You know those guys over on MGTOWforums.com, who spend so much of their time complaining about women and talking about how glad they are to not have anything to do with icky lady stuff? Well, it turns out they don’t hate women at all! They just think that women are all money-hungry narcissists who deserve to be punished for abusing their “rights.”
That may seem like a rather subtle distinction there, or possibly a giant heaping load of steaming bullshit. So I’ll let the eminently rational Spocksdisciple explain it all to you.
A Misogynist hates women because they’re women…
An MGHOW distrusts women for the powers they abuse…
Go on.
An MGHOW isn’t a misogynist and should never be, he’s a person who doesn’t allow women to impact his life and doesn’t care what women think about him.
Evidently he means “a person who doesn’t allow women to impact his life except for the hours he spends every day complaining about them online.”
He’s also a person who doesn’t actively hate women, but hate the things women do with their gov’t granted powers. The abuses and legal atrocities women commit is the fault of the gov’t and judicial system allowing these abuses.
Yes, those evil feminazi judges that run the country, headed up by that evil Chief Justice Judy on the Supreme Court.
Women will be women just as men will be men, their ingrained nature is no more different then how other animals behave.
Well, perhaps a bit different than how some animals behave. I mean, flatworms have swordfights with their penises in order to determine who gets to be the dude flatworm when they have sex, and I don’t know many people who do that.
I personally think women are hardwired to be hypergamous and self centered, they have to be in order to survive.
We don’t hate women! It’s just that they’re HARDWIRED to be selfish moneygrubbing bitches. It’s SCIENCE!!!
Just as men are hardwired to be analytical problem solvers as well as highly aggressive creatures when the need arises.
Don’t hate us because we’re so smart, ladies!
The trouble is that society today lets women get away with anything and everything, from getting harassed by random dudes on streetcorners to getting paid less than men for the same work.
Sorry, those were bad examples. Back to Spocksdisciple:
Today’s women may not be worthy of trust as has been proven over and over again in the news but in the past women were granted privileges their predecessors earned for them in blood and pain, privileges which were then turned in “inalienable” rights without the ability to suffer the consequences of abusing these “rights”.
Exactly! Now that women have the right to (for example) own property, they should be roundly punished each and every time they abuse these rights! Like, if they buy too much shit, they should have to pay money to rent storage units to keep it in.
I’m not sure Spockdisciple has thought of that example. I’ll have to mention it at the next meeting.
But anyway, even though Spocksdisciple thinks women should suffer some sort of consequences for “abusing” their rights –oddly, he doesn’t actually mention what rights women are abusing or how they should be punished – he wants to make it clear that this doesn’t mean he hates the ladies.
Hating women for their innate nature is like them hating men for ours, nothing will come of it, men and women won’t change their innermost nature so why bother wasting the energy in the first place.
A true MGHOW doesn’t hate women, he hates the system which enables such bad behavior in women without them suffering the consequences of such behavior, if women suffered the consequences of their misbehavior you can bet many of them wouldn’t be so eager to abuse their “rights” with impunity.
So, again, MGTOWers don’t hate women. They just think women are inherently a bunch of greedy hoebags who are completely untrustworthy and deserve to be punished.
What on earth is hateful about that?
Naturally, most of the totally non-woman-hating dudes over on MGTOWforums.com found Spocksdisciple’s argument to be logical as shit. As cdub noted:
I don’t hate women. I hate that they are not held accountable for their actions. There are too many blue pillers out there to ever see thru this shit. I think the only thing that will change any of this is if there is complete collapse of the Western world and all those strong, independent women will have to rely on men just like nature intended.
AussieSteve, though, thought Spocksdisciple was being a bit too lenient on the ladies.
I hate the system and I hate what women are. I can hate both because both have earned my hatred. The system hasn’t made women loathsome it has merely created an environment that has exposed their true natures. If somebody lets a poisonous snake out of its cage am I not allowed to kill that snake because it isn’t its fault that it got out? The person that opened the cage should be held accountable as well, sure – but a snake is still a snake and if I have to kill it to protect myself then that snake is going to die.
All the system has done is allow women to do abhorrent things, it hasn’t made them do it. It just removed the restraints that our forefathers, in their wisdom, put in place to keep them under control. Women are poisonous snakes and we have stupidly let them out of their cages.
Huh. Women represented by evil snakes. Haven’t ever heard that one before.
The Good Men Project
People are abbreviating it because it comes up a lot in MRA discussions (of how much they hate it and see it as another facet of anti-male feminist propaganda).
@Crumbelievable: Thanks, also, to you. I should have been able to figure that out, but I am terrible at abbreviations/acronyms. I have to memorize so many of them for work, and I think that section of my brain is just full! 🙂
Its Good men project. And generally I really enjoy reading it, sometimes things get pointed out that makes me examine feminism in a new light.
Julie Gillis…I don’t mind that men view feminism differently or that they see problems that feminists tend to overlook. That’s a good thing. It just pisses me off to read the trolls trying to put their views out there in a sufficiently vague way that sounds innocuous. Yet go here or the spearhead and watch it all hang out.
Men who like very feminine women are fine. Men who prefer to be the head of the household and find wives who prefer the same thing are fine. There’s nothing inherently wrong about it. It grates that Lisa responds the way she does, because she describes herself as very feminine and it just makes these guys worse.
There’s a couple of posts on there that may be worth mocking right now.
Don’t be, they named the angles after me :p
I’m pretty sure that “snake catcher” is a sub-duty of Animal Care and Control in the US. They deal with stray dogs, feral cats, wild animals that make trouble in urban areas, and such.
I was bitten by a poisonous snake before. I was four. I didn’t even see the snake. I ended up in the hospital. But, yeah, it’s not the most common of events, even in the rural area that I grew up in.
But, yeah, it’s not news at all that sexist men think women shouldn’t have rights…
But I thought you said you enjoyed reading GMP? Isn’t that its entire premise?
Is GMPs entire raison de etre sexist? Maybe. A lot of it is just men talking about their experiences. Some of it does seem to attract the MRAs especially now that they have an actual mens rights section. So its really all over the map, but anything to do with porn, gender or law really seems to bring out some of the most sexist thinking. I have a thick skin, but it chafes when I know people are being purposefully disingenuous.
I happened across this post on The Spearhead, courtesy of an MGTOWer
Peter South:
“At MGTOW forums we don’t have this problem. As soon as it is ascertained that a poster is female they are banned. The result is that we have hardly any drama and zero shaming.
I’ve even seen guys make their own videos completely without the help of women. It’s amazing.
Of course Spearhead is more MRA oriented and MRAs are holding out hope for women as “equal” partners, they only want legal reform. MGTOW believes women are fundamentally flawed and cannot be trusted to sit the right way on a toilet seat.
The women who fought for the right to vote and equality were wrong because they are not equal to men physically or mentally. Of course they “want” the right to vote. Lot’s of children would drive your car but you don’t let them because you are bigger and know better, the same principal applies here.”
Surprisingly, this post got more downvotes than upvotes.
Does this mean there’s a bottom that MRAs can hit? Or am I too optimistic?
Whenever an MRA/MGTOWer says something like this, I can’t help but wonder if they would be okay with a system where men are compared to each other in terms of strength and intelligence and only the top X% retain the right to vote.
What?! How did that not get upvoted? Was it too blatant in its sexism? Not enough profanity? Or did the author misjudge how much the men were still looking for a perfect little wimminz?
Oh, I know! You went over and down voted like mad! Amiright?
Um…they’re already pissed because in their eyes only the top X percent get to have sex.
I think they’d trade voting rights for access to women quite happily.
Who said anything about a trade? Live by the arbitrary standard of worthiness to vote, die by the arbitrary yadda yadda.
Seriously, if you proposed denying women the vote, administering an IQ test to the entire adult female population, then administering the same test to the men and denying the vote to all those who scored below the female average (on the grounds that they were no smarter than the average woman and thus no more trustworthy as voters), how many of them would be in favor of it? How many of them are really that confident that men are measurably smarter than women?
“Was it too blatant in its sexism?”
I think it’s the fact that it’s blatant. See the OP here. Saying you hate women = not cool, and misogynistic. Saying that women are by nature untrustworthy = not blatant in exactly hating women, not misogynistic.
Gotta love people who have the courage of their convictions.
“Courage is the pillar upon which all other virtues rest. “
Did anyone else, while reading this posts, have flashbacks to the women’s self defense instructor in King of the Hill? The “I don’t hate men, I hate being a victim” lady? Because that is all I could think of. Only gender-flipped. And not satirical. And not self defense. (And certainly not a class, because that would involve not being on a computer).
Anyway, all this talk of snakes put a song in my head:
I can say that, in the Army, talking in the latrine is common. It carries over; when one is with a fellow soldier, conversations would not be likely to start in the latrine, though they might continue.
I think this is, in part, because in Basic the latrines are the only place on is free of Drill Sergeants.
PFKAE: I laughed too, then the word dissent soaked in, and the bitter humor of, “And this Court gladly obliges” (I wonder if efasfas would chide her for the terminal sentence fragment?), and I too cried.
The women who fought for the right to vote and equality were wrong because they are not equal to men physically or mentally
is hilarious coming right after this:
I’ve even seen guys make their own videos completely without the help of women. It’s amazing.
All I could think about the video comment was some proud little boy showing off a new skill, and this time big sister didn’t help him. What the hell? I mean if were so stoopid and such, why would it be amazing women weren’t there to help?
The degree and frequency MRAs contradict themselves is so sad. They are beyond pity.
If you let a snake out of it’s cage it would just slither away if you were standing behind the cage. Now if you tried to have sex with the snake and wanted it to do your laundry…. whole other story. But, of course, that’s the part they leave out.
O_o huh
cannot be trusted to sit the right way on a toilet seat.
I am perplexed at this. Is there a “right” way to sit on the toilet seat? It’s pretty straightforward. Is this a “joke”? I’m so very confused…
Absinthe: It’s a comment about the women not liking it when the seat is left up.
Sorry, I’m reading this with a mixed tension migraine coming on and I just can’t help reading that OP’s username as Spotsdickle. Please help me.