Today in Did That Really Get 196 Upvotes on Reddit: A Redditor claiming to be the owner of a brothel in Thailand explains how what he euphemistically calls the “problems in the sex industry” are mostly the fault of evil, lazy whores. Literally.
Let’s join the discussion already in progress. (ChaChaKrahp is the alleged brothel owner.)
A little further on in the discussion he makes this charming claim:
According to him, sex trafficking isn’t really a big issue, but when it does occur it “is more likely to victimize men” than women. (The main victims in his mind being trafficked men (by which I assume he means transwomen) … and male sex tourists.)
Those poor, poor Western sex tourists, suffering so at the hands of women and girls who’ve been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery!
But let’s just put this whole “trafficking” thing out of our heads. As ChaChaKrahp explains it, prostitution in Thailand is just a way for lazy ladies to make money. It’s totally on the up and up – “[j]ust like college girls in the US that work as strippers for $300 per night instead of picking strawberries for $50 per day.”
The only real problem is all those evil ladies ripping off dudes.
Did that last bit sound a little … MRAish to you?
Though this discussion isn’t in the Men’s Rights subreddit., ChaChaKrahp shares a lot of opinions and obsessions with the MRA crowd, peppering the discussion with MRA talking points on everything from dangerous jobs and breast cancer funding to false rape accusations and paternity fraud. While he claims not to “give a shit about MRA groups,” he links to prominent Father’s Rights site, and rails endlessly about the evils of feminism. He walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
While ChaChaKrahp seems quite sincere in his beliefs, this is the Internet, and so there’s a chance that this “brothel owner” is not actually a brothel owner at all, just some dude making this all up for Reddit karma points and lulz.
Even if that’s the case, we still have all those hundreds of Redditors who read his comments and happily upvoted them, either because they thought what he said was sensible or true, or because the thought of owning a brothel in Thailand gave them boners.
The question remains: does Reddit attract the worst representatives of those in its heavily young, male, geek demographic, or is this how most of these (mostly) guys really think — even if they don’t usually say so out loud?
(Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this lovely thread.)
EDITED TO ADD: Brothel Owner under attack (by a few people)! Send in the r/mensrights upvote brigade to upvote him even more than he’s already being upvoted!!!
Well, if you’re not trying to erase racism with your comments, then you’re just stating the bloody obvious.
Claiming “every black man has it worse in every way than every white man” is silly and no one here has done that.
Shaenon I really don’t want to show anyone my posts on Manboobz.
I didn’t ask you to show her your posts. I asked her to discuss one of the opinions you’ve been sharing here with a real person you can talk to face-to-face. I think you need that kind of reality check.
Don’t come back until you’ve done that.
Well Holly, everyone is HAW HAWing over my post that I have it worse like it’s the funniest thing they ever heard.
Ok, MRAL, explain yourself then. What is it about your life that makes it worse than “most” black men’s?
Don’t engage. He’s going to go talk to some people in the real world now.
Shaenon, what opinions? I was just discussing Schwyzer’s story and my reaction to it. Sure, I’d gladly go share that (with identifying names removed), but I unfortunately don’t have any female friends.
“but I unfortunately don’t have any female friends.”
No shit, really?
Get out of here, you fucking asshole.
MRAL, this is why I think it’s funny/dumb/infuriating:
You didn’t say “any,” you didn’t say “some,” you said “most.” As I understand it (and I could be wrong), you are enrolled in an institution of higher learning, you are not otherwise working to support yourself, you are healthy, and you have no criminal record. So I think your statement is bullshit.
I think it’s very sad that you think your life is so difficult. I think it’s even sadder that you seem so resistant to do anything to improve your situation. But just because I pity you doesn’t mean I can’t also think what you said is bullshit.
MRAL I really can’t stress enough how much you need several years in the real world right now.
Go out there. The Internet has nothing useful to teach you. Use it if you need to look up how many ounces in a pint or something, I don’t know, don’t use it to learn about people. Get the fuck off the computer.
You’re an idiot. And sadly, only average in this respect.
You can get high and not be scared of fucking prison, you gigantic, egotistical moron. A black dude in your position would face a serious threat of losing anything, as would a hispanic. You go to motherfucking BU. The only thing I am reasonably sure most black dudes beat you in is that they’re not fucking stupid.
For you to read “roughly half of the black men population will be *incarcerated* sometime in their life time” and respond with this hilarious bewilderment “Well Holly, everyone is HAW HAWing over my post that I have it worse like it’s the funniest thing they ever heard.” And to bust out that “knee-grow” bullshit. For real dude, FUCK YOURSELF, HARD
“but I unfortunately don’t have any female friends.”
Noooo! Really? Because you totally seem like a pleasant individual! I figured you’d at least be the kind to pull the ‘some of my best friends are women’ shtick.
MRAL: So… If I point a gun at you, and think about pulling the trigger it’s no big deal?
But that’s not what Shwyzer did.
How about if I put poison in your food, but changed my mind and threw it out before you came home?
No harm, no foul right.
How about, when you are sleeping, I turn on the gas, so you will die in your sleep. It’s no big deal so long as I come to my senses and stop, right?
This is what passes for intellectual with you? Women who talk about possible ways to redress gender imbalances (not who try to implement them, who merely discuss the problems) you have a huge hate on for. They haven’t, done anything, so why should you give a fuck?
But Shwyzer… he says he actually tried to kill someone. That doesn’t mean shit to you, because he failed. Women who fail to agree with you; who fail to get the actions they are advocating (like Amanda Marcotte on the Duke Boys), that you will rage against until you are blue in the face, foamy-mouthted and spittle-flinging to that you have to “arglebargle” the keyboard to show how enraged you are.
But someone who did something that didn’t kill someone else, only because of active intervention that just a harmless pecadillo, and should be forgiven.
Show where your priorities are… and it shows what you think of women.
That you don’t want to share your posts tells me you think some aspect (at the very least) of what you do here is shameful. That’s a good sign, but you need to cut that shit out, if you ever want to be a truly decent human being.
Shaenon: I know Several poly guys (apart from myself) who aren’t “fat” geeky nerds.
But a plurality of them are Canadian, so maybe that skews the sample: wait, there is one more, but he’s more an asshole than anything else (and filthy rich), so that may skew the sample some more. But yeah, lots (maybe even most) poly guys I know are a bit larger than “ideal”.
It’s not hard.
I have a high IQ! I’m more intellectual than you! I prove this by waving off any evidence that contradicts my opinions! Also by continually engaging in arguments with people whose values I don’t share, whom I don’t respect, and who I feel mistreat me!
I am so sick of this.
I know I’ve already posted this, in this thread even, but hey, it’s a hundred times better than listening to MRAL:
You never explained why your life was so hard MRAL.
@Joanna: Because women don’t fuck him a few minutes into conversation and because we call him out on his bullshit.
Also because he hates himself.
Joanna – MRAL’s life is hard because he doesn’t have people knocking on his door demanding to be his friend and/or (okay, “or,” because we all know girls are only good for one thing) have sex with him.
As he believes this is the only way friendship/sex happens, he is very bitter.
It’s also hard because one particular website keeps being mean to him, and yet he keeps coming back and insisting on seeking our approval while simultaneously insulting us, possibly in some complex psychological gambit to make us “prove” we care by caring for him even when he’s unlikeable, but who even gives a fuck anymore.
Fucking hells, MRAl, would you just GET SOME FUCKING HELP?!?! I’ve been there, I know that admitting to a total stranger that you need help is one of the hardest things in the universe to do. But if you’re willing to put in the work, it does get better.
I reassert that it would be best for all involved (MRAL included, but if I’m being honest it’s hard to give a shit about that.) if he was tossed out of here. Permanently.
MRAL before you go away forever, heed my words of wisdom: wallowing in the “nobody loves me” bubble pisses people off in a big way. I learned that the hard way. The only way out of it is to pick yourself up and make something of yourself. Or you can sit at your computer and whine at people you don’t know that you are the most oppressed individual that has ever lived. It’s your call.