bad boys MRA video

The Men’s Rights Movement in Interpretive Dance

This YouTube Video is titled “Geting [sic] the Slayer mosh pit started.” But I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect. What else could this be but an interpretive dance performance representing the Men’s Rights movement? I mean, it’s a bunch of aggressive dudes (and a dudette or two) running around in circles yelling and waving their arms around and sometimes bumping into each other, while the rest of the crowd largely ignores them. I literally cannot imagine a better representation of the MRM. Perhaps if some of the people watching them had been laughing.

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13 years ago

Back to the Zarat Challenge. As a Brit I am charmed by your interest in my homeland. However, a suggestion – the Daily Mail is generally considered to be about as credible a source of news as the National Enquirer, in fact less so in that the Enquirer has broken a few stories. This is not only because their headlines are so predictable there’s an online headlines generator for them, it’s also because they’ve been caught writing and publishing news stories about events before the events in question actually happened. To put it in layman’s terms, they make shit up. They have somewhat less journalistic credibility than your average kid’s Facebook page. So, if you would like to continue bringing attention to British news stories may I suggest scouring a different newspaper for information? I’m not expecting you to read something clearly leftist like The Guardian – The Times will do, or the BBC news, or the Daily Telegraph, or the Glasgow Herald.

Hell, Private Eye is a better news source than the Daily Mail, and they’re intentionally satirical.

13 years ago

As a teenager I once jumped into the moshpit at a Pantera show, in Texas. In retrospect that was probably unwise.

13 years ago

Hey, you know what’s fun, Zarat? Looking at the sentencing guidelines judges have to use when sentencing people in the UK! Let’s do that. So, let’s see… it’s a non-permanent injury, but more than transient or trifling, given that it actually breaks the skin, which would make it a breach of s47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. There’s no aggravating factors and it wasn’t premeditated. Which would result in a recommended sentence, for anyone who committed this crime of….*drumroll*… a community order!

Don’t believe me? Check for yourself:

Hardly a gyno-fascist conspiracy against Teh Menz.

Also, given the Daily Mail’s demonstrable bigotry and hatred of women, I can totally understand why a bigot who hates women would go there for their daily dose of hate, but citing it as an unbiased source just makes you look like a fucking moron. Well, more of a fucking moron.

13 years ago

I would also like to say I wholeheartedly approve of moshpits and am quite fond of getting smacked in the face while a band I really like are on, but I have to be careful I don’t lose my glasses, which sucks, and is the only time I don’t like them. I was in quite a good one on Saturday, we had a pyramid.

13 years ago

I am not fond of mosh-pits. I suspect I am too fundamentally violent for them. People jump at me and I react by defending myself; with intent to commit grave bodily harm.

One of us usually ends up with some.

So I don’t mosh.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I don’t mosh because I’m 5’1″, and to me it’s just a sea of angry armpits.

13 years ago


I’m 5’1″ too. You just have to clear a small space and start punching and jumping, it’s great fun.

13 years ago

I no longer mosh because I’m too old. Now I find it annoying and get grouchy about people bumping into me, so either the front row or further back it is. Also I’m often working, so I get extra annoyed if people are jostling me.

As a kid however I liked it despite being only 5ft2. Lower center of gravity makes it easy to knock other people over. Plus crowd surfing can be fun – that once happened without my intending it to at a Metallica show. Random dudes just picked me up and hey, up I went.

13 years ago

I like moshing apart from getting tangled up in men’s hair that has been grown extra long for the soul purpose of moshing.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“From a slightly more reputable newspaper:”

Is it reputable because by the end of the story the attacking woman was portrayed as a “victim?” The story goes that a 22 year old woman spent 3 years in school to become a plumbler. Which means she actually worked as a plumber for about 6 months.

If a woman can’t get a sexual harrassment in this day and age she’s a bigger liar than your average feminist. Elevatorgate anyone?

What we have here is your average entitlement princess. She takes a 3 year course in plumbing, (a few funfilled hours a day) and thought work would be the same thing. When she found out she was expected to, ya know, work, she was shocked. 8, 10, 12 hour days of manual labor! She didn’t sign up for that shit. She wanted to be the girl in hot pants, working on her tan, holding the slow sign while getting construction worker wages. Manual labor by a woman in the western world, nuh uh. She simply went for the sexual harrassment card and was all sour grapes when it didn’t pay off.

Just love how you say she “was” harrassed at work. Tell me, Holly. What do you base this knowlege of “knowing” she was harrasssed? Pixels on a screen and she’s a woman?

The story ends with, “This offence carries custody but I take into account your character and that you threw the glass without knowing it was in your hand. It is not an excuse but it indicates a lack of intent.”

That’s right she’s a victim. How about this, Holly. A guy works as a waiter and said the waitresses were “sexually harrassing” him. He get’s canned for being a liar. So while at a bar he cracks some woman upside the head with a beer mug for eyeballing him. Dont’cha feel sorry for him?
“Also, prison is bad (expensive and not likely to rehabilitate people) and reduced prison sentences for people who show remorse and receive counseling– regardless of gender– is a Good Thing.”

Lip service. Lip service. Lip service. Womens prisoners in california are being relocated to community spas. And those prisons will accomodate more men. It’s starting all over the country. Texas next I believe. Womens law.

Hey. I was over at your post and was reading the comments under “Memo to the Men’s Rights Movement.” I’m flattered my name comes up even over there. Well, it comes up in a bad way. I of course liked the comments by Adi particularly but others as well.

Here’s one by Adi, “If there is a publicly funded MRA organization then please show us and then lets see how it measures up to publicly funded feminist organizations. MRA vs feminism in size and influence is like the fruit fly vs Goliath.”

The strange thing is I think I made one or two posts out there saying this same thing and I was banned. I’ve also mentioned the same here and of course my misogyny needed to be mocked.

You couldn’t even stand for “child support” to even be discussed on that thread. You decided to ban anyone who further mentioned child support as well as a few other things. You’re quite the little communist dictator, aren’t you?

I leave the gang with a little old fashioned “chivalry” being touted by the media as something good. Oh the praises of boys defering to girls is heart warming. And what do the boys get in return for ensuring womens comfort and convenience? Why they get respect from the girls for defering to them.

The far left, the right, the center, raunch fems. It’s all one big monolithic block of women dictating to men what’s acceptable. Can I still wear frilly dress, stuff a dildo where the sun don’t shine, play with dolly’s, and openly weep for your acceptance and approval? Tell me, Ozy? Tell me what women find acceptable?

13 years ago

NWO, you are a riot. XD

13 years ago

“holding the slow sign while getting construction worker wages.”

I think you got the occupation mixed up there.

13 years ago

Just love how you say she “was” harrassed at work. Tell me, Holly. What do you base this knowlege of “knowing” she was harrasssed? Pixels on a screen and she’s a woman?

Holly based her information off of a news article. You just made up an entire story about her being an entitlement princess who doesn’t work and enjoys tanning and hotpants. Tell me, where are you basing your information from NWO?

Oh yeah. Your ass. I forgot. Maybe you should start writing articles for tabloids like the Daily Fail. We could call your column Daily Jackassery with NWOslave

13 years ago

Holly’s conjectures based on the information given are false! Clearly false! Whereas Slavey’s conjectures based on his own imagination and information that wasn’t even suggested are true! Clearly true! Because he knows things!

13 years ago

He also seems to have a creepy obsession with Ozy. Run Ozy, ruuuuuuun!!!!!

13 years ago

HIs fixation on Ozy is a bit disturbing. Then again, we already knew that he has a creepy obsession with people who’re much too young for him.

13 years ago

NWO, darling, I said child custody (not support) was off-topic and you could discuss it in the Open Thread. It’s not censoring, it’s MOVING.

Okay, look, dude, I also oppose the thing you’re talking about not being open to fathers. But “nonviolent primary caregiver women can be moved out into the community” =/= “women’s prisons are all being replaced with spas.” That’s only true in NWO’s Unique NWOLand.

And you got banned because you insist on calling me a dirty slut and a zie creature over here. Don’t want to be banned, don’t abuse the mod. Capiche?

13 years ago

NWO, you are a lousy Christian, because you bear false witness; per you this is fair game for comment because you have told us you are a Christian, and you didn’t keep it private.

13 years ago

Am I the only one that hears a squeaky wheel spinning?

13 years ago

Sure, NWO, go right ahead and jam a dildo up your ass. Give your head a rest. While you’re at it, learn to apostrophe. Thanks.

13 years ago

It is kind of funny how much MRA babbling is obvious projection. I mean really, rationalization hamsters? Hmm, let’s see now – who would feel the need to rationalize their clearly absurd beliefs in the face of mockery and/or indifference from everyone they state those beliefs to?


13 years ago

@ hellkell

13 years ago

Womens prisoners in california are being relocated to community spas. And those prisons will accomodate more men. It’s starting all over the country. Texas next I believe.

Post a fucking link for this, now.

Because a google of “women’s prison spa” only shows some bullshit thing in Thailand that I didn’t even bother to read. Because 1) it’s fucking Thailand, not California 2) it’s NOT a fucking prison and 3) because it’s a fucking spa for fucking stupid tourists.

Can you actually produce evidence for this claim?

13 years ago

HA! Should be renamed “The NWO Song.”

13 years ago

woops XD



Womens prisoners in california are being relocated to community spas. And those prisons will accomodate more men. It’s starting all over the country. Texas next I believe.

Post a fucking link for this, now.

Because a google of “women’s prison spa” only shows some bullshit thing in Thailand that I didn’t even bother to read. Because

1) it’s fucking Thailand, not California
2) it’s NOT a fucking prison and
3) because it’s a fucking spa for fucking stupid tourists, not criminals.

Can you actually produce evidence for this claim?