he talks about goes through a dozen funhouse mirrors before finally ending up in a readable format. Nothing he says should be taken at face value.

13 years ago

I recall quite a few people saying that jail terms for failure to pay child support (due to inability to pay) were not appropriate. Even Amanda Marcotte opposes this.

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