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Actual discussion taking place on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit

Just another day on r/mensrights, dealing with the terrible injustices facing men today in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

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12 years ago

“If both parties are willingly participating, what possible power imbalances could arise between an 18 year old prostitute and a 45 year old customer that wouldn’t arise if we changed the age of the prostitute to 21?”

A better question would be, why are 21 year old sex workers too old for your liking? Why do you need to have sex workers younger than that available to you?

12 years ago

I have a complaint about MADD-they are not willing to consider not having jail time in favor of putting interlock devices on DUI defendant’s cars for X number of years instead.

Otherwise, good point.

12 years ago

A better question would be, why are 21 year old sex workers too old for your liking? Why do you need to have sex workers younger than that available to you?

Because Freedom! And somehow extensively trained 18 year old soldiers should be considered the same as sex workers. (Who may not have any training at all)

12 years ago

Well, they do have something in common – in both cases it’s quite possible that there may be people attempting to kill them while they’re working.

Funny how guys like this always ignore the stats that show how dangerous a profession sex work is.

(I actually do think that we might want to consider raising the age at which people can join the armed forces too, but that’s a separate argument. Similar thought process though – decision making abilities still aren’t fully developed at 18, people may not fully comprehend all the consequences of their decision for that reason.)

12 years ago

@ Pecunium

It is funny when Brandon gets all “how dare you do that thing that I do, that I consider OK when I do it”.

12 years ago

Funny how guys like this always ignore the stats that show how dangerous a profession sex work is.

I would be okay with requiring sex workers to pack heat-I hate guns but…it is a dangerous job.

12 years ago

I don’t like the idea of requiring anyone to be armed, but if sex work was legalized then one advantage would be that we could build in a provision that all sex workers are automatically issued a concealed carry permit. Whether or not they choose to use it should of course be up to the individual, but the option should be available.

12 years ago

Cassandra: I’m not sure about the armed issue. It’s one more thing I can see leading to abuse of sex workers. The nature of the business is such that any weapon they have is going to be in a fairly limited set of locations (unless s/he wants to be taking it off in the sight of the customer), and that makes it being taken away a lot more likely.

Add the, almost certain, times when s/he isn’t able to get to the weapon, and it’s a recipe for (at least occasional) disaster.

12 years ago

I can see that, which is why I think requiring it doesn’t make sense. I think anyone in that business who wants to carry a gun should be allowed to do so, though.

12 years ago

Now for some reason I have the image of a female sex worker suddenly growing teeth to stop a john from hurting her in a specific place.

I haz a bad mind.

12 years ago

@Viscaria: I never made any claim about women that do or do not find younger men more attractive than older men.

@Hellkell: That is nice that YOU don’t take into consideration net worth. But this isn’t just about YOU. The point is about the general female population and if more women value net worth over the women that don’t. Clearly you are in the “it doesn’t matter” category. However, the opposite of you are those gold diggers that go on Daytime TV saying “I was just with him because he bought me stuff”.

@Pecunium: What exactly do relationships have to do with this? This is about what physically attracts men. There is a difference between basic attraction and starting a relationship. You often can’t have a relationship without some form of attraction, but you can be attracted to people without being in a relationship with them.

Also, there are all sorts of relationships. One can have a strictly sexual relationship with someone or one can have a deep, meaningful marriage with someone.

Why do I have to relate to a 18 year old prostitute for her to have sex with me?
Why do I have to relate to a 45 year old who I am only having a sexual relationship with?
Why do I have to relate in a more deep and meaningful way to a 18 year old girl who I might only relate to her in a shallow, pop-culture-y kind of way?

In fact the only way your example works is in basically one relationship type: Long term, sexual relationships.

No where did I say all women were “shallow bints” that only cared about a man’s wallet. But it is foolish, stupid and naive to think that no woman is like that.

The two men aren’t the same…they have different net worth’s.

@Cassandra: A lot of women value stability and safety…correct? Well those things often require money to do it. I am not saying that women get wet because some dude has an Amex Super-Duper Gold Platinum Card with Concierge Service. It’s that a lot of women equate more money with more safety and stability.

@Kendra: And there are 16 year olds that are more mature than 45 year olds. The point is that at 18 you are given the majority of the rights, privileges and obligations of being an adult. Two exceptions off the top of my head are drinking and handgun conceal carry laws in some states.

Quoting MADD as a reliable source is laughable. Of course they are going to say that increasing the drinking age to 21 saved lives. If it didn’t, then they might become another useless lobbying group. What next? Are you going to ask the US Chamber of Commerce, “Is business good?”

Sex work is dangerous because it is illegal and prostitutes often don’t have legal protection. Having it be illegal also increases the risks of sexual coercion. Making it legal will fix far more of those problems than debating what age one can become a sex worker. A basic comparison is illegal street walking in any city vs the Bunny Ranch in Nevada. I would bet that the girls at the Bunny Ranch (even the 18yo) are safer, happier and healthier than the girls (even the 21yo) prostituting in places where it is illegal.

Personally, I don’t give a crap if the age stays at 18 or 21. But if we are going to have 21 be the age one can drink, engage in sex work, own a handgun, and a few others. Then we need to accept that the US sees 21 as the age of majority and move voting, conscription, entering into contracts…and all the other rights and obligations 18 year olds get currently to 21. There should only be one threshold to cross to becoming an adult.

This of course would mean that you couldn’t get married till you turned 21. Increasing the age one can get married might remove those power imbalances too. So let’s all support increasing the age to get married to 21!

@Elizabeth: I am always in favor of women owning firearms. They are a great equalizer.

12 years ago

So Brandon can post regularly again? And here we wer finejfjky7y6u6u

Oh, sorry. Fell asleep on my keyboard. Well, good night everyone. I shall see you on the morrow.

12 years ago

This obsession that you have with women supposedly being obsessed with wanting safety and security from a man is very odd, Brandon. Obviously you like this idea because that’s what you think you have to offer so it’s flattering to think it’s what most women want, but at some point you’re going to have to accept that women are individual people who each have their own preferences. Right now you sound like something out of the 1950s – I’m half expecing you to burst into a verse of Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend any moment.

Nice attempt at avoiding the issue of women having actual libidos, though.

12 years ago

@Viscaria: I never made any claim about women that do or do not find younger men more attractive than older men.

No, but you talked a lot about older men and their standards and aren’t we all jealous that we’re not young hotties anymore and then you talked about how net worth is the male equivalent without at any time considering that maybe those older men might not be able to get those younger women for the same reason they don’t want to date women 20 years older than me and why am I talking to the Brandon? I’m just going to not talk to the Brandon.

12 years ago

me=them. Women 20 years older than them. I typed that kinda fast, guys.

12 years ago

So, Brandon, do you want to raise the driving age to eighteen or lower the age of getting all rights to sixteen?

Do you want to raise the age you can see R rated movies alone to eighteen or lower the age of getting all rights to seventeen?

Do you want to raise the age you can post on the Internet without parental consent to eighteen, or lower the age of getting all rights to thirteen?

12 years ago

@Cassandra: Obsessed? Hardly. Also, safety and stability don’t have to come from a man, society in general can be used in lieu of the man. Also, I never said that it was a trait ALL women share. But again, it is foolish to think that NO women value safety, security or stability from men or society at large.

Yes, women have libidos. They also like to have sex. News at 11!

Lastly…how do you half expect something?

@Viscaria: Why are you looking at this so black and white? Do some women value net worth? Yes. Do some women value looks? Yes. Do some women value both net worth and looks? Yes.

@Ozy: Those are some pretty flimsy questions.

1) Most states have restrictions on 16 and 17 year old drivers. The reasoning? Because they are still considered minors. As soon as they turn 18 they are fully and completely responsible for what happens while they are driving. Also, driving is a privilege, not a right.

2) The MPAA ratings aren’t actual law.

3) Nothing stops 13 year olds from posting on the Internet, nor is it illegal. What is illegal is businesses collecting personal information about them.

12 years ago

some dude has an Amex Super-Duper Gold Platinum Card with Concierge Service.

I know two guys with this. And both are still single.

Not by choice mind.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Brandon, if you mean money, say money. Read what you said again, and think about whether dudes want a relationship that makes them feel unsafe, or whether they actually want instability in their lives.

Christ, what a twit.

12 years ago

Most states have restrictions on 16 and 17 year old drivers. The reasoning? Because they are still considered minors. As soon as they turn 18 they are fully and completely responsible for what happens while they are driving. Also, driving is a privilege, not a right.

Oh Christ, this is one of the stupidest things I’ve read on the Internets lately. Brandon, did you re-read that before you posted, and did it not strike you as circular? It’s like saying that the reason we call certain wines “Bordeaux” is because they are a particular shade of red.

But again, it is foolish to think that NO women value safety, security or stability from men or society at large.

All people value safety, security and stability. The fact that some women value those things “from men” is to a large extent because they have been conditioned to believe that it is either impossible or inappropriate for them to ensure their own safety, security and stability. Also, money =/= safety, security or stability. In a marriage where the rich husband beats the shit out of his wife and cheats on her, there is neither safety, nor security, nor stability.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

But if we are going to have 21 be the age one can drink, engage in sex work, own a handgun, and a few others. Then we need to accept that the US sees 21 as the age of majority and move voting, conscription, entering into contracts…and all the other rights and obligations 18 year olds get currently to 21. There should only be one threshold to cross to becoming an adult.

Why do you insist that there can only be one minimum age? I don’t have a problem with changing the minimum age for conscription, voting, or entering contracts to 21. I’m just curious as to why you’ve become the Connor MacLeod about minimum ages.

There can be only one! (It’s too bad I couldn’t find that Highlander quote on youtube, because it would fit here.)

12 years ago

@Viscaria: Why are you looking at this so black and white? Do some women value net worth? Yes. Do some women value looks? Yes. Do some women value both net worth and looks? Yes.

So, just curious, because I can sometimes be what is known as a “shitty communicator”: does anyone else think I was suggesting something about all women being the same? Because what I was trying to do is point out that calling us all vicious, jealous harpies who are old and undesirable and just can’t handle that men in their 40s and beyond only want women in the 18-21 range without realizing that a lot of women in the 18-21 range aren’t going to be attracted to men in their 40s and beyond is, um, silly.

12 years ago

I am old, and have been married for quite some time and notice that those in my peer group who married for money or “safety” are all divorced now.

People who married those they were compatible with in general, are still married.

12 years ago

But this isn’t just about YOU. The point is about the general female population and if more women value net worth over the women that don’t.

Let us bask in the irony of that first sentence, shall we?

Citation needed. Show me where women value net worth more, and daytime TV doesn’t count. It’s not real, and I thought you didn’t watch that anyway.

12 years ago

Brandon: What does money have to do with it? Are you saying that any dude can flash a wad of cash and the women will all get wet, and want to drag him into the stalls for a zipless fuck?

Because that’s the only way that saying “men like looks, and women like money” makes sense. If you aren’t talking about relationships, just one night stands… you’re still wrong.

That you think women see the same dude, as being different people because they have a differently fat wallet (that was your example, same guy, different bank-book) is why I said you thought women were shallow bints… because you did.

Not that you have a much better opinion about men, you just don’t care, because you are a shallow bint.

Even when looking at one night stands your “logic” fails because what people like is hugely varied. I really recommend you go to some play parties (though I understand they are bit different in the Boston Area to the SF/LA scenes, with less actual sex taking place, and the focus being on kink-related play).

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