antifeminism crackpottery disgusting women evil women grandiosity homophobia MGTOW misandry misogyny none dare call it conspiracy reactionary bullshit sluts transphobia TROOOLLLL!!

Skanks, Spongebob, and the Maso-kabbalist videodrome complex

Jenna Jameson on a Harley. (Chuck E. Cheese not pictured.)

Sure, Man Boobz 2011 Troll of the Year NWOslave may live in an alternate reality — but he at least seems well-grounded in that reality. What might happen if he were to suddenly ingest a tab or ten of LSD?

I think I have an answer to that question. Meet blogger and conspiracy theorist Jay Dyer, a self-described “controversialist, writer, comedian, debater, and philosopher/theologian.”

That’s a mouthful, and Jay more or less lives up to it, delivering stream of consciousness rants that range from Aleister Crowley (he’s not a fan) to the evils of women dressing like Hannah Montana. Plus he quotes the Bible from time to time.

Actually, that description doesn’t even begin to capture Jay’s peculiar charms. So, without further ado, I present to you some highlights from an essay titled The United Skanks of Amerika that Jay wrote with the assistance of someone identified only as M.B.

Amerika has become one, big, nasty, black metal mosh pit. Satan said to Adam and Eve “do what thou wilt,” Satanist Aleister Crowley said, “do what thou wilt” and the gospel of Amerika is “do what thou wilt.” …  Churches are dominated by fat matriarchal women and homosexuals. Women open their purses and the priests of Ashtoreth bow and tell them whatever they want to hear. …  Amerika is a play land – a bigger, gayer Disney world. It’s middle-aged moms on facebook, donning Montana garb. The nation is frozen in perpetual adolescence and arrested development.

After this dramatic opening, Jay offers up the strangest capsule version of American history I’ve ever seen:

Started by a bunch of tee-totaler puritan gnostics, this nation has jumped to the opposite extreme and become a cess pool of flesh. In fact, in the East Coast punk scene, kids are now eating chunks of each others’ flesh. Let that sink in. In the West Coast gay scene, it is now an honor to receive AIDS from trendy gays.

Then Jay gets around to the “skanks” of the essay’s title:

Women of this country, especially young women, are perpetual princesses stuck in a perpetual mirror glance, coated in chemicals and striving for the most unnatural goals – to be a manwoman. For a sensible male to get with one of these creatures is in serious danger. But watch out – before long, they’ve left you for another woman and taken your fake Federal Reserve notes. They get half of your all-seeing eyes. Whores with your Horus. Dressed like complete whores, will they soon be completely naked?

But young men don’t get off any easier in Jay’s critique:

The average twenty-something male is now a fat, gamer, feminized, emo freak, who spits every time he lisps, because he can’t form sentences.

Neither do middle-aged men:

Grown men – baby-boomer dads – collect comics and play Dungeons & Dragons. And if they don’t, they stare at pixelated football and the Maso-kabbalist videodrome complex.

Yes, he really did just say “Maso-kabbalist videodrome complex.”

Jay also has some issues with higher education:

The “wise men” of this culture are the Marxist, gay, feminist, druid college professors, who, if they have children, drive them to white horror core rap concerts. Just like the sociology professor mom involved with Pyscho Sam whom her daughter met over Myspace.

And lower education:

That any parent would put their children in public school is a sign of apparent hatred of their kids. Why would anyone put their kids in a government re-education camp? Public schools are prisons where the teachers screw students and students get doped up on pills become homosexual.

When they’re not shooting each other, that is:

[P]arents can’t understand why their children shoot each other at school. The[y] shoot one another at school because they are possessed by the demonic culture. And while you stupidly play golf and make scrapbooks, your kids are worshipping Lucifer, who, according to you, doesn’t exist.

Women working! Men raising kids! It’s all one big air-conditioned nightmare for Jay:

The family is now become stay-at-home dads that care for the 1.3 kids, while moms climb the skyscraper and has sex with the CEO for more fake fed notes. If it’s not this, it’s “my two dads.”

Preach it, Jay!

Amerika is just this – Chuck E. Cheese speeding at you on a Harley, holding Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice,with Jenna Jameson mounted on the back. …

Amerika is krunk. Amerika is funk. Amerika is junk. Amerika is Lil’ Jon having sex with Lady Liberty. …

Rationalism is what birthed this country, but it morphed into utter irrationality. Thomas Paine became Spongebob and Spongebob is Thomas Paine.

I think I’ll just leave it at that. Oh, there’s more — much, much more —  in Jay’s little manifesto, but my poor brain can only take in so much in one sitting without exploding.

NOTE: I discovered Jay’s essay through a link on; the dude posting the link described it as “one of the best essays about feminism and life in the US … By far one of the most accurate essays I have ever had the pleasure of reading.” It got a mixed reaction; the consensus seemed to be that while he made some good points, Jay might just be a little too obsessed with Aleister Crowley and the Masons.

EDITED TO ADD: Also, if middle-aged women want to wear some sort of “Montana garb,” I’d suggest they go with Patsy, not Hannah. Patsy Montana was awesome!

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Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


You’re just trying too hard, dude. Let it go. Seriously, it’s starting to get creepy.

13 years ago

“…[this country was] started by a bunch of tee-totaler puritan gnostics…”

I’m descended in part from those tee-totaler puritan gnostics, and I’m here to tell you that Mr. Dyer does not understand them. For one thing, they weren’t tee-totalers. Abstinence from alcohol was a concept unknown to them, and for good reason: a large proportion of them came from a boggy part of the world (East Anglia) where the water was undrinkable. So, naturally, they drank beer instead. (The water in Massachusetts may have been somewhat better, but by the time the Puritans got there they were already accustomed to drinking beer with every meal and saw no reason to change their habits.)

Were they gnostics? No, not really. (I suspect Mr. Dyer inserted the word “gnostic” only because he thought it sounded cool.) They were heavily invested in the notion of a religion which, however harsh it might have been, was in a way set up along small-d democratic lines. Its tenets were logical to people who had accepted its premises, and its premises could be understood by any child who could read. (Which is why the Puritans took care to make sure every child could read.) Gnosticism, by contrast, is a system with an elite basis: it runs on the supposition that holiness is the exclusive property of a small cadre of instructed wise men. The Puritan system was not like that: under the Puritan system it was accepted that anyone could learn about religion, though only those who had been endowed with grace by God could be saved.

If one wishes to use the word “gnostic” in the inexact sense in which it is often used, as a synonym for “mystic”, a better case can be made. Some of the Puritans were mystics (the poet Edward Taylor was a mystic) if only because they were very religious people and, among any population of very religious people, some will always be religious mystics. 17th-century Calvinist principles didn’t forbid mysticism but they didn’t encourage it either, so that individual Puritans who were prone to mystic transports didn’t advertise them. Edward Taylor hid his religious mystical poetry and it was only discovered later through good luck. Besides, the deepest temptation of Puritanism was never mysticism; it was nihilism. It wasn’t the mystic in himself or even the profligate/unbeliever in himself that the Puritan was always fighting, it was the nihilist. Nathaniel Hawthorne, who understood this painfully well, sends Young Goodman Brown out into the woods to find out not that the world is evil but that the world is meaningless. That was the discovery which provoked dread in the Puritan; next to it, gnosticism and mysticism dwindled into inanity.

The Puritans weren’t ascetics, either. They were cautious about the body and driven by a horror of sin but they didn’t think well of the Catholic emphasis on chastity and self-denial. They admitted that the flesh had legitimate claims. They boiled all their food but still liked to eat. Anne Bradstreet wrote openly about her loving feelings for her husband — all of them. Her verses, unlike Edward Taylor’s, were published in her lifetime.

You know, I’m almost ready to give up on feminism together with the Rights of Man, because what I really want (what I really really want) is a world in which no person who wishes to construct a manifesto will be able to do so without first knowing what the heck he or she is talking about.* That alone would satisfy me. The Puritans were creepy people (or tended that way) but they deserve better than to be lugged by the ears into Mr. Dyer’s Drama. What a fate. I don’t say that it’s a fate worse than damnation, but then I don’t say everything I think.

*This does not apply to NWOS, whom I adore. He can spout off about any darned old thing he pleases.

Captain Bathrobe
Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


You are too kind. 🙂

13 years ago

It’s well beyond creepy.

13 years ago


you know, a funny thing happens when you keep telling women they are inferior, they belong in the home, they are dirty whores, or when you keep telling gays they are immoral, sinners, pedophiles or not normal….they tend to get pissed off at the people who are putting them down all the time. Feminism and the gay rights movement exist because privileged people keep trying to deny women and gays rights, or if not that they refuse to treat them like fucking human beings. Stop treating them like inferiors and maybe they wont react to your shit with hostility or distrust.

I dont see anti-male rhetoric or a heterosexual backlash, and I personally treat everyone nicely unless they give me reason not to. But if there is some hostility, it’s there because sexists and homophobes keep trying to keep women and gays in their rightful place…namely below straight men.

I would love to live in a world where feminism and the gay rights movement are not needed, but until misogynists and homophobes to lay off, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Maybe you ought to get your carcass off this blog and tell them to.

13 years ago

Feminism ruined my sammich goddamit!! But they’ll pay, oh how they’ll pay!

13 years ago

oh jeebus….it’s MRAL?

now I wish I didn’t waste time typing that last post

Seriously dude? get a fucking hobby.

13 years ago

Your sammich was ruined long before feminism. Women have been spitting in it for centuries.

Mmm…maybe that’s why white men have a thing for mayo?

13 years ago

also how do you worship a sexual preference? seems like a pretty boring thing to worship…surely there are better things to worship….like delicious sammiches.

13 years ago


Evil creature, I see now why you reside where you do!! I’ll never be able to look at mayo OR white men the same way again!

13 years ago

I don’t know about mayo, but the OP and EN both seem to have a taste for word salad.

13 years ago

*evil grins* ah yes! Another successful day of permanently warping some ones world view.

Bostonian you do realize there’s a special place reserved down here for puny humor right?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

It seems I was right to class MRAL with the other parallel universe trolls after all. I had a twinge of doubt, but that bit about ‘heterosexual backlash’ was just precious.

After most of countries became industrialized, the miserable ideologies like Marxism, feminism, liberalism and postmodernism were came out.

The hell they did. Marxism, liberalism, and feminism predate the industrialization of most countries. The seeds for feminism predate the industrial revolution *entirely*, and liberalism is older than the USA. Why is your history as bad as your biology?

The false virtue which is based on the gender hypocrisy indoctrinates most of people who are in the present generation by their false gender theories and hatred attitudes towards the heterosexuality.

Go to the board and diagram that sentence.

Today this false virtue and gender hypocrisy are controlling the educational systems, legal systems, economical systems and politics.This is wost.

Oh christ don’t I wish.

13 years ago

also in regards to my post to Alaskan/MRAL, I’m not saying it’s okay for feminists or gays to be hostile or rude to straight men, what I was trying to explain was that it gets very tiring and upsetting hearing how much you suck from homophobes or misogynists, so it’s natural to want to respond with anger. But for a social justice movement to grow that anger has to be used rationally and productively in order for progress to happen.

13 years ago

I had a twinge of doubt, but that bit about ‘heterosexual backlash’ was just precious.

After it was revealed to be MRAL, I laughed at the whole having witnessed the whole thing in the 60s to the 90s

13 years ago

Quackers, didn’t you forget to mention that that’s why the mens rights movement is so stuck?

13 years ago

Well, how bad do you have to be in academia to be stuck there decades before you were born?

13 years ago

By the way, MRALaska, next time you get all foot-stompy about people calling your behavior abusive, think about this: Returning to a place you’ve been asked to leave in order to pester people is called harassment. It’s something abusers do.

13 years ago


Blasphemy!!! Repent!!! Get on bended knee and worship the saviour of humanity

13 years ago

MRAL was a thirty year fetus and he also ages backwards like Benjamin Button. It’s why he’s so anti-choice, he spent most of his future as an old man/super fetus.

13 years ago

One thing I can look forward to, is the new world order not including any of you.

13 years ago

One thing I can look forward to is the coming new world order’s depopulation not including any of you. Get your flu shots and vaccines!

Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago


It is fortunate that our darling David has anticipated such a horrible future and built a well stocked bunker under our abode. When the cleansing begins, he has ensured that we will be safe with plenty of food, water, cotton balls and rubbing alcohol that will keep us alive and well-polished for over a decade if necessary.

<3 Irene

13 years ago

Jay. You have no idea what I’ve lived through. Quite frankly, in comparison to my family your wishful thinking and vague threats are the laughable attempts of a spoiled child. Go find some flies to torture.

13 years ago

Really irene? And should it be a super flu? You know, viruses will eventually work there way in. Besides, eventually you will have to come out. And a decade gives a virus eons to mutate.

I can do you one better. I have the necessary skills to live, not just survive in a hidey hole.

I don’t like what people like you have to say, but I don’t spend my days wishing you dead. It takes a special level of depraved to do that. And in all your little scenarios, millions will die, including children.

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