A startling new development on the frontiers of anti-male oppression. According to the loquacious lady MRA known as girlwriteswhat on Reddit, men are being oppressed by evil feminist dudes cruelly clamping down on their right to bitch about ladies in the bathroom. In a recent comment she writes:
No space is allowed to be male-only, or male-viewpoint-only, but women insist on female-only or female-viewpoint-only spaces all the time.
The only male safe space left on the planet is the men’s bathroom, ffs. And even then, there will be feminist-leaning men policing what is said. It’s very frustrating.
As a dude feminist who is a regular user of men’s restrooms, I should note that dudes do not actually talk in restrooms.
Happily, this does not prevent me, as a dude feminist, from policing the non-existent speech of other dudes in said restrooms.
Here is the complete transcript of a restroom discussion I recently policed:
Dude One: [silently urinates]
Dude Two: [silently urinates]
Dude Three: [silently poops]
Me: Goddessdamnit, keep it down with all your lady-bashing! Men are bad!
Always glad to help.
HT to Shit Reddit Says, which has just ended its month-long moratorium on r/mensrights posts, for pointing me to girlwriteswhat’s observation.
Out, damned spot, out I say!
You are from Australia, for crissake. That is one of the top three most bigoted, feminist, hate-filled nations in the world (along with Sweden and England). Have you read the “National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their children “? This is the official government policy of the land of cangaroos and bigoted feminists:
Get a load of the bigoted feminist language, “women and THEIR CHILDREN”. Never mind that in Australia (as everywhere), mothers are THREE TIMES as likely to abuse or murder their children as are fathers. Inconvenient facts are not important to feminist bigots.
So you reckon we shouldn’t try to reduce violence against women and their children?
Antz, you haven’t answered my question: have YOU read the Texas bill? Do you understand the meaning of “willful failure to pay, having the means to do so?” Or did you just skip ahead to the part about “five years in prison” and call it a day?
Of course not, violence against women and children is necessary to the MRM, according to their online screeds anyway.
The video did not play and I could not find one online about it. What I do know is that if that guy was an attorney, there is more to the story. A lot more because attorneys know that if they want something from a judge, they better damn well let the judge know there is a problem.
And violence by mothers is covered under the “children” bit.
He’s an attorney? There goes the theory that he had trouble reading/completing forms to the court’s satisfaction. (which is bloody hard for ordinary people)
It’s really important to Antz that we be bloodthirsty bigots, isn’t it? Either we support the MRM, or we are literally Hitler. There’s no middle ground.
Of course, the only one who actually advocated genocide is Antz himself. Unless all the women are just going to magically evaporate and reappear on the other side of the Mississippi.
Ok, I read that article on the Spearhead, and that asshole jumped all over that woman who basically just said that there are men who walk out on their families. I’m sorry but this is true. There are men who walk out. My friend has a one year old and the father walked out when she got pregnant. Acknowledging that there are fathers who abandoned their families IS NOT the same as saying all men do. Its also not saying that mothers never walk out either. Some parents are shitty, some are not.
and then I read a comment like this:
Now how the hell do you think I’m gonna take that? it is SCARY. And makes me not want to listen to what any of you have to say.
Here’s the thing. You could potentially have allies if this misogyny and disturbing alludes to violence and “fucking shit up” was removed. As you’ve seen here already, there are people who do agree with some MRA grievances. We all identify, to my knowledge anyway, as feminist or feminist leaning. So there. If this is not enough to prove that we are not all evil and out to destroy men then I really don’t know what else to say.
And in regards to the custody thing, ultimately both sides need to realize that the children’s best interests should come first. This is why custody issues are extremely complicated. Because not only do the parents rights have to be respected, but now there’s a child involved.
Antz is literally Andrew Jackson, though probably without the mad dueling skills.
Maybe if we start inserting “bigots” into sentences at random, Antz will actually comprehend them.
Antz, bigots no bigots one bigots here bigots is bigots going bigots to bigots fall bigots for bigots your bigots half-assed bigots manipulation bigots and bigots misrepresentation bigots of bigots your bigots links bigots.
Oh look, a sheriff’s deputy spent four hours in jail despite owing $15,000 in back child support.
Gee, I cannot see why that bill is at ALL needed.
“So you reckon we shouldn’t try to reduce violence against women and their children?”
They are not only YOUR CHILDREN. They have fathers too.
Sorry, I know it is taboo to mention, among feminist bigots, that children also have fathers. I know, feminists think of children as property, to do with as they please (before and after birth). I know feminists think of children like credit cards, tools to help finance their lives. But the reality is CHILDREN HAVE FATHERS.
This age, the age of feminist hate, will come to an end. Fathers will again be a part of their children’s lives. And those who fought against this will be remembered as the custodians of hate. The choice is yours. Time is running out. We welcome you with open arms. Leave the forces of hate, and join a movement that is fighting for equality for all. Join the MRM. We need every freedom fighter we can get. We face a terrible evil, and we fight against terrible odds. The forces of evil are lurking ahead, and they have ammassed their vast political, financial, and institutional resources in an effort to protect their own corrupt power and avarice.
These bigots grapes bigots I’m eating bigots sure are tasty bigots.
My bigots green bigots beans bigots are bigots also bigots delicious bigots.
Are bigots they bigots red bigots or bigots white bigots grapes bigots?
Feminist hate.
This age, the age of feminist hate, will come to an end. Fathers will again be a part of their children’s lives. And those who fought against this will be remembered as the custodians of hate. The choice is yours. Time is running out. We welcome you with open arms. Leave the forces of hate, and join a movement that is fighting for equality for all. Join the MRM. We need every freedom fighter we can get. We face a terrible evil, and we fight against terrible odds. The forces of evil are lurking ahead, and they have ammassed their vast political, financial, and institutional resources in an effort to protect their own corrupt power and avarice.
Come over to the dark side! Luke, Antz IS your father!
wtf? Do you have kids AntZ?
Oh, bigots
He bigots has bigots two bigots children bigots if bigots I bigots recall bigots correctly bigots.
Fucking your shit up.
I’m sorry, let me try again:
Bigots, come bigots over to the dark bigots side bigots! Luke bigots, Antz is your bigots father!
So how come Antz is so eager to give the men who just simply walk out of the child’s life and never bothers to even try to see the kid, much less any financial support a complete pass?
Oh right, because bigots he bigots cannot bigots admit bigots that bigots there bigots are bigots actual bigots reasons bigots for bigots these bigots law bigots proposals bigots.
Awesome. If only you guys could have worked faster, I might have actually interacted with my dad when we lived in the same house! And then, when my parents split (if they would have at all) they probably would have decided on equal physical custody! Your MRA dreams and my feminist dreams can both come true!
The Australian Government helped some kids I love escape violence by removing them from their mother’s care and placing them with their father.
Bigots, eh?
Sweet holy Jesus, I call for dramatic readings of this NOW.
If I had a camera, I would already be filming it. With a blanket cape around my shoulders. And a Napoleon hat, if I owned one.