$MONEY$ evil women life before feminism misogyny pics reactionary bullshit vaginas

Life Before Feminism: A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart

An alert reader pointed me to this amazing “map” from the 1830s, posted on Ptak Science Books and originally found here. Described as “A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart,” it presents a less-than-flattering picture of the supposed shallowness, vanity and selfishness of the female of the species. Click on the pic above to see it full size.

It’s amazing how closely this resembles so many Manosphere “critiques” of evil modern women; the main difference is that it’s a bit more polite in its language. Also, no mention of stinky vaginas.

Manospherians love to talk about “taking the red pill,” as if their ideas are all new and cool and Matrixy. Actually, of course, their ideas are old as fuck. It’s more like they are taking a gulp of Dr. Flimflam’s Electro Magnetic Misogyny Fluid.

Below, another amazing picture also found on Ptak, which presents data on where women’s eyes linger when looking at men. (Again, click on it to see it full size.) I suspect this one would be a bit more confounding to the Manospherians of today, in that it doesn’t show women looking only at the dude’s wallet. The post on Ptak offers a more detailed explanation of what this picture is about.


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13 years ago

“The Hedgehog of Happiness.”

Aww! *ow* Awwwwwwwwww! *OW* AWWWWW!

13 years ago

Zhinxy, on the last page: Okay, I misphrased what I meant extremely badly. What I meant was something along the lines of “There are not that many Native Americans left, mostly because the white people killed them all, and America is really really big. So we’re going to have 0.8% of the US population stay in the US, and a whole lot of people crowded into Ireland.”

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Is the above a classic example of women’s hypergamous ‘what is mine is mine, and what is yours is ours”?

All that I have indicated is that people in a given community (for want of a better term) would be united on some basis (pretty tautological here, don’t you think, since a community without “community” would be simply a random bunch of strangers) and mentioned some of the more likely and practical ways that it could
a)prevent trouble from happening to its people or their property
b) deal with the trouible, and the troublemakers, as efficiently and expeditiously as possible

The scenario(s) offered by Pecunium are absolutely correct–FOR STATE-BASED GOVERNMENTS OR PROTO-GOVERNMENTS! They have nothing to do with my non-governmental provision of the services for the people as outlined above in previous posts!

It is an almost universal mistake that people who are unfamiliar with market alternatives to government provisions of services make. People take the criticism of govenment provision for a service (postal service, law enforcement service, property insurance and recovery service(s), adjudication service (the most important function of our so-called “courts”), and defence service (police–against parasites internal to the community–and army–against parasites external to the community) and so on. as attacks upon the service itself. The two are very different.

Government maintains a LEGITIMATE authority (through force and fraud) over a particular geographic area. It claims sovereignty, not for those whom it is supposedly responsible for service, but for ITSELF! If you don’t like the government provision of their “service” to you, you may
1-go elsewhere, probably to face the even worse treatment from another government!
2-argue your case to a government “court” of law and equity! (lotsa luck!)
3-offer “competition” to this thoroughly defective and corrupt monopoly, form defence services, conflict resolution and arbitration services, raise and train a militia (provide for defence as outlined above), and, most important, make sure that your affairs are in order, and your wife and children are taken care of in the event of your premature demise, which said government will arrange VERY QUICKLY AND BRUTALLY!

Obviously, The first step is to find ways to remove government sovereignty, returning it to the smallest possible political units (probably households and families, but it may even be individuals as per some libertarian theorists), remove the monopoly privileges of service advertising, provision, and authority from the State and its apparatus, Open the provision of services to competition and innovation.

Widespread, if not universal recognition of the fact that taxation, as that magnificent libertarian of the last century, Frank Chodorov, observed, is theft, and nothing but theft. If 80% of a given population, instead of say 3% , understood this, appreciated its implications, and regarded the State as simply a gang of thieves writ large (shades of Lysander Spooner here), no government could raise the number of banditti and looters sufficient for its own payment, much less the rest of the wherewithal to dominate everybody else! Ditto for central banking, debt-based “currency”, and legal tender. Inflation is just one more form of tax, as well as covert wealth distribution from the middle classes to the banking/ landlord and the military elites! Expanding public awareness of this won’t cure government by itself, but it would be a BIG step in that direction. Starve a ‘rat today!

‘rat–short for bureaucrat, technocrat or, perhaps most descriptive, kleptocrat!

I know, Pecunium, and zhinxi, that I have still left quite a few questions unanswered, that there are perhaps some unwarranted assumptions regarding both private communities and governments herein, but it is a better start to where we want to go than anywhere else that I have seen. This has NEVER been undertaken before (even the American revolution was much more a simple replacement of elites rather than any actual liberation, even on the provincial, much less a “national” level) and NOBODY really knows how to peacefully evolve from a primitive society of “bullyboys” to a mature, civilized, privately based society and economy, still less what the mature libertarianism would look like!

If you think that you can do better, go ahead and try!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Regarding my above reply, at this late date, I have no idea how feminism can contribute to the freeing up of society, still less how this profoundly statist and collectivist ideology can help libertarians debunk and repudiate the state. However, if you have some ideas, go to them. I stand by my observations that feminism, despite occasional (VERY occasional) libertarian influences and personalities), is a force for enforced equality, NOT for liberty in any form or for any person!

13 years ago

The scenario(s) offered by Pecunium are absolutely correct–FOR STATE-BASED GOVERNMENTS OR PROTO-GOVERNMENTS! They have nothing to do with my non-governmental provision of the services for the people as outlined above in previous posts!

And you keep saying, “The Market will provide”.

WHich is the only answer you give.

Care to explain the mechanism of that market?

What’s interesting is the rare cases of a market solution (why are they so rare) to a lack (say the Pony Express) tend to disappear when a parallel service arrives from the gov’t (the Post Office use of the Transcontinental Railroad).

But some things, like “vigilance” committees weren’t exactly equitable; and the question of to whom may one appeal a decision which seems unjust, remains unanswered.

Again… what if someone refuses to accept your arbiter? Who can compel them?

What if some community decides they wish to be “huns” and live the life of nomadic pillaging and burning?

How long will your militia stand ready? Who will be pulling the long nights on watch? Who will tend their farms, follow their herds, keep their shops, factories, restaurants going while they are staring into the dark, or the blazing sun for the telltale of marauders on the horizon?

Who will pay for (and who will build) the walls they stand on?

Who will provide the weapons they bear? Who will train them to work together?

Who (and how) will they pay them to share their expertise?

All you have to say, when the day is done, is, “The Free Market will fix it”.

That and, “women are too stupid to be let out alone”.

Your problem is you don’t like women. You like children (when they behave as you think they should). You don’t like equality. You don’t. You pretend that the women, and the people of color aren’t really human; not the way you are, therefore any parity must be imposed (barring the rare mutant freak like George Washington Carver, or Frederick Douglas, or Aleksandr Pushkin, or Rosalyn Yallow, or Marie Curie, or Grace Hopper, or George Sands, or… well the list is almost endless, and that leaves out the nameless women of the past who figured out how to spin wool, or weave it, etc.).

You don’t really people who diagree with you are human. It’s why your sense of “community” is so narrow-minded, mean-spirited, and small.

You look at outward form, and pretend that shows inner worth. Real people, with desires, and dreams and talents and passion… terrify you, which is why places like Stormfront are comfortable… because all the people there have the same stunted sense of self, married to an aggrandising vision of how “The Man” keeps them down.

You aren’t a libertarian, not at core; at core you are separatist, and that’s the real issue. You don’t want people to have liberty, you want the gov’t to stop forcing you to not be a bigotted, racist, abusive (of the rights of your fellow man), weasel.

And I’m glad the gov’t is there to keep you, and those like you, from being able to set up shop, because they’d have lynchings, and beat “their women” and you would say the really ought not (there are better ways, don’t ya know), but you wouldn’t really hate it. You’d be glad, because that means you’d have, “herd immunity”, “your women” would know how “good” they have it to have you as the Lord and Master, because you are too generous, and good, to raise a hand to them.

But they’d know you could, or just turn them out (or give them to a “House of Entertainment). That’s why you don’t want women to be equal… because if they could leave you, you are afraid they would.

13 years ago

Still waiting for Meller to cite his apology to cancer victims and their families. One that has no weasel language. Should I just give up and assume that he is full of shit, as always?

13 years ago

Meller, again, that’s just a weird soup of various libertarian talking points. You haven’t strung them together in a way that actually makes any kind of argument. I’m familiar with the ingredients in your soup. What I’m asking is whether you’ve given any actual thought to any of them. And no, just declaring that you are Excellent Libertarian!!!! Doesn’t cover that.

For example, Pecunium’s objections


It’s hilarious when you do that, but you do understand what you’re doing, right? 😉

You can’t just scream a libertarian talking point or five and declare you’ve won.

Once again, as far as libertarianism goes, I’m in contact with people actually trying to advance it in the real world, as far as “trying something better” Why I should listen to you, guy who hangs out with dolls and screams about it while living a life that seems completely bubble-sealed from the rest of humanity, I’m still waiting for you to explain to me?

13 years ago

Kathleen: You were actually expecting something approaching good manners and common decency?

From the man who intruded where he knew he wasn’t wanted (when he says decent people won’t do that… because Free Markets, or something)?

I’d say you should have given up before you started.

13 years ago

zhinxy: It’s as if he thinks I am huge fan of The State, in the way he’s a fan of The Agora.

It’s not as if I’ve not looked at this set of problems and come to conclusions. It’s not as if there aren’t reasonable ways to argue for the problems I’ve pointed out being solved.

But he doesn’t do that. Nope, his answer is, “Mellibertopia could have worked if only it weren’t for you meddling feminists”.

And then Scooby and the Gang go have snacks.

13 years ago

I’d still very much like to hear how “Given into brothels* by their families.” suddenly became “Allowed the opportunity to work in brothels.” with no actual retraction of the original wording.

*Sorry, Meller, but I’m not using your cute little euphemism. We’re talking about brothels here, so that’s what I’m calling them.

13 years ago

Well, of course, if you disagree at any point with the perfect market solution, so perfect it needs no explanation at all, you’re one of the cheerleaders of centrally planned Femifacism.



13 years ago

Pecunium: He claimed that he apologized. I didn’t see it in the actual thread, but dimly recall seeing one later that was pretty much: ‘Sorry you’re too offended to recognize my awesome truthfulness.’

I don’t expect anything but asshattery from him, but I would like him to acknowledge what he said and that he hasn’t yet apologized for it.

13 years ago

But Kathleen, he told her you only said it to hurt people… so you can’t take it seriously, and if he hurt anyone, well that was his intent, it’s not like he believes it.

That you, or anyone else got hurt, was just the collateral damage, and you/they should understand that to make omelletes some eggs have to be broken.

If FEMINISTS, would just stop telling women they don’t have to be slaves then he wouldn’t have to engage in such hurtful things: hough of course it’s not abuse, it’s just a rhetorical corrective, he is against being abusive, or [heaven forbid] violent. It’s just that females who don’t want to be WOMEN, cause unpleasant, if justifiable, reactions in men.

So you have only yourself to blame. If you were a GOOD WOMAN, you’d not be on a site like Manboobz; therefore, actually he doesn’t need to apologise at all, (because it’s not as if he hurt the feelings of real people, just feminists and renegades), and he was more than graceful in when he was kind enough to blame you for his hurting people’s feelings.

13 years ago

And once again, Meller, I ask you, how would you even notice if feminism did become a larger part of the libertarian movement? Again, as far as I can tell, it’s just you and your dolls, some stuff off of conspiracist sites, and books published before the 90’s.

See Also… (Well, I don’t suppose there’s any way you would have seen, since, again… It’s you and your dolls) the recent flap over Stephan Molyneux’s tiresome feminism=socialism with panties speech, and the very heartening passing around the libertarian blogosphere of:

An Open Letter to Anti-Feminist “Libertarians”

fuller list of signatories here

And growing. How fuzzy and warm it makes my black little heart.

yes yes, I know, you are Meller, you know all, you are excellent libertarian, etc, etc.

for more –

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