bad boys MRA video

The Men’s Rights Movement in Interpretive Dance

This YouTube Video is titled “Geting [sic] the Slayer mosh pit started.” But I’m pretty sure that’s incorrect. What else could this be but an interpretive dance performance representing the Men’s Rights movement? I mean, it’s a bunch of aggressive dudes (and a dudette or two) running around in circles yelling and waving their arms around and sometimes bumping into each other, while the rest of the crowd largely ignores them. I literally cannot imagine a better representation of the MRM. Perhaps if some of the people watching them had been laughing.

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Shaun Day
13 years ago

Going way off topic here, but what the hell. Found this gem of a site today, though you might all like the lulz it provides.

13 years ago

@ Anthony Zarat

The Daily Mail and the British press have been on fire with the misandry. They’ve been running articles non-stop about how men should have died on the Costo Concordia so that women could jump to the front of the queue.

13 years ago

Like I said before, you bigots have lost.
Here is another article from the Mailpicked off google at random:
“Beaumont police are looking for two men who stole a man’s wallet after hitting him in the head with a glass bottle.”
Wow, just look at the comments. About 20 to 1 in favour of the MRM calls for equal protection under the law. The 5% vile feminists who want the woman freed are all heavily down-voted.
No one cares about that poor man who was hit with a bottle! By other men! It’s totally a hate crime! Men hate men! But the MRM doesn’t care! Not one MRA is standing up for that guy who was hit by a bottle! He was totally hospitalized! How much has the MRM raised to pay his medical bills!?

For the sarcastically inhibited, when are MRA’s going to actually work toward things that actually benefit men rather than just hating women?

13 years ago

Antz, can you please go back to the sex bots? You’re so boring without them.

13 years ago

Oh no, massive downvotes on a trashy tabloid website!

Well guys, I had previously called myself a supporter of feminism, and thought that helping women achieve equality in modern society was important, but I guess I was wrong. Just look at the number of upvotes on the Daily Mail comment board. There’s no way I can argue with that.

2-D Man
2-D Man
13 years ago

Props to the Daily Fail for picking up that alien ship story.

13 years ago

Zarat, if the article actually did say what you claim it does (which is doesn’t), how would that be proof that we’ve lost? In your mind (albeit not reality) it’s the story of a woman getting away with attacking a man. That’s proof that the evil man-hating female supremacists have WON! Party time!

Back in the real world… lost what?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Shaenon – I think the “victory” is the fact that there are misogynistic comments under the article, Internet commenters being a fair sample of the population and misogyny being a sign that men are gaining important rights.

…Such as the right to be misogynistic on the Internet, I guess.

13 years ago

Oddly enough there was a case in the court I work at that had the judge simply give a sentence of some community service to a defendant who had assaulted someone.

The defendant, a male, hit the victim, another male, and the judge, a female, just gave the person sixty hours of community service because the judge honestly though the defendant (and the community) would benefit more from that then if there was just a fine.

13 years ago

Daily Mail: this is all you really need to know:

13 years ago

Shaennon: The Foglios are looking forward to their Narbonic. 🙂

13 years ago

Anthony Zarat:

Wow, just look at the comments. About 20 to 1 in favour of the MRM calls for equal protection under the law. The 5% vile feminists who want the woman freed are all heavily down-voted.

You can’t fault that logic. I’ve heard that the rating arrows on Daily Mail comments are such an accurate metric for public opinion, that they’re going to replace opinion polls. Only feminazis and manginas care about stupid things like avoiding sample bias.

13 years ago

@Anthony Zarat, I wouldn’t trust the Daily Mail for any news. It purposefully twists or outright ignores facts to present a biased account, as Holly Pervocracy has shown (both here and in the link below). The Daily Mail is not news, it’s conservative propaganda. It’s as reliable as Faux News.

Here, Daily Mail writer Liz Jones pretends to be a feminist woman (because actual feminists are not popular caricatures and behave nothing like this) to misrepresent feminism and slander women as evil “sperm-snatchers” and “duplicitous creatures”:

MonBoobzers debunk it:

13 years ago


[blockquote]Are any of you able to see that his was in fact a hate crime? She assaulted a random, innocent man because of her hostility towards all men?

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Kind of like … feminism?[/blockquote]

Ummm no.

13 years ago

darn ^ bad html

13 years ago

Zarat, nice try and all, but could you please talk about your wife’s upcoming replacement by VR and how we’ll be split up on either side of the Mississippi? That’s a lot more fun.

13 years ago

“1) The woman was mistreated by one group of men”

I’m actually kind of amazed that Antz admits a woman can even be mistreated by men! Perhaps we haven’t heard from him again because his head exploded…

13 years ago

Shaennon: The Foglios are looking forward to their Narbonic.

And they shall receive it! Hope they had a good time at Arisia.

13 years ago

They seemed to. I didn’t get to see them for more than a moment, and the kids seemed to be coming down with either a cold, or ate something which seemed to disagree with them.

Phil did a poker game to raise money for a breast cancer fund and a good time seemed to be had by most.

I’ll be in SJ in March.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

@Anthony Zarat, I wouldn’t trust the Daily Mail for any news. It purposefully twists or outright ignores facts to present a biased account, as Holly Pervocracy has shown (both here and in the link below). The Daily Mail is not news, it’s conservative propaganda. It’s as reliable as Faux News.

Antsy doesn’t care, he just wants something to confirm his idiotic ideas XD

Zarat, nice try and all, but could you please talk about your wife’s upcoming replacement by VR and how we’ll be split up on either side of the Mississippi? That’s a lot more fun.


13 years ago

That is one dispirited-looking mosh pit. Some of those guys looked like they’d rather be taking a nap.

13 years ago

It’s not a real mosh pit until at least 3 people come out bleeding, someone starts to pogo, and the tough looking guy with the scary hair stops to pick someone up. These are just drunk people running around in circles.

And now for the Zarat Challenge! Try to post at least one comment that’s actually on topic. Or that at least has something vaguely to do with the topic. Today’s topic is mosh pits.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Yeah, it’s less a “mosh pit” than a “run around in a circle field.” It’s so… low density.

I don’t think it’s a real mosh pit until you start worrying that you’ll die if you fall down.

13 years ago

Actually if there’s enough room to fall down easily that may be another sign that you’re not in a real mosh pit.

13 years ago

I was almost involved in a run-around-in-a-circle field once, but I chickened out because I would have been the only girl in the circle. It was an all-day metal festival: I was there to see Halestorm, my friend was there for Avenged Sevenfold. It was pretty cool.

I have also been in what was possibly an actual moshpit, but I think was actually just a bunch of sweaty teenage punk fans trying to get as close to East Bay Ray as humanly possible, with no fear of suffocation or death by crushing.