disgusting women hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men

Ladies totally don’t appreciate guys who go out with them when they’re, you know, all old and stuff

Ava Gardner, fortysomething hag, and some beta dude doing her a giant favor by even being seen with her in public.

My eyes are all dialated from an eye exam, but even through a blurry haze I can tell this guy is kind of a toolbag. Here’s The Rational Male on why the ladies totally don’t appreciate all that dudes do for them, like for example, not having sex with other ladies when they totally probably could have.

I think what most men uniquely deceive themselves of is that they will ultimately be appreciated by women for their sacrifices. … You can’t be because women fundamentally lack the ability to fully realize, much less appreciate the sacrifices a man makes to facilitate her reality. … Men making the personal sacrifices necessary to honor, respect and love her are commonplace. You’re supposed to do those things. You sacrificed your ambitions and potential to provide her with a better life? You were supposed to. You resisted temptation and didn’t cheat on your wife with the hot secretary who was DTF and ready to go?

Ladies totally don’t appreciate that shit. Seriously, gals, it takes a lot of willpower for us to keep from going around sticking our penises in other ladies. You should probably bake us all cakes, or something.

The worst offenders? Women 40 and over.

[A]ssume for a moment that a 40 y.o. Man with the options to pursue younger women “does the right thing” and seeks out a relationship with a woman his own age. Would he be appreciated for essentially giving an aged woman a new lease on life? Or would he be viewed as doing what is to be expected of him?

Seriously, women over 40 are practically senior citizens. Even talking to them is a gigantic sacrifice for a guy who imagines he might possibly be able to cajole a drunk 27 year old into bed for a night of deeply unsatisfying sex with him.

It’s best to remind the fortysomething hags what a giant favor you’re doing them while you are actually, you know, doing them. In the “having sex with them” sense, if you catch my drift.

“Aw yeah, baby, you saw that waitress totally smiling at me earlier. I think she’d probably do me. You’re lucky I even gave your old ass a second look!”

Repeat this until she hates herself. That sort of thing is what makes for spectacular sex.

It’s no wonder he calls himself The Rational Man.

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12 years ago

Antz: I was going to be all “good for you for starting an online support group, that’s hard work” but for family court survivors? o.O

Holly: Hugh Ristik, who occasionally comments on NSWATM, is a PUA and not a misogynist. So there is, you know, one of him.

12 years ago

We should make a troll comment generator. DKM’s can put exclamation points at the end of each sentence and make the language antiquated, NWO’s can add “Big Daddy” and “hate movement” at random, and Antz’s can have “bigots” and misrepresentation of articles.

Where is NWO these days anyway? He’s much more amusing to read than Robo-Misogynisst.

12 years ago

He’s probably at work. I am willing to believe he has a job of sporadic,and sometimes long, hours.

That, or he’s recharging. It’s got to be tough being so thoroughly taken to town, and he knows what he’s in for when he shows up. I’m guess he’s not up for that much public humiliation right now.

12 years ago

Cassandra and Viscaria. I totally agree with your points of view. Especially the “if age is just a number so why are women your own age off the table”!

The other factor for me is that my parents are only seventeen years older than I. So any older and I’d be dating someone my parents age! As it stands, my partner is the same age as my eldest uncle and the ages of my mothers siblings are somewhat spread out. My uncles and I were raised somewhat more like siblings than uncles and niece because we are close in ages. I’m the eldest child of the eldest child of the eldest child. I’ve read that birth order does have an overall effect on a persons development and personality.

Are the other ladies here proud of becoming older? I know I am. So I leave my hair grey (and I have quite a bit, more than typical for my age). It solves problems of younger men hitting on me, PUAs and damn I earned those silver streaks! So for anyone who thinks being a woman over thirty is a travesty….HAHAHAHAHAHA! You have no IDEA what you’re missing!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

It feels like the derailing idiots have a way to tag out. MRAL out, Antsy in. I’m sure they don’t, but christ, it feels that way XD

12 years ago

The MRM is here, and we are here to stay.

Mel Brooks did it better (actually, Mel Brooks does everything better…):

12 years ago

>>>It feels like the derailing idiots have a way to tag out. MRAL out, Antsy in. I’m sure they don’t, but christ, it feels that way XD

I think their extreme narcissism makes it impossible for them to share threads. Like if it’s the MRAL show, AntZ has no incentive to go in. When MRAL can’t post, AntZ gets to go in and feed off the attention that was all being consumed by MRAL. And so forth.

12 years ago

Just read the article davids post came from. Here’s the comment that had me laughing..


December 28th, 2011 at 2:51 pm

I partially disagree. Older women and women with children are well known for appreciating men. They are desperate and give up sex and gifts a lot. It’s all very well saying that women are too stupid to realize what men are doing for them but older women and women with children face the reality of it, in that few men want them. It’s hard to argue with reality when you’re alone and no one loves you.

While they may want to be taken care of despite offering little, reality says no. But with other women who have won the prize of marriage, yes I agree. They tend to stop appreciating me”

So women are stupid, selfish and unlovable after thirty or single parenthood, whichever comes first. HAHAHAHAHA!

Okay, newsflash. Many people of various relationship types have loved, cherished, respected and occasionally wanted to kill me in the past many people love, cherish respect and occasionally want to kill me now. Many people will love, respect and cherish me in the future, and I have, am doing and will do the same for them. This is the whole ” no one will ever love you the way I do” line. And its pure bullshit. I’m not any less lovable or appreciative of the people in my life just because I became a single mother. Hell, I appreciate what my daughter father does in helping care for her. We don’t agree on many things, but I have respect for him and I raise my daughter to respect him as well.

Nor am I desperate. I can manage my life just fine and that’s been the case for many years. Its guys like this that made me post prominently that I’m a feminist and not looking for a savior in my online profile. I have sex with my partner because I desire him. I expect that’s why a lot of people have sex. I give my partner gifts etc because it pleases me to make him happy and to have him see how much I value him. Speaking of which…. I need to get started on his valentines gift. I’m embroidering a small pillow which will say something he told me on one of our first dates…. Just need to come up with a good design.

12 years ago

Is it wrong of me to wish that the trolls were around when I’m available so I can mock them? Its a guilty pleasure of mine….

12 years ago

pillowinhell, if mocking trolls is wrong then I don’t wanna be right!

12 years ago

“Is it wrong of me to wish that the trolls were around when I’m available so I can mock them? Its a guilty pleasure of mine….”

Welcome to the club. 😀

12 years ago

Y’know Zarat, the thing that’s great about you, the thing about you that is delightfully, hilariously pathetic, is that for all your self-righteous fury about the dishonesty of “the enemy”, you yourself are AN ADMITTED LIAR. You’re fucking PROUD of it! It’s absolutely priceless.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

I just wish we had some more entertaining trolls. I’m tired of the trolls that come here, make one comment, and then disappear. If you’re going to make an argument, at least try to defend it.

12 years ago

Explore Nature is particularly annoying in that respect.

12 years ago

“Zarat: No. That’s a sign we need a non-misogynistic, non-evil, connected-to-this-plane-of-reality movement that focuses on men’s rights.”


Zarat, you’ll find a lot of people here who are sympathetic to men’s causes–even one guy who says he’s been falsely accused of rape–including myself. But I don’t see how the MRM is invested in solving problems at all. In Paul Elam’s own words, AVFM is not interested in reason or debate but rather “in inflicting enough pain on agents of hate in public view that it shocks society out its current coma”. What does this violent rhetoric have to do with helping male victims of rape? What does a rant about slow-walking women have to do with men’s rights? What does an article stating that “women’s suffrage has led to the downfall of Western civilization” have to do with men’s rights?

12 years ago

Aw man, that’s why I love Explore Nature, he just pops in to say something hilariously out of context and barely sensical, and then leaves! I laugh pretty much every time I see his posts.

EWME does it too, except his English is terrible in a completely different way, and he doesn’t have the delightful conciseness of Explore Nature. Explore Nature, you could like, cross stitch his little proclamations, or put them on an inspirational poster and hang it on your cubicle wall. Heck, he’s kind of already done that for you on his website– he has all sorts of little nature pictures with weird statements underneath them.

12 years ago

Let’s play a game. Who wants to guess the “provocative name” of Zarat’s group that was so provocative it nearly got them shut down?

12 years ago

I gotta admit, picturing it as cross-stitch does make it way funnier.

12 years ago

He-man Woman Haters Club? Nah, too obvious.

12 years ago


We could always share. 🙂 I’m sure there’s enough of Salma to go around.

Of course, we’d have to share her with my wife, too, so it could get complicated.

12 years ago

Give me some of Natures comments and I will do a lovely a lovely embroidered pillow with his statement on one side and a sarcastic remark on the other and mail it to you. If you wish, you can choose the style of embroidery or time period you prefer. I embroider in silks, cottons of various weights and ribbons. Choices of Jacobean, goldwork, thread painting, cross stitch, hardanger, stumpwork, crazy quilt stitches or any particular design you like so long as you provide a picture to work from. We could make that the prize for the guess what name Antz chose contest.

I’m guessing that Antz chose a name that either involved the words cunt or rape.

12 years ago

Sunshine Moonbats Who Hate Women.

12 years ago

Antiquarian society for the promotion of robot overlords over family courts judges? (too clunky? not offensive enough?)

Society for the promotion of men as heads of the household and putting women in their proper place?

Individuals organizing for free men and enslaved women?

12 years ago

Family Court Judges Suck-which could be shorten to…FCJS and not sound so bad.

12 years ago

Family Cunt Victims?