$MONEY$ evil women life before feminism misogyny pics reactionary bullshit vaginas

Life Before Feminism: A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart

An alert reader pointed me to this amazing “map” from the 1830s, posted on Ptak Science Books and originally found here. Described as “A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart,” it presents a less-than-flattering picture of the supposed shallowness, vanity and selfishness of the female of the species. Click on the pic above to see it full size.

It’s amazing how closely this resembles so many Manosphere “critiques” of evil modern women; the main difference is that it’s a bit more polite in its language. Also, no mention of stinky vaginas.

Manospherians love to talk about “taking the red pill,” as if their ideas are all new and cool and Matrixy. Actually, of course, their ideas are old as fuck. It’s more like they are taking a gulp of Dr. Flimflam’s Electro Magnetic Misogyny Fluid.

Below, another amazing picture also found on Ptak, which presents data on where women’s eyes linger when looking at men. (Again, click on it to see it full size.) I suspect this one would be a bit more confounding to the Manospherians of today, in that it doesn’t show women looking only at the dude’s wallet. The post on Ptak offers a more detailed explanation of what this picture is about.


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13 years ago

The author of the list must be turning in their grave at the thought of gourmand scents

13 years ago


My husband sends his hugs, and I as well.

MRAL does not seem to understand the laws of gravity. At a 34 sometime 36 frame with large breasts at 45 I’m considering a reduction, which would be my first plastic surgery except for the lazar eye thing. Reason being they are starting to get uncomfortable, no other reason then that. MRAL instead pictured a person with almost twice my frame and an uncountable breast size as being ideal.

Yet he hates large framed women. How could this make sense? Even in the anime world women are pictured with 32 inch at most frames with double F breasts .

I’m assuming he won’t come back onto this thread. I also assume that he’s feeling wronged about his treatment here.

13 years ago

It’s especially funny since one of those what smells turn people on experiments found that the smell men found most arousing was blueberry muffins. I’m assuming it may be the vanilla?

13 years ago

Julie D’Aubigny was a 17th-century bisexual French opera singer and fencing master who killed or wounded at least ten men in life-or-death duels, performed nightly shows on the biggest and most highly-respected opera stage in the world, and once took the Holy Orders just so that she could sneak into a convent and bang a nun.

I think I may be in love with this woman.

13 years ago

Ah ha! “Byron was among those still complaining that children disliked washing and hence always smelled of bread and butter, or worse”

13 years ago

Eh, I’ve seen some boobs in anime that if they were real would require a major work of engineering as a bra. However…they definitely weren’t on a 60anything frame. Seriously, I’m not convinced that that exists. It’s just that MRAL doesn’t understand how women’s bodies (or bras) work.

At this point I’m rather baffled by his hate-on for me. Apparently if I say anything negative about a man’s appearance that’s bad, but if I say anything positive that’s bad too. I’m not sure how women are supposed to decide which men to date or fuck in his worldview – flip a coin, maybe?

13 years ago

In MRAL’s world, women aren’t allowed to decide. They stand there until MRAL comes along and puts a coin in the slot …

13 years ago

Why don’t women come with cheat codes or an override switch? Bitches.

13 years ago

*hugs* Ami. I think it’s totally okay to be like “he is someone I used to like” and also “he violated me.” I mean, rapists and abusers don’t wear signs on their foreheads, you know? They’re not slavering beasts. So you can get good memories with them before, and even the abuse doesn’t make the good memories bad. That’s not how it works. :/ But yeah, *all the hugs.*

I think vampires are kind of overplayed, actually. :/ I like wizards, though. I’ll read anything with a wizard in it.

I love how a twenty-three-year-old is unimaginably old. Man, if I took that advice I’d be married to High School Boyfriend, which… I mean, I guess it could be worse. There are worse men in the world, and he’d treat me nicely, but FUCK I’m glad I’m in a world in which I’m twenty and not in “some danger of being single.”

13 years ago

There’s this problem on Literotica a lot where the writers feel the need to put down numbers (they can’t say “she was short and thin with large breasts”, they have to say “she was 5’4″ and 100 pounds with 32DDs”). I don’t know why. Unfortunately, many of them seem to have no idea how bras work, and when one describes the female character as a petite woman with a 45C… well, it gives one an interesting mental image.

The other problem is that it gives me the irresistible mental image that post-sex the characters take out their tape measures…

13 years ago

I’m picturing a woman with a torso shaped like a male swimmer, but more exaggerated, so the upper chest is really wide and then it narrows sharply under that. But with giant boobs, and presumably a bra made out of solid steel.

13 years ago

Off topic but this sums up MRM exactly:
Let me see if I have this straight. You want to have s_x with us but…You want to limit our birth control, limit our choices, not hire us because we might get pregnant and you don’t have to deal with that if you hire a man. You won’t give us flex time so we can work and be mothers (again, just easier to hire a guy), pretty much force a stay home mom choice, and when we divorce, tell us we didn’t earn any of the assets so why should we get half so we wind up on assistance (because we have been out of the work force for a while) except you have cut that because we are all le @ches on society expecting someone else to pay our way. Did I miss anything?

13 years ago


I kind of understand your pain. I have a 17 year old son who stole from his sister and our son-law red handed and denied it just before christmas.

Instead of admitting to it he took the opposite stance much like you do and considered himself a victim. In the end he threatened my son-in-law and didn’t send christmas with us.

I know he’s hurting by not spending Christmas with us, and it pains me. But I could not let his threats stand idle. I had to take a stance and not allow him to follow through on playing the victim to cause a confrontation which was unfounded.

This is you (minus perhaps the real physical threat, being that said son is a trained martial artist and MMA fighter ). Someone in your life has to tell you your behavior isn’t expectable.

It’s not anyones job on this blog to do this. If you don’t have parents to cut you off it’s really up to you.

It’s never o.k to bully others. That’s all I can give you.

13 years ago

Japan has the tradition of the kurisumasu keiki–the Christmas Cake–which means that women had better get married by the age of 25, or else, like a Christmas cake after the 25th, they will be past their use-by date, or something.

When I was there a number of years ago, however, most modern-thinking women were planning to get married by age 28, instead. So….progress?

13 years ago

(Don’t mind me, I’m just having fun with the old newspapers)

From 1860

Here’s a stunning set of us, Fast young ladies;
Here’s a flashy set of us, Fast young ladies;
Nowise shy or timorous, Up to all that men discuss.
Never mind how scandalous. Fast young ladies.

Wide-awakes our head adorn. Fast young ladies;
Feathers in our hats are worn, Fast young ladies;
Skirts hitched up on spreading frame. Petticoats as bright as flame,
Dandy high-heeled boots, proclaim Fast young ladies.

Riding habits are the go, Fast young ladies;
When we prance in Rotten Row, Fast young ladies;
Where we’re never at a loss On the theme of “that ‘ere ‘oss,”
Which, as yet, we do not cross. Fast young ladies.

There we scan, as bold as brass, Fast young ladies,
Other parties as they pass, Fast young ladies;
Parties whom our parents slow. Tell us we ought not to know;
Shouldn’t we, indeed? Why so. Fast young ladies?

On the Turf we show our face. Fast young ladies;
Know the odds of every race, Fast young ladies;
Talk, as sharp as any knife. Betting slang — we read Bell’s Life:
That’s the ticket for a wife, Fast young ladies!

We are not to be hooked in. Fast young ladies;
I require a chap with tin, Fast young ladies.
Love is humbug; cash the chief Article in my belief:
All poor matches come to grief, Fast young ladies.

Not to marry is my plan. Fast young ladies,
Any but a wealthy man. Fast young ladies.
Bother that romance and stuff! She who likes it is a muff;
We are better up to snuff, Fast young ladies.

Give me but my quiet weed, Fast young ladies.
Bitter ale and ample feed, Fast young ladies;
Pay my bills, porte-monnaie store. Wardrobe stock — I ask no more.
Sentiment we vote a bore, Fast young ladies

13 years ago

At this point I’m rather baffled by his hate-on for me. Apparently if I say anything negative about a man’s appearance that’s bad, but if I say anything positive that’s bad too. I’m not sure how women are supposed to decide which men to date or fuck in his worldview – flip a coin, maybe?

It doesn’t matter 🙂 Guys like MRAL want women to settle for men they have no interest in. They want to shame women for daring to having preferences, meanwhile their own are so unrealistic as we’ve seen here.

Isn’t that always how it is? women need to always worry about pleasing others and not asking for too much, or else they’re bitches who will die alone. Take the list Magpie posted. At 21 I should just marry a hobo before my ovaries shrivel up and fall out. I refuse to be apologetic for what I find attractive in a man’s appearance. Many men have no problem openly talking about what they find hot and what they find ugly in a woman, so I’m not going stress over hurting the feelings of douchebags like MRAL who himself could care less about other people’s feelings.

13 years ago

Mind you, that ‘marry at 17’ advice was aimed at posh girls. When you look at eg marriage certificates for ordinary women, they often married in their twenties & thirties.

13 years ago

The Japanese actor referenced above (from Death Note) just got married to a woman who’s almost 10 years older than him last year, so…yeah. People still mouth off about the Christmas Cake stuff, but a lot of people delay marriage, and most men marry./date women their own age. I often work with Japanese people, and I am an olds (almost 40), and I haven’t noticed them being any more ageist than Americans on average.

BTW hot actor and his wife just had a baby a few months ago, so yay for them.

13 years ago

@ Quackers

His goal is pretty obviously to shame me (and all the other women here) into shutting up and not expressing any preferences because omg we should feel so guilty about that, we’re being such bitches, etc. What I’m curious about is why he’d think it would work on a blog like this, and why he’s surprised at the pushback he gets when he tries.

13 years ago


He can do it all he wants, it’s just going to make me want to talk even more about my preferences in men and I’ll even talk about preferences for what the other guys here like in women. Basically I don’t see what the problem is unless we’re sitting here talking about what we find ugly in the opposite sex. It’s much nicer and more fun to talk about what we find sexy.

And maybe he thinks he can get away with it because he doesn’t consider this a true feminist blog or something. He has mentioned he thinks Manboobz is more moderate.

13 years ago

A good, sensible woman ignores her gina tingles and refuses to have sex with anyone unless it’s a pity fuck. This is the only way to ensure that you get with nice guys rather than alpha bad boy thugs because the gina is too wild for your good.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Ozy I’ve seen that on so many erotic stories Ozy xD A lot of writers seem to believe that the number indicates the size of the actual breast.. so you get “she was the captain of the cheerleading squad, thin with decent sized breasts, about 44B” etc… xD

13 years ago

(Sam Spade voice) 42-28-38, she could have been any of those ages

13 years ago



13 years ago

I did at one point start (but never finish) a short story called The Vagina Dialogues, in which the narrator is constantly arguing with her vagina about which men they should have sex with.

I want that one, he’s hot! No, remember that Mom said to avoid men like that? We should date Dave, he’s very responsible and he’s going to med school. But I don’t want to have sex with Dave, he’s boring! But he is nice…Yes, nice and really boring! We should go talk to that hot guy who’s sitting over there talking to his friends instead.

And etc.

And yeah, Quackers, I agree completely. I kind of wish that everyone would start getting even more talkative about their preferences at this point just because it’s so obvious that he is trying to bully us into silence, and that’s not acceptable.

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