$MONEY$ evil women life before feminism misogyny pics reactionary bullshit vaginas

Life Before Feminism: A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart

An alert reader pointed me to this amazing “map” from the 1830s, posted on Ptak Science Books and originally found here. Described as “A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart,” it presents a less-than-flattering picture of the supposed shallowness, vanity and selfishness of the female of the species. Click on the pic above to see it full size.

It’s amazing how closely this resembles so many Manosphere “critiques” of evil modern women; the main difference is that it’s a bit more polite in its language. Also, no mention of stinky vaginas.

Manospherians love to talk about “taking the red pill,” as if their ideas are all new and cool and Matrixy. Actually, of course, their ideas are old as fuck. It’s more like they are taking a gulp of Dr. Flimflam’s Electro Magnetic Misogyny Fluid.

Below, another amazing picture also found on Ptak, which presents data on where women’s eyes linger when looking at men. (Again, click on it to see it full size.) I suspect this one would be a bit more confounding to the Manospherians of today, in that it doesn’t show women looking only at the dude’s wallet. The post on Ptak offers a more detailed explanation of what this picture is about.


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David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Most of is not racist in any serious sense, that is, studying and analysing differences in human behavior which have race (or racially/geographically linked genetics as their primary cause. The concerns of are which policies, laws, and incentives are most likely to result in a kind of society or community in which White people would like to live? To the extent that they are race conscious at all, they are pro-white and pro-American, NOT anti-anybody! simply acnknowledges the same right of (besieged) White people to promote OUR interests as others to promote theirs! Their only difference, as noted in a previous post regarding New Century Foundation, is that they–like other pro-White, Pro-patriarchal, and pro-civilization blogs and websites–haven’t the billions of SSSS that our adversaries have!

Again, anybody who doesn’t agree is perfectly free to go elsewhere, just like my suggestion promoting interracial (and intergroup) harmony generally cited above.

hellkell, there is no “racist bulls**t”! There is egalitarian bulls**t by the freight train load,here in manboobz as well as other places!

Stout walls make for the best neighbors–and neighborhoods!

12 years ago

“The New Century Foundation uses its limited funding to disseminate important information that can not be easily accessed elsewhere, and doesn’t have the deep pockets and close political connections that e.g. the ADL or the SPLC have to propagandize for the other side!”

Yup, sounds legit.

“Their study is factual, well put together, and confirms the need of what many people already know, but are unwilling to acknowlege, “

Cultural racism is endemic. The priveleged perspectives, the media, the things “everybody knows” etc. combine to make society carry around a great deal of racist, unexamined baggage.

Nontheless, I have no idea what’s with you fucking bigots and the insistence that everybody around you KNOWS the racist truth and is just too scared to face the facts.

12 years ago

Stout walls make for the best neighbors–and neighborhoods!

Berlin 1989 must have been the worst time of your life.

12 years ago

Most of is not racist in any serious sense, that is, studying and analysing differences in human behavior which have race (or racially/geographically linked genetics as their primary cause.

I laugh, because racists think that it’s not racist behaviours that are bad, it’s the word racist that is bad. If you do something racist, and say “I’m not racist!” when you’re doing it, it’s still racist, and it’s still bad.

12 years ago

“Most of is not racist in any serious sense, that is, studying and analysing differences in human behavior which have race (or racially/geographically linked genetics as their primary cause.”

You are clinically insane, if you expect anyone to take you seriously after that statement alone.


Then evil Title 2 tore the world asunder with it’s amazing goverment wizard powers.

WOOHOO for government!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Zhinxi–growing up in Hawaii, what do you think will happen to you White imperialists when the polynesian natives reclaim their historic nation, language, and way of life. I hope that, for your own safety, you and your loved ones are a good distance away, since the hospitality that Polynesians are (justly) world-renowned for probably will NOT be extended to Whites who are too well identified with Washington imperialism and colonialism since the mid-XIX century!

Nationalism is one of the strongest forces in human nature. As the imperium Americanum Kleptocracy headquartered in DC–and Wall Street– characteristic of the NWO continues to weaken from the center, you probably can expect a massive resurgence of Hawaiian (and Polynesian) identiity and corresponding anti-American and anti-white feelings, and being anti-NWO or being a libertarian or “anarchist” is not likely to help you!

12 years ago

Eh, still a libertarian, so not a woo-hoo, more a. Well, it’s a deeply statist paradigm and it’s something, but let’s not concentrate on legal victories when the direct action of anti-racist movements and the building of an anarchist society is ahead of us.

Molly Ren
12 years ago

… so why does Meller assume Zhinxy is white? >.>

12 years ago

“Zhinxi–growing up in Hawaii, what do you think will happen to you White imperialists when the polynesian natives reclaim their historic nation, language, and way of life”

Right, so, yeah. That would be great, actually.

Molly Ren
12 years ago

Nationalism is one of the strongest forces in human nature. As the imperium Americanum Kleptocracy headquartered in DC–and Wall Street– characteristic of the NWO continues to weaken from the center, you probably can expect a massive resurgence of Hawaiian (and Polynesian) identiity and corresponding anti-American and anti-white feelings, and being anti-NWO or being a libertarian or “anarchist” is not likely to help you!

Now I’m even *moar* confused. Is Meller just wanting to be a jerk to Zhinxy, or is he saying that eventually every people will migrate back to where they naturally used to be and there will be massive wars because of it? Since I’m of Swedish ancestry but was born in Texas, will I end up trying to take back the Alamo or suddenly have a longing to visit Stockholm?

12 years ago

MollyRen, I think I might have detailed such in the ancestors discussion, which he may or may not have seen. Still…

12 years ago

I’m confused too. I say we let Meller continue with his Future Hawaiian History, and see what happens.

Molly Ren
12 years ago

I mean, if we take Meller’s theory to it’s natural conclusion, white people that moved to Portland from New York will suddenly get a resurgence of pro-NY feeling, march back to their state, and kick out everyone else who’s moved there in the past year!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

katz–January 30, 2012 @2:41pm–

The fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 has nothing to do with what is under discussion here, being an artificial separation of Germans by a hated conqueror, NOT anything that grew from within Germans, still less Berliners themselves!

As someone who was appalled by the artificial and imperialistic split of Deutschland into two halves by barbarian outsiders (Russians and Americans), the reunification of Germany was an event that inspired great happiness in me. That such reunification took place placing Germany squarely in Europe culturally and politically as well as geographically was additionally pleasing!

The Berlin Wall–and the Cold War–had NOTHING to do with what I am discussing here about natural barriers among various peoples being respected. Russians were finally out of Central Europe, and it will probably take a financial crisis–the collapse of the Euro, and/or the US Dollar, before the USSA (or at least its government/ banks/ multinational corporations)also crawls away with its tail between its legs!

12 years ago

To the extent that they are race conscious at all, they are pro-white and pro-American, NOT anti-anybody!

White Americans are occupying other people’s territory, which was gained through invasion and genocide. My grandmother grew up on a reservation. There are communities in the US that have been kept in prison of war camps for well over a century, in their own lands, or in lands which they were forced onto, that’s what it looks like to be “besieged”, not just being whiny assholes who expect to be given the profits of others labors.

Also, black Americans are by and large also descendents of forced migration. White people are the ones that brought them to the Americas against their will, in order to use them as slaves (the purest form of labor exploitation ever), making this bullshit “go elsewhere” line even more absurd.

You can’t claim to start with a blank slate while you continually benefit from a long history of stolen land and stolen labor.

Also, history and science do not bear out the notion of separate races, period. Not to mention how arbitrary these categories can be. My grandmother’s family was legally white in the Jim Crow South, in part because of a closely kept family secret that they were part Moor. So, some of my “white” Spanish/European ancestors were in fact at least in part descendents of black African Muslims. And, guess what, with one grandmother who grew up on a reservation and the other with Moorish relatives, I am a blond with blue eyes and incredibly pale skin. You’d never know, Meller, that you needed to segregate from my tainted self.

12 years ago

“I hope that, for your own safety, you and your loved ones are a good distance away, since the hospitality that Polynesians are (justly) world-renowned for probably will NOT be extended to Whites ”

My favorite part is how “my loved ones” and “THE POLYNESIANS” are of course, separate. XD

Meller, YOU’RE the white separatist. Keep score, here.

But go on, tell me more about Hawaii in the Future!


Molly Ren
12 years ago

The fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 has nothing to do with what is under discussion here, being an artificial separation of Germans by a hated conqueror, NOT anything that grew from within Germans, still less Berliners themselves!

So natural racism is fine, but government-sanctioned racism is just wrong? 😛

12 years ago

What are we going to do about the Picts and the Angles and the Saxons and the Normans?

12 years ago

And government sanctioned racism was exactly what the Jim Crow that turned a bunch of happy establishment racists into sudden “libertarian” PROPERTY RIGHTS! types, once they didn’t have that anymore, was… Err, wasn’t. Of course it wasn’t! Freedom! Peace! All that!

Molly Ren
12 years ago

DKM, I am half English, half Swedish, was born in Texas, raised in Virginia, and now live in DC with all my loved ones. WHERE DO I OWE MY LOYALTY?

Molly Ren
12 years ago

Also, my favorite guy friend was originally from Jersey. IS OUR LOVE FORBIDDEN BECAUSE HE’S FROM ANOTHER COMMUNITY?

12 years ago

DSC – “You can’t claim to start with a blank slate while you continually benefit from a long history of stolen land and stolen labor.”

ding! Property Rights in an imperialist system. Not exactly easy stuff to untangle, but do go on, Lord Meller, for your learnedness always impresses.

PS –

please, please, if you can, can you tell me what Hawaii is like now, or what it was like when I was growing up, while you’re explaining to me about the race war future?

12 years ago

It constantly amuses me when White Americans start talking about people needing to go back where they came from

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