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Actual discussion taking place on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit

Just another day on r/mensrights, dealing with the terrible injustices facing men today in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

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13 years ago

Much I’m glad there’s no longer a free pass to smoke wherever you feel like in the U.S., I think we’re taking things a little too far, personally. Banning smoking in open-air places like public parks is kinda ridiculous to me. Ditto the social stigma against smokers, and the excessive taxation of tobacco products.

13 years ago

An interesting non-self-righteous take on an “I don’t take drugs” song, but combined with the stalkerish-proto-nice-guy-who’s-also-somehow-a-sympathetic-character thing the Modern Lovers do so well:

(“I’m Straight” – The Modern Lovers)

An interesting I-don’t-want-to-fuck-around song that isn’t self-righteous with a dash of the same:

(“Someone I Care About” – The Modern Lovers)

So there are precedents, I guess. Precedents from pretty close to where all the straight-edge stuff started, too.

13 years ago

Oops, forgot the video for the second song.

13 years ago


I know a lot of people love soap and stuff, but it’s always seemed a bit of a passive-aggressive gift to me. “Here, you seem the sort of person who might need some soap!”


I’m with you entirely there. I don’t even smoke (tobacco) and I’m already annoyed that the university I’m going to soon has just adopted a smoke-free campus policy.

Is there a smoking ban in pubs/bars/nightclubs in the USA all-over or by state or by county or what? I don’t know what to think about that sort of thing.

13 years ago

The problem with smoking outside is not the smoke, its the mess from the butts and the risk of fire, so banning it seems a bit over-the-top.

I reckon you should be allowed to smoke the the psych hospital lock-up. It’s stressful enough being sick and locked up where you can’t go outside, never mind having to give up the smokes as well.

13 years ago

I’m all for smoking being banned in enclosed spaces like bars, not only because it makes things unpleasant even for some smokers, but because it’s a health risk for the people who have to work in those spaces. I don’t see any reason why it should be banned outdoors, though, and creating a teeny little smoking area outside buildings seems a bit too remniscent of putting people in the stocks so those passing by can pelt them with tomatoes.

13 years ago


It’s happening at the state and local level, mostly, or it’s a matter of individual institutions adopting anti-smoking policy. Seems to happening in more and more places, though.

13 years ago

I’m all for smoking being banned in enclosed spaces like bars, not only because it makes things unpleasant even for some smokers, but because it’s a health risk for the people who have to work in those spaces.

Well, to be fair, the main reason I’m against it is that I never got to experience the “smoky bar” thing I’d been looking forward to all my childhood. That is not really an excellent argument against those sorts of bans.

13 years ago

Many local bars and restaurants around here have outdoor smoking areas. Some of them even have heat lamps for the winter. So at least they’re somewhat considerate.

13 years ago

The bar could use a smoke machine, for atmosphere 🙂

13 years ago

Brandon: If I were just disagreeing for the sake of form, I’d say something like, “dude, that’s wrong, you don’t understand how it is… see women like men who can light their own farts.”

When you pointed out this was a questionable claim, with no proof, I’d say, “It true, and you won’t admit it because it was me who said it, but if you go look it up you’ll have to admit I’m right.”

But that’s not what I did. I actually argued with you. Pointed out your logical failures. Tried to keep you arguing the same thing (that women find money attractive, and a guys looks/personality are not all that important).

You said it was up to me to find studies that supported you.

So you were being an asshole.

Even when I disagree I don’t say, “this is the way it is”. You can call me a liar all you like, but if you can find a credible study (and I showed you what I’m looking for, it’s not like I’m stacking the deck), I’ll have to reconsider.

But you’d rather think I’m dishonest than try to show me up… ok. But that’s killing the chance you have to make a case to other people. Not my problem. I didn’t pull an assertion out of my ass and try too tell people it was true.

13 years ago

And cue juvenile temper tantrum.

13 years ago

Even in places where smoking is banned in bars there are usually a few that totally ignore the ban, and since there are only a few of them they tend to be extra smoky. I can think of 2 here in San Francisco that could satisfy anyone’s smoky bar cravings.

What I kind of love about this city is that post-ban most bars do actually follow the rules, but only for tobacco, so there are several where you can sit out on the patio smoking weed and no one cares, but if anyone lights up a cigarette on the pavement outside everyone will scowl at them. Hippie city of mine, you are hilarious.

13 years ago

The issue with smoking bans is that if you do not have them, you de facto ban plenty of people from those spaces. People who are allergic to cigarette smoke, people with lung issues, small children,(many) pregnant people, people with other health conditions that are aggravated by cigarette smoke. If I spend two hours in a ventilated room with smokers, my heartbeat will race dangerously and I will spend days (at best) afterwards coughing and sick. When I lived with a smoker (my mother’s boyfriend…), even trying to avoid the smoke, I ended up being seriously sick rather often. I once had a sinus infection for an entire month and it got so bad it interfered with my ability to eat. Second hand smoke does affect others, and you can’t say that no one’s interests and ability to use public spaces are served by smoking bans. Does the right of a smoker to smoke in public spaces trump the right of an person with asthma, for example, to use those spaces?


Banning smoking in open-air places like public parks is kinda ridiculous to me.

Not really-it is a fire hazard in areas like the Southwest and California. And a huge cost when that sort of thing happens in lives, homes, money, and time.


I just don’t see the need to go hunting around on the internet for links to studies to prove my point to you.

Your point is that you are a lazy unintellectual dullard? Now come on, we knew that already!

Your other point, that young ladies are attractive to men at any age only would possibly be true if you only said “most guys walking down the street and see a 19 year old will think she is attractive.” We all said “here are all the problems with just that scenario and it would not hold up for anything beyond a simple glance. If it did hold up which it would not for the aforementioned reasons”

So the idea that women, to bring it back to the original post, who are over the age of 21 are jealous of the idea of women who are 18 and doing sex work because they are not as attractive and that is what men want-really young attractive women…falls apart under even the most cursory logical thought.

A portion of the male population may in fact like young ladies who have a certain type of looks for a simple glance or a one night stand or even for a long term relationship-but you cannot prove even just the simple glance and get petulant when we call you on it.

Also, does Ashley snore or something? Most people like to be with their partners for more than just a few minutes of badly done sex. *apologizes to everyone for making Brandon now think he has to defend his ability to engage in any kind of sexual activity as well as he thinks he debates*

13 years ago

Elizabeth! Now he’s going to give us another round of Brandon’s Super Racy Exploits including, omg, sex while standing up. Stop encouraging him!

13 years ago

I do like how he made a point of saying she had her own place and left after sex, oh, hell, that he’s so insecure he had to bring up getting laid in the first place.

Not Super Racy Sexploits! Sex against the wall! With the lights on!

13 years ago

One of the big problems I see with smoking outdoors is the people that just toss their cigarette butts on the floor like it’s no big deal, so there are always cigarette butts just lying around on the streets and some people don’t even bother putting them out.

Even people who normally wouldn’t litter do that. It’s like it doesn’t register as littering to them.

I don’t want to ban open air smoking, but people could at least use pocket ashtrays or something.

13 years ago

I still do not see how Ashley and having had sex is relevant to this conversation.

I am wondering what will happen to Ashley in Brandon World when she hits 26?

If she is real, that is.

13 years ago

Since “Ashley” came to Manboobz, I slipped on the side of the ashgnostic (do I say that right?) And imaginary girlfriends don’t have to age!

But I always respect other religions and philosophies. So if she is flesh and bones, the easy solution is to dump her, then try to get a younger one.

13 years ago

What I kind of love about this city is that post-ban most bars do actually follow the rules, but only for tobacco, so there are several where you can sit out on the patio smoking weed and no one cares, but if anyone lights up a cigarette on the pavement outside everyone will scowl at them. Hippie city of mine, you are hilarious.

Oh God.


I am wondering what will happen to Ashley in Brandon World when she hits 26?

She will be long gone by then. And replaced with an even younger robot.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: See, that is where it all went to shit. I was arguing that the majority of men value youth when it comes to being attracted to women. You seem to take that as “women don’t value a man’s looks”, which was NOT my argument to begin with. You are also psychologically splitting. Seeing looks and money as mutually exclusive. Did it not occur to you that women can value both looks and money?

The whole money bit was just a side note. My main argument is still the majority of men value youth.

Sidenote: The same could be said of weight as well. Sure, some men will find chubby, fat and obese women attractive. However, the majority of men do not subscribe to that thinking.

@Hellkell: Talking about sex and saying you have it does not make one insecure. Sex is a part of life and people talk about it. Whoopty friggin doo. It isn’t that big of a deal.

@Kyrie: Ashley no longer posts here because she says most people here are too hostile.


And once again, a claim is made with nothing to back it up. That a majority of men value youth yet nothing to show where this idea came from. Because BRANDON.

Also, we were not hostile to Ashley, we just think she was your sock puppet because most of us do not believe she exists and she talks just like you so you know, not like this opinion was formed in the vacuum of your head.