$MONEY$ antifeminism I'm totally being sarcastic misogyny MRA oppressed men pussy cartel sex whores

Actual discussion taking place on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit

Just another day on r/mensrights, dealing with the terrible injustices facing men today in a thoughtful and compassionate way.

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12 years ago

“Lastly, I have moved past “trying to change one’s opinions”. I state my opinion and if you don’t agree, that is your problem…not mine.”

Why is it a problem if people don’t agree with you? Do you find this offensive in some way? That seems a bit silly, but if so it explains why you’re always in such a pissy mood.

12 years ago

Apparently women who are 26 go into a pupa stage and emerge from their cocoons at 50.

In Brandon world.

12 years ago

He does seem determined to ignore the issue of how men relate to women their own age, doesn’t he?

12 years ago

I’m getting really tired of the “men hunted the mammoth for women and children and therefore women all want men who are good providers. All the good providers are older men with lots of money, therefore teenage girls are all wanting sexual relationships with older men, this is a biological imperative and women are hardwired this way so older men should be allowed to have sex with underage girls.”

It’s total nonsense. There is no evidence that men went out hunting and left women to keep the “home fires burning” and raise the kids. Not a shred of evidence. There’s no evidence that men exclusively made tools and produced food while women had babies and sat on their arses. We have no idea who knapped those arrowheads, spearheads, choppers, and made digging sticks, baskets or whatever.

All we have are bones, stones and a rather helpful idea called ethnographic analogy. This is the assumption (far from perfect) that the way these things were done in the past is similar to the way that hunter/gatherers do it today and this shows an entirely different picture. In modern H/G societies most of the food gathering and preparation is done by women. In Australian aboriginal society, for example, around 85% of the day to day food production was done by women. They gathered vegetable-type foods and hunted small animals. They were more than capable of providing for themselves and their kids with or without a man. Among the Kung bushmen of the Kalahari the proportions are similar. In both of these well documented cultures women are not dependent on men for the basics of survival. Meat from large and relatively dangerous animals is about status, not survival and men generally engage in a great many “non-productive” (as opposed to subsistence) activities such as art and religious matters because they didn’t need to provide subsidence for their families because women were able to provide for themselves, men and their children.

While ethnographic analogy is an assumption and has it’s drawbacks it seems to me far more reasonable that the complete fairytale the MRAs peddle to justify their own desire to bed underage girls.

I know most people here will already know this stuff but it seems to me MRAs don’t or they wouldn’t be making the unpleasant, sexist arguments they do.

I’m happy to provide cites in the next day or two but right now I has “chemo brain” and need to go and sleeeeeeeeeeeep for a while.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ Precunium- Thanks for the well wishes, but I’d rather not say. I’d suddenly be VERY easily findable if I did.

@ Brandon- If you took 1000 35 year old men, do you really think the majority would be clamoring to date 50-55 year old women as opposed to 21-25 year old women? Do you really think that 500+ of those men would exert the same amount of energy trying to date and sleep with a 50 year old vs a 25 year old?

No, but I think a similar number of 35 year-old men would be willing to date 30 year olds and 40 year olds, all else being equal. I also think that, given that the older you get the more likely you are to have previous marriages, children, etc., you have to calculate that in as well. I, for example, would far prefer dating someone 10 years my senior with no children than someone 5 years my senior with 2 kids. People who are interested in egalitarian partnerships usually pick someone with similar life experiences and maturity levels (for example, the current average age of first marriage for men in this country is 28, and for women it is 26).

Now if someone is interested in relationships with built-in power imbalances, that accounts for a not-insignificant number of people (usually men) who consistently date significantly younger people (but not all of them, of course, and no offense meant to those here who are in relationships with age gaps).

12 years ago

Yay, Brandon’s back! I was just thinking how I could use a nap.

12 years ago

If counting sheep isn’t working for you, count the points at which Brandon makes a complete fool of himself! You’ll be asleep in no time.

12 years ago

M Dubz: No worries. If you want to talk to me privately, you can send me an email (means of my blog, or a message throught the manboobz forum). You might be 1: local to me, and 2: I might know some people who can make it easier (having done similar things).

12 years ago

Brandon: So your hypothetical justification was bullshit, and that’s not a good reason for leveling all the aspects of attaining full majority (even the language of the law, “Attain one’s full majority” recognises that minority is left in stages)?

Got it. So do you have an actual argument?

How do I account for that? Easy….in mathematics and statistics it is called “standard deviation”.

Ok. Account for it. Show the math (or at least the studies, with breakdowns for methodology, operating definitions, etc.) that provide the statistics.

Esp. since it’s easy.

You also have said that the size of a man’s wallet is the measure of his, “attractiveness” for a one night stand. That too should be easy.

Your theoretical study, is nonsense. A 25 year gap is large. You have to control for other things (even in the one night stand department). If someone sees a really attractive person in thier cohort, and an equally atttractive peson in a cohort 20 years older than they are, the odds are they will gravitate toward the person of their own age, irrespective of the relative attraction.

Because the general expectation is the older person has less in common (interests, life experience, etc.). Then again, age isn’t something one can tell at a glance. I’m 44. I still get some people who card be because they think I might not be 21. I was carded, consistently, until I was 36.
Lastly, I have moved past “trying to change one’s opinions”. I state my opinion and if you don’t agree, that is your problem…not mine.

Sure you have.

12 years ago

Brandon: So your hypothetical justification was bullshit, and that’s not a good reason for leveling all the aspects of attaining full majority (even the language of the law, “Attain one’s full majority” recognises that minority is left in stages)?

Got it. So do you have an actuCassandra: “Lastly, I have moved past “trying to change one’s opinions”. I state my opinion and if you don’t agree, that is your problem…not mine.”

Why is it a problem if people don’t agree with you? Do you find this offensive in some way? That seems a bit silly, but if so it explains why you’re always in such a pissy mood.

Because Brandon is right, of course.. We just don’t see how right he is, and it’s why we are living stunted lives of unfulfilled misery.
al argument?

How do I account for that? Easy….in mathematics and statistics it is called “standard deviation”.

Ok. Account for it. Show the math (or at least the studies, with breakdowns for methodology, operating definitions, etc.) that provide the statistics.

Esp. since it’s easy.

You also have said that the size of a man’s wallet is the measure of his, “attractiveness” for a one night stand. That too should be easy.

Your theoretical study, is nonsense. A 25 year gap is large. You have to control for other things (even in the one night stand department). If someone sees a really attractive person in thier cohort, and an equally atttractive peson in a cohort 20 years older than they are, the odds are they will gravitate toward the person of their own age, irrespective of the relative attraction.

Because the general expectation is the older person has less in common (interests, life experience, etc.). Then again, age isn’t something one can tell at a glance. I’m 44. I still get some people who card be because they think I might not be 21. I was carded, consistently, until I was 36.
Lastly, I have moved past “trying to change one’s opinions”. I state my opinion and if you don’t agree, that is your problem…not mine.

Sure you have.

12 years ago

Well crap. That was a formatting error.

12 years ago

How do I account for that? Easy….in mathematics and statistics it is called “standard deviation”.

Ok. Account for it. Show the math (or at least the studies, with breakdowns for methodology, operating definitions, etc.) that provide the statistics.

What do you mean? I can’t just throw in a mathematical term and be right about stuff? Oh crap.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ Precunium- thanks; I may just take you up on that! And you really are a jack of all trades. wow.

12 years ago

M Dubz: My finacee attended JTS and Columbia. Her father is a rabbi. We know a lot of religious jews (from the conservative, and modern Orthodox, generally, but I have a a number of Reform friends in Calif.).

We keep a kosher kitchen (which is a treat, since I eat tref). So quite apart from local (should we be in the same area) support, we might be able to hook you up, depending on who we know who have found callings/congregations elsewhere.

And some things are hard, and go better with support… at the risk of solecism, it would be unchristian of me not to offer. 🙂

12 years ago

In what universe does a man’s wallet factor at all in *a one night stand* (and not, you know, a john/prostitute arrangement)? Even in the bogus MRA world, you’d think it would only matter for *marriage*. What does a one night stand’s wealth provide to a woman? Isn’t it more likely that a man’s attractiveness or perceived sexual power might be of more interest to a woman looking for a one night stand, maybe?

12 years ago

BlackBloc: The Brandonverse, and the NWOverse.

12 years ago

What do you mean? I can’t just throw in a mathematical term and be right about stuff? Oh crap.

Women only like younger men! Men 35+ are icky and gross! How do I know? Easy.


12 years ago

BlackBloc : I don’t know about other women, but I mainly live on the drinks 50-somethings men buy me when I flirt with them.
Obviously, it’s the more natural way of life for a woman, because of laminar turbulences.

12 years ago

BlackBloc: As far as I can tell, one-night-stands are a form of inexpensive sex work in which women trade sex for dinner and drinks.

Brandon: So men in general are interested in weak-willed, boring, hot women for one-night-stands but not for relationships. Uh… how exactly does that differ from women?

12 years ago

>>BlackBloc : I don’t know about other women, but I mainly live on the drinks 50-somethings men buy me when I flirt with them.

Daaaamn girl. I hope some of those drinks they’re paying you are protein shakes or smoothies, because otherwise you must be pretty hungry. 🙂

12 years ago

>>>BlackBloc: As far as I can tell, one-night-stands are a form of inexpensive sex work in which women trade sex for dinner and drinks.

I’m getting a good deal then, because the only one night stand I ever had, the woman bought MY drink. And had to pressure me into drinking it, because straight edge (her saying “just one sip and you can do whatever you want with me afterwards” sort of melted my then 21 y.o. resolve… Jezebels!).

12 years ago

BlackBloc: I have, like, the bargain-basement pussy. The closest thing I’ve come to being paid for casual sex is when the dude bought me some French fries. They were good French fries, too.

Pressuring straightedge people into drinking is not cool. DX

HELPFUL NOTE FOR TROLLS AND OTHER IDIOTS: Ozy is not a girl. Ozy is nonbinary. Please refer to Ozy as “zie,” not “she.”

12 years ago

Hey Brandon, weren’t you the one who claimed that your thinking isn’t influenced by popular culture? So how come you seem to swallow nearly every gender stereotype our culture has to offer without question?

12 years ago

Pressuring straightedge people into drinking is not cool. DX

Pressuring anyone into drinking isn’t cool. But yeah, even more so if they don’t drink.

12 years ago

@Blackblock: I also stole peanuts in bars and ask my dates to buy me pop-corn when we go to the cinema. And when I get really hungry, I go back to my beta boyfriend (who sadly for him, is allergic to peanuts) and exchange a real meal for intercourse.
And since St Valentin is nearing, I might be able to get romantic dinner in restaurants and a few chocolate box.

What can I say, it’s a tough world and I’m hard wired to act like that, by my prehistorical ancestors. Blame them, not me.

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