$MONEY$ evil women life before feminism misogyny pics reactionary bullshit vaginas

Life Before Feminism: A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart

An alert reader pointed me to this amazing “map” from the 1830s, posted on Ptak Science Books and originally found here. Described as “A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart,” it presents a less-than-flattering picture of the supposed shallowness, vanity and selfishness of the female of the species. Click on the pic above to see it full size.

It’s amazing how closely this resembles so many Manosphere “critiques” of evil modern women; the main difference is that it’s a bit more polite in its language. Also, no mention of stinky vaginas.

Manospherians love to talk about “taking the red pill,” as if their ideas are all new and cool and Matrixy. Actually, of course, their ideas are old as fuck. It’s more like they are taking a gulp of Dr. Flimflam’s Electro Magnetic Misogyny Fluid.

Below, another amazing picture also found on Ptak, which presents data on where women’s eyes linger when looking at men. (Again, click on it to see it full size.) I suspect this one would be a bit more confounding to the Manospherians of today, in that it doesn’t show women looking only at the dude’s wallet. The post on Ptak offers a more detailed explanation of what this picture is about.


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David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Ami Angelwings, who is Evan??

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

No! Mellertron! Come back! I’m worried about what you are leaving to do : Did you catch Evan at your computer? Are you going to punish him now?

Stay! We can fight about… socialism! And how Zhinxy and me are communists!

Plz? C’mon! I know you want to fight me! 😀 Stay! Don’t go!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I refuse to use the name you call him by, out of respect for him. You know who I’m talking about. >:|

13 years ago

13 years ago

Meller it sounds like your dolls aren’t as happy as you think they are!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I thought we weren’t calling them dolls nemore. -_o

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

AA–Why not follow the advice I gave KathleenB (you could do it between girlygiggles) and just write IHATEMELLER over and over again until you stop! I won’t make much sense, but then most of what you are writing here doesn’t make sense, with or without the xD xD xDs…

I stand by what I said to Zhinxi. Even those two men in the video cited above wouldn’t have the tiniest interest in, and would probably be nauseated by white women(?), a.k.a. feminists.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I’m not white o_O Somehow I’m a feminist xD

13 years ago

oops sorry Ami…I forgot they aren’t dolls that is just something evil Meller calls them…I really hope Irene, Evan and Annie get out of there ok!

Meller your not a :Libretarian…they beleive in freedom! You want to enslave women! Also since you know everone hates you here…why do you come back?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Also, I don’t hate you o_O Point to something which indicates I hate you xD

But I do pity you and I really worry about how you’re treating the other ppl in your house 🙁 (or “abode” as I suppose you like it to be called, if Irene is any indication) Can we talk about this? I mean yeah I know you’re all “blah blah blah I’m totally not racist while I am” and all that… but this is serious… there’s already been a few people here who have said they’d give Evan a good home… :

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Meller’s here because he can’t let go of the fact that Zhinxy knows more than him, has PROVEN it and she KNOWS that she knows more xD

He keeps digging that hole trying to regain his manly pride and it just makes him angrier and need to fight more e_e

13 years ago

DKM, please be nice to your dolls. You want them to be happy, don’t you?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

katz–January 27, 2012 @6:40pm

I treat my dolls like the little lady lovelies that they are! YOU should be treated so well by your favorite person!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

What about the ones who don’t identify as ladies?

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Ami Angelwings–27 January 2012 @ 6:40pm–

The only thing that zhinxi “knows”, is how to distort what I say in my posts, slop it together with other posts (often while discussing something altogether different) and go through the motions of refuting straw men that I never raised, and then when I am tricked into replying, saying ” i don’t understand what it is you are saying”! If this is your idea of “knowing more about libertarianism than I do, Ami Angelwings, then be my guest! I have more important things to do! Go back to your IHATEMELLER. You’re better at that anyhow, and so is she!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

ALL of my dolls are ladies! All of them are little lady lovelies!
Next case!!

13 years ago

looks like a nerve was hit…one of your lovely ladies appears to identify as a man and another apparently takes a fancy to science and being a gunslinger! Maybe you should think on that! you can’t fit everyone into your boxes!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Mellertron doth protest too much…

David K. Meller | January 27, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Ami Angelwings–27 January 2012 @ 6:40pm–

The only thing that zhinxi “knows”, is how to distort what I say in my posts, slop it together with other posts (often while discussing something altogether different) and go through the motions of refuting straw men that I never raised, and then when I am tricked into replying, saying ” i don’t understand what it is you are saying”! If this is your idea of “knowing more about libertarianism than I do, Ami Angelwings, then be my guest! I have more important things to do! Go back to your IHATEMELLER. You’re better at that anyhow, and so is she!

Zhinxy knows how to spell her name, you don’t even know how to do that XD

And what has she distorted about your posts? Everybody here thinks she has you bang on and she’s never lied about what you believe, or responded to things you don’t. If you’re going to accuse her of that you better have examples xD

So? 😀

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Also Mellertron, wouldn’t it be easier if you let the ones go who don’t identify as ladies, rather than trying to force them to conform to your preferences? As I said there are people here who have already said they’d give Evan a good home, where he can wear more than little Victorian dresses and home-made strawberry perfume (which btw, I didn’t expect from you, but I find it make your own perfume). :]

13 years ago

Ami yes…if he were a true gentleman he would let go those who didn’t want to be with him…let us see if he truly likes his lovely “ladies”

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

Nobody here HATES you btw Mellertron. They simply just disagree with your chosen lifestyle. (go ask NWOslave, he’ll explain it) xD

13 years ago

Meller, you know Evan hates how you treat zir. Why can’t you just respect zir wishes?

13 years ago

“YOU should be treated so well by your favorite person!”

Actually my favorite person treats me much better.

Also, dolls don’t have a favorite person, because they are dolls and therefore they do not have thoughts, emotions, etc. Do we need to go over this again? Just because you talk to your dolls doesn’t mean that they’re listening.

Irene A. Meller
Irene A. Meller
13 years ago


I have already asked nicely that me and my sisters not be called “dolls”. It is derogatory and insulting. Please stop assuming that because you are a flesh-covered person that you are more real or more important than women of a different material construction. Our darling David understands this. Why can’t you? My David is right when he calls you feminists a group of hypocrites. You claim to care about the diversity of women except for the ones that fulfill your womanly duties better than you, modern women, can. We absolutely do have thoughts and emotions, and we absolutely listen with rapt attention to what our David tells us.

<3 Irene

13 years ago

Robots and clones are superior to human filth……………………………………………………………..

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