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Men oppressed by not being allowed to bitch about ladies in public restrooms

I'm pretty sure this happens more often than conversations in men's restrooms

A startling new development on the frontiers of anti-male oppression. According to the loquacious lady MRA known as girlwriteswhat on Reddit, men are being oppressed by evil feminist dudes cruelly clamping down on their right to bitch about ladies in the bathroom. In a recent comment she writes:

No space is allowed to be male-only, or male-viewpoint-only, but women insist on female-only or female-viewpoint-only spaces all the time.

The only male safe space left on the planet is the men’s bathroom, ffs. And even then, there will be feminist-leaning men policing what is said. It’s very frustrating.

As a dude feminist who is a regular user of men’s restrooms, I should note that dudes do not actually talk in restrooms.

Happily, this does not prevent me, as a dude feminist, from policing the non-existent speech of other dudes in said restrooms.

Here is the complete transcript of a restroom discussion I recently policed:

Dude One: [silently urinates]

Dude Two: [silently urinates]

Dude Three: [silently poops]

Me: Goddessdamnit, keep it down with all your lady-bashing! Men are bad!

Always glad to help.

HT to Shit Reddit Says, which has just ended its month-long moratorium on r/mensrights posts, for pointing me to girlwriteswhat’s observation.

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Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

@Rutee: Ah! I did not know that particular statistic.

I’ve spent enough time in courtrooms that I’d be highly unlikely to say that any court is unbiased. But I find that their biases are generally the same as those of the general society. Which makes sense, given that judges and juries are made up of the same humans who make up society.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh my christ he really did pretend all fathers are amazingly caring. Like I said, parallel universe.

Note: Mine’s just difficult to live with and may disown me for being bi. Overall he’s not bad at all. But christ, I pay attention to people, and recognize I got lucky. Was he not paying attention when, for instance, Dick Cheney forced his daughter to support his anti-gays shit?

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
13 years ago

Oh my christ he really did pretend all fathers are amazingly caring. Like I said, parallel universe.

I’ve been overlooking that because both my fathers are awesome, so (a) I have no firsthand experience with crappy fathers, and (b) even in the best of all possible worlds where all fathers are just bleeding at the heart to take care of their kids, AntZ’s arguments are more wrong than they are right.

Though I totally agree that in a universe where all fathers and mothers are dedicated to being parents, fathers and mothers should share custody. But it takes two dedicated parents to make it work, and unlike AntZ, I realize that we live in a world where not all kids get two dedicated parents. (Some don’t even get one.)

13 years ago

MRA martyr Thomas Ball cared so little for his daughter that he refused to attend court appointed classes to prove he wasn’t a danger to her.

In his defense, though, he didn’t kill her and his wife before self immolating.

13 years ago

What about cases where the mother does not have the strength of character to resist the temptation of money and power?

Can I just say I love this line? Ah, the incredible power of maybe getting a check to buy diapers with! I AM INVINNNNCIBLE!

Next time I watch the Lord of the Rings movies, I’m going to imagine the One Ring giving Frodo the ability to collect child support payments.

13 years ago

just watched Fringe…they have a guy who just got divorced trying to blow up a courthouse.

Hmmm…The writers must have been talking to the Spearhead.

13 years ago

Can I just say I love this line? Ah, the incredible power of maybe getting a check to buy diapers with! I AM INVINNNNCIBLE!

Seriously, it costs more to raise a child than splurging on a new shirt every year and keeping the pantry stocked with Chef Boy-Ar-Dee.

13 years ago

@Elizabeth: I thought exactly the same thing! Manboobz is seeping into my life… e_e

That sounded a lil icky.

13 years ago

Manboobz is seeping into my life… e_e

Okay okay, so the other night I had a dream where MRAL turned into an evil cat and started stalking me

AND AND then last night I had a dream where I had to educate a class about trans issues (something I’m supremely unqualified to do.) Though, to be fair, it’s also sexual and gender minorities week at my school. Still. I need to stop hanging out here all day.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

If it helps, you’ll stop thinking of these people after you stop looking at the site for a week or two. MRAs are so powerless that if you’re not actively looking at a website that pokes them for vile things to look at (like SRS or here) you’ll probably totally forget about them, because they don’t really have effects on the real world. They’re not activists XD

13 years ago

“When have mothers had to face systematic and virtually automatic loss of their children? In what society, in what time?”


13 years ago

I’m onto you David, the jig is up. You’ve been exposed!!! o____O

Boxer February 2, 2012 at 17:46
Dear X:

Do you guys know that there is a guy named David Fuetelle who mocks you guys and goes to his site “Manboobz” to ridicule you to all his “male feminist?”

David is actually a deep cover Men’s Rights Activist who does a great job gathering intelligence for our side about our ideological enemies, as well as driving huge amounts of traffic and donations our way. Why do you think he links to all the best MRA sites and constantly pushes the mainstream press to cover our issues?

Of course, we occasionally help him in this transparent charade, by halfheartedly screaming “traitor” in his general direction, but behind the scenes he is one of our most valuable assets. We’re sneaky that way, and fortunately, our foes are dumb as rocks, so it seems to be working, despite the obvious benefits to all of us.

Regards, Boxer

1 upvote, 0 downvotes so it must be true!

13 years ago

Hahahaha my gawd Quakers where did you find that? That is hilarious!

13 years ago

how could you david! I am so betrayed!

(*pays off david*)


13 years ago

If that’s true, then Dave is one of the most successful trolls in history, and for that I salute him.

13 years ago

And that is misandry.

13 years ago


found it on the spearhead lol

13 years ago

I keep looking at the OP, and my mind drifts off to a sort of post-femicaust dystopian future a la TERMINATOR where a few huddled men slink through the darkness to a desolate public outhouse miles from anywhere to try to mumble a few words of fellow-feeling to a fellow man, and the minute the phrase “CUNT BITCHES” passes through trembling lips BLAM the sooper sekrit femibomb set to go off at certain FREEDOM!words explodes, destroying the last of the MRA-underground!

13 years ago

There is a significant body of evidence spanning decades suggesting men fare well in disputed custody cases, including abusive men (who are involved in 25-50% of disputed custody cases), and that their words are given more weight by courts most of the time than their exes:

Don’t confuse common cultural myths with the reality of the courts. Men fare well in disputed custody cases, despite the high rates of male abusers and molesters among those cases.

13 years ago

Here’s a comment I just read on the Speahead. Take one guess as to who wrote it:

“A womans sexuality is her ability to arouse a man. In a healthy society a woman acts sexual for one man. In a debased, declining society women dress and act like hypersexual animals in heat at all times while demanding men to be in control of their desire to act on womens hypersexuality at all times.

Intentionally and repeatedly subjecting a male animal to a female animal in heat and then yanking his leash and beating him down would be considered sadistic and cruel. A person that did that would considered mentally deranged, in need of therapy. Yet modern women delight and demand the right to do exactly that to all men.” (26 up, 2 down)

13 years ago

“David is actually a deep cover Men’s Rights Activist who does a great job gathering intelligence for our side about our ideological enemies, as well as driving huge amounts of traffic and donations our way.”

I’m skeptical that those donations are particularly huge.

(Especially since men’s charities only get one dirty penny for every fourteen billion dollars in cash, stock options and gold-pressed latinum that women’s charities get, remember?)

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Steph: I suspect whoever wrote that is not actually concerned with the best interests of the MRM at all XD

DSC: You have saved me from effort on the matter until novel evidence is presented. You have my eternal gratitude for doing this research, because now I can stay lazy for now and just bookmark these in my kyriarchy folder. Seriously, thanks.

13 years ago

Who is NWOslave?
I’ll take Pisant MRA Catastrophes for $400, Alex.

13 years ago


that could only be the deranged rantings of NWOslave lol

13 years ago

Hey, you can’t say he’s not consistent.