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Men oppressed by not being allowed to bitch about ladies in public restrooms

I'm pretty sure this happens more often than conversations in men's restrooms

A startling new development on the frontiers of anti-male oppression. According to the loquacious lady MRA known as girlwriteswhat on Reddit, men are being oppressed by evil feminist dudes cruelly clamping down on their right to bitch about ladies in the bathroom. In a recent comment she writes:

No space is allowed to be male-only, or male-viewpoint-only, but women insist on female-only or female-viewpoint-only spaces all the time.

The only male safe space left on the planet is the men’s bathroom, ffs. And even then, there will be feminist-leaning men policing what is said. It’s very frustrating.

As a dude feminist who is a regular user of men’s restrooms, I should note that dudes do not actually talk in restrooms.

Happily, this does not prevent me, as a dude feminist, from policing the non-existent speech of other dudes in said restrooms.

Here is the complete transcript of a restroom discussion I recently policed:

Dude One: [silently urinates]

Dude Two: [silently urinates]

Dude Three: [silently poops]

Me: Goddessdamnit, keep it down with all your lady-bashing! Men are bad!

Always glad to help.

HT to Shit Reddit Says, which has just ended its month-long moratorium on r/mensrights posts, for pointing me to girlwriteswhat’s observation.

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13 years ago

@Antz: I am sorry you were unable to understand my point. Please show where I argued “That men and boys do not deserve equal protection under the law because some of the people who advocate for men and boys are too angry to be objective?” Because I am pretty damn sure I never argued that.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago


Examples of good apples (by no means a complete list):

A voice for men
The spearhead (despite occasional traditionalist hangover)

13 years ago

Ah of course, Zarat’s list of good apples is a lot of all the bad apples.

13 years ago

I just read that and all I can conclude is that she has a pretty deep well of self-loathing. She’s been treated absolutely terribly by many men, including the father of her children, and she concludes that somehow men are victims of women being treated preferentially? Because a judge concluded she was right to move for financial reasons away from her ex who rarely saw his kids and didn’t pay child support? Really?

13 years ago

a list of all the bad apples*

13 years ago

You came up with 2 examples and both are horrendous.

I don’t even know how to respond…

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago

“I just read that and all I can conclude is that she has a pretty deep well of self-loathing.”

I often think the same thing about men who support feminists. Who knows? It is hard to fathom people’s motivations. Not everyone is as transparent as Hugo Schwyzer.

13 years ago

That “the judge didn’t even look at his evidence” argument is bullshit, she can’t possibly know that. Does she really think that those papers lawyers file aren’t read prior to the case being heard?

13 years ago

@Anthony Zarat

I hate hugo schwyzer too

13 years ago

I’m so wounded that Antsy thinks girlwriteswhat is better than all of us. Ergo continent-wide gender segregation.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago


Now that he has become harmless, I only pity Hugo. I always thought Schwyzer would be tough take-down for the MRM. I was so pleased that you did this job for us.


13 years ago

Also, even if I do hear anti-feminist bullshit in the bathroom, I’m not going to confront anybody about it. That’s the bathroom, yo. Save it for the hallway.

[silently poops]

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

AntZ, do you have any comprehension that people turned against Hugo for a reason (his sexual exploitation of students, attempted murder of an ex-girlfriend, and creepy not-quite-sorry attitudes toward both)? It’s not like we just suddenly decided he had to be taken down because those are our fickle ways.

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago


“AntZ: So, uh, who are the good apples? I mean, besides Feminist Critics (doesn’t identify as MRA) and Fathers & Families (same). ”

I am beginning to think that there is hope for you, so I am going to clue you in:

>>> Non-productive anger can have reactive value <<<

Look at the origins of feminism for an example. Or any other successful civil rights movement in history.

13 years ago

@Caraz: “You came up with 2 examples and both are horrendous. I don’t even know how to respond…”

I had a feeling Zarat would list the absolute worst examples and he did not disappoint.

13 years ago

The MRM of course would totally be fine with a female ally that attempted to murder her boyfriend in the past, right?

13 years ago


I don’t recall MLK saying, “The idea of fucking up white supremacist’s shit gives me an erection.”

When did Susan B. Anthony say, “”Progress for women will not be gained by debate, reason or typical channels of grievance available to segments of the population that the world actually gives a damn about. The progress we need will only be realized by inflicting enough pain on the agents of hate, in public view, that it literally shocks society out of its current coma”?

Anthony Zarat
13 years ago


“I don’t recall MLK saying …”

MLK would have been nothing without the black panthers.

13 years ago

GWW is fighting for justice. She is not looking for friends or validation. That only adds to her merit.

She gets validation, very obviously. From you, Antz, for starters. It could very well be one of her motivation. Like most people who seek validation, it doesn’t implies her scheming how to get it. The “I’m not like other women, please accept me in your boys club” is hardly unusual.

13 years ago

Another gem from girlwriteswhat in this post:

If I were a man, I’d be keeping my hands clearly visible and backing away slowly from Ms. Chip von Shoulder. Especially since she claims her body isn’t public property while she’s wearing a go-go dancer’s costume. A clear sign of detachment from reality and desperation for validation.

Six boxes down from the top. Keep in mind that what she says is in reference to this image:

As a man, I’d be saying “good for you.”

13 years ago

You don’t know what you are talking about.

I can tell which burns more, the stupidity or the irony.

13 years ago

Can’t, I mean. But actually I can. It’s the stupidity.

13 years ago

The “I’m not like other women, please accept me in your boys club” is hardly unusual.

It really isn’t. I’ve seen it a lot. It does make it that much harder for women like me who have interests that attract more men than women. I have more male friends than female but I have to weed out the guys who think that I’m the type who will tear down other women in order to fit in. I don’t know which are the worst in those situations, that type, the ones who think I’m there to meet guys, or the ones who think I’m only there because my boyfriend is (and don’t think types 2&3 are mutually exclusive).

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Apparently GWW is joining NWO on the list of people who owe me a thorough description of an outfit that won’t make my body public property.

13 years ago

Her definition might be more realist since she has to actually wear it. I’m guessing anything under the knee and not too much cleavage, and whatever you wear it mustn’t be too sexy. This last part being the trickiest of course.