disgusting women hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men

Ladies totally don’t appreciate guys who go out with them when they’re, you know, all old and stuff

Ava Gardner, fortysomething hag, and some beta dude doing her a giant favor by even being seen with her in public.

My eyes are all dialated from an eye exam, but even through a blurry haze I can tell this guy is kind of a toolbag. Here’s The Rational Male on why the ladies totally don’t appreciate all that dudes do for them, like for example, not having sex with other ladies when they totally probably could have.

I think what most men uniquely deceive themselves of is that they will ultimately be appreciated by women for their sacrifices. … You can’t be because women fundamentally lack the ability to fully realize, much less appreciate the sacrifices a man makes to facilitate her reality. … Men making the personal sacrifices necessary to honor, respect and love her are commonplace. You’re supposed to do those things. You sacrificed your ambitions and potential to provide her with a better life? You were supposed to. You resisted temptation and didn’t cheat on your wife with the hot secretary who was DTF and ready to go?

Ladies totally don’t appreciate that shit. Seriously, gals, it takes a lot of willpower for us to keep from going around sticking our penises in other ladies. You should probably bake us all cakes, or something.

The worst offenders? Women 40 and over.

[A]ssume for a moment that a 40 y.o. Man with the options to pursue younger women “does the right thing” and seeks out a relationship with a woman his own age. Would he be appreciated for essentially giving an aged woman a new lease on life? Or would he be viewed as doing what is to be expected of him?

Seriously, women over 40 are practically senior citizens. Even talking to them is a gigantic sacrifice for a guy who imagines he might possibly be able to cajole a drunk 27 year old into bed for a night of deeply unsatisfying sex with him.

It’s best to remind the fortysomething hags what a giant favor you’re doing them while you are actually, you know, doing them. In the “having sex with them” sense, if you catch my drift.

“Aw yeah, baby, you saw that waitress totally smiling at me earlier. I think she’d probably do me. You’re lucky I even gave your old ass a second look!”

Repeat this until she hates herself. That sort of thing is what makes for spectacular sex.

It’s no wonder he calls himself The Rational Man.

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12 years ago

You resisted temptation and didn’t cheat on your wife with the hot secretary who was DTF and ready to go?

Something tells me that sentiments like this and the MRA paranoia about being cheated on, cuckolded, or dumped for alphas are related.

12 years ago

Women lack the ability to realize and appreciate the sacrifices men make for them?

MRAs lack the ability to realize how fundamentally flawed their worldview is.

12 years ago

Listening to an MRA talk about someone else’s flaws always makes for good comedy.

12 years ago


B-But they’re MEN! MEN are rational and can’t be wrong about anything! They are too stalwart, honest, and principled to lie, unlike silly illogical women!

12 years ago

Women, of course, being of the female persuasion, and therefore spoiled, irrational, and hopelessly impulsive, never make sacrifices or forgo pleasure in order to maintain a relationship. Women have no sex drives, so we are never tempted by anyone but our partners. And since we want to maximize our social status, we will happily jump ship for a bigger alpha if he comes along; we have no love or empathy or anything, and will drop a man in a heartbeat (that’s another reason you know we don’t make sacrifices.)

Women never sacrifice their dreams in order to support their families, because women don’t have dreams outside of their families. If a woman leaves a successful career to raise children, that’s a not a sacrifice, and if she and her husband split, he doesn’t owe her anything (because she sacrificed nothing, and probably didn’t even contribute anything to the household, the lazy leech.)

Men are constantly having to do things they don’t want to do, like go to work every day, not fuck every hot woman they see, adhere to basic standards of hygiene, spend money on their families instead of on new video games… it’s tragic, it really is. And women don’t have to do anything like that! Why can’t we appreciate how hard it is to be a man?

12 years ago

These guys do realize that unless they’re famous, unusually good looking, rich, or otherwise remarkable in some way, it’s unlikely that much younger women are interested in sex with them anyway, right?

I mean obviously they don’t, but they should. That waitress? Being nice because being nice means better tips. The secretary? She has to be nice to you or she’ll get fired.

12 years ago

@CassandraSays; I think a bunch of them don’t. Former uni president who retired and stayed in small town was incredibly shocked the year or two after his retirement at how people treated him differently.

I heard that and HOWLED with laughter.

12 years ago

Quiet burgundy! Opposing sexist stereotypes is hatred against men.

12 years ago

Was the studio audience howling too? 😛

12 years ago

Yeah, so, heh, over 40-year-old-woman here. Please don’t do me any favors. Thanx, Bye.

12 years ago

When I was 41 (and in the best shape of my life, FYI) I was at a bar at a restaurant having an after dinner night cap with a girlfriend who wound up leaving a few minutes before I did because she wasn’t feeling well. I decided to stay and finish my drink and was minding my own business when this guy walked up to me and told me that he was looking for an “older woman.” That seemed odd, because he appeared to be my age, if not a bit older. When I asked how old he was, he became defensive, saying that was none of my business. I countered, claiming that it was, considering that he was so interested in my age. Turns out he was a mere two years younger than me. Meanwhile, he was wearing a conspicuous wedding ring. When I pointed this out, he replied. “Oh, that. Yeah, I have been married for 15 years. So what? All men cheat. You had just better accept that. That’s why I am looking for an older woman, because they don’t tell, they don’t swell, and they are as grateful as hell.” (!!!!) Then he insisted that he would be getting his drink and joining me. I informed him that I would be notifying security and demanding that they kick his ass out of there. After he stormed off in a dejected huff, I told the bartender what had transpired. She was duly appalled and went off in search of a bouncer to eject this miscreant’s ass. A few moments later, the dirt bag returned, attempted to park his ass on the bar stool next to me and related that he had been rejected by far better than me. I told him I was sure he had been rejected by the immediate world. Next thing I knew, he was being yanked off of his bar stool by two 6-foot plus bouncers. Thanks for letting me share…

P.S. — That said, the MRAs seem to be very, very threatened by “mature” women. And show me a 20-something woman who is interested in a man old enough to be her dad, or even grandad, and I will show you a very sad, shallow, dysfunctional, pathologically insecure male who has a shitload of cash, and not a whole heck of a lot else to offer. Case closed….

12 years ago

“These guys do realize that unless they’re famous, unusually good looking, rich, or otherwise remarkable in some way, it’s unlikely that much younger women are interested in sex with them anyway, right?”

I think this is where the PUA scammers come in.

12 years ago

“I think this is where the PUA scammers come in.”

That seems to have been part of what happened with Sodini. The PUA snake oil salesman reinforced his sense of entitlement by telling him that he could have the hot coed of his dreams, and when reality set in he was even angrier than he would have been without that reinforcement.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

If being married is such a painful sacrifice… these guys know you’re allowed to just not get married, right? You’re even allowed to get a divorce.

The only sacrifice they’re making is not having everything they want (a homemaker who’s stuck with them, and a procession of young hardbodies, and not having to do anything icky like negotiate an open marriage), and all I can say about that “sacrifice” is welcome to the goddamn human being club.

12 years ago

This is just TOO good of an example of male entitlement.

12 years ago

I would just love to see the MRA reaction to re-genderings of these posts.

12 years ago

I am remarkable, I am remarkably persistent and self-assured and perhaps entitled. If one meets enough women (and most PUAs suggest at least one a day) one doesn’t have to push with any one woman. Also, Sodini discarded many advantages in life because he wanted to become a suicide terrorist, had he wanted to pick up, he would have put up an online journal of, well, pick up.

12 years ago

“I would just love to see the MRA reaction to re-genderings of these posts.”

I think they would just tell you something like, “This [the re-gendered post] is already how society views men”. Then they’d add something that says, “I don’t agree with The Rational Male’s post, but I understand and sympathize with him because society is so virulently anti-male that he was driven to say those things”.

12 years ago

“I am remarkable”

You’re really not. And if the PUA stuff had worked for Sodini he might not have killed all those women. I really think that it was the combination of frustration and anger, and then being given false hope, and then having that not work out, that made him snap.

12 years ago

“I would just love to see the MRA reaction to re-genderings of these posts.”

Their heads would instantly explode. Their precious, superior egos couldn’t handle 1/10th of the shit they say about women delivered back at them.

And people accuse feminists of being arrogant.

12 years ago

“Their heads would instantly explode. Their precious, superior egos couldn’t handle 1/10th of the shit they say about women delivered back at them.”

No shit. Look at how our friend MRAL reacted to “I don’t want to fuck Russell Brand”. Actually I’ve always suspected that part of the reason guys like that are so hyper-critical is that they’re attempting to deflect criticism from themselves. They’re trying to create a reality in which only women’s looks matter.

12 years ago

It is possible for an older guy to get younger women. It helps, of course, to see them as women. My grandfather, it seems, had a thing for younger women. He got a divorce from his first wife. A few years later (in his forties) he married my grandmother, who was about 22. She died (before I was born) and a few years after that (when he was about 60) he married his third wife, who was about 21 (about a year younger than my father).

He was married to her until the day he died, something like 35 years later.

12 years ago


Reminds me of Kent Hovind: “These scoffers are willingly ignorant.”

12 years ago

Sodini went on a lunch date with a woman close to his age during the online diary period, it’s possible that that could have turned out differently had he realized how his material situation was not the issue and if he had been working according to R. Don Steele’s approach as written, which is folksy, paternal and minimally pushy–instead of becoming a suicide terrorist.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Or he could have behaved like a goddamn human.

The “goddamn human being” approach has a highly variable success rate, but the intangible benefits are unmatched by any other methodology.

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