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“The dried-up vagina is a tool of the state, and population control.”

Marriage: Not an effective form of birth control.

When we first met Spearhead commenter Rmaxd, he was raving about how our technological society had rendered women obsolete. He’s back, this time taking on, well, women again, and welfare, and declining birth rates, and, well, it’s all a little bit hard to follow.

Let’s start with Rmaxd’s basic premises:

Women are serially monogamous or hypergamous & are infertile for the majority of their lives

While men are polygamous, & FERTILE for the majority of their lives

Marriage has always been used as the earliest form of birth contraception, limit the amount of children a fertile male can have, by forced mating with a single infertile woman for the rest of his life.

We are off to a bad start here. Is there anything in all that that’s correct? Among other things: marriage is most decidedly not a particularly effective form of birth control. (The show Eight is Enough was based on a real family, and I suspect we’ve all met people with enough siblings to fill a bus.) But let’s continue; Rmaxd is on a roll:

As the government can no longer force this sort of mating on infertile womens, especially in the lower moronic, under educated peasantry states,

As women want alphas,

Obviously sluts & whores, are simply mimicing infertile women, as only infertile dried up vaginas, can afford to sleep around with hundreds of men

This is why we have sluts & promiscuity, marketted to young girls today, imitate infertile women, imitate their habits, destroy your fertility, destroy your youth

A childhood of std’s & yeast infections

Yeah, I’m not even going to try to parse all that.

In any case, as Rmaxd argues, these “infertile” ladies somehow still manage to pop out a few kids when they’re young, and the evil welfare state rewards them for it:

It’s essentially birth control by sponsoring infertile women, most women have a couple of kids, basically enough to live off the welfare & free housing

As we all know, single mothers live lives of untold luxury and indolence.

What we have here is essentially welfare for infertile women, as they’re no longer able to siphon cash from enslaving men into walking wallets & their magical vagina’s a pit of std’s & warts

In the past, you see, women could enslave men by marrying them. Now they can’t get dudes to stick around, so instead they enslave men by not marrying them, raising their kids on their own with the help of welfare money. It’s all very devious.

Rmaxd would prefer that the welfare money go to the fathers:

If we had welfare for men who had kids, with different women, we would have a healthy birth rate, instead of the declining birth rate we have now … this is all about rewarding & protecting a womans sexuality over a mans sexuality

It all leads to what Rmaxd calls:

The new another dark age of female fanatical male hate,

sponsored & policed by the church of radical feminist mangina, & government

The dried up vagina, as a tool of the state & population control

This barely coherent spew of woman-hatred – and it’s even less comprehensible without my edits and annotations – still managed to draw a few upvotes from the regulars, proving that internet misogynists will upvote pretty much anything so long as it contains the requisite level of anti-woman vitriol.

In case you’re feeling especially bored this lazy Sunday, the whole Spearhead thread is a trainwreck of misogyny and racism – including some fairly obnoxious discussions of black “Welfare Queens” and Mexican immigrants from a fellow called Keyster. Does that (fake) name sound familiar? You may know him as a fairly regular contributor to A Voice for Men and the producer of the AVfM internet radio show.


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13 years ago

Leely- In my case it’s one of the Putnams, I think.

13 years ago

I’m unsure of the details.

13 years ago

I have a mystery grandfather – he was what they used to call a foundling, left on the steps of a church, we assume because his mother wasn’t married and/or had hooked up with someone her family weren’t happy about. Going by his looks he definitely wasn’t 100% Scottish, so that may have something to do with how he ended up at the church. It’s been a family game to try to guess his ethnicity based on old pictures of him, since none of us cousins knew him (he died in WW2). Grandma thinks his family was Eastern European, and he definitely looks like he was Slavic to me. This prompted many jokes when, after consistently failing at French pronunciation after taking it for many years, I started trying to learn Russian and found the pronunciation easy as could be (the grammar, not so much).
Except that I can’t roll my Rs, which makes me a failure as both a Scot and possibly some variety of Slav if you go back far enough.

Interestingly enough no one would ever believe that my grandma was fully Scottish either – her skin is too dark with no pink or blue undertones at all, and her eyes are almost black – when she was young random people used to constantly ask her if she was Spanish or Arab. I get the same thing too – whenever I’m in places where there are a lot of Middle Eastern people, I get asked if I’m Persian or Turkish. Only by people who are themselves Persian or Arab, though.

Ashley is clearly a troll mocking Brandon – the actual Ashely would giggle more, and talk about how much she enjoys being spanked.

13 years ago

Sockpuppetry isn’t that hard; it just takes a bit of tradecraft. I’m not surprised Brandon didn’t manage to make it work.

13 years ago

Unfortunately, you have a twisted view of him because he takes some strange pleasure in playing the devils advocate. His mother is like that too, so he most likely takes after her.

How silly are we to trust he meant what he said, when all we have are… his words!

13 years ago

To our credit, we usually assumed he was lying about everything, so we were probably right most of the time.

13 years ago

I tend to believe him when he talks about cameras and his repulsion of feminists.

13 years ago

Xanthe- thanks!

Re: Ashlatheism, I personally won’t believe she actually exists unless she posts a picture of her face with a post-it reading “We hunted the mammoth for you” stuck to her forehead. Until then I’m just assuming it’s B-don or some random troll. Maybe MRAL? I would love that.

13 years ago

You know, talking about Brandon even after he’s gone presumably makes him happy, so we should probably stop. That’s one ego that really doesn’t need any more feeding.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
13 years ago

Talking about who?

Comrade Svilova
Comrade Svilova
13 years ago

How far away are their IP addresses? Need to know!

13 years ago

A good devil’s advocate is able to make arguments that test premises and the strength of the opposing view–with that in mind, as an English teacher, I can say that IF B-don was in fact attempting to play devil’s advocate, he sucked at it.

13 years ago

That was what I figured, as in hard to be the, “I see her all the time” which was implied in his posts. Hence my comment about tradecraft.

13 years ago

B_don lived in Massachusetts, right? Are we talking

13 years ago

…hit “Post Comment” too soon….Boston to Pittsburgh or something?

(Note: I do not actually know how far apart those two cities are.)

13 years ago

They are a ways. New York City is about the same, and probably faster.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Also, the long distance shit; not cool. Some of us are actually in those.

13 years ago

I’m in one, and that’s because I traded on LDR, for another. There’s nothing wrong with them, but from Brandon’s comments, an LDR isn’t what he and Ashley have. It implies poor proxy management.

13 years ago

Yeah, B_don’s posts implied Ashley either lived with him or spent a lot of time in his place (those creepy “She just read this over my shoulder and totally agrees with me about everything” comments). Not trying to imply that LDRs are laughable or inferior to other kinds of relationships – it’s just a discrepancy that lends credence to the view that Ashley is really B_don in a wig.

13 years ago

So basically BraShley’s appeareances here are like a blog version os Work It?
13 years ago

Geez, this is what I get for accidentally checking the “notify me” box. 30+ emails. One last time before I click unsubscribe.

Why would I continue posting here? I came here to thank David, I did that and now I can go after this.

man-haters might be a little strong. But after skimming over the comments so far, the audience here is certainly not representative of my social circle. Some of you just seem to cynical for my taste.

He is a catch. I have been in a few abusive relationships in my day and had a few old ex’s say they were going to hurt, rape or kill me. Brandon treats me with respect, dignity and treats me like a person and not a fuck toy. I don’t blame him for turning around and demanding I treat him the same way. My only complaint is his family is even more brash and outspoken than he is. They basically insult each other to show they care and love one another. It took me a long time to get use to that because I thought they didn’t like me for the longest time.

Obsessed? I do have other interests that go beyond my boyfriend. I also like gaming, hockey, football, shopping and listening to Grace Potter. Just to name a few.

You say RESPECT like it is a bad thing. As if being respectful is somehow not how people should conduct themselves.

Of course, because that isn’t my full name. I also block people from searching for me on Facebook because of a few bad ex’s.

He doesn’t hate his mother, he just has a hard time getting along with her. Mainly because she bosses and nags him constantly. She constantly tells him how he should live his life and it annoys him to no end. They get along for a while, then his mother drags up something from the past and he tells her to stop talking about it. She wont and he walks out of her house. Trust me, I have seen it. It isn’t pretty. The fact that he hasn’t lashed out at her is a damn miracle. If she was my mother and had to grow up with her, I would be a nervous wreck.

That is probably the least effective way to understand him. xD

I can engage in most topics. I am happy that the Pats narrowly beat the Ravens, you?

Long distance? You mean about 7-8 miles? Since I am at his house right now, our IP’s should match. BTW, he has mobile broadband which is the reason I am seeing advertisements for NYC, New Jersey and Philadelphia while surfing the web right now.

13 years ago

Your writing style is identical. Are you even trying? Seriously, the only effort you seem to have put in your sock puppetry is not writing “yea.”

13 years ago

Brandon treats me with respect, dignity and treats me like a person and not a fuck toy.

He sure as shit doesn’t talk about you like you’re not a fuck toy. Funny that.

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