bad boys MRA video

The Men’s Rights Movement in Interpretive Dance

This YouTube Video is titled “Geting [sic] the Slayer mosh pit started.” But I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect. What else could this be but an interpretive dance performance representing the Men’s Rights movement? I mean, it’s a bunch of aggressive dudes (and a dudette or two) running around in circles yelling and waving their arms around and sometimes bumping into each other, while the rest of the crowd largely ignores them. I literally cannot imagine a better representation of the MRM. Perhaps if some of the people watching them had been laughing.

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13 years ago


13 years ago

I know I know. Real men don’t need evidence. They have buttless chaps and an endless font of shit to draw upon XD

13 years ago

o.O… This man thing gets better and better!!!!!! WHOOT!!!!!!

Molly Ren
13 years ago

It took me forever to figure out what “the slow sign” was.

13 years ago

Also, she, er, doesn’t seem to need a tan. Did you even click the link?

Link??!! He don’t need to click on no stupid LINK!!

13 years ago

It took me forever to figure out what “the slow sign” was.

Not the flashing neon one that’s affixed to nwoslave’s forehead, of course, because that one is easy to figure out.

13 years ago

It took me forever to figure out what “the slow sign” was.

And how many construction workers did you take with you?

13 years ago

BTW, can anyone with even a first grader’s understanding of plumbing explain to NWO exactly why they have absolutely no need for a slow sign? And maybe we can all pitch in for that blinking slow sign that Pam prescribed for NWO?

13 years ago

Now I hate the Daily Mail. It just spoiled me on the last episode of Sherlock!

That scene where Sherlock reboots the universe with a second Big Bang was a little far fetched, don’t you think?

13 years ago

But isn’t it just hilarious how he works himself into such an incoherent lather because women (or girls, for that matter) who turn him on don’t want to fuck him? And can you blame them??

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Prisons for women in the USA do tend to be less dangerous for the prisoners, but it’s because the culture prisoners propogate for themselves is less destructive than men’s. They’re operated the same, by the state, but the way prisoners organize is vastly different.

This doesn’t make them ‘spas’. I said ‘less dangerous’, not ‘safe’. Prison is *fucking prison*, and it is still more dangerous to be in a woman’s prison than it is to be pretty much anyone not actually in prison. But it’s less dangerous than a man’s prison, with less jackassery between prisoners.

To NWO, this apparently means that they’re some sort of resort. Kind of like how morons think minimum security prisons are a fun place to be.

13 years ago


“Womens prisoners in california are being relocated to community spas. And those prisons will accomodate more men. It’s starting all over the country. Texas next I believe. Womens law”

I thought the MRM was winning? If so, how do you explain this?

13 years ago


I thought the MRM was winning? If so, how do you explain this?

MRA logic is superior to your logic.

If you saw the light, you’d understand that feminists fail at everything they do, and have taken over the world at the same time. You’d understand that feminists are utterly repulsive, and entrap men with their attractive bodies at the same time. You’d understand that things are about to get worse for the feminists, and that they are about to receive even more privileges at the same time.

Only Feminazis and Manginas are taken in by that foul perversion they call “logical consistency”. The perception that MRAs are unaccomplished, inadequate, embittered men, who will latch on to any piece of drivel that enables them to regard their personal failure as noble martyrdom, or provides fuel for infantile power fantasies, regardless of contradiction, is merely a logical fallacy on your part.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think the most hilarious part of NWO’s comment (and there are many) is how he characterizes plumbing school as “a few funfilled hours a day” for no reason except that a woman went to it.

Yeah, everyone knows plumbing training is mostly recess and snacktime. And holding “slow” signs, in those instances where you’re installing plumbing on a highway.

13 years ago

I really don’t think anyone pictures plumbing as a glamorous job. I mean, you gotta deal with sewage and stuff XP Ew.

13 years ago

Does he think they let her leave early or something? Or held special girl classes just for her?

NWO is living proof that prejudice makes people stupid.

13 years ago

NWO does not seem to read any of the links he posts. I think he is too stupid to read much beyond the headline.

13 years ago

I love that NWO routinely visits NSWATM, a place that makes him incredibly angry, despite the fact that he’s banned there and isn’t even able to say all of the hateful, angry things he wants to say. NWO, your internet habits are so cute!

13 years ago

Womens prisoners in california are being relocated to community spas.

Somehow, that sounds more like a porn’s plot than a (respectable) newspaper’s headline.


Now I hate the Daily Mail. It just spoiled me on the last episode of Sherlock!

That scene where Sherlock reboots the universe with a second Big Bang was a little far fetched, don’t you think?

That’s… that’s evil! You’re trying to spoil one of the holiest (IMO) shows! Is nothing sacred anymore

And yes it was. I’m getting sick of these “nobody dies thanks to the magical power of love”.

13 years ago

*of these “…” episodes.

13 years ago

And can you blame them??

I applaud and salute them! They are the vanguard of humanity’s genetic future!!!


Even on highway construction, it’s generally unskilled labourers who are used for these kinds of jobs. It’s like his mind goes from his usual 5km/h to a dead stop when he comes in contact with the word “women” or any of it’s synonyms!

13 years ago

Shadow: I’m used to seeing the workers rotate through the job. Esp. on roads with limited access. It’s a form of traffic control, and while it’s not rocket science, it’s not as brainless as someone in a car might think.

13 years ago


No disrespect was meant. There is obviously a difference in countries as well it would seem, I speak from my experience being around my dad’s work sites in Africa. I know his work site in Canada is also similar, but he works in the oil fields so we’re not talking about highway or major road construction. Do they cycle through regardless of profession, or are their workers from particular professions that tend to be used?

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

I don’t know why, but watching the video in this context just made me laugh until I nearly choked.
It just seems so… fitting!

I like to imagine that the MRAs see feminists like this:

A bunch of half naked, pissed off looking women chasing after a half naked, vulnerable looking guy until they corner him on a cliff, making him jump form it!

Also, I think NWO still doesn’t understand that he can’t just state something as fact and expect people to believe him, even though it only takes seconds to check it (yay for google).