An alert reader pointed me to this amazing “map” from the 1830s, posted on Ptak Science Books and originally found here. Described as “A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart,” it presents a less-than-flattering picture of the supposed shallowness, vanity and selfishness of the female of the species. Click on the pic above to see it full size.
It’s amazing how closely this resembles so many Manosphere “critiques” of evil modern women; the main difference is that it’s a bit more polite in its language. Also, no mention of stinky vaginas.
Manospherians love to talk about “taking the red pill,” as if their ideas are all new and cool and Matrixy. Actually, of course, their ideas are old as fuck. It’s more like they are taking a gulp of Dr. Flimflam’s Electro Magnetic Misogyny Fluid.
Below, another amazing picture also found on Ptak, which presents data on where women’s eyes linger when looking at men. (Again, click on it to see it full size.) I suspect this one would be a bit more confounding to the Manospherians of today, in that it doesn’t show women looking only at the dude’s wallet. The post on Ptak offers a more detailed explanation of what this picture is about.
Damn, MRAL. Don’t you realize that we haven’t been picking on your *looks* all this time, but your *soul*? 😛
MRAL is attracted to women up until their genitalia, then he wants cocks apparently. He once said that vaginas suck and “cocks are where it’s at” or something like that (penises, dicks, don’t remember the exact word he used)
*looks sideways*
um… where’s the exit here?
It is good he can’t find dates because that means women do have brains. They know a bad seed when they see one. It ain’t rocket science to spot, read emails and profiles, and all that. Glaring red flags coming out of every hole. Shame they don’t admit their laziness on working on themselves, letting go of blame game and all. They know damn well they are the problem, they just pretend to be ignorant because online is the only time they have an audience.
Oh shit, my bad!! David, can you remove the link from my post? This one’s clean
I’ll note the pTack piece points out that Point #19 on the drawing (the left of the groin), isn’t detailed on the diagram, even though it’s marked. There may have been some crotch-gazing going on.
So the dude hates what he can’t have. Predictable behavior from someone selfcentered and selfish. He pretends to not like vagina that’s why he protest so loudly against it. It’s all an act to get people to coddle him like a baby. Im sure folks in the real world/real time know all too well what his mojo is, so the internet is his source of socializing and being heard. This goes for all them angry mra’s.
Oh, I love male goths. I love them so much. I never really grew out of that phase. I really think the first few guys I dated sort of set the template in terms of my later sexual interests, since my taste in women is a lot more diverse.
MRAL: What the fuck, dude? You’re still coming back here? This is pathetic. GET SOME FUCKING HELP.
Run, Ami, run! If you ever dye your hair dark you’re in trouble.
MRAL, you are saying things that you don’t believe in an attempt to annoy and offend people. Even if this sort of behavior gives you a little temporary rush, it is not going to increase your overall happiness. Take a break from this site and work on developing friendships in your offline life.
MRAL, you will continue to be an embittered, angry loser until you form some relationships with women. You need to explore your sexuality with a woman and stop being so afraid. This will not happen so long as your obvious fear of women continues. There are many, many women who want to explore their sexuality. They have personal fears and personal desires. I imagine in real life you are shy and sensitive – why not try, really hard, to meet a woman, don’t bring your MRA baggage with you. Just treat her how you’d like to be treated yourself. Keep in mind that she probably just wants someone to have some fun with.
Your current, sad, argumentative, typical MRA lifestyle is going nowhere. You are a pathetic figure. Look 10, 20 years into the future. Do you want to be like one of the bitter clones on AVfM or do you want to be able to look back on this year and last and the phase in your life when you eventually dragged yourself out of the attention seeking quagmire you’re in and addressed your wants and fears.
There’s two obvious paths. Right now, you’re walking down the one marked “MRA” and glancing at the other one enviously.
Women frighten you because you view yourself as pathetic. You are pathetic. Stop being pathetic. Start treating others with consideration and be honest with yourself.
To those manboobzers who will object to what I write, I agree with you, to some extent. MRAL doesn’t deserve any sympathy or anyone’s time. He’s obviously got severe issues and projects them onto women in general. This will continue until he realizes that they are normal human beings like him.
If he doesn’t realize this, well, he’ll fit right into the MRM and live a very sad and lonely life.
It’s up to him.
Jesus god, MRAl, get some fucking help. We are not your therapists, we have no obligation whatsoever to take you seriously. You’re a hateful little douchebag, and the sooner you realize that and get help, the better. For you and the rest of the world.
CassandraSays | January 20, 2012 at 6:36 pm
Run, Ami, run! If you ever dye your hair dark you’re in trouble.
My hair used to be red in high school. O:
Better keep it blonde >_>
I never grew out of that goth guy phase either, though now I’ve added 60 year old sports radio hosts to the list 😀
Now if there was a goth sports radio host…
There’s two obvious paths. Right now, you’re walking down the one marked “MRA” and glancing at the other one enviously.
There’s a guard on each path at the fork. One always tells lies, the other always tell truths. How do you know which path will lead to MRAness and which path will lead to Feminism?
MRAL, you will continue to be an embittered, angry loser until you form some relationships with women. You need to explore your sexuality with a woman and stop being so afraid. This will not happen so long as your obvious fear of women continues. There are many, many women who want to explore their sexuality. They have personal fears and personal desires. I imagine in real life you are shy and sensitive – why not try, really hard, to meet a woman, don’t bring your MRA baggage with you. Just treat her how you’d like to be treated yourself. Keep in mind that she probably just wants someone to have some fun with.
I think this is pretty dangerous advice, actually. I would honestly be afraid for any woman MRAL got into any kind of relationship with right now. Therapy first. Lots of therapy.
Yeah Dracula is right. That’s part of the problem. MRAL (like a lot of angry Nice Guys™ and the such) is hoping for a relationship/girlfriend to solve all his problems and make him happy. “If only…” seems to be the catchword for him… “If only women would like me” “If only I had a girlfriend who loved me” “If only I could have sex…”
There’s an angry, bearded man arranging logistics, badly, at one of the paths?
@ Dracula
I could be wrong, but I think he is so scared that he’s no threat to anyone. I also think that once he loses his virginity and experiences some sort of intimacy and doesn’t have a woman recoil in horror at him, he’ll change.
@Happy yup! And you want to avoid him.
You can only ask one question to one of the guards, but you don’t know which guard always lies and which guard always tells the truth. How do you avoid MRAness and get to Feminism? (or vice versa depending on your life goals xD )
I’m sure he thinks that too, but he won’t. I’ve seen the way he treats the people here who’ve shown him kindness.
if MRAL feels he’s in a position in a relationship where ppl care about him, I dunno what he might do… his behaviour on this forum seems to indicate that he will push selfishly for whatever he feels like at the time, even if it means hurting people, or lashing out at anger just because he’s angry, if he thinks ppl will tolerate him… and there are lots of ppl he might date that have the personality who might :
You ask the angry, bearded keeper of the MRA path if three months is enough time to carry out a very straightforward task, like transport yourself to a certain destination…
Did Paul Elam falsely allege that there was going to be an MRA march? The LIAR!!
Let’s start an entire political movement to expose him.
Why should any woman have to deal with him as he is now, though? I feel like saying “well once he has a relationship he’ll get better” is a. putting the responsibility for his shitty behavior on women (for not sleeping with him yet) and b. basically asking some poor random woman to take one for the team.
MRAL, you are acting like an asshole and you need to stop. I’ve been one of your most vocal advocates, since I recognize my anger in you, and since you and I are both in academia right now it’s easy to envision myself in your place. But if I were Futrelle, I’d ban you until you went to therapy. Because you need to get help.
Uh…huh. Well.
He seems to feel justified in saying hurtful things to people as long as he can justify it as being “anger” or in “haste”. He’d never do it to somebody who was a stranger, or his boss, but people he feels WOULD take it, he might do it too. : A relationship, not only wouldn’t solve his problems right now, it would be possibly really bad for the other person because MRAL where he is now, just wants to take. He sees a relationship, even friendships, as one way… and that’s really unhealthy and as CassandraSays, this would be a real person we’re talking about who has to take it simply for MRAL to get some life experience…