creepy kitties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises sex sexy robot ladies vaginas

There’s an app for that! By “that” I mean “penis.” And by “app” I mean a doohickey to attach a Fleshlight to your iPad.

Maru the cat wants none of this.

Ladies, your time is up! The sexy robogals are here! Prepare for the end of feminism and the eventual elimination of all women, with the possible exception of some of the really hot ones, so long as they don’t have too many opinions of their own.

Now that I’ve got your attention I should point out that the sexy Robogals aren’t quite here yet. The not-quite-Robogals currently available, as we’ve seen, are a lot more scary than sexy.

But one dude has a much simpler and less horrifying solution: he’s invented a doohickey that will allow horny penis-having people to attach a Fleshlight to their iPads, so they can pretend to be having some sort of sexual relations with images of actual sexy ladies (or sexy anything else, for that matter) on their iPads.

Read more at The Register, which also has a photo of the doohickey at work. (Dude fucking it not pictured.) I really didn’t feel like having that picture here, hence the gif of Maru the cat with his head in a bag.

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13 years ago


alright, I admit, that was clever….

13 years ago

I don’t own one myself, but in the unlikely event that you don’t already have one and want to try one out, I’m sure FB and the white power the guys at Inmalafide will lend you one of theirs….

vague rape threats?

stay classy mras

13 years ago

Can you believe this pos?

I hear he’s banned from ever entering Iceland again.

13 years ago


1. Yes we’ve already been through the ‘men can have sex toys too’ thing.
2. Hugo Schwyzer is no ones boy and I’d go as far as to say the majority of the commentariat here actually have a problem with him. This does not need to be re-hashed again.

Just try and keep up.

13 years ago


I’m not am MRA-but I guess that’s the slander thrown at anyone who dares stand up against the bigotry of the likes of Mr. Manboobz and Marcotte….

13 years ago


I’m not am MRA-but I guess that’s the slander thrown at anyone who dares stand up against the bigotry of the likes of Mr. Manboobz and Marcotte….

Oh ok, I won’t call you an MRA then. How about asshole? Does asshole work for you?

13 years ago


that’s what I’ve been called by the white power types at Inmalafide….

looks like you have more in common with them than me…..

13 years ago

Can we have a ‘How to tell your man is a Beta’ thread?

13 years ago

no rape threats here….

yeah funny how it sure did sound like one…..

also linking to an article thats utterly unrelated to try to make a point about????

13 years ago


that’s what I’ve been called by the white power types at Inmalafide….

looks like you have more in common with them than me…..

because that makes sense?

If I got called a feminist by an mra and by a rabbit therefore


13 years ago


that’s what I’ve been called by the white power types at Inmalafide….

looks like you have more in common with them than me…..

Oh snap! I guess I must be a white supremacist then! Strange how that happened what with the whole being jewish thing…

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

BTW-misandry IS REAL-the draft did happen. Glad I won’t meet you bigots in real life….

You’re kind of a slow one, ain’t ya.

13 years ago

@MRAL’s sockpuppet, as usual, toysoldier is incapable of not misrepresenting people. No one accused Zarat of lying about being a rape victim, they accused him about lying regarding his other experiences, when there is evidence that he has done so. Being a rape victim does not give one a pass to be a habitual liar.

In addition, we’ve all heard your nasty racist spewing, so fuck off on that account as well.

13 years ago


I don’t think that stoner is MRAL’s sockpuppet, but I heartily second your “we’ve all heard your nasty racist spewing, so fuck off on that account as well.”

13 years ago

Stoner with a boner needs to, er, bone up on his logical fallacies. For example, if A = C and B also = C, does that mean A = B?

(Spoiler alert: NO)

Also I made waffles today and, while I did share them with my husband, I didn’t give any to my male dog Gus. So clearly I’m misandrist too.

I didn’t give any to Madeline, the female dog, either. But that’s just the way it ought to be, isn’t it?

13 years ago

Last night I went to a dinner party and ate the gnocchi that my female friend made, but was too full to eat the lasagna that her male partner (also my friend) made. Definitely misandry. Then I got angry at her dad for making genocide jokes, because of both misandry and my feminist lack of a sense of humour.

13 years ago

so AVfM recent article is basically all about how dumb modern women are. Surprisingly Antz left a comment saying they shouldn’t be writing articles about women but on men’s rights, and that it was unfairly lumping female MRAs in with it. Here’s what Elam responded:

Paul Elam in reply to AntZ
It is a fair point to bring up, and the truth is I hesitated before running this.


Here is the deal. While this is a men’s right website, it is not THE men’s movement. We are also a forum for a diverse group of men who make a wide range of social commentary. This article is social commentary, and a pretty well written piece of it at that.

O RLY you hypocrite? so if a feminist website runs a misandric piece of “social commentary” we’ll just use the same excuse then! it’s not THE feminist movement. Radfemhub is not THE feminist movement, it’s just a forum of diverse women who make a wide range of social commentary.

I haven’t seen any of the major feminist websites say something like “The bottom line is this. If the modern man seems kinda dumb, well then maybe that’s because he really is.”

that last quote is from the AVfM article, just substitute man for woman and he for she.

How these people live with their cognitive dissonance is beyond me.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I actually agree with AntZ here… where is the big lug so I can give him a hug? 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Does TS have actual quotes that show people were accusing AntZ of lying about his assault? Or is it his usual “don’t worry about the details, I’ll give you dear readers the coles’ notes” thing? xD

13 years ago

AntZ was never accused of lying about his assault. He was accused of lying about other things, mainly by Happy, whom David told to cut it out with the personal insults. In typical MRA fashion, TS twisted everything around.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

With TS I’m starting to wonder if he just has innate reading comprehension problems. o_O I’ve seen him badly misread even very mundane articles (like about sports). Maybe he just skims and puts together things by narratives in his head? o:

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

As a cabbit, I have to say there ARE an inordinate amount of Rabbit MRAs : They whine that while rabbits “fuck like rabbits” they don’t fuck beta rabbits quite as much as alpha rabbits… everybody still has massive amounts of sex… they just have less and it’s the biggest crime against nature since the hang glider, and blah blah blah >_>

13 years ago

Ami – I think serious and very real reading comprehension problems are endemic in the MRA.

13 years ago

I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot of actual dyslexia combined with a I CAN TOO READ THIS FINE! denial…