You know what they say about stopped clocks – they’re right twice a day. The same is true with MRAs, though it happens a bit less frequently. Consider a Spearhead guest post from a while back titled Caveat Amator: Strategies for Men Before, During and After False Allegations, recently brought to my attention by Manboobzer extraordinaire Ami Angelwings, whose Escher Girls blog you should totally go look at.
The post, by Ken Kupstis, is mostly a bunch of standard-issue MRA hysteria about false allegations and evil false alleging ladies, complete with a bunch of possibly dubious legal advice.
But mixed in with the paranoia there’s some advice that is actually quite sensible and that, if followed, will not so much help men avoid false rape accusations as help keep them from raping women.
In the section of the post dealing with that supremely fraught all-caps moment BEFORE HAVING SEX WITH A WOMAN, Kupstis recommends that men stop and ask themselves a few questions:
Is she SOBER? Very inebriated women may claim to want or even demand sex, but it may be wise to see if “that was the alcohol talking”.
Good advice! Fact is, seriously inebriated people cannot consent to sex! If you have sex with someone who’s wasted (or unconscious), that is actually rape, and you may well find yourself the target of a real rape accusastion – nothing false about it.
Has she verbally consented to sex? It is better to ask “Do you want to make love?” and receive a positive response then to merely assume she’s consenting to sex via body language.
Also good! Consent should be crystal clear. People who actually do want to have sex with you will not be offended if you ask to make sure! If you’re worried that someone will say no if you ask them directly, you should not be having sex with that person! If you ask and they do say no, respect that no. If your idea of “seduction” means pawing at and pressuring a woman until she gives in, you’re not a master of seduction. You’re a rapist.
Does she display or claim enthusiasm for BDSM (bondage and sadomasochism) activities? As exciting as it may seem, do not permit a barely-known woman to handcuff you to anything (that you can’t break loose from on your own)!
Also good advice! Don’t let someone you barely know anything about put you in handcuffs! (No ethical BDSMer will try to pressure you into anything like this.) Here’s the thing: Because of the inherent dangers of bondage and whipping and other such activities, BDSM has the potential to go very, very wrong very, very fast. BDSMers know this.
And that’s why the BDSM community has set in place safeguards to try to prevent this from happening — essentially codifying an explicit bunch of rules and practices to make sure that everyone involved in a BDSM session has consented at every step of the way. (This can sometimes mean literally filling out a checklist before the start of a session.) The slogan? “Safe, Sane and Consensual.”
Which is a pretty good slogan for sex in general. As sex blogger Clarisse Thorn notes, even those who would never dream of trying anything kinky can learn a lot from the ways in which the BDSM deals with the issue of consent — and incorporate this into their own sex lives. (Even the checklists, if you so desire!)
Kupstis continues on with this theme:
Does she claim to ‘like it rough’? Even if so, that claim does not obligate you to play rough. No matter how insistent she may be, you should not bruise or break the skin.
Also good advice. You are not obliged to “play rough” with a partner if you don’t want to. (That’s how sexual consent works: everyone has veto power, at any point in time.) And you shouldn’t leave bruises, not with a first time partner and not unless you know they’re ok with that. Plenty of BDSM submissives don’t mind, and in some cases actually like bruises. But you need to ask first. See my comments about BDSM above.
During foreplay, or before or during coitus, does she ‘tense up’, act frightened or apprehensive? Does she cry? If so, she may have been previously raped or molested. Her sex drive still exists, but she may psychologically equate sex with pain, servitude or dishonor.
If a woman “tenses up,” seems scared, or otherwise freaks out during sex, STOP IMMEDIATELY. Aside from the reasons already listed, there are any number of other things that might cause someone to react like this. For example, you could be raping her. (Did you remember that bit above about getting clear consent?) Or, even if she did consent at first, she may have changed her mind (consent is an ongoing thing, and anyone can remove consent at any point for any reason). Or you may be hurting her. The list goes on.
Whatever the reason, STOP AT ONCE, comfort her (don’t confront her), and try to figure out what is going on. (This all applies regardless of gender and/or sexual oriantation.)
Other advice in the Spearhead piece doesn’t really bear on the rape issue, but is simple common sense:
Are you using Birth Control? Note that while she may claim to be using birth control, it does not automatically mean that she is…she may normally be on birth control but has forgotten to take it, or is experiencing a false period, or is using a form of birth control with a lower rate of effectiveness. Most of these factors have not legally excused men for having to pay child support, although they should.
Using birth control is good! If you are having sex with someone you don’t know well, you should use a condom, no matter what birth control they are using (or say that they are using).
Do you know her FULL NAME? (Thousands of men have only needed to hear “Hi, I’m Bambi”, and it’s good enough for them.)
Another good question to ask yourself! (Though admittedly some of us have probably broken this rule once or twice.) Knowing a bit about your sexual partner is always good!
Also, if she’s named Bambi, ask her if she’s an entomologist, because entomologists are cool.
My favorite Spearhead comment for this article comes from intp:
Geez. After reading this article I’d rather play catch with a beaker of nitroglycerine than get near a woman.
How about this? Until all the Communists, corrupting our institutions in the West, have been identified and expelled or executed just avoid women in the West.
Treat Western Women like the malignant cancer they have become.
Intp, I FULLY SUPPORT THIS STRATEGY FOR YOU. At least the part about you avoiding women (not so much the executions thing). Stay far, far away from women. And the rest of us, too, while you’re at it.
Oh, and in case anyone is keeping score, intp’s comment (including the murder) got two dozen upvotes and no downvotes from the Spearhead crowd.
The best things in life are free
But you can keep ’em for the birds and bees
I need David Futrelle (that’s what I want)
That’s what I want (that’s what I want)
That’s what I wa-aa-aa-aa-aant, yeah
That’s what I want
David Futrelle is giving you the stink-eye.
David Futrelle has 1,000,001 tabs open in Firefox.
David Futrelle is wearing your vest
Actually, I have about 50 tabs open. That’s really low, for me.
When your computer goes to the blue screen of death, don’t call your hardware vendor’s customer support line, call David Futrelle.
(Actually this is accidental and unintentional good advice, just like the OP. Can you tell that I’ll never buy from Dell again?)
I admit it, it was me who had 1,000,001 tabs open.
Once upon a time, a king was told a woman could spin straw into David Futrelle.
In David Futrelle, no one can hear you scream.
I really think that the MRAs are pretty wrong about this(paranoid as usual about false rape accusations), along with the feminists. Communication is critical when it comes to sexual intercourse(gay/str8/bi/trans/man/woman-this applies to everyone); and it’s high time for grade school sex ed classes to teach this and really beat it into young people so they learn it good. In the case of heterosexual intercourse, a guy constantly asking the woman he’s getting busy with “is this ok?” really spoils the mood and takes the fun out of it for her and him too. Not to mention the fact that it shows a serious lack of confidence which is a big turn-off to ladyfolk. I’m sick and tired of this attempt to put the responsibility entirely on HIM when it comes to boundaries and communication in the bedroom!
Women: If something that a guy(or gal too :-P)is doing is making you uncomfortable or is hurting you physically, OR you’re not comfortable with going further sexually, than for the love of anything and everything that’s Holy, SPEAK UP! If you don’t want to do or don’t like whatever he’s doing, than tell him to stop. And also, if it hurts you really need to say “you’re hurting me!”
Men: You know the rules, No means No and if she tells you to stop or that you’re hurting her, cease and desist.
So I, the Nameless One, decided to ask some women IRL what they think of this advice and if what they think of men asking women permission to goto first base, second base, and eventually put it in, etc etc. The answer I got can be summarized with this quote:
If you have to ask, the answer is NO..
Physicists were trying to figure out what is stronger than gravity, they learned it was David Futrelle.
Also, Nameless? The answer is no because it was you asking.
Hey look, it’s my favourite argument against making sure you have consent!
“Sure, there’s a chance I’d be raping my partner if I don’t ask, but think about it; if I do ask, there’s a chance I could not have sex. Is it really worth it to take that risk?”
Ah, the mythical women who are totally willing to have sex with you but asking turns them off so much!
Oh dear! I never realized that real life women are considered mythical on feminist blogs……….My bad. 😛
“I’m just saying, what’s more important? Making sure I don’t rape somebody, or my orgasm??”
Pro tip: the answer should always be not raping somebody.
I wonder if part of the origin of the whole “women hate it when you ask” nonsense is that the sort of people who believe it imagine “asking” in the stupidest way possible. Which is to say, yeah, I admit it might be a mild turnoff if a guy grumbled, “Uh. I guess I’m supposed to ASK if you want to have sex or whatever. So…can I stick my cock in you now, or what?” – but there’s no reason on earth it has to go like that. Whispering, “Mmmm, baby, you’ve got me so turned on. Do you want me to fuck you right now, you sexy thing?” in her ear is also asking! And if you can find me a woman who would be horribly turned off by such a thing when spoken by a guy she would otherwise want to have sex with, I will be most impressed, because I seriously doubt more than a very, very few such women exist.
And if they do exist they should negotiate ahead of time and set up a safeword like every other person who has rape fantasies.
There are men that enjoy getting fucked up the ass with strap-on dildos. By the same logic these guys are using it would be perfectly alright for a woman to just shove something up their assess without asking, right?
If you’re going to fuck someone for the first time, it’s best to ask permission and/or otherwise be sure that they’re on board with it. But if you keep asking if what you’re doing is ok after getting verbal consent from them as you proceed despite no objections from them that shows a lack of confidence and that is definitely not sexy. And if you always ask them first despite them making it clear that they consider you a regular sexual partner than that really does get old and lame and start to spoil the mood.
You see, I actually do know women who really prefer that sex be spontaneous and not pre-planned. Especially with a guy they’ve already been around the block with a few times.
Doghater, what exactly do you think sex-positive feminists want sex to look like? I think you’re a little confused.
You either have to throw yourself on people without a word or schedule your sex three months in advance, there is no middle ground.
Also, checking in with your partner involves saying “what about now? yes or no?” every 30 seconds. This is totally what feminists are suggesting, because we just enjoy sucking all the fun out of life.
Yep. You can’t have spontaneous sex that involves verbal consent. All those sexy images you have of people whispering in your ears? All impossible. Pointing out that you’ve got twenty minutes before you have to leave and you can think of some entertaining ways to spend it? Can’t be done. Either it’s in the diary, or it’s Tab A in Slot B without warning and hope for the best.
Just remember, folks, as our friend om nom would say – if you don’t ask then she can’t say no!