antifeminism disgusting women evil women girl germs I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids vaginas

MRA: Men can sometimes tell when women are on their periods. Therefore, feminism is exposed as a dirty lie!

From Susan Draws. (Click on the pic to go there.)

Watch out, ladies! And feminism! Because guys are totally onto you and your dirty periods. According to a study cited on the blog What Men Think of Women, men can tell when women are on their periods – just by listening to them talk! Well, some of the time, anyway. From a writeup of the research in the Times of India:

Men can actually tell from a woman’s voice when she is having her period, a new study has claimed.

For the study, conducted by Nathan Pipitone at Adams State College and Gordon Gallup from SUNY-Albany, the researchers asked three groups of men to listen to voice recordings of ten women who counted from one to five at four different points over their menstrual cycle.

According to Popular Science, all four recordings were played in a random order and then the first group of men were asked to guess which were made while the women were on their period. The tests revealed that the men were correct 35 per cent of the time, which was described as a ‘significant’ result.

That’s right, ladies! Men can tell whether or not you’re are on the rag  – a third of the time!

I myself have developed a technique that can bring this success rate to well over 50 percent – just by listening to women talk!

All you have to do is to pay attention to subtle audio clues, like her saying:

“I just started my period.”

“My period came early this month.”

“Crap. I’ve got awful craps – because of my period.”

“Aunt Flo is paying her monthly visit.” (Note: this works only if she does not actually have an Aunt Flo.)

“It’s shark week! “ (Note: This works only if it is not actually Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.)

“It’s that time of month again. The time when I use tampons, in my vagina.”

 “I have reached that point in my menstrual cycle during which blood leaks from my hoo-ha.”

So what does all this mean? According to Christian J at What Men Are Saying About Women, it means the jig is up, feminists! In a post titled How Men can Decode “Women’s” Menstrual Cycle.. , he writes:

This information is what feminist have been trying to hide, delete and deny for many a decade. They are of the opinion that the menstrual cycle is irrelevant and superfluous to their cause and one can understand why when one looks at the studies on how women are affected by it.

In the worst case scenarios, their behaviour are effected to such a degree as to make them totally dysfunctional and even bedridden for the period(intended) of the cycle. The other side of the argument is ofcourse that it is swept under the carpet and not discussed or taken seriously..

Just some added benefits from feminism, as they live in ignorant, self induced silence..

You might as well pack it in, ladies and manginas – because men know!

A third of the time.

NOTE: I have no idea why Christian J. put the word “women” in quotes in the title of his blog post. Like his now-legendary two-dot ellipses, this is a mystery that may forever remain unsolved. Or you could ask him, I guess.

EDITED TO ADD: This post has now inspired a completely disingenuous “Yahoo Answers” query from an antifeminist concern troll who seems to be pretending that this post was not DRIPPING IN SARCASM. Add your answers, if you want!

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12 years ago

2.) Yes, you were speaking about an individual, but you did so by using an anti-trans stereotype.

I might get where there was a major misunderstanding from this and now I have to back off and just apologize.

I did not know there was any type of stereotype that would make a trans woman envious of a cis woman. I thought Mags was frankly unique in that regard.

My life experience has been filled with people o.k with with what life deals them, and if not the means to pay for it and it’s o.k because you have the money. Sometimes I can be an idiot, and I’d say this is one of those times.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

We’re friends, she’s aware that my daughters have been in multiple relationships and she doesn’t judge. Different culture can find common ground.
Sounds like the common ground was that you get to judge her family and in return she doesn’t judge your family.

But the point of the “of course you’d think that, you’re a liberal Westerner” was to give you an idea of how it feels when you say “of course she’d say that, she’s trans.”

12 years ago

‘Sounds like the common ground was that you get to judge her family and in return she doesn’t judge your family.’

You didn’t make your point at all. In fact you owe me a apology. That was a rude statement.

I never said in anyway, for the last time that Mags says the things she does because it is typical of trans people. For the last time I have never met a trans person who thinks like Mags does. ever.

Holly I’ve enjoyed many of your posts in the past, but I’m not enjoying being on the other end of them.

12 years ago

Um, not to get in hot water here, but Kavette, you were the one to call yourself a liberal westerner, which is probably why Holly picked up on the phrase as she was dealing with that whole thought.

Also, I’m kinda confused about your story, why did you call the person an East Indian? None of the Indians I know identify that way, and if you meant that they were from eastern India it still makes little sense as that area is much further away from the strife that is the Pakistani border and therefore are in general much more tolerant of Seiks and the like than the ones from the contested areas… so if you meant that they came from the east side of India I’m still confused… (now if she had been talking about a Tamil boy I could see where she was coming from… even though that situation is now pretty much over)

Also, India has generally not-horrid relations with Iran (unlike a majority of the rest of the world governments), and all the Indians I know (and I work with a majority of Indians) don’t seem to have a problem with Iran except to be careful about doing any business with Iran while they are outside of India. So I’m not sure what you were doing with that detail in the story either… it appears to me that in your search to find an illuminating anecdote you instead are coming off as either racist yourself or tolerant of those who are racist because of their upbringing.

And as a Canuck born and raised I feel that’s very un-cool in addition to the earlier statements that many here (including me) found to be objectionable.

12 years ago

I might get where there was a major misunderstanding from this and now I have to back off and just apologize.

I did not know there was any type of stereotype that would make a trans woman envious of a cis woman.

Seriously, Kavette? You with all your knowledge of lgbt issues didn’t know about this stereotype? I find that hard to believe. In any case, even if you didn’t consciously know you were using a harmful stereotype and thought that you were the first person to ever think of a trans person being jealous of cis person, there was no “major misunderstanding”. You used that hateful stereotype and people called you out on it. I’m glad you understand the importance of backing off and apologizing now, but I would hope you would apologize for what you actually did and not try to pawn it off as a being just a misunderstanding.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Kavette – Of course I don’t think all liberal Westerners are bad people! It’s just that being a liberal Westerner, I can see how you might have confused an expression of cultural hegemony (she doesn’t judge your daughters; you tell her that her daughter ought to do something she considers reprehensible and she laughs it off instead of confronting you) with a charming cultural interchange.

Some liberal Westerners are like that, you know. Let’s not be PC about this.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Look, I’m sorry. I apologize. I stand by everything I said, of course–it’s probably right–but I can see you’re upset so I apologize. For how upset you got.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

@Kate TBF I think she called her east Indian to clarify that she doesn’t mean First Nations. The term isn’t unusual in my experience and I’ve heard a lot of self identification (communities regularly call themselves east Indian when they just mean Indian, it’s like the usage of the term “east Asian” which is used a lot in self-identification here too), and she might have too (it’s also common usage in the media). I don’t know if this is just a difference in what you and I have experienced, or if this is something that’s just common usage in Canada or something… :

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Is this still going? >_<

Now the hole is getting deeper and deeper :

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
12 years ago

I did not know there was any type of stereotype that would make a trans woman envious of a cis woman.

Okay, fair enough. The fact that you used “trans” as a noun as well indicates that you may not be that involved with the trans* community. However, if you’re that unfamiliar with trans* issues and politics and the experiences of trans* people, then it’s PARTICULARLY inappropriate to psychoanalyze someone based on their trans* status, as you did.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

If you’re unfamiliar and inexperienced with trans issues then even more so you should back off when people point out that you’re being really problematic : Also you even said that online you can’t “read” people, so you know even less about Magdelyn except that she’s trans, which is the whole issue everybody is having. -_-

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

So straw poll… which do people think is more likely when the MRAs read this thread:

1) wondering if their own community would ever stick up for a troll like this

2) going “this is a perfect example of feminism’s obsession with identity politics! and look how they only care about trans people, but they never call out the vile misandry against their trolls, like calling them creepy! hypocrisy!”

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

actually the first one should be

1) wondering if their own community would ever stick up for them like this, much less a troll

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Ami – MRAs can have it both ways. If feminists have internal arguments it means that we’re unpleasable harpies who will eat our own; if we have no internal arguments it means we’re a lockstep hivemind.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

We oppose “our own” to protect our enemies who were wronged?

Yup we’re vile all right. e_e

MIND YOU, they also believe that no human being could or should ever try to help others and that in an emergency, everybody not just should, but MUST have a fight to the death cage match to decide who lives, and working together is cheating xD

So I guess that makes sense…

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
12 years ago

Haha, yeah, I think MRAs will read this as feminists being obnoxious and evil.

12 years ago


Ami’s right that Indians are often referred to as East Indians. Also, while you’re right about the relationship between India and Iran, there is a lot of animosity between Hindus and Muslims in India (and, unfortunately, just in general), and it may well be considered disgraceful for a Muslim and a Hindu to marry depending on the families involved. The animosity is especially strong the closer you get to the border between India and Pakistan.

12 years ago

Also, I think you might be getting the Sri Lankan conflict confused with India.

12 years ago

Alright, I’ll apologize for jumping over the phrase “East Indian” and take the word of the people who say that the Indians they know identify as East Indians. Thanks for the clarifications everyone. I work in a majority Indian office and occasionally with the Indian consulate, but I agree that probably actually gives me a biased view of the situation as I am dealing with governmental officials and the very well educated who are here on work terms to gain international experience which will further their promotions when they go back to the parent company (international experience with a good review at that post is required for any significant promotion).

So it could be that there’s some determined promotion of India going on that I’m oblivious to in addition to some subtle and less than subtle class distinctions coming into play from a societal background that is still stratified (although that is rapidly changing).

And that ends my derail on that… sorry all!

12 years ago

Oh, except to add that the Indian Tamils (decended from immigrants from the Tamil Nadu area of India, living in SriLanka) that immigrated to Canada were very outspoken and tried to influence the wider Indian and SriLankan communities (especially in Scarborough) in the 90’s. So while yes, the Tamil Tigers were focused on creating a state in SriLanka, there was some considerable strife between them and Indians living in Canada, and that’s what I was referring to (I wish I could dig up a link, but I’m at work and can’t get past the firewall with my searches, sorry!)

12 years ago


I hope my posts didn’t come off as attacking you. There was nothing problematic about what you said, I was just letting you know that it’s not quite right

12 years ago

Oh I see what you’re referring to. Since she said East Indian Hindu, it could well be that they are North Indian, but there are also a lot of Hindu South Indians, and there is generally no real animosity between the various cultures in South India. If her friend is North Indian then you would definitely be right.

12 years ago

So anyway we were talking about periods…

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago


It’s really saying something when changing the subject to periods actually reduces the level of discomfort in a conversation. 🙂

(Of course, I’m a cis male, so YMMV.)

12 years ago

Just talking about periods seems to have brought mine on! Talk about chocolate – we’ll see if that works the same 😉