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Actual discussion taking place on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit

Just another day on r/mensrights, dealing with the terrible injustices facing men today in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

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Molly Ren
13 years ago

Brandon seems to have taken our comments about pedophilia WAY out of context…

13 years ago


13 years ago

@Ami: Use Google.

@Cassandra: This isn’t about 30 year olds sleeping with 10 year olds (which is fucking gross), it’s about guys in their 50’s sleeping with women in their twenties (or at a bare minimum seeing those girls as more attractive than women their own age). Which has nothing to do with pedophilia.

@Kendra: And where does underage girls come into this? The age they gave was 21…clearly in the “adult who can legally consume alcohol” category.

13 years ago

makomk: the problem is the idea that if a women knows that someone is intuitively “creepy” it means there must be something fundamental about him that means he should be perceived as creepy.

No, the problem is when a woman says she finds an action creepy, people accuse her of making a categorical statement about the fundamental nature of that man/all men, e.g. when you say, zhinxy: well yes, not automatically trusting strangers is reasonable. It’s when it gets on to things like expecting others to ostracize people because they’re “creepy” that things get rather sour.

Could you please explain this: As for male feminists… on the one end feminism has an annoying tendency to attract the kind of men that think all men are rapists because they are, and on the other it tends to pull in those that think there’s nothing wrong with certain parts of male gender roles and masculinity because they don’t have a problem with them. Usually for the latter it’s the culture of male-on-male violence that they seem to think is a non-problem; Feministing in particular seemed to attract a lot of military and ex-military men.

Because when I try to break down what it means… I get, “it gets men who think men are evil, and men who think men are swell.” I also wonder to which of that binary set you think I belong.

ozymandias42: it’s not really a question of supporting male-on-male violence, at least not in the “yay violence” sense. It’s more that they don’t seem to believe that anyone else should ever have cause to fear it or that it really matters.

So when you say support you mean “ignore”. Could you give us examples of what you think constitutes expressions of that sort of thinking?

13 years ago

Here’s the thing. You are allowed to say “I have a preference for women much younger than me, but still of legal age.” You are NOT allowed to say “Old women are ugly.” The second is being a douchebag!

13 years ago

makomk: A couple of years ago I would have been able to give you specific, linked examples of what I mean about male feminists, but it never helped and thanks to not really being involved with feminism that much I don’t keep track anymore. Sorry. There are definitely female feminists that hold similarly negative views about male feminists though, especially after the Hugo Schwyzer fiasco.

I see, this pervasive trait of, “male feminists” is something you remember, but didn’t keep the links to, and without the information (from years ago) this prevalent trait is hard to find.

In short, you are making it up as you go along.

13 years ago

I see that three weeks of not being able to comment have made Brandon’s bitterness much more apparent. I don’t think I was missing it before, I think he was doing a better job of masking it.

As usual his logic is full of failures: Really Xardoz and Viscaria? Manboobz and the commenters are more than happy to shame men and call them “skeevy” and “creepy” because an older man dares to sleep with/date/marry a woman that is 20+ years younger than him. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say it is fine for men to sleep with younger woman (or see them as more attractive) then turn around and discuss reasons why he is “wrong”, “not a good/real man”, “creepy” or any other derogatory statements made against him.

Brandon, the argument isn’t that older/younger relations are, ispo facto wrong. It’s that the idea that older men are somehow inherently attractive to younger women and the relationships are, prima facie healthy is suspect.

I’ve got nothing against age gaps, per se. I’ve had several lovers who were more than a decade my junior. I’ve had several who were more than a decade my senior (a couple who were two decades my senior). The issue is who they are fucking, but why.

This, of course, is usually where your logic breaks down. You don’t seem to understand the difference between the what, and the why.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
13 years ago

@Kendra: And where does underage girls come into this? The age they gave was 21…clearly in the “adult who can legally consume alcohol” category.

Brandon, the OP from Reddit was about making the minimum age for sex work be 21. The posters at Mens Rights subreddit were mad about that minimum age. That’s what this whole thread is about.

13 years ago

@Pecunium:ALL men aren’t inherently attracted to younger women, but a sizable chunk of them are. Starting a sentence with “all men” or “all women” pretty much guarantees that that sentence will be incorrect. When people use “men” and “women” in writing, they often aren’t saying “every single man/woman without exception does X”. It is often, “A lot/Most/A noticeable trend of men/women do X”.

Why do you feel the need to assume those relationships are unhealthy at first glance? Do you not give people the benefit of the doubt when first meeting them (or in this case making assumptions about people you haven’t even met)?

Why? Who knows. Why they are dating could be anything. And making assumptions as to why they might be in a relationship is pure speculation.

@Kendra: Again, where does underage girls come into play here? In fact, here are some of the comments from that thread:

BearofHappiness said:

“Prostitution is legal where I am. The legal age is 18… which makes sense… our voting/ drinking/ legal adult age is 18. (We have had issues with girls as young as 12 going out on the streets, though…)”

“I think 18 years old is plenty old enough to know if you want to be a prostitue or not. 21 is overkill.”

Quinny86 said:

“Ah good point, it just seems like it would be illegal though, I’m quite surprised that it isn’t. I think this change could be a good idea though, 16 is much too young for prostitution.”


As you can see BearofHappiness makes a point that prostitution should fall in line with other age of majority privileges (drinking, voting, etc…). He also takes note of the problem with underage girls walking the streets engaging in prostitution. He doesn’t seem like he is an advocate of child prostitution.

Quinny86 thinks 16 (which actually is a threshold to adulthood in a lot of countries) is too young for women to engage in prostitution.

So Kendra…where is the advocacy for child prostitution on that thread? Seems like the commenters there are advocating the minimum age to be lowered to 18 (which still makes them an adult in most countries).

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Brandon use google for what? xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Finding the things you claim we’ve said? xD Nobody’s said the things you claim they have xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’ve used google. Nothing. Your turn 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Hey Brandon remember that time you said you had raped 20 women at a party? No? USE GOOGLE!


I can do this too! 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Remember when Brandon threatened to gut Ozy and hang her skull on a pole? 😀


Use google! xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Remember all those times Brandon’s said how much he hates kittens and he kills kittens for fun on his spare time?


Use google! xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Kendra: Again, where does underage girls come into play here?


Use google.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

This is even better than yes, that is misandry. xD

13 years ago

Guys, don’t do that, use google.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I had no idea that you never had to respond with proof to any claims you’ve made and simply say “use google” xD

No wonder Brandon’s always right 😀 I’ve been missing out :3

(as I said, since his parole, Brandon’s been getting REALLY angry… he doesn’t even try to make an argument nemore it’s just RAWRRRRRRR xD )

13 years ago

People named Brandon eat babies covered in sauce made from puppy blood.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Remember when Brandon admitted that Ashley was actually me? 😀

No? Use google!

13 years ago

Remember when Brandon said something hilariously stupid? Just use the “Older Comments” button on any thread.

He really is pissy this time, isn’t he? Apparently the time out did nothing to improve his temperament.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think not being able to talk about himself is really taking a toll on him xD

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

While I can talk about MYSELF as much as I want! 😀


13 years ago

It’s funny to imagine the editing process that must go on for each comment.

“And as Brandon, my opinion is…wait, can’t say that. This article is very offensive to Brandons everywhere! No, can’t say that either. When I was fucking that younger woman up against the wall…crap.”

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