creepy kitties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises sex sexy robot ladies vaginas

There’s an app for that! By “that” I mean “penis.” And by “app” I mean a doohickey to attach a Fleshlight to your iPad.

Maru the cat wants none of this.

Ladies, your time is up! The sexy robogals are here! Prepare for the end of feminism and the eventual elimination of all women, with the possible exception of some of the really hot ones, so long as they don’t have too many opinions of their own.

Now that I’ve got your attention I should point out that the sexy Robogals aren’t quite here yet. The not-quite-Robogals currently available, as we’ve seen, are a lot more scary than sexy.

But one dude has a much simpler and less horrifying solution: he’s invented a doohickey that will allow horny penis-having people to attach a Fleshlight to their iPads, so they can pretend to be having some sort of sexual relations with images of actual sexy ladies (or sexy anything else, for that matter) on their iPads.

Read more at The Register, which also has a photo of the doohickey at work. (Dude fucking it not pictured.) I really didn’t feel like having that picture here, hence the gif of Maru the cat with his head in a bag.

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13 years ago

@ Quackers

If you’re a sub by inclination, and straight, then honestly I’d say that caution is totally justified. One of my best friends is a sub (and bi), and honestly, I used to worry about her a lot when she was dating around, and I’m very glad that she decided not to even hint at any kinky leanings until well into a relationship when it was with men. There are usually dudes hanging around any kink community who’re of the woman = submissive mindset, and who are using kink as an excuse to be abusive assholes.* Any decent kink community will try to drive them out once their natures are revealed, but still, it’s a risk worth taking into account.

*Don’t kill me, fellow kinksters – this has in fact been my experience in various kink communities on more than one continent. There always seems to be at least one guy who doesn’t quite get the whole safe and sane thing, and who refuses to accept the idea that women who aren’t submissive exist.

13 years ago

Going back to the D/s community, I have to echo Quackers’ sentiments. I’ve been hurt too much by women to consider making myself actually physically vulnerable, even if it did turn me on, which it doesn’t. Of course I’m totally fine with others doing whatever they want, but for me myself, I’d just be thinking that a lot of women do it to exercise their actual misandry (like Cassandra, who apparently thinks it’s okay to dominate/abuse men but not women- exactly what I’m talking about).

13 years ago

More misandry- Cassandra’s advocating secrecy in a relationship, but only when it’s with worthless disposable men, because fuck their feelings.

13 years ago


I wouldn’t say I’m a sub, I haven’t really done enough to be able to really know. I’d explore it, but I’d explore being a dom to. What I mean to say is I just don’t trust anyone to explore this with especially given western culture’s half puritan, half really screwed up views on sex. And then reading MRA/PUA shit saying women who get off on being submissive by nature don’t want rights and shouldn’t have them. That is really abhorrent and a huge turn off to exploring kink.

Its pretty damn amazing that the kink community can approach these things while separating culture, politics, bias and religion. Well aside from the few creeps you mentioned.

13 years ago

It is hard to separate what someone wants sexually from what they want out of life in general for a lot of people – it’s easy for people who haven’t given the dynamics much thought to make assumptions based on social conditioning. Things can get very muddy if you’re not careful, especially in hetero D/s situations where the woman is the sub. I find the whole thing sufficiently discomfiting that I’m not comfortable being at all dominant with another woman, so that should give you some sense of how cautious some of us are. I guess I feel more comfortable going there with men since I know they haven’t received the same socialization to put up with stuff they don’t like to be “nice”. But yeah, given how toxic the overall culture is in terms of sexuality I can totally understand why some people might just not want to go there at all. The very first kink event I ever attended featured a group of Goreans, and seeing them almost made me turn right around and walk out again.

13 years ago

“And Scar, that link talked about artificial sperm. You know eggs are much more complex, right? Ever hear of mitochondria? Even if you could insert manly DNA into an egg, you still need those ovum.”

Um, wow. Okay, that’s my dreams of having children shattered. Thanks.
I’ll be crying in the corner, holding the shreds of my dreams of motherhood to my small, malformed, useless breasts.
Thanks for calling my DNA ‘manly’ BTW. Really inclusive of you.

If you’ve quite finished being a dick, have a read of this:

13 years ago


Oh yeah, the Goreans. In other words upholders of an MRA utopia. Yeah, this is why I don’t see myself going near the kink community. I know it’s not the entire community but it’s not worth it. Misogyny is everywhere and given the plethora of men that still believe women should have no rights, why go somewhere where they’re bound to hang around?

13 years ago

They really are a minority, if that helps! But yeah, given the context of reading about MRAs all the time I can see why you’d be put off.

MRAs – putting straight women off dating since the first one typed out a rant about how women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

13 years ago

I admit to being a “dick” (OH NO GENDERED SLURS!!), but I try to direct the dick towards MRA trolls. 😀 My mistake?

Do you have that story from a non-tabloid source? It sounds interesting.

13 years ago

Reads his blog and watches his video.

He makes some good points about men’s issues which I have mixed sentiments over. Some of which I agree some of which I disagree. But I definitely disagree with his saying “feminism isn’t needed anymore” since he said it himself that sexism still existed against women. Of course, sexism still exists against men as well. And archaic, black and white gender constructs cause problems to both sexes. In that respect, feminism is good because it deconstructs those old notions.

I also have a hard time relating to TTA’s encounters with feminist bigots. I’ve yet to meet one (other than nuclear night). The feminists I’ve so far met on Manboobz and YouTube really don’t fit this bill. But I’m sure some exist out there.

But one thing I agree with greatly is his decision to be a universal human self-determinist, and to rise beyond petty labels and the narrow camps people think of when those labels are mentioned.

I still find it beyond fatuous how MRAs adore him. He basically said he was for equality for the sexes. By implication, MRAs are petty, sexist bigots who only see one side’s suffering while totally denying (and even belittling and ridiculing) the other side. That makes them no better than the dogmatic feminists TTA had to put up with.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I think the Goreans are a minority even within BDSM. The people I know who have actually read the books are usually older because they were kinky before the Internet, and porn was hard to find!

13 years ago

I am just going to put in my 2 cents here, and say that the vast majority of people I’ve met in the kink scene are wonderful, liberal, thoughtful people. There are, certainly, people to avoid, but, well, it’s really clear who those people are.

I visited a gentleman’s dungeon last week, and before we did anything we had a long discussion about consent, respect and communication. Afterwards we cuddled. This is not unusual, this is how things are expected to be.

The kink community, as a whole, is very thoughtful and careful with gender expression. People are often cautioned not to assume what someone’s gender is, and sexism, herterosexism, and cissexism is hugely frowned upon.

13 years ago

actual misandry (like Cassandra, who apparently thinks it’s okay to dominate/abuse men but not women- exactly what I’m talking about).

Aaaaand you’re dumb. Everyone has preferences and squicks, it doesn’t have to be MISANNNDRYY every time.

13 years ago

Xardoz said: “Do you have that story from a non-tabloid source? It sounds interesting.”

How about you google it yourself?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Things can get very muddy if you’re not careful, especially in hetero D/s situations where the woman is the sub. I find the whole thing sufficiently discomfiting that I’m not comfortable being at all dominant with another woman, so that should give you some sense of how cautious some of us are.

I’m having trouble with this idea, CassandraSays. Like, you meet women who want you to top them, and you say no because you don’t trust yourself not to be a misogynist? Or you don’t trust them to know what they actually want, because they’re subs?

13 years ago

And FYI, ‘dicks’ are not gendered. My dick was female.

13 years ago

Lol, OK. I see MRAs on reddit complaining about “dick,” calling it the equivalent of “cunt.” Better not say it around them 😉

13 years ago

I’ll say whatever the fuck I like around them, thanks 🙂

13 years ago

Even better! Troll on. m/

13 years ago

I think it’s OK to “abuse” men? Where did I say that, exactly?

@ Molly Ren

I’m just not interested in the idea of being dominant with another woman. It’s partly a physicality thing – I prefer being dominant with men who’re significantly bigger than me, it’s part of the appeal – but I do think that my own discomfort with the woman = submissive idea and how common it is has played a part in my finding the idea of being dominant with a woman completely unappealing. It’s not that I don’t trust myself, or them, the idea simply doesn’t appeal to me, at all.

The Goreans who I encountered back in the day were older guys. I’m kind of hoping that they’ll die out over time, and won’t be replaced by younger Goreans, since the actual books really suck from a literary point of view. Hopefully the younger generation is being put off by the terrible writing.

13 years ago

Wasn’t MRAL on a time out?

13 years ago

Yeah, he was. Doesn’t really respect a “no”, does he?

13 years ago

@Mr. Al: “Cassandra, you said you were like 5’2. That’s a fucking laugh. I hope you realize that these men only agree to do any of that shit because it turns them on, and that if you even for a second crossed the line they would sit up and contemptuously dump your weak-ass ladyframe to the side.”

Hahahha. You are hilarious. Of course play would stop if the bottom wanted it to. That’s the way bdsm play works. It stops immediately whenever either side says red! You know topping has very little to do with physically dominating a person?

Just for the record, being a bottom and actual submission in real life are completely separate experiences for me. I have trouble connecting the expected docility of women with what I do in the bed and dungeon.

13 years ago

“Doesn’t really respect a “no”, does he?”

Kind of ironic given the bit about how he would be afraid to do kink given how often women have hurt him.

(By not saying hello to him with sufficient enthusiasm, I assume. Oh, the abuse.)

13 years ago


If someone considers themselves an anti-feminist I want nothing to do with them, because most anti-feminists are very similar to MRAs and don’t know jackshit what they’re talking about anyway. Now if a guy has some criticisms of feminism? fine. I’m cool with that and discussing it as I’m not in agreement with all feminists either or even the tone of SOME of the articles I’ve read on feminist sites. I also don’t have a problem talking about actual men’s rights. Overall though, MRAs have really made me not want to deal with any of that BS though, and since I still consider myself a feminist for the most part, I don’t see myself getting along with someone who is a self described anti-feminist or who is always spouting antifeminist sentiment.

I think I need to be with someone very laid back who doesn’t really have an opinion on these issues though. Someone who does I’m sure we’d butt heads, unless we agree with each other on everything regarding feminism and gender issues.

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