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Upvoted on Reddit: “The problems in the sex [tourism] industry are mostly women’s fault.”

Today in Did That Really Get 196 Upvotes on Reddit: A Redditor claiming to be the owner of a brothel in Thailand explains how what he euphemistically calls the “problems in the sex industry” are mostly the fault of evil, lazy whores. Literally.

Let’s join the discussion already in progress. (ChaChaKrahp is the alleged brothel owner.)

A little further on in the discussion he makes this charming claim:

According to him, sex trafficking isn’t really a big issue, but when it does occur it  “is more likely to victimize men” than women. (The main victims in his mind being trafficked men (by which I assume he means transwomen)  … and male sex tourists.)

Those poor, poor Western sex tourists, suffering so at the hands of women and girls who’ve been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery!

But let’s just put this whole “trafficking” thing out of our heads. As ChaChaKrahp explains it, prostitution in Thailand is just a way for lazy ladies to make money. It’s totally on the up and up – “[j]ust like college girls in the US that work as strippers for $300 per night instead of picking strawberries for $50 per day.”

The only real problem is all those evil ladies ripping off dudes.

Did that last bit sound a little … MRAish to you?

Though this discussion isn’t in the Men’s Rights subreddit., ChaChaKrahp shares a lot of opinions and obsessions with the MRA crowd, peppering the discussion with MRA talking points on everything from dangerous jobs and breast cancer funding to  false rape accusations and paternity fraud. While he claims not to “give a shit about MRA groups,” he links to prominent Father’s Rights site, and rails endlessly about the evils of feminism. He walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

While ChaChaKrahp seems quite sincere in his beliefs, this is the Internet, and so there’s a chance that this “brothel owner” is not actually a brothel owner at all, just some dude making this all up for Reddit karma points and lulz.

Even if that’s the case, we still have all those hundreds of Redditors who read his comments and happily upvoted them, either because they thought what he said was sensible or true, or because the thought of owning a brothel in Thailand gave them boners.

The question remains: does Reddit attract the worst representatives of those in its heavily young, male, geek demographic, or is this how most of these (mostly) guys really think — even if they don’t usually say so out loud?

(Thanks to ShitRedditSays for pointing me to this lovely thread.)

EDITED TO ADD: Brothel Owner under attack (by a few people)! Send in the r/mensrights upvote brigade to upvote him even more than he’s already being upvoted!!!


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13 years ago

Oh sure, no serious harm done. It’s not like anyone got turned down for a date or called short or anything. Shit like that you can’t go back from.

13 years ago

MRAL, did you do my assignment? Don’t come back here until you’ve done my assignment. And no, I don’t care about how you have a harder life than a black guy because women don’t telepathically figure out you want to date them. Go talk to a live person.

Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

“I think I, personally, have it worse than most black dudes on the whole, sure, but me being white is one individual advantage I will definitely admit to.”

This bullshit woke me from my lurking tomb.
Can this child just be banned so we can put a stake in this nonsense once and for all?

13 years ago

But if he’s not around to admit to privileges, how will we know if privileges exist?

13 years ago

“I think I, personally, have it worse than most black dudes on the whole, sure, but me being white is one individual advantage I will definitely admit to.”

Do people chase you down the streets in white sheets and threatening to curb stomp you?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Shaenon I really don’t want to show anyone my posts on Manboobz.

13 years ago

I think I, personally, have it worse than most black dudes on the whole, sure, but me being white is one individual advantage I will definitely admit to

You are a white, middle-class man, going to BU!!! WTF makes you think that a majority of black men (or POCs in general) are better off than you?!!! Seriously, WTF is wrong with you?

13 years ago

Shaenon, for what it’s worth, the Austin poly scene is remarkably light on the fat bearded nerds. Nerds, yes, absolutely, and a fair number of beards or other facial hair configurations, but surprisingly few fat guys (fat women seem to be more common, although they don’t have beards.) I don’t know if that’s an Austin-specific thing, or if poly is expanding beyond its original constituency, or what.

The basic point still holds though, in that there doesn’t seem to be much correlation between how conventionally attractive someone is and how many partners they have.

13 years ago

I thought he called the police himself and asked for assistance because he didn’t have the strength or will or whatever to turn the gas off. Maybe I’m misremembering?

Dude, he ever says in the article that they could have easily died from the gas and not only them but a lot of other people if there had been an explosion. Who cares that he changed his mind later? This wasn’t a case of him “thinking about” doing something like you claim this was a case of him actually doing this really horrible thing. Attempted murder, in case you forgot. But to you this is “no big deal”. Didn’t you say you were going to stop trolling at some point? Or was that someone else?

13 years ago

Shaenon I really don’t want to show anyone my posts on Manboobz.

Whyever not?

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

So what, all black guys have it worse than all white guys? I’m the first to admit to racial privilege as one of many privileges, but overall, I call bullshit.

13 years ago

Oh come on, people – on the one hand, you’ve got better access to educational resources, preferential treatment in hiring, reduced likelihood of being targeted by law enforcement, not having people lock their doors/clutch their purses tighter/ otherwise respond in racist ways to your very presence… and on the other hand, you have the well-known fact that black men have big penises. Which women just love. I don’t see why you have to jump over MRAL like that.

13 years ago

I think I, personally, have it worse than most black dudes on the whole, sure, but me being white is one individual advantage I will definitely admit to.

Do you even read what you write? Or do you just freestyle your posts and then suddenly realise that you can’t talk or walk because you’re fucking chewing on your ankles!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

So what, all black guys have it worse than all white guys? I’m the first to admit to racial privilege as one of many privileges, but overall, I call bullshit.

All black guys have it worse in the area of race.

A rich black guy may have many advantages over a poor white guy, but “being the privileged race in America” is still not one of those advantages.

Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

“Oh come on, people – on the one hand, you’ve got better access to educational resources, preferential treatment in hiring, reduced likelihood of being targeted by law enforcement, not having people lock their doors/clutch their purses tighter/ otherwise respond in racist ways to your very presence… and on the other hand, you have the well-known fact that black men have big penises. Which women just love. I don’t see why you have to jump over MRAL like that.”

Yeah guys, it’s science. MRAL knows, he has a high IQ.

13 years ago


Absolutely. I take umbrage at his usage of “most”.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Example: Henry Louis Gates Jr. getting arrested for “breaking in” to his own house.

Here’s a black man with a lot of social advantages–fancy education, published works, high-status job, presumably pretty rich, nice house in Cambridge–and he’s still the color that makes cops think “oh no a criminal” instead of “that man is having trouble with his door.”

Other privileges can certainly ease the day-to-day hardship of racism for an individual, but they can never erase it.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Holly, I agree, being white is one universal advantage. That doesn’t mean that all knee-grows have it worse than all crackers. And yet everyone is treating my claim like some sort of hilarious Louis CK routine.

PS- It’s hilarious because all these “racist reactions” (re. “clutch your purse tighter”), is something feminists actually love to defend, so long as it’s gendered and not racial.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I actually have a big penis myself, so that’s one thing they don’t have over me.

13 years ago

>>I think I, personally, have it worse than most black dudes on the whole, sure

So yeah. I just read another article on the prison industrial complex reminding me that in America, roughly half of the black men population will be *incarcerated* sometime in their life time.

Fuck. You.

13 years ago

Holly, I agree, being white is one universal advantage. That doesn’t mean that all knee-grows have it worse than all crackers.

Okay seriously go fuck yourself.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

As Schwyzer would say “that’s their own damn fault.”

(Oops, is that racist? Don’t be misandrist, then. The vast majority of those blacks incarcerated, responded to with fear, etc., are male, btw.)

13 years ago

Uh, knee-grows? Yeah no that’s not racist at all.


13 years ago

Ok, MRAL, explain yourself then. What is it about your life that makes it worse than “most” black men’s?

13 years ago

You know those people you said didn’t want to be to be? The racist, sexist halfwit fucks that troll this blog on the regular? You’re fucking there, dude.