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MRA: Men can sometimes tell when women are on their periods. Therefore, feminism is exposed as a dirty lie!

From Susan Draws. (Click on the pic to go there.)

Watch out, ladies! And feminism! Because guys are totally onto you and your dirty periods. According to a study cited on the blog What Men Think of Women, men can tell when women are on their periods – just by listening to them talk! Well, some of the time, anyway. From a writeup of the research in the Times of India:

Men can actually tell from a woman’s voice when she is having her period, a new study has claimed.

For the study, conducted by Nathan Pipitone at Adams State College and Gordon Gallup from SUNY-Albany, the researchers asked three groups of men to listen to voice recordings of ten women who counted from one to five at four different points over their menstrual cycle.

According to Popular Science, all four recordings were played in a random order and then the first group of men were asked to guess which were made while the women were on their period. The tests revealed that the men were correct 35 per cent of the time, which was described as a ‘significant’ result.

That’s right, ladies! Men can tell whether or not you’re are on the rag  – a third of the time!

I myself have developed a technique that can bring this success rate to well over 50 percent – just by listening to women talk!

All you have to do is to pay attention to subtle audio clues, like her saying:

“I just started my period.”

“My period came early this month.”

“Crap. I’ve got awful craps – because of my period.”

“Aunt Flo is paying her monthly visit.” (Note: this works only if she does not actually have an Aunt Flo.)

“It’s shark week! “ (Note: This works only if it is not actually Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.)

“It’s that time of month again. The time when I use tampons, in my vagina.”

 “I have reached that point in my menstrual cycle during which blood leaks from my hoo-ha.”

So what does all this mean? According to Christian J at What Men Are Saying About Women, it means the jig is up, feminists! In a post titled How Men can Decode “Women’s” Menstrual Cycle.. , he writes:

This information is what feminist have been trying to hide, delete and deny for many a decade. They are of the opinion that the menstrual cycle is irrelevant and superfluous to their cause and one can understand why when one looks at the studies on how women are affected by it.

In the worst case scenarios, their behaviour are effected to such a degree as to make them totally dysfunctional and even bedridden for the period(intended) of the cycle. The other side of the argument is ofcourse that it is swept under the carpet and not discussed or taken seriously..

Just some added benefits from feminism, as they live in ignorant, self induced silence..

You might as well pack it in, ladies and manginas – because men know!

A third of the time.

NOTE: I have no idea why Christian J. put the word “women” in quotes in the title of his blog post. Like his now-legendary two-dot ellipses, this is a mystery that may forever remain unsolved. Or you could ask him, I guess.

EDITED TO ADD: This post has now inspired a completely disingenuous “Yahoo Answers” query from an antifeminist concern troll who seems to be pretending that this post was not DRIPPING IN SARCASM. Add your answers, if you want!

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Now I want an MRA to claim that feminists have been denying the existence of menstruation itself. That would be the best strawman ever.

13 years ago

I think, Cassandra, that Christian J’s logic runs something like this:

– Feminists deny that they are women and thus inferior
– BUT men can tell that they have periods! This proves they ARE women and thus inferior.

I can’t figure out any other way to make “Ha! You have periods!” into a “gotcha!”

13 years ago

It wouldn’t do men any good evolution-wise to know when women were menstruating, anyway. Ovulation is what you want to know about in terms of originating the species, if you know what I mean.

13 years ago

And again, that argument rests on the premise that “women are inferior” is a factually correct statement agreed upon by everyone.

I think they actually do believe that feminists KNOW IN THEIR HEARTS that women are inferior and are denying it OUT OF SHEER FEMININE MALICE, PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY’RE ON THEIR PERIODS.

13 years ago

wow 35%?????!?!?! there’s no way that number could be due to a lucky guess or anything. I guess teh menz have a form of intuition like teh ladiez as well? one of us! one of us! one of us!

ok…my TMI time. Luckily I don’t get bad PMS, and I’ve never snapped at anyone because of it. Meaning any time I’ve gotten angry at someone or something, it’s because someone or something triggered it, not PMS. So sexists can fuck off (see that right there? that’s anger triggered by sexist douchenozzles, not hormones)

mainly what happens is I get super horny before hand, so porn sites get more traffic. I mean, I’m over 21 and kinda chubby, so doing it with real men is obviously not an option xD Then during I get really tired and bored and uninterested in everything (someone else was mentioning the boredom/apathy thing and it was nice to read because I’ve never heard of that being a symptom before) so mainly I just nap a lot and keep to myself. I guess I’m lucky in that since I’m self employed I don’t have to be around people or adjust my schedule accordingly. In the past though when I never had that option I could still function normally.

Oh and cramps vary. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don’t. Everytime the damn thing comes I just keep thinking this is such pointless shit to go through because I don’t ever want children. Ever.

13 years ago

I get super horny before and during my period too! I always figured that this was a sign that my body subconsciously agrees with my lack of desire to make babies, since I don’t get as horny during the times when I should theoretically be more fertile.

13 years ago

Oh gods, I think I understand what the OP’s point is supposed to be. Vaguely MRA-ish people sometimes argue a woman’s point is invalid because she is on her period and therefore irrational. Anyone with an ounce of sense then points out that just because some lady is bleeding from her hoo-ha doesn’t mean she has lost all ability to form coherent sentences. MRA’s assume the sensible person is a) a feminist and b) trying to convince everyone that a woman on her period is hormonal identical to a woman not currently menstrating.

This only makes sense if you assume the precense of hormones at unusual levels

13 years ago

Crap, accidentally hit the post button.

To finish: this only makes sense if you assume that the precense of hormones at an unusual level suddenly negates a woman’s ability to think at all. Which gives me a sad face.

13 years ago

well for me (yeah even anonymously it’s embarrassing to talk about) I get horny often…or at least I think about sex a lot. But that’s also due to the fact that I rarely do anything sexual due to not actually dating, insecurity about my body and not really being into one night stands. It’s just usually more intense right before my period.

Oh well that’s what porn and slash fic is for lol. It’s not the ideal obviously but it’s bearable.

13 years ago

Honestly, I think the majority of people think about sex quite a lot. It’s just gender programming that women are supposed to feel embarrassed and guilty about it. What I meant is that there’s a noticeable uptick in my libido directly before and during my period, whereas there’s not much effect noticeable in either direction around about the time when I should in theory be ovulating, which many studies from BullshitEvoPsychUniversity think is when women are horniest (because we all want babies).

13 years ago

Before I was 40:

No cramps, no emotional reaction, very light periods that lasted about three days. I used only panty liners as there was never enough blood to make inserting or taking out a tampon anything but irrelevant and slightly uncomfortable. My husband knew when I was going to get my period because I would be extra frisky.

After I’m 40:

No cramps, no emotional reaction, periods are heavier lasting about 5 day. I go through perhaps six light weight real pads within three days, still don’t use tampons just because I never got used to them. My husband knows when I’m going to get my period because I’m extra frisky.

When I was in my twenties starting in real estate development the number of times some contractor/lawyer/estate agent etc. said I was on the rag because I called his judgement into question:

Priceless. Cute. Perhaps could be losing my business.

After I’m 40:

Either they wouldn’t dare or they think it’s irrelevant. Either way I’m very happy that my period is irrelevant to men except for my husband. Sometimes it might be a bit of a chore for him but in the end I know we come out winners.

As a side note my husband had no idea that my periods had shifted throughout the years. So as clued in as he is to my horny time he doesn’t know when my actual period starts or stops unless he’s inclined to fish through the washroom wastebasket.

13 years ago

Wow! I think I can tell which of you is menstrating just by the way you type.

13 years ago


go for it!


Ah okay I see what you mean. Yeah in that case I’m the same. Super horny a bit before and during (and sometimes a bit after) and then normal from then on. It could be a sign that we’re not meant for babbies. I’m still waiting for that supposed biological alarm clock to ring and be all gottahavebabbies deargodgottahavebabbies!!! Nothing so far thankfully. I really don’t see myself changing my mind anytime soon.

Lol I’m a failure by Darwinian standards.

13 years ago

Magdelyn, only one person here has a primarily-red gravatar.

13 years ago

Estrogen does nothing to the vocal cords. Absolutely nothing.
Else trans women would mysteriously become more feminine sounding after HRT, without having to go through countless hours of practicing their voices and having expensive surgeries to tune their voices higher.
I could send some of my pills to the MRAs for them to test out the theory, but I don’t think they’d want to participate in actual science.

P.S. I was at peak ovulation levels for three months solid after SRS (my endo didn’t adjust my dose after I had my gonads removed and my adrenals went berserk) and it my fiancé described it as ‘Living Hell’.
But few women have their period non-stop for three months, so that doesn’t really do much for the MRA theories.

13 years ago

Scar, yeesh, that does sound like Living Hell.

I used to sing differently when I had cramps, but I’m pretty sure it was because I wasn’t using my diaphragm the same way I would if my abs weren’t all in knots.

13 years ago


At least since I’ve been here, skimming your blog, and from what husband filled me on I’ve come to a few conclusions about you.

You’re a male to female transgendered person who seems pretty trapped in both emotions and tired old stereotypes. I believe you have inner resentments towards what you consider to be real women and try really hard to think that you’re a “better version”. I also believe you are carrying a really heavy emotional burden.

Perhaps you’d be better served by being friendly instead of caustic to people who you might find you have things in common with? My final conclusion about you is that you’ve picked up on that there is more then one person who is trans that posts on this blog and it’s (the blog) is not overly political which is why you post here. I’m thinking perhaps your reaching out.

Not to state the obvious but mra’s really hate even the idea of you.

13 years ago

P.P.S. when I cycle progesterone, I’m fine for about 5 days, then I get shitty and irritable if I push it any longer than that.
5 days is about the average cycle, amirite?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

How many threads do you have to troll before they let you into the treehouse, Maggie? XD

13 years ago

The only time I’ve ever felt like hormones were affecting my emotions was when I was on the pill. I actually stopped taking it partly for that reason.

(Also because one version made me bleed for more than a month, every day, at which point I went “fuck this – condoms it is”.)

13 years ago

Magdelyn, only one person here has a primarily-red gravatar.

Me? Is the story going to take a new turn? Am I actually just someone’s Aunt Flo, soon to disappear? So many questions

13 years ago

Cassandra – the pill exaggerated my emotional changes, too. It was a mess. I swapped to the implant, which smoothed out the emotions. When my friend tried the implant, she felt like continuous PMS.

13 years ago

Kavette, I can only presume you’re cis, because I don’t ever see trans people talking to other trans people that way.
I don’t care what Magdelyn has done, but that’s a really shitty way to treat a trans person and it reeks of privilege.
Can you quit with the psychoanalyzing of trans women? Because I fucking hate reading that shit (and it’s triggering as hell).

13 years ago

To be fair I also stopped taking the pill because my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, at which point I found out that my father’s sister had also had breast cancer, putting me in an unusually high risk group. I know there’s some argument about whether or not the pill really ups breast cancer risk, but I don’t care – since I’m already at a higher than average risk, anything that might potentially add to that risk is not acceptable to me, so no hormonal contraceptives.

It was the only time when I ever experienced hormone-related moodiness, though, and it sucked. Though it’s hard to say how much of the moodiness was due to physical discomfort, which is another problem with the whole PMS makes women crazy argument. What, some people may react to physical discomfort by getting a bit testy in general? Shocker.

13 years ago

You’re a male to female transgendered person who seems pretty trapped in both emotions and tired old stereotypes. I believe you have inner resentments towards what you consider to be real women and try really hard to think that you’re a “better version”. I also believe you are carrying a really heavy emotional burden.

This is a problematic thing for a cis woman to say to a trans woman. Magdelyn can be sexist at times, and she can also be mildly annoying, but attacking her on the basis that she is trans and making assumptions that she feels like less of a woman than cis women is extremely problematic at best. She’s not less of a woman than a cis woman, and whatever stereotypes or sexism she may hold doesn’t make her so either, there are plenty of cis women who hold them as well. Trans people really don’t need cis people pathologizing their opinions on various matters based on them being trans.

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