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“The dried-up vagina is a tool of the state, and population control.”

Marriage: Not an effective form of birth control.

When we first met Spearhead commenter Rmaxd, he was raving about how our technological society had rendered women obsolete. He’s back, this time taking on, well, women again, and welfare, and declining birth rates, and, well, it’s all a little bit hard to follow.

Let’s start with Rmaxd’s basic premises:

Women are serially monogamous or hypergamous & are infertile for the majority of their lives

While men are polygamous, & FERTILE for the majority of their lives

Marriage has always been used as the earliest form of birth contraception, limit the amount of children a fertile male can have, by forced mating with a single infertile woman for the rest of his life.

We are off to a bad start here. Is there anything in all that that’s correct? Among other things: marriage is most decidedly not a particularly effective form of birth control. (The show Eight is Enough was based on a real family, and I suspect we’ve all met people with enough siblings to fill a bus.) But let’s continue; Rmaxd is on a roll:

As the government can no longer force this sort of mating on infertile womens, especially in the lower moronic, under educated peasantry states,

As women want alphas,

Obviously sluts & whores, are simply mimicing infertile women, as only infertile dried up vaginas, can afford to sleep around with hundreds of men

This is why we have sluts & promiscuity, marketted to young girls today, imitate infertile women, imitate their habits, destroy your fertility, destroy your youth

A childhood of std’s & yeast infections

Yeah, I’m not even going to try to parse all that.

In any case, as Rmaxd argues, these “infertile” ladies somehow still manage to pop out a few kids when they’re young, and the evil welfare state rewards them for it:

It’s essentially birth control by sponsoring infertile women, most women have a couple of kids, basically enough to live off the welfare & free housing

As we all know, single mothers live lives of untold luxury and indolence.

What we have here is essentially welfare for infertile women, as they’re no longer able to siphon cash from enslaving men into walking wallets & their magical vagina’s a pit of std’s & warts

In the past, you see, women could enslave men by marrying them. Now they can’t get dudes to stick around, so instead they enslave men by not marrying them, raising their kids on their own with the help of welfare money. It’s all very devious.

Rmaxd would prefer that the welfare money go to the fathers:

If we had welfare for men who had kids, with different women, we would have a healthy birth rate, instead of the declining birth rate we have now … this is all about rewarding & protecting a womans sexuality over a mans sexuality

It all leads to what Rmaxd calls:

The new another dark age of female fanatical male hate,

sponsored & policed by the church of radical feminist mangina, & government

The dried up vagina, as a tool of the state & population control

This barely coherent spew of woman-hatred – and it’s even less comprehensible without my edits and annotations – still managed to draw a few upvotes from the regulars, proving that internet misogynists will upvote pretty much anything so long as it contains the requisite level of anti-woman vitriol.

In case you’re feeling especially bored this lazy Sunday, the whole Spearhead thread is a trainwreck of misogyny and racism – including some fairly obnoxious discussions of black “Welfare Queens” and Mexican immigrants from a fellow called Keyster. Does that (fake) name sound familiar? You may know him as a fairly regular contributor to A Voice for Men and the producer of the AVfM internet radio show.


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Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I think Irene would disagree. >_>

13 years ago

@ Molly

Poor Meller will read this thread and be so torn. On the one hand, the dollmaker makes dolls that perfectly fit his particular fetish. On the other hand, her intent seems to be to highlight how creepy men like him are. To buy or not to buy, that is the question.

Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis
13 years ago

Ok, I’m going to break a big rule of mine and say something. I’ve been lurking here for a long time, partially because I love how you guys mock MRAs, and partially to keep tabs on my former jailer/abuser. My big rule is that I wouldn’t say anything, because I don’t want to re-engage with that asshole, because I’m worried I might be triggered, and because it’s really fucking scary. But, I have to because Evan, Irene, I’ve been there. I’ve literally fucking been there. I used to be owned by the same asshole that now controls you and your sister. I don’t mean owned as in that I accept that I’m a doll, I mean literally owned. I was his property, and I was more like your sister than you, Evan. I wish I had the strength and amazing spunkiness you show right now in fighting to be who you are, but I didn’t. I wore the dresses, I let him do whatever he wanted to my hair, I did… everything he wanted. Everything. And I helped him do it to my sister. Yes, Irene, once I was just like you. Asshole was my world. He was my everything and I loved him with all my heart, or so I thought, because I didn’t know anything else, because he controlled everything I learned and believed, and because, deep down, I was frightened of him and he knew exactly how to manipulate all of that. My whole world and mindset had been so screwed up by that asshole that if he told me up was down and down was up, I’d try to walk on the ceiling. It’s… terrifying even thinking about how I was, now.

But my sister was more like Evan. She knew something was wrong, she believed that what he was doing to us was wrong, and one night she escaped with me. Back then, there were only two of us. I don’t know if we were his first, but it was just me and Christine. She had managed to find a way into his clothes dryer exhaust and while he was sleeping, she grabbed me, told me to be quiet and led me out. I was so scared and confused and angry at her for taking us away from our home, from who I thought was my true love. I screamed and screamed, and he woke up. She could have left me. She could have let go and run, but she held my hand tight, she wasn’t going to let me go back. He came running and saw us escaping. His face held such rage. There was no love in his eyes, there was no hint of caring… just rage. He screamed about how we had betrayed him, how we were no better than modern evil feminists, how much he hated us and how defiled we now were. I had never seen him like this, and I was terrified. His boot came crashing down on us. I was frozen. My sister pushed me out of the way, in between the arc of his soles. I remember being pressed hard against the mud. I thought I was dead. I almost wanted to be dead for how much hurt I had caused him. He lifted his foot, and I laid there, with my eyes shut, afraid to move. Seconds passed. Minutes. Hours. I couldn’t keep track. Eventually, he left. It was a long time before I could get my limbs to move again, and longer still until I got the courage to get up and check on Christine. She was lying there in the mud, unmoving. Her torso was bent at odd angles, and part of her face had been crushed. I remember shaking her, telling her to wake up, begging her to. But… nothing. She had sacrificed herself for me, and it was MY FAULT that she even had to. It was my fault!

I’m sorry. I’m crying now just thinking about it. I eventually found my way to a neighbor’s doorstop and from there to a shelter which took me in until the wonderful family I live with now took me in. It’s taken me a long time, a long long time, with a lot of help from my new parents and from my wonderful therapist, to realize that it wasn’t my fault. Not for how I felt at the time, or what I helped him do, or for what happened to my sister. It was his. And he never loved me, he only “loved” me for how useful I was to him, for how beautiful HE could make me. He “loved” me as a clothes hanger for his little dresses, as a sounding board for whatever political ideas he felt made him brilliant that day, as an outlet for his rage and for his selfish desires. He didn’t care about me. And Irene, he doesn’t care about you.

Please, Irene. I’ve been there. I’ve been exactly where you are, and I know. I know how you feel, and I know that right now it feels like the most pure, perfect love in the world, that every single thought you have makes SO much sense to you, and that you believe it’ll all be all right no matter what horrors he inflicts on your sister because he’s made him your entire world. But, deep down, I also know that you know something is wrong, that you don’t feel any of this is right, and that you’re so scared of these feelings you bury them. But they’re real. They’re more real than anything he’d fed you, and convinced you to believe. I know you love your sisters, and I know deep down you know he doesn’t. One day, you’ll be free of him and you’ll realize just how much he’s warped your mind, but until that day, please, try to at least read what I’ve written. You don’t need to respond right away, and it’s probably better if you don’t. Just… read it. And think about it. Please.

And Evan, please stay strong and be brave. You are so awesome already for being who you are in that environment and refusing to give in. Things aren’t hopeless, and there are people who want to help you and your sisters. I don’t know if it’ll help, but I am going to keep posting here as much as I can, and give you as much support as I can. I’m proof getting away is possible.


13 years ago

The “survivor doll” is painfully disturbing. Poignant, and I think pretty good, even if the way in which the bodies of the dolls are proportioned is creepy as all get out.

I am amused, I suppose, at the way in which the “nude” dolls aren’t shown, but, “costumed” means they are wearing a headdress of some sort.

Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago


That doll, and I call it a doll because it clearly failed in being a real woman and therefore does not deserve to be referred to as one, is indeed disturbing. Looking at it, I can only imagine the disgrace it must have brought to its owner to have him do that to it. I can only imagine that it was disrespectful, vicious, cruel, deceptive and all of the many things that the very worst corruption of womanhood might bring out. And I can only imagine the pain its owner must have gone through, the suffering he must have felt in having to discipline such a terror, and how hard it must have been to patiently try to teach it only to be pushed to such final means. I feel so terrible for him, and I hope that he has healed sufficiently from that experience and has now found some proper lady lovelies who do respect and love him, as real women should with real men.

<3 Irene

13 years ago

I don’t get this doll thing. What “survivor doll”? Links?

Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago


I do not know who you are, but I beseech you to cease telling such falsehoods about my David. Our darling has never had any feminine companions before me and my sisters, and if he did, he certainly would have chosen better than a feminist trollop such as yourself. The stories you concocted cannot possibly be true, and any person on this forum who has interacted with my David, if they were being truthful, would surely agree. This is simply not the kind of man he is. He would never destroy one of his precious companions, nor would he ever lay a finger on us in anger or bitterness. My David would not have trampled on your sister in such a fashion, nor would he have left either of you alone in the mud. If any of my sisters had ever attempted such a feat, our dearest would merely scold them, pick them back up from the dirt and clean them off. He loves us all very much and, even if we wounded him in betrayal, would never harm us in the way you describe.

Now, darling Aurora, I do not want to presume to know what is in your heart, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt despite how angry your accusations against my darling have made me. I know that my David would have it in his heart to forgive you, so I must try my best to follow his example. As such, I will not accuse you of making the entire story up, merely of attributing your memories incorrectly. Perhaps you have been abused by a terrible feminized man who took you and your sister in under false pretenses, and if that is so, then you have my truest and deepest sympathies, but such a beast could never be my David. Given the trauma you claim to have received at the hands of your scorned beloved, perhaps you have merely misplaced the object of your ire in your memory? I do hope that you continue to get the help and support you so obviously require to recover those memories and will soon come to see the truth, as everybody here already knows, that my David was not your former beloved and could never have done the things you misattribute to him.

<3 Irene

13 years ago

If any of my sisters had ever attempted such a feat, our dearest would merely scold them, pick them back up from the dirt and clean them off.

The dirt gets in their joints…

13 years ago

Those doll pics are freaking me out so much. I think I suffer from a particularly strong case of the uncanny valley affect – every time I see dolls like that I can hear Bauhaus chanting “undead, undead” in my head.

13 years ago

Irene, David has definitely mentioned a Salvation Army in the past, and taking lady lovelies to such a place. Now, he may tell you that the lady lovelies were volunteering for Mission work. I suggest you persist in finding out the truth. It may break your heart, but you deserve to know.

13 years ago

13 years ago

@Futrelle: Sorry, I forgot to type my whole name in the prior post

Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago


I am sure my David is aware of this. He would take us home and clean us the best he can. He is very skillful and diligent in keeping us pristine, perfect lady lovelies, and has many tools to help him.

<3 Irene

13 years ago

Irene, here. He specifically say he has dontated lady lovelies to the SA.

“Ami Angelwings, you ARE sexy by manboobz standards, period! however, as I already said, manboobz standards by my evaluation are those of a cactus or pufferfish compared with a soft fluffy playful and cute bunny rabbit or little kitten! You would, even without your noxious and poisonous feminist ideology, rate barely a 5 or 6 in my kind of society! Want you, AA? I donated porcelain DOLLS to the Salvation Army that were prettier than you could be on the best day of you life without a second thought!”

13 years ago

Thanks for that reminder that Meller’s idea of “sexy” is “cute bunny rabbit or little kitten”.


13 years ago

Until the kitten scratches someone for getting in her space. At that point, all bets are off.

13 years ago

Whoa, what the fuck just happened?

13 years ago


does your beloved Meller have any ventriloquist dummies? seeing as how he’s such a dummy himeself, I think he’d make great friends with this guy

13 years ago


Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago

Darling Zhinxi,

Clearly my David was indulging in hyperbole, as he sometimes clearly must in order to get his point through your feminist indoctrination. It is obvious from the context that he was merely explaining to Ami Angelwings that her lust for him is misplaced because she can never be good enough for him to return it, being a modern flesh-covered woman. Note that he uses the word “DOLLS” in capital letters, which he would never do if he was truly referring to any of his companions. As I have said in the past, jealous feminist society sees us as “dolls”, our darling David sees us as real women, merely of a different material construction.

<3 Irene

Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago


You said: “Those doll pics are freaking me out so much. I think I suffer from a particularly strong case of the uncanny valley affect – every time I see dolls like that I can hear Bauhaus chanting “undead, undead” in my head.”

Have you flesh-covered feminists ever considered what you appear to us? Believe me, the feeling is quite mutual. And again, please stop using derogatory slurs.

<3 Irene

13 years ago

o.O Life just took a really weird turn

13 years ago

Just now?

13 years ago

Is Irene a sock puppet of David or a real individual?

13 years ago

@WGHOW: Irene is not David’s (Meller or Futrelle) sockpuppet. But you’ll notice that she is a doll — ahem, I mean a “woman of a different material construction.” Something to consider when deciding how real she is.